Did you know... The unofficial history thread




I'm suprised that this thread hasn't been stickied. Has anyone suggested it to CuppaJo yet? In fact, maybe this should get it's own forum section like the Forum Games. A City of Heroes/City of Villains Trivia section.



Did you know…

For quite awhile there was a mysterious, floating piece of debris located in Crey’s Folly. It’s gone now, but it used to be behind that big, long warehouse you see off to the left as you run into the zone.

It was about head-high, not very big, and from a certain angle, sorta looked like a book. You could jump up and stand on it if you wanted to. It took the devs several issues to finally remove it.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Did you know....

That if this thread get's killed I'll cry?



Shortly after the game was released there was a graphics bug in Independence Port. Floating barrels and debris were floating about 4' above the surface of the water, and some of the speedboats were sailing around half swamped.



Many rocks, trees and power poles still defy gravity in Paragon City even today. Perhaps the fair town itself possesses super powers.

Here are the floating barrels. Most of my screenshots are weird things like this.

(This thread is safe, BTW - a dev posted to it.)



That a company shockingly called DevCon constructed the Arena?

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...that before DevCon signs went up, Crey was the company behind the arenas. The original backstory was to have Crey build and sponsor the arenas in order to cull compabt information about the city's heroes during the battles. This was scrapped sometime after construction phase one and before the foundation was put in.




Haha! Thanks, Avonlea - you proved my many conspiracy theories. Aquaman sucks, Mountain Dew rocks. And I suppose Jack isn't bad, either.



...that before DevCon signs went up, Crey was the company behind the arenas. The original backstory was to have Crey build and sponsor the arenas in order to cull compabt information about the city's heroes during the battles. This was scrapped sometime after construction phase one and before the foundation was put in.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's just what they want you to think. If you trace the money back, DevCon is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Crey! Don't believe their lies! For the love of God, Jackson Turner could be buried in that foundation! DON'T TRUS--


Hi...this...is...Avonlea...again. Sorry...about...that. I...don't...know...what...came...over...me.

Drink Crey cola!

Story Arcs:
"The Joy of States-mas", #533168
"A Mosaic of Shattered Dreams", #497506 (2011 Players Choice winner!)
"Television Presents: Attack of the Toons!", #373710
"Lightning in a Bottle", #376222



Did you know...

I once witnessed the tram go off the tracks?

That movie posters flicker?

That a company shockingly called DevCon constructed the Arena?

edited instead of a new post for the 2nd and 3rd comments.

[/ QUOTE ]

Do you know that there is a company in the Rogue Islands called ConDev? Click me and read the 3rd paragraph. If you notice it also uses a red rook logo just like DevCon.

During the last winter event, The Gamester left presents and posted his red rook logo on billboards around the city. Check out the Paragon times article on Festival of Terror.



So its RED and a Rook or

_Castle_ ??????



I love this thread



Did you know…

In the Shadow Shard (FBZ) there is a cave off to the right as you exit the portal. This cave contains another portal that takes you to a second cave in Cascade Archipelago. The cave in Cascade Archipelago has two contacts standing around in it: Dr. Huxley (who passes out Kora Fruit missions) and Sara Moore (who starts one of the SS TF’s).

When the Shadow Shard first came out, both caves appeared to be entirely empty of equipment, walls, floors, and even the portals themselves! Every non-cave item in each one was invisible. The contacts and soldiers stood around floating on air. You would try to move around in the caves and continually would bump into invisible barriers. It was several issues before this odd bug was fixed.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



...that before DevCon signs went up, Crey was the company behind the arenas. The original backstory was to have Crey build and sponsor the arenas in order to cull compabt information about the city's heroes during the battles. This was scrapped sometime after construction phase one and before the foundation was put in.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's just what they want you to think. If you trace the money back, DevCon is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Crey! Don't believe their lies! For the love of God, Jackson Turner could be buried in that foundation! DON'T TRUS--


Hi...this...is...Avonlea...again. Sorry...about...that. I...don't...know...what...came...over...me.

Drink Crey cola!

[/ QUOTE ]

Jackson Turner was taken by Arachnos, after the arenas were built, n00b. *sob*



So its RED and a Rook or

_Castle_ ??????

