Longbow are flat out overpowered.




Like popping a break free for a hold all you have to do is pop a blue and problem solved

[/ QUOTE ]

Not if it drops all your toggles first.

You also seem to have some bizarre notion that we can use an inspiration in every fight. Maybe more than one. How many inspiration slots do you have, exactly?

[/ QUOTE ]

actually again the same can be said for PVP where I must have a tray of Break frees otherwise you just get held, and die.

Same goes for toggle dropping.

I only brought up the Longbow acting like PCs because one of the devs commeneted that they tried to make some of the officers or commanders or wardens as close to PCs as they could.

I just think its funny that issues are taken seriously when dealing with the PVE game but the same issues are blwon off when it comes to PVP.

As far as the one shotting puches, family bosses will do that too. Consignlares can be really tough.

My Crey comment was realetd to the fact that not only do you get protectors which are about like wardens, you also get Tanks and Scientists. The tanks have that Super Strength attack and the Scientists will hiold you with freeze rays

I have just never seen long bow as a problem, they seem about on par with many groups we face.

Maybe its just because they appear so frequenlty.

But genefral if I walk into a mish and it turns out to be long bow I will just say "Oh, its just loNg bow" quick and easy XP



I don't know what you're talking about.

To be clear, there are extremely limited ways for any AT to completely prevent a boss from firing their first attack. We have knockdown (which can miss and is guaranateed only on a few powers that cause it), toHitDebuffs (which bosses often hit through anyway), and Domination-powered holds (which doesn't work on all bosses, but is probably the most reliable of the ways) are among the most common tools used.

Or were you just not understanding what I meant we had limited ways to do?

[/ QUOTE ]

Quite understood, but you pretty much placed two Archetypes primary powers to be considered extremely limited. There are options available, sure they don't always hit, but then again your opponents attack options don't always work either, and with a diverse group you can tilt the odds in favor of stuff not hitting you and you hitting stuf.

I do understand your point, but it's still kinda stings when you say that 2 archetype's primary power sets are extremely limited.

Let's Dance!



I thought the idea was to make make some of the mobs as much like PCs as possible. This is exactly what you face in PVP.

[/ QUOTE ]

And as the majority don't give a [censored] about PvP, that is why we have an issue here.

Some people like to play games to relax, they aren't looking for a 'challenge' everywhere they step every moment they are in the game.



If you just want to relax and wander through on god mode, play a non-MMO game and get the cheat codes.



No offense, but if you play on the lowest difficulty setting, even in an 8 man team, and are having difficulty, then either your team isn't working together, chose bad builds/slotting, or just aren't good players. I mean, vs even con enemies, you'll almost always hit, and any sort of crowd control type powers will work wonders for you...



All these reasons are why they are worth more XP than normal.

[/ QUOTE ]

It would be nice to see some Longbow Presence in CoH beside the ones who sell subpar enhancements inside the stores ... Perhaps a few Groups helping the Military in the RCS? Or some Ballista "Guards" out side of the FC buildings? ...

Also which long bow are worth more XP/Prestiege? It seems they range from 8-11 prestiege as even cons on the same mission.

BTW your Avatar Has weather .... where is snow hiding in Paragon City?

ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec



If you just want to relax and wander through on god mode, play a non-MMO game and get the cheat codes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gee, and I thought the whole point of games was to have fun. Go find something real to be macho about.

We have nothing more to discuss. /ignore



If you just want to relax and wander through on god mode, play a non-MMO game and get the cheat codes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gee, and I thought the whole point of games was to have fun. Go find something real to be macho about.

We have nothing more to discuss. /ignore

[/ QUOTE ]

And here I was thinking something a bot could do would be boring as hell.

But, I guess that isn't a constant.



Or what about those Nerva ghosts? They are overpowered.

Member of Top Ten since 2005
Arc 98079: Hay Fever hits Heroes Hard
Arc 53357: Family Business is not Men-only




Quite understood, but you pretty much placed two Archetypes primary powers to be considered extremely limited. There are options available, sure they don't always hit, but then again your opponents attack options don't always work either, and with a diverse group you can tilt the odds in favor of stuff not hitting you and you hitting stuf.

I do understand your point, but it's still kinda stings when you say that 2 archetype's primary power sets are extremely limited.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, you do understand I'm saying they are extremely limited at doing something very specific - stopping a boss from getting off one attack. Almost no one in any AT can this reliably. The only reason I even bring such a narrow limitation up is that it can be so incredibly important, because that first attack from many bosses is, in fact a mez.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



If you just want to relax and wander through on god mode, play a non-MMO game and get the cheat codes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Gee, and I thought the whole point of games was to have fun. Go find something real to be macho about.

We have nothing more to discuss. /ignore

[/ QUOTE ]

And here I was thinking something a bot could do would be boring as hell.

But, I guess that isn't a constant.

[/ QUOTE ]

Blue, I think you're missing a point here. Maybe you aren't, but just in case, here it is, stated explicitly.

