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  1. [ QUOTE ] thats me..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    One Hittas Quittas, hot song. I've seen your myspace before, didn't know that was you, keep up.
  2. RIP_Convict

    I predicted this

    [ QUOTE ]
    Well, the patron powers have been released, and of course we got NO stealth options. This means that any stalker regardless of dark or SR, will be able to see us from 100 yards away, even in stealth + hide. SR and dark stalkers will see us from even farther. In addition, we didn't get any kind of an accuracy increasing toggle such as Focused Accuracy. We are going to be hit a LOT more, because our defenses don't get any better, while their offense gets MUCH better. We will be seen nearly 100% of the time, and from much longer distances. On top of everything else, we got a pet for our high end patron power choice. Great....even if we aren't seen, our pet WILL be (even with grant invis on it, there is no way to get our pets boosted to the same level of stealth we would have).

    Our snipes would be nice, if they weren't at a base damage of HALF what a blaster gets. We have to crit from hidden status just to break even.

    What a crock.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah man! We're DEFINITELY forced to have a 1-dimensional playstyle consisting of only using stealth/hide and you're TOTALLY forced to spawn your pet in PvP and you're COMPLETELY forced into teaming with a Corruptor that may have defensive buffs for you.
  3. Finallllllllllllllllly info on the skulls!
  4. Whirling Hands is far from the worst tanker AoE . . . I used to farm dreck on my Inv/Nrg with just Whirling Hands/Fireball . . . I can still take out a group of orange minions with a few bonesmashers + whirling hands
  5. In my experience a small insight lowers your accuracy about 50%
  6. I always thought that Concern was the Blaster rep
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    *flashes Troy_Hickman, closes his trenchcoat, and scurries back into the alley*

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    Wow, that usually costs me at least a twenty...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well for $40 you can get uh ... nevermind

    PS. POST NUMBER 1,000!!!
  8. Can you explain why you think that? What's so special about trench coats
  9. Can you explain why you think that? What's so special about capes?
  10. RIP_Convict

    Baby Got Smash

    The range of emotions I went through when reading this

  11. [censored] is up with this forum?
  12. They're not getting changed any time soon, they're meant to be the bane of all villains, all of them.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, well to bring it full circle, the Nubians are the only way a level 12 Spotter fights Frozen Chrysalis when he's slotted for Transience.

    The Mancusan Dentrid seems like a bit of poetic justice for such a min-maxed character since the shiv-tox is typed (Boronian) and causes the Nubians to lose their antipodes and go crazy. It's messy, and I would have given anything to be on that mission with a Obfuscate Heendrider!

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    Wouldn't we all! Don't get me started on those Heendrider's ... most of them are just stupid. Last one I teamed with was a complete idiot. We were fighting the Lestominalte Elites and he tries to use Ice Wagflux (lol!), let's just say he would've been sent back to Voxurmalish if it wasn't for my Fire Pigons...HAHA
  14. lol ... don't even get me started on Spotter's, even after their nerfs they're still overpowered *cough*Nubians*cough*
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Well, I just wish all you Zinion-Magelets would stop treating us other charator sets as second rate and holding yourselves above the rest of us. We have the same problems as you do, I mean, it took me THREE MONTHS to finally find a temporary Kandor Shield, and it wasn't even constructed properly so I had ot search again, but I struggled through and at the same time I got my Kandor Shiled AND Kanglif Staff (don't nerf it! heheh). I mean, every time something doesn't go your way you Magelets just whine and say "give me this, give me that" If you want something so bad, take this *quick slash with Kanglif Staff*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, I don't really think this is a very fair comment. Remember the first post-Nubian Release (pre-Xanobian nerf of course). The Zinion Magelet players were the first to get onside against the proposed Kandor Shield nerf, which I'm happy to say the devs rolled back (although a month later with the introduction of the Xanobian mob with his natural reverberous resistance to the Kandor Shield made it a short lived victory).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I will give them that, they helped my Soma's with the Shield, but still, they have a way of whining about every thing, from the tiniest things suck as the Shraper Mysticals reverse after the first month of realse to the recent Mancusan nerf ... but I mean, they just need to give it a damn break!
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Okay, I've rematrixed my build for the Mancusan nerf, and I guess I want to know what you guys think:

    1st Ordinal Matrix:Tachyon
    2nd Ordinal Matrix:Nature (Ray)
    3rd Ordinal Matrix (Epic):Kartomancy

