I predicted this




Well, the patron powers have been released, and of course we got NO stealth options. This means that any stalker regardless of dark or SR, will be able to see us from 100 yards away, even in stealth + hide. SR and dark stalkers will see us from even farther. In addition, we didn't get any kind of an accuracy increasing toggle such as Focused Accuracy. We are going to be hit a LOT more, because our defenses don't get any better, while their offense gets MUCH better. We will be seen nearly 100% of the time, and from much longer distances. On top of everything else, we got a pet for our high end patron power choice. Great....even if we aren't seen, our pet WILL be (even with grant invis on it, there is no way to get our pets boosted to the same level of stealth we would have).

Our snipes would be nice, if they weren't at a base damage of HALF what a blaster gets. We have to crit from hidden status just to break even.

What a crock.



Pick up grant invis and get your friends to do it too. Brings us to the stealth cap.



Well, the patron powers have been released, and of course we got NO stealth options. This means that any stalker regardless of dark or SR, will be able to see us from 100 yards away, even in stealth + hide. SR and dark stalkers will see us from even farther. In addition, we didn't get any kind of an accuracy increasing toggle such as Focused Accuracy. We are going to be hit a LOT more, because our defenses don't get any better, while their offense gets MUCH better. We will be seen nearly 100% of the time, and from much longer distances. On top of everything else, we got a pet for our high end patron power choice. Great....even if we aren't seen, our pet WILL be (even with grant invis on it, there is no way to get our pets boosted to the same level of stealth we would have).

Our snipes would be nice, if they weren't at a base damage of HALF what a blaster gets. We have to crit from hidden status just to break even.

What a crock.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah man! We're DEFINITELY forced to have a 1-dimensional playstyle consisting of only using stealth/hide and you're TOTALLY forced to spawn your pet in PvP and you're COMPLETELY forced into teaming with a Corruptor that may have defensive buffs for you.



Now, they'll all have to a) learn how to make something other than a quick kill or b) actually team. Aww, man. =( Life sucks!



Here's MY prediction that came true:

Everyone(mostly the heroes) is pissed at the choices stalkers got in their PPPs(the villains probably not so much tho since we don't have to deal with you guys in RV )

That aside, why would they give you guys more stealth powers. You can only rename the same ability so many times before people catch on

You guys made out great, snipes that most likely crit? I can't wait to team up with you guys in RV.



Hide+Stealth+Grant Invis will take you to the -PER cap in RV. RV is gonna be harder for solo Stalkers, by design. Your best bet is to get on a team and learn to adapt.


Lords of the Dead
Old School Legends



Pick up grant invis and get your friends to do it too. Brings us to the stealth cap.

[/ QUOTE ]

Stalker with hide + stealth = 892
Stalker with hide + stealth + grant invis = stealth cap

Scrapper with tactics + FA = 1034 (almost perception cap solo)
SR or DARK scrapper with tactics +FA =way over perception cap.

Even if we get grant invis used on us, scrappers will be so close to the perception cap that any perception bonus will put them over the top. Also, keep in mind that we got no defensive bonuses at all. We got absolutely no accuracy bonuses either. Scrappers all have an option of focused accuracy which not only helps negate any stealth we may have, but also allows them to hit us more easily. We recieved no such benefits in return.



Snipes that DO crit... only to equal less than a Blaster snipe. I'm not saying this is a bad thing. I like it. I DO wish that the devs would move the Snipe into the fourth tier, though. It'd be more of an earned convenience, at that point, and less common among Stalkers.

My only complaint is that I won't be able to use that Water Spout attack anywhere but in the Arena or Recluse's Victory. Not that I expected anything else. Just that such conceptually cool attacks are only available in the end-game. D:



Even if we get grant invis used on us, scrappers will be so close to the perception cap that any perception bonus will put them over the top. Also, keep in mind that we got no defensive bonuses at all. We got absolutely no accuracy bonuses either. Scrappers all have an option of focused accuracy which not only helps negate any stealth we may have, but also allows them to hit us more easily. We recieved no such benefits in return.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think that you understand how the cap works. Lets say there is a Scrapper in RV who is running Tactics, FA, and has 23 Clear Mind Buffs active. You run by running Hide, Stealth, and one Grant Invis active. The Scrapper will see you from a whopping 10 feet away. Now, this _IS_ going to make it harder solo Stalkers and Stalkers who team only with other Stalkers for the GI buff. To that I say, good.


