Did you know... The unofficial history thread




....Some of us are pretty miffed that we couldn't register accounts for CoH until several months after release as we lived outwith the USA/Canada, and can't get the Hallowe'en event badges, yet people who had the privilege of being here at the start think they are somehow entitled to get Isolator.

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Hmm, this must've been limited to some countries, cause I had no problems registering and downloading the game on Jun 10 2004 from Sweden.



....Some of us are pretty miffed that we couldn't register accounts for CoH until several months after release as we lived outwith the USA/Canada, and can't get the Hallowe'en event badges, yet people who had the privilege of being here at the start think they are somehow entitled to get Isolator.

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Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of that axe grinding over there. You were saying something about Kheldians?

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



... long, one-sided phone calls (on the local chat channel) to an agent called Sal

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Saul His uncle as well as agent IIRC. Did you know that at one point in time 'Ascendant making a phone call' was considered a valid event to report in the purview of at least one Virtue event announcement only channel?

Did you know that the sign on the building just north and east of the tram in Kings Row used to actually state "guns" instead of just having the picture? ((Which made my naming it on virtue make more sense, my poor gunshop ))



Did you know that the sign on the building just north and east of the tram in Kings Row used to actually state "guns" instead of just having the picture? ((Which made my naming it on virtue make more sense, my poor gunshop ))

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The gunshop sign, the hotel sign next to it, City Hall, and Freedom Corps signs all got tweaked and/or flattened into simple textures in I3, presumably to make translation and/or replacement simpler.

Oddly enough the Paragon PD sign still retains its 3D nature.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Did you know... that any NC Soft or Cryptic employee posting in these forums has a RedName forum account and has to post under that account. They are not allowed to post under alternate non-rednamed accounts.

Also, despite that knowledge, many forum users will still claim that many of the people who have shown some form of support for an unpopular change implimented within the game by the developers as actually being a developer posting incognito.

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Did you know.... ?

That the developers, artists, modelers and programmers at Cryptic Studios have a device implanted in their foreheads which simultaneously video tapes everything they see, tracks their movements and controls their minds so that they are incapable of ever doing anything that the senior development staff at Cryptic or the executive board at NCSoft wouldn't like?

Sorry, I just couldn't resist; let's at least entertain the idea that the developers are human beings, as opposed to game-designing automatons, and might just possibly log in to defend themselves, contribute anonymously to discussions or bash particularly odious posters.

Not saying that it has ever happened; just saying it's not outside the realm of possibility.

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It's against official NC Soft forum policy for a RedName to post under an account/name other then their official RedName forum account. If they have to reply to a post then they are required to use their RedName.



It's against official NC Soft forum policy for a RedName to post under an account/name other then their official RedName forum account. If they have to reply to a post then they are required to use their RedName.

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I didn't realize it was an official policy...because no one has gone against one of those ever.

I really doubt this happens frequently or at all even...but the suggestion that an official policy would somehow prevent it seems a bit rose-colored, IMO.


Attache @ deviantART

Attache's Anti-401k Art Collection



It's against official NC Soft forum policy for a RedName to post under an account/name other then their official RedName forum account. If they have to reply to a post then they are required to use their RedName.

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I didn't realize it was an official policy...because no one has gone against one of those ever.

I really doubt this happens frequently or at all even...but the suggestion that an official policy would somehow prevent it seems a bit rose-colored, IMO.


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Don't look at me. Cuppa said it first!



It's against official NC Soft forum policy for a RedName to post under an account/name other then their official RedName forum account. If they have to reply to a post then they are required to use their RedName.

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I didn't realize it was an official policy...because no one has gone against one of those ever.

I really doubt this happens frequently or at all even...but the suggestion that an official policy would somehow prevent it seems a bit rose-colored, IMO.


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Don't look at me. Cuppa said it first!

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I'd just like to say that I am *not* Geko in disguise.

Nope, not me.




