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  1. I've thrown most of my Videos on Filefront. For those that don't know Filefront allows you to either stream the video, ala youtube or download the original, high quality video.

    I recommend you download the videos as Filefront's streaming software lowers the quality more than youtube does (thats a lot)

    Starting with the largest file size down to smallest...

    Choff in Sirens before the containment nerf. Unedited conversion of a demo file. Stalkers show up in demos but I couldnt see them when recording it. 92meg

    Choff in standard PvP video set to music 48meg

    Choff duels a Brute in Sirens. Quick duel with no fancy tactics or tricks. The brute has no to-hit buffs so I don't bother stacking holds to overcome his mez protection before moving it for the kill. I just move in after debuffing him. 12meg

    To learn how to counter stalkers I started playing them. There are several videos of my stalkers in action here .
  2. Choff


    Your ice tank has a debuff aura that will suppress stealth allowing your built in +perception power to see through hide. This means you'll see double and triple stealthed stalkers when they’re very close to you.

    If you pick up tactics as well you can see hide only stalkers a mile away and double stealthed stalkers around mid range and triple stealthed stalkers at close range only.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Wonder how many submissions there would have been had Hypercomics worked for everyone...

    Yes, I'm still bitter.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wonder how many they would of gotten if the comp was open to everyone and not just USA residents.
  4. [ QUOTE ]

    -Hero_ *bouncy....bouncy....bouncy.....bouncy.....

    -villain- "darn, can't get in an AS because the bouncy hero wont hold still....I know, I'll Impale him immob him" *BU+Impale*

    -Hero- *Crittical Impale brings jumping to a halt and is Immobed as health drops down to 3/4. Searches for the target who Impaled him. Target found*

    -Villain- *runs up to hero and placates as he prepares an AS*

    -Hero- *Simply retargets the villain because he is suffering from a status effect. BU+Aim+Strongest attack------Dead Stalker*

    -Villain- "Hate the placate bug!*

    Doesnt sound very nice, does it?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Even harder when the hero is running 3 slotted combat jump and hurdle and you try to impale him
  5. Yes,
    Got bored with PvE a loooong time ago. If only the devs would give out an 'XP respec' as a veteran reward, I could try my alts out in PvP rather than leveling em up the boring way.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I love your avatar, Choff... Love it :-D

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Here's the full version
  7. he was refering to the Dom Impale which was left unmolested and is still 80'
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    Sets that have a –fly power:

    Blasters: /Devices Web Grenade
    Brutes: Hurl boulder from Stone melee and Hurl from Super Strength
    Controllers: Earth Stone Prison/Stone Cages/Quicksand; Gravity Crushing field/Crush; Trick Arrow Entangling Arrow/Glue Arrow
    Corruptors: /Cold Snow Storm; /Traps Web Grenade
    Defenders: Trick Arrow Entangling/Glue
    Dominators: Plant Entangle/Roots/Carrion Creