Ravenbane and Darkfang (WIP)




So as I continue to practice and try to fine tune my artstyle, a conversation is brought to my attention. My fiancee, Ravenbane, and one of our friends from the game were actually chatting about my drawings, and he brought up an interesting point.

"He has drama in his panels. I know he can do sequential action. If he can do, say a romantic interlude as well, then he should be able to find work."

It dawned on me that, while I wasnt sure 110% what he defines as a "romantic interlude," I have never drawn anything even resembling this! All my shots so far have been action or just a pose. So I immediately grabbed a pencil and paper and went right to work, using our main characters. A handful of hours later and I finished the very uncleaned pencils for the picture.

According to Ravenbane, they're good, and she doesnt want me to wait around to post it. But since there's still plenty of work to do, I'm going to call this a work in progress. So here's are two very happily married vampires.

step one

Still to come - the cleaned up version, the flat colored version, and the shadow/highlight version.




Ravenbane is right. That's quite good.

Be careful... as word of your expertise spreads, you may not have time to play, much.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



hawt, vampires making out.

looks good Dark.

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