Many, many posters on these forums don't mind hard foes. Elite bosses are a great example. Most of us loved getting all but one example of the elite bosses in our missions, because, for many ATs/builds, elite bosses were hard but not impossible.

Our problem is we don't want foes of that magnitude in every battle with every spawn. Each and every fight should not have that level of difficulty built in, yet with some enemies it does. Maybe not for you, but for many people that crosses the line and goes from challenging to frustrating.

Look around the boards, and you'll see that one of the reasons people dislike fighting AVs and Heroes is that they are hated for their near universal ability to one-shot many ATs. Yet this same ability appears on some bosses. Mez spam is not fun, yet it appears on some bosses. Bosses can appear in any and every fight on a team mission. There are missions where they appear in every spawn even when you solo. "Get a team" isn't an adequate response to such challenges because a team often can't protect you from the mezzing or even, at times, the one-shotting. Try getting most Brutes or Masterminds to keep the aggro off of you as a Dominator. I can tell you from real-world team experience that it just doesn't work dependably, and you end up the benificiary of a 200-700 point damage attack often combined with a mez. If that happens more than once every few battles it gets old fast.

Basically there is poor balance among the various groups, and most notably among their bosses. Being worth more XP is great, but I'd rather have non-frustrating foes. Again, most of the time I personally can solo these things with a minimum of issue/debt. But I also build very carefully considered characters, and even so the devs have started to nullify some of the tactics I have depended on. (Tried using holds on a Fortunata Mistress? My blaster got a lot of debt on the Holiday mission.) Just because I can often overcome doesn't mean I don't think some things are imbalanced. And it doesn't mean I think they're fun.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



All these reasons are why they are worth more XP than normal.

[/ QUOTE ]

I just faced my first high lvl long bow and WOW are they over powered the group of 40s i was will well lets just say we gave up on a timed mission with longbow after most of us had 2 to 3 bars of debt. We were all very exp players all with multi 50s. So basicly posi. they are way over powered and not even close to the = reward for risk, sry but pls change them. I will hunt and put up with the high debt from that before i will face high lvl Longbow. They give me that same felling i get from malta and i never, ever do the malta missions they are just no fun.

Broomhilda BS/Regen/BM Scrapper, Fiddle Faddle Shield/ElecM/BM Tank,
And many others..
Dev's With all the Great new content, Please!! dont forget to fix the bugs with the old content. There is a storm a brewing because they are not getting fixed. If its a problem that no one is reporting them? Well Maybe you need to look at your tech support then..



I'm all kinds of behind that. Getting that Longbow Warden held is nice, but to see them still firing Quills AND floating in the air...well, it's just dumb. Yeah, I see the point to it while they're non-aggroed, as it makes the Stalker think twice, but I should be able to help the Stalker out, right?

That goes for those darn phase-shifting Carnies as well. Held = no more phasing.

It's not so much the damage - Quills is pretty weak, comparatively - but the principle.

[/ QUOTE ]
*quills* is an auto power for mobs? I really hope they find a way to change that.

Flying and resist being inherent I dont mind. I'm torn about the carnie phasing. It's one of the cool almost unique things about them.



If you just want to relax and wander through on god mode, play a non-MMO game and get the cheat codes.

[/ QUOTE ]
You're saying that PvE fights without toggle drops, one-shots or huge end drain, is equal to god mode?

No offense, but if you play on the lowest difficulty setting, even in an 8 man team, and are having difficulty, then either your team isn't working together, chose bad builds/slotting, or just aren't good players. I mean, vs even con enemies, you'll almost always hit, and any sort of crowd control type powers will work wonders for you...

[/ QUOTE ]
I bet you haven't tried fighting lvl 40 longbow in a big team as a brute. Better hurry up before they change that mag 100 hold, or you'll never be informed enough to say that it is definitely 'too easy'.

Neither have I, but I can imagine a half-dozen reasons why every power that's complained about in this thread would be easier for masterminds. (except flamethrowers.)



It would be nice to see some Longbow Presence in CoH beside the ones who sell subpar enhancements inside the stores

[/ QUOTE ]

The thing is, Longbow is like the army, but with Heroes. Having them appear the city would be facist looking and would be invading the CoV feel. You don't have your army march around doing civillian patrols if you're a modern freedom loving nancy boys.

Also, you won't see Ballista be doing guard duty. They are elite soliders. That is a waste of their skills.



Worthy of testing:

Since longbow flamethrowers can lay down 'infinite' burn patches..Why not have a MASS Group of many villain MMs, with all their pets, and as many other villains as you can muster...Have a /fire brute herd up say 16 flamethroewers, kill everything else, herd them all to a corner, have a high-acc wormhole or black hole intang them all. Group Teleport the huge mass of villains next ot the longbow, and ...

Wait for the resulting server crash?

I think if this were actually done, the devs would have no choice but to change the power.



Not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but it seems like the longbow in the pvp zones are ultra buff as well.