Longbow are flat out overpowered.




I guess it depends on what you're playing. I got to 40th with my stalker, solo'ing missions against Longbow in Warburg. I thought they were pretty damn easy even on the 4th diff setting. Longbow is easy because...

- No caltrops
- No debuffing powers
- No pet summoning
- No particular resistances to anything
- No healing other than some bosses
- No holds, imob, or sleep other than the rare stun or web gernade
- No phase shifting or teleporting
- No self rez'ing

Hmm, maybe I'm missing something, but I think they're the easiest fraction in the game at all levels. Arachnos are way more dangerous, especially the Crab Tankers that have Lethal Resistance. You can AS them with your claws, but that just seems to make them mad.

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Geez, where are you finding these wimpy Longbow? The ones I've fought have sonic debuffers, sappers, bosses that summon Phantasms or Singularities, and so many stuns that if you lack mez protection you might as well just read a book for the duration of each fight.



[censored] is up with this forum?



Wanna hear something funny? Heroes are making an all-too similar point about arachnos troops in this post.

Coincidence? I think not. I'd wager both groups are functioning exactly as intended.

[/ QUOTE ]

But that is just them complaining about accuracy - if you can take them down fast, they don't do much to you. Longbow always seems to do alot of pain to you.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Don't forget near constant kncokdown and disorient. For any team without protection from this (possible) you'll be spending a lot of time being knocked on your butt and wandering around aimlessly.



Wanna hear something funny? Heroes are making an all-too similar point about arachnos troops in this post.

Coincidence? I think not. I'd wager both groups are functioning exactly as intended.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, villains fight both longbow and arachnos a fair amount, while as far as I know heroes never fight longbow (that would be weird).

Having fought alot of both I can confidently say that I find longbow to be much harder. Arachnos sure looks cooler, though...



For the love of Villains and Heroes everywhere, please do NOT nerf the mobs! You already nerfed the players too much, when you should have just made the mobs harder to begin with. Don't cater the whiners of "he beat me up!" anymore. If anything, un-nerf us and make the mobs harder.



I would like to point out that no-matter what nerf Longbow Flamethrowers get they will still be a MM's worst nightmare especially for Mercs who use full auto and have to sit in a fire until they're finished shooting. Although arachnos are hard you must think, villains still have it much worse b/c we have to fight Longbow and Arachnos all the time.

Also, for any MM that has a problem with almost any Longbow and has traps, run ahead of your pets b4 they attack and web grenede the flamethrower b4 it gets into range while at the same time having your pets pull aggro.



Wacky forums, making posts not appear, its a damn TIME PARADOX.



Ignite isn't autohit. It has a higher base accuracy than Flamethrower, but it isn't autohit. Say, about 5% higher or so.

If I recall correctly, Longbow are worth 10% more XP than usual. Compare that to the Freakshow, who are substantially weaker and are worth 15% more than usual. All this, of course, pales before the Fake Nemesis bosses, who are worth a staggering 50% more than they should be. Perhaps some of these XP things need to be reworked a bit for varying challenge.



Don't forget near constant kncokdown and disorient. For any team without protection from this (possible) you'll be spending a lot of time being knocked on your butt and wandering around aimlessly.

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There are times when I swear that every [censored] enemy in the game gets a [censored] grenade launcher, and they all use it first thing. It's just silly. And disorients...man I HATE disorients. They're essentially holds when used on us, yet when we use them on enemies they just cause mass scatter.

Btw, someone posted about Night Widows and their Smoke Grenades, and I agree that they're ridiculous. I've been on teams vs them, and they have essentially made me unable to do anything at all, because there's nothing to target. It might as well be a hold. Funny, SG for a Blaster doesn't do that....

Btw, the worst Longbow "attack" is that slow debuff. Is it Lingering Radiation? Yeah, that could be it. My god man, there's just nothing like just standing there while every single attack in your arsenal is just a little pinprick. And it seem to last a bloody long time. There is no inspiration to cure slow.



Ill have to agree, I have had my Energy/Energy brute [censored] smacked by even lvl Spec-Ops. Brutes either need a lil more buffing or Longbow need nerfed, get the bat out............



Are you soloing? What difficulty level are you playing on? I'm a 36 MM, and haven't had too much trouble with them. My mercs get out of the burn patches and I simply debuff, fear, hold, or otherwise kill them quickly. I took hover to help deal with the grenades they lob, but otherwise I wouldn't call them overpowered.



Add that a single Longbow Warden with Energy Melee can punch through a Brutes protection and stun him in one hit as well.