    KYN: |||||||||||
    FER: |||||
    TRN: ||||||||||||||||

    Actual Matrices:
    <ul type="square">[*]Tachyon Stare[*]Tachyon Parry[*]Nugol Radiccion[*]Paraflyne Skin[/list]Zoman Matrices
    <ul type="square">[*]Summon Andelynnian Mimpo[*]Drawn Supposition[*]Mantid Brevetation[/list]Hereditary Matrices (Epic)
    <ul type="square">[*]Kartometric Imposition[*]Quivering Kartolance (fire)[/list]
    Scaling Rate:3.4 (I know!!! )

    I still have one rematrixing left after the Raid last Thursday of Torbid the Hunjil's Dentrid Caves, so If I gimped myself too badly, I can always try it again.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Woah! Since when don't you have to reach levels 35AB along with 39CZ on another charator set to unlock your Kartomancy ordinal? I mean, I haven't seen a Kartomancy user below clearence level 45HH!? ESPECIALLY as a 3rd Ordinal...sheesh.

    Other than that this charator set matrix looks wonderful, but then again I haven't played my Soma since the Soma nerf a few months back (haven't had time to rematrix)

    And that scaling rate is crazy! I tought my 3.2 was high, but 3.4 is off the chains, man!

    A few suggestions, take a few Matrix Points from TRN and add them to your FER, I know a lot of people think FER isn't good for the time it takes to improve it, but it's worth it in the long run when you're facing those damn Riddioans in the 77TQ+ game.

    And hey, if you're on the Candeolos server you need to show me your Quivering Kartolance, I only have the water/ice versons.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    Have you ever received a loyunian Protecting Shield drop? I've been playing this since pre-Nubian-beta (2nd wave no less) and I've yet to see a LPS of the correct Abule-type (I play a 2nd-class Zinion-Magelet). And what really peeves me is you need an LPS to get into the Devon Downs 7th level of Deceit. If I can't get into the 7th Level of Deceit, I can't farm Ambrotic Crystals which I need to craft into Post-Albunian Helmets.

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    If you spent more time playing the game and less time getting your ideas from the forums, you would realize just how full of [censored] you statement is.

    "Board wisdom" states that you have to have a LPS of the correct abule type to match your current squalor level (in your case the abule type would be fulgrid, no, no thanks are necessary.) The reason for this is that people think the LPS is needed to protect against the fragmentary damage that the Granalian temple guards of the 7th deceit level.

    Except, had you actually read the saga of briefing from S'aran T'aal the Questmistress, instead of just blundering on like an XP lust crazed PL'er, you would have known that the &lt;gasp&gt; scum seed pods dropped by &lt;wait for it&gt; GRAVID MULTORN RAVAGERS provide an inherent vibratory resistance, which DOUBLES AGAINST FRAGMENTARY DAMAGE.

    Besides, people only want the Post-Albunian helmets 'cause they like to show off the bangle-horns to the newbs. You'll get a much better protection value from either a a) Sor'talian skull cap or b)Trellian tiara based off your color scheme. If you are a cyanotic, well, sorry that the tiara is kinda lame looking, but that's what you get for going for the color scheme with the maximum refractory value.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Who's the one full of $hit? If you had actually read my post, you would know that I clearly stated that I play a 2nd-Class Zinion Magelet. Got that? Are we on the same page now?

    Now, anybody who's played a 2nd-class Zinion Magelet (or, for that matter, an oxciferous/monkish Chaffoid -- although that's a whole other discussion) knows that the Scum Seed Pods have absolutely no effect on the Zinion Magelet 3rd tiers of harmonious reverberous defense.

    &lt;shakes head&gt;

    I mean sheesh, EVERYBODY knows that!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, I just wish all you Zinion-Magelets would stop treating us other charator sets as second rate and holding yourselves above the rest of us. We have the same problems as you do, I mean, it took me THREE MONTHS to finally find a temporary Kandor Shield, and it wasn't even constructed properly so I had ot search again, but I struggled through and at the same time I got my Kandor Shiled AND Kanglif Staff (don't nerf it! heheh).
    I mean, every time something doesn't go your way you Magelets just whine and say "give me this, give me that" If you want something so bad, take this *quick slash with Kanglif Staff*
  18. Glad to see you're still doing this, tpull

    Noticed you're on Freedom as am I, maybe we can team some time? Send me a tell on my global at @TheConvict.
  19. Never got a chance to say this, but this thread is awesome, thanks Clintonian

    5 stars for the thread
    5 stars for you!