Lords of the Dead
Old School Legends



Even if we get grant invis used on us, scrappers will be so close to the perception cap that any perception bonus will put them over the top. Also, keep in mind that we got no defensive bonuses at all. We got absolutely no accuracy bonuses either. Scrappers all have an option of focused accuracy which not only helps negate any stealth we may have, but also allows them to hit us more easily. We recieved no such benefits in return.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think that you understand how the cap works. Lets say there is a Scrapper in RV who is running Tactics, FA, and has 23 Clear Mind Buffs active. You run by running Hide, Stealth, and one Grant Invis active. The Scrapper will see you from a whopping 10 feet away. Now, this _IS_ going to make it harder solo Stalkers and Stalkers who team only with other Stalkers for the GI buff. To that I say, good.

[/ QUOTE ]

+2 for useful data and good presentation

Stand UP.



stalkers arent blasters with defence and mez protection.

You arent SUPPOSED to be doing the damage they do.


solo pvp?

Cooler than every single owl EVER.



/e Logarithm plays "Camptown Races" for the Stalker-Nostradamus on his violin, because he still hasn't learned any sad songs yet.

God willing, I'll know "My Humps" by the end of the month - as far as sad, sad songs go, that takes the cake.

You can still turn to power pools and teamwork for 100% immunity to all attacks/debuffs/controls outside of 10 feet. Patron powers provide stalkers with very well-rounded builds. Compared to other archetypes, we made out like bandits.



Aye. I don't even play MMs and I can tell how much of a crappy deal they got. Snipes and Holds, when holds help you crit out of stealth?



well placate can be enhanced for range that plus the snipe will be nice



Pick up grant invis and get your friends to do it too. Brings us to the stealth cap.

[/ QUOTE ]
that got nerfed in the new patch too

have to re-apply GI every time you're unhidden for it to add to -per



btw anyone know the chance to crit on a held enemy? from my playing a stalker to lvl 38, it seems like about 5%



Pick up grant invis and get your friends to do it too. Brings us to the stealth cap.

[/ QUOTE ]
that got nerfed in the new patch too

have to re-apply GI every time you're unhidden for it to add to -per

[/ QUOTE ]

Not to mention the short duration anyways, so generally speaking, its good to get close, but thats about it.

I think the hover/flying sniper squads might be the new thing.



btw anyone know the chance to crit on a held enemy? from my playing a stalker to lvl 38, it seems like about 5%

[/ QUOTE ]




Lol. Now here's where the good stalkers start to shine, and the bad ones go and play the next flavour of the month.Either that or we're going to see alot more heroes...

My pet better be able to move fast.....resummoning it could get annoying.



Stalkers arent supposed to do blaster damage? Well then let's talk about blasters melee attacks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Blood Work - Claws/Nin



Alot of wimpy stalkers that rely on staying hidden. Looks like you guys are gonna have to change your hit and run tactics. My stalker is always prepared like a true Dark Ninja, what about yours?



Pick up grant invis and get your friends to do it too. Brings us to the stealth cap.

[/ QUOTE ]
that got nerfed in the new patch too

have to re-apply GI every time you're unhidden for it to add to -per

[/ QUOTE ]

Um... this is how it worked before. It's not changed in the patch, they just noted that this is how it works, period.

Triumph: Ion Force (SG)
Victory: Evil Triumphs (VG)
Proud member of the Triumphant Defenders Coalition.



Stalkers arent supposed to do blaster damage? Well then let's talk about blasters melee attacks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Blood Work - Claws/Nin

[/ QUOTE ]

looks like someone doesnt understand how blasters work. they arent range-only. their big damage comes from melee because of the risk/reward factor.

stalkers dont have the same risk but seem to think that they need to have the same reward.

Looks like someone (me) just pwnd (debunked) you

::this isnt a flame, just a correction::


solo pvp?

Cooler than every single owl EVER.



Ah, but they HAVE range. So, screw'em if they ignore that.

You're trying to compare someone who focuses only on one of his powersets instead of someone who has to take and slot both heavily.

And don't even get me started about how stalkers need to be in Hide to pull off AS, or how easily doublestealth can be broken, or the disadvantages of a melee-range snipe interrupt.



To be honest push, anything but an ice blaster is weak. Poor little blasters getting there massive toggle drops taken away. Guess its time to hide behind the wardens now.

Blood Work - Claws/Nin