Did you know... that Phantom_Echo, Intuitive_Design, Storm_of_Dreams were all names for the forum user Personamorpher? He also had a habit of changing his avatar frequently and later changed it to several animated avatars. He also changed his signature frequently as well. This caused some confusion for some, but mostly a lot of negative feedback for the player in question.

He continues to suffer from the stigma placed upon him and his actions to this day, yet to a lesser extent. At the very least he seems to have lost any and all credibility and isn't taken very seriously by the other forum users. In the meantime there is still the question of how deep his identity crisis runs, and who is more confused - Personamorpher or those who witness any of his strange behaviour?

He currently has upwards of 60 characters spread between both the City of Heroes and City of Villains games. He seems to have finally decided to stick with one avatar with the discovery of City Game Tracker. His latest and longest lasting signature to date is as follows:

Citizen A: Just who is that masked man?
Citizen B: I don't know, and I don't think he does either.
- - - - - - - - - -
Global chat handles of the man with the identity crisis:
Main (Live): @Storm of Creation
Main (Test): @Phantom Echo
Secondary (Live): @Personamorpher
Secondary (Test): @Psychokinetica

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Also to note is the ammusement he seems to provide himself by playfully poking fun at the incident(s) which spawned the Personamorpher identity and the continuation of the ever changing facade.



Did you know:
Originally when you right-clicked on a player and read their Info, all the data would appear in a single window with no tabs?
This window would contain the character description, if written, and a list of all powers, including the inherent powers Brawl, Sprint, and Rest, and also any special addition DVD powers, such as Prestige Power Quick. This effectively allowed anyone to tell which version of the game another player was using.
The Info window was changed to something similar to the current version some time after the addition of Badges and the Arena. I’m afraid I don’t know the exact date, or the exact nature of the change.

Oh, and in reference to what somebody said earlier: it's true that some Fire Controllers managed to successfully get 25 Fire Imps out at one time. Prior to the changes to Controllers for Feature Update Issue 4, a Fire Controller could summon a random number of Imps between 2 and 5. If I recall correctly, there was even a VERY rare chance to get 6 imps with a single use of the power. The first two would always be the same level as you, and the remaining imps would con +1.
With the Fire Imps power 6-slotted with Recharge Single Origin Enhancements, and with Speed Boosts provided by other players, I was able on three occasions to summon 25 imps. Rare, but I used to just sit around and summon imps for hours when I finally got it 6-slotted.




Did you know...?

The Blaster inherent ability "Defiance" was originally called "Desperation", but the name was changed due to player complaints that "desperation" didn't sound very heroic.

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I KNEW I wasn't (that) crazy. I still refer to it as desperation sometimes and no one knows what I'm talking about. I was beginning to wonder if I made it up.



Did you know...

Orignally, all the windows in buildings had their lights on at night. This was finally changed to be more realistic so that random windows are lighted. They even come on one-by-one now when the sun goes down. Really nice touch.



Did you know...

Orignally, all the windows in buildings had their lights on at night. This was finally changed to be more realistic so that random windows are lighted. They even come on one-by-one now when the sun goes down. Really nice touch.

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Did you know...

Lighted is not a word? The correct word should be lit.



Did you know...

Orignally, all the windows in buildings had their lights on at night. This was finally changed to be more realistic so that random windows are lighted. They even come on one-by-one now when the sun goes down. Really nice touch.

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Did you know...

Lighted is not a word? The correct word should be lit.

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Did you know...

"Lighted" is a word.



Did you know...

Orignally, all the windows in buildings had their lights on at night. This was finally changed to be more realistic so that random windows are lighted. They even come on one-by-one now when the sun goes down. Really nice touch.

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Did you know...

Lighted is not a word? The correct word should be lit.

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Did you know...

"Lighted" is a word.

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Did you know...

I have been PWNed as the kids would say?



Did you know...

Orignally, all the windows in buildings had their lights on at night. This was finally changed to be more realistic so that random windows are lighted. They even come on one-by-one now when the sun goes down. Really nice touch.