[/ QUOTE ]




...that before DevCon signs went up, Crey was the company behind the arenas. The original backstory was to have Crey build and sponsor the arenas in order to cull compabt information about the city's heroes during the battles. This was scrapped sometime after construction phase one and before the foundation was put in.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's just what they want you to think. If you trace the money back, DevCon is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Crey! Don't believe their lies! For the love of God, Jackson Turner could be buried in that foundation! DON'T TRUS--


Hi...this...is...Avonlea...again. Sorry...about...that. I...don't...know...what...came...over...me.

Drink Crey cola!

[/ QUOTE ]

Jackson Turner was taken by Arachnos, after the arenas were built, n00b. *sob*

[/ QUOTE ]

Jackson Turner was taken by the Statesman and his cronies for trying to spread the truth!

You really think you're actually free when there's a psychic reading your every thought and a non-elected strongman running the city according to his dictates instead of the rule of law?



...that before DevCon signs went up, Crey was the company behind the arenas. The original backstory was to have Crey build and sponsor the arenas in order to cull compabt information about the city's heroes during the battles. This was scrapped sometime after construction phase one and before the foundation was put in.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's just what they want you to think. If you trace the money back, DevCon is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Crey! Don't believe their lies! For the love of God, Jackson Turner could be buried in that foundation! DON'T TRUS--


Hi...this...is...Avonlea...again. Sorry...about...that. I...don't...know...what...came...over...me.

Drink Crey cola!

[/ QUOTE ]

Jackson Turner was taken by Arachnos, after the arenas were built, n00b. *sob*

[/ QUOTE ]

Jackson Turner was taken by the Statesman and his cronies for trying to spread the truth!

You really think you're actually free when there's a psychic reading your every thought and a non-elected strongman running the city according to his dictates instead of the rule of law?

[/ QUOTE ]Jackson Turner was abducted by the Ritki for probing expermienting. My foil helmet got that signal reception the day he disappeared. I also know where Hoffa's retired!

In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.



Jackson Turner was taken by Arachnos, after the arenas were built, n00b. *sob*

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

You MONSTER!! *runs off crying*



I think the Red Rook symbolizes Manticore.
Eh, just my theory.



Did you know that Warshades can teleport across outbreak, even the area's they are not supposed to?



Jackson Turner was taken by Arachnos, after the arenas were built, n00b. *sob*

[/ QUOTE ]

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You MONSTER!! *runs off crying*

[/ QUOTE ]
Oh, sure, THIS gets a response, but my conspiracy theory about Jackson Turner being healthy and happy sitting on the French Riviera gets no play at all!

Obligatory "did you know":

Did you know that originally, you couldn't have a character name that started with the in-game titles you could receive at level 15 or 25? For instance, you couldn't name a character "The Magnificent Sven" since "Magnificent" is a title that heroes could earn at level 15.

It looks like this restriction was lifted about the same time CoV came out...I'm guessing this is because the CoV titles are different from CoH, and some of the CoV titles were potentially already being used in the names of some CoH characters.

So now you can make "The Magnificent Sven." (And, if you get him up to level 15, you can choose a title so he can be "The Magnificent Magnificent Sven.")

Story Arcs:
"The Joy of States-mas", #533168
"A Mosaic of Shattered Dreams", #497506 (2011 Players Choice winner!)
"Television Presents: Attack of the Toons!", #373710
"Lightning in a Bottle", #376222



Did you know...

... that ambushes used to be a lot tougher to deal with? You used to get ambushed by around 2 - 3x the size of current ambush groups. This made being ambushed an almost certain debt sentence, especially if the first warning of your character being ambushed was a hold followed by repeated poundings. Fortunately, ambush sizes were reduced around (iirc) Issue 2.



Did you know....

front loaded missions used to exist? These were missions in which the toughest enemies were near the door, and the weaker ones deeper in, ending in larger groups of -1 and -2 enemies. They provided a nice variation to missions structures, and a lot of fun in mowing down weak minions.

People complained about the lower xp for the -1 and -2 foes, and so the missions were scrapped.

Hooray for xp......




Did you know...

... that ambushes used to be a lot tougher to deal with? You used to get ambushed by around 2 - 3x the size of current ambush groups. This made being ambushed an almost certain debt sentence, especially if the first warning of your character being ambushed was a hold followed by repeated poundings. Fortunately, ambush sizes were reduced around (iirc) Issue 2.

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Yeah and I miss that too.