And a single Longbow Warden with Radiation can cast Radiation Sickness on you and totally debuff your resistances to nothing.



Are you soloing? What difficulty level are you playing on? I'm a 36 MM, and haven't had too much trouble with them. My mercs get out of the burn patches and I simply debuff, fear, hold, or otherwise kill them quickly. I took hover to help deal with the grenades they lob, but otherwise I wouldn't call them overpowered.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh please, Solo I laugh at them. But on a team, everyone gets [censored] from Endurance drains, ETC.



And the Energy Melee Wardens can stun through a Brutes status shields like they aren't even turned on.

And a Radiation Warden can debuff your resistances to nothing with a single debuff (Radiation Sickness).



Ignite isn't autohit. It has a higher base accuracy than Flamethrower, but it isn't autohit. Say, about 5% higher or so.

[/ QUOTE ]

hmmm....if I remember right both Ignite and Burn are both +100% ACC.

So they do miss, just not very often, even against +Defense powers. My perma-Elude DM/SR Scrapper in PvP could stand in a patch and only take 3 or 4 ticks of damage back in the day though.



Since as usually, only people that have a problem post, I thought I'd jump in and say that I haven't had any problems with longbow. I fight them at highest difficulty with my Ninja/Dark MM. Usually with very few or no deaths from my henchmen. And, I can't even remember the last time the managed to actually defeat me. And yes, they are 40+.



Nullifiers can stun a Brute long before level 40.



They arent overpowered... THEY ARE JUST DULL

There is no variation. Every mission and every spawn in every mission is exactly the same. From level 2-40. Its just boring.

They need to mix things up like Archnos and Crey. They are very easy to fight but just not that entertaining.

Itd nearly to the point I would ratehr fight CoT than do another dull longbow mission..



Every mission and every spawn in every mission is exactly the same. From level 2-40.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is a gross exaggeration. They don't start getting the flamethrowers till later levels including the eagles. Then the spec ops come in at an even higher level. This is about equivalent to most of the other mobs in the game.



The bane of Masterminds everywhere.
-Have an AoE power that creates a burn patch for everything it hits. Villain, HENCHMEN, ForceField Generator, whatever. They can effectively stack infinite burn patches.

[/ QUOTE ]

Has it come to the point that the AI is officially smarter than the players? The AI will do what it can to move out of the spot that is on fire....

-Can come in multiples in each spawn, unlike sappers which are regulated to one per spawn, maximum.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's two per spawn for sappers. At least get your facts straight? And as for their drain I've not seen them use it multiple times unlike a sapper who I'll not also has a hold power that the Longbow Spec Ops lacks.



The bane of Masterminds everywhere.
-Have an AoE power that creates a burn patch for everything it hits. Villain, HENCHMEN, ForceField Generator, whatever. They can effectively stack infinite burn patches.

[/ QUOTE ]

Has it come to the point that the AI is officially smarter than the players? The AI will do what it can to move out of the spot that is on fire....

[/ QUOTE ]
Not when stuck in animation. Full auto has a six second long animation. Also note that ninjas freak the mighty Hell out when set on fire and do a lovely job running all over the place and aggroing extra spawns. Yeah, set the ninjas in passive? Well, when they're attacking something irregardless of disposition they'll react to the fear in the fire patches.

-Can come in multiples in each spawn, unlike sappers which are regulated to one per spawn, maximum.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's two per spawn for sappers. At least get your facts straight? And as for their drain I've not seen them use it multiple times unlike a sapper who I'll not also has a hold power that the Longbow Spec Ops lacks.

[/ QUOTE ]Sappers are supposed to spawn one per group. Recently I've run missions with two or more sappers per group, but I believe this is a bug as for the longest time they were one per group.


Photoshop doesn't make a good artist.



I'm not letting this topic go down untill theres an answer from the Devs.

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Positron actually posted here, he said something like working as intended.



I usually don't have too much problem with longbow, except for Elite Warden with my Robots/FF character. Yeah, I usually lose my minions, but hey, that's what they are there for. While the longbow flamethrowers melt down the guys who probably aren't going to be doing much damage, my Protector bots and my Assault Bot are ripping them a new one in short order. With the stacked bubbles from me and my Prot bots along with their heals, I usually only suffer two minion casualties. And that's with me doing minimal damage as I only have the Force Bolt power slotted for knockback to keep em juggled so my boys can take em down in short order.

And they're just minions...who cares if I lose a few each fight.



All these reasons are why they are worth more XP than normal.

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<---makes not that Positron's Bestest Buddy's Grandaughter founded Longbow... so there has to be a favour in there somewhere...