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Did you know that this is an easy way to see if a fire will be starting in Steel Canyon? The 5 (6?) buildings all have their fires start at sunset. If the lights go on in the buildings, there will not be a fire in that building that night. And all the lights still come on in those buildings

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Did you know:
Originally when you right-clicked on a player and read their Info, all the data would appear in a single window with no tabs?
This window would contain the character description, if written, and a list of all powers, including the inherent powers Brawl, Sprint, and Rest, and also any special addition DVD powers, such as Prestige Power Quick. This effectively allowed anyone to tell which version of the game another player was using.
The Info window was changed to something similar to the current version some time after the addition of Badges and the Arena. I’m afraid I don’t know the exact date, or the exact nature of the change.

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Can't say when exactly the change happened either, but I can tell you it was before the arena and after badges. Either introduced with Issue 3 or some time prior to it...I know this because I've never seen them any differently (except for the PvP tab which was added with the arena), and I started playing after badges and before the arena



Did you know...

That the Ghost Ship is supposedly a fishing trawler named the Moraine? And yet this "fishing trawler" is the size of a full-length freighter! Not only that, but apparently the trawler needed a crew of several hundred in order to fish, as this is the number of ghosts it spawns here and there when it appears.

"OK, first of all... Shut Up." - My 13-Year-Old Daughter

29973 "The Running of the Bulls" [SFMA] - WINNER of the Mighty Big Story Arc Contest !
- The Stellar Wind Orbital Space Platform



Did you know...

That when I originally registered on the forums, I was mistakenly granted a RedName? I made several posts as a RedName, all the while in my n00bish bliss, assuming that everyone's own names appeared red to them. This error was caught by Cuppa before too long resulting in this message to me from Cuppa

Oh green_devil , we hardly knew ye.



Didnt see it posted

Remember before I3 I think it was when the game didnt auto log you out for being inactive, you could just leave it afk in a zone for days/weeks (basically till the server went down)



Did you know... Task Forces and trials originally didn't auto-exemplar you.

When the exemplar system was introduced in I2, even if you were ex'd down you couldn't run a TF or trial you had outleveled. Sometime later this was changed so you could run a TF or trial you had outleveled if someone ex'd you down into the level range for the TF you were trying to do.

Unfortunately, if you dropped your exemplar at any time you were automatically kicked from the TF. So if your exemplar quit or dc'd at anytime or if you dc'd at anytime you would be kicked from the TF. Imagine doing an eight-hour task force only to have your exemplar dc on the last mission resulting in you be kicked from the TF.

This resulted in many angry posts on the forums. They were usually responded to by people telling them that they shouldn't be trying that anyway.

Fortunatly, to the joy of players everywhere, this was eventually changed so characters would be auto-exemplared down when starting a TF and wouldn't be kicked if they disconnected.

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Just to point it, originally the devs did say that they didnt plan on implementing this system and that it wasnt broken but was just a temporary solution until they could get it working as intended (think they were meaning the 'flashback' mode thing).

There were so many complaints about not being able to do the tf's that they added the exemping to tf's but if you dropped or whatever you would be removed. (think there was a longer story to it but cant remember the details)



Did you know...

...that the Admin server was once hacked and numerous servers were forcefully shut down numerous times (Champion 4 times, Guardian twice, Pinnacle and Triumph once each I believe)? Some screenies are here and (warning, next pic contains cursing) here.

...that Giant Monsters from Monster Isle in northern Peregrine Island could be taunted all the way to the center of Portal Court and even the ferry in PI? There are now Police Drones in Portal Court specifically because of this.

...that Devs have access to a power pool no other characters do? It's named Resistance with a power in it named Resistance. It can be seen in their info screens, just like on players'. A screenie is here.

...I hold a record? I was the first person on any server (to forumites' knowledge) to have 400.0 Rep on a character. Rep was initially bugged so taht it reset everytime you left a zone and sometimes when you logged in/out. For some reason, for about a week, mine never reset. It reset the day after I hit 400.0 Rep and verified it was the cap through screenies.

...by clicking Elude over-and-over, SR Scrappers could do endless backflips?

...50'ing a Kheldian spawns a message that says, "Epic Archetype Unlocked!"? It still does this, but may be changed by the time some of our newer players 50 one

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About the monster part there was also exploits around i4 times with holes in the map in PI where on our server 2 people once brought almost all the monsters from the island to portal. Took a few hours to clear and I think a gm actually had to get rid of some. I had a video of some of it but not anymore.

(i believe the way the did it was using a rads debuffs and then going under the map, somehow they wouldnt lose the aggro all the way)



The demons that spawn from the Orenbaga portals used to be worth XP. It was common for people to get a portal mission and form 8 man teams and stay in the mission for hours, rotating team members. The teams would stand on a slope, send in a tank to aggro the portal, and go to town on the demons. Magic origin heroes would also get great SO drops.

If you could stand the mind-numbing boredom, which I couldn't.

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...that the portals used to be really hard to kill and were worth no XP, or next to no XP?

...that the portals were changed to give XP at the time the Behemoths XP was taken away?

...after this PLing opportunity went away, people found a "glowie mission" that gave XP to every team member regardless of whether they were in the mission at the time or not? This led to Phase Shifters of any levels to be in high demand. I believe the XP was about 500/per glowie, regardless of level.

...at one point people found that the portal Banished Pantheon missions were "perma-farmable" by herding several Death Shamans together and just killing off their spawns with a auto-burn afk fire tank (sometimes with an empath granting fortitude and CM). Constant XP with noone required at the keyboard. Now the Death Shamans minions don't give any XP.

...at one point, power levelers used to only need to be lvl 41 to join in on a level 50 farm XP.

Remember when it would never ever have been considered possible that a controller could run a farm?

Remember when AVs really weren't worth the trouble of killing?

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The xp for the clicky mission did change a bit during levelling.

Sometimes you would see people in either the tutorial or just standing near miss liberty constantly dinging.




There you go, Saber. Fixed it for you!

(It's a reference to when Sabercat met the devs at a Frye's store one time and posted the pics. Between that and the excellent dev tracker of his from beta, lots of jokes came out of it.)

Did you know that the devs' posts were originally tracked by a separate program designed by Sabercat and the results had their own separate thread in the pre-beta and CoH beta forums? (Just trying to keep the post on-topic.)

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lol, thanks TK!

Well, this must be a "Certified Old School Thread" now. Poison and I posted back-to-back and somebody brought up the DevTracker!

Here's a good one:

Did you know....
that one of the Devs has a website containing a bunch of stuff including a blog and a webcam from his office at Cryptic?

(No, I won't tell you who it is or give out the URL so don't bother PMing me. Yes, I realize that means my "Did you know" can't be confirmed. No, I don't care. I don't want the poor guy spammed with "Hey, fix this bug!" blog comments! )

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Ooh! Along these same lines..

Did you know..

...that despite what people say or ask, the devs actually do play the live version of the game on the servers?

...that (at least the one I know of, if not knowing personally) some PvP and while being good, aren't the uberness?

...that there's a big possibility that issues 1-6 were a test run for the game to see how it'd do in it's primary market of Asia?

...that now that the game's in Asia, unless it absolutely bombs there, there's no way the game's going anywhere?

...that in the CoV beta, you used to be able to abuse the newly designed Gladiator matches for insane xp, as they were giving out xp as if you were killing the gladiators? As in.. lvl 49 mobs, including enhancement and insp drops?

...that the devs took awhile to fix this, most likely due to a combination of creating the fix and that as a result of the bug, they ended up with more people being able to test the higher level content in CoV?

...that the greatest bug ever in the CoV beta was a toon ending up zoning in or something and ending up 500 feet tall?

...that Smartfilter (at least at my job) will block you access to the City of Villains site, but not the City of Heroes site?

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There was a post a long time ago where the devs did confirm that they play the game personally but that they are not allowed to say anything about who they are if not working (which is for obvious reasons, besides who would believe them).

so think.....you may have grouped with or even possibly called states a n00b at some point.



Did you know...

There is an edit button to avoid posting so many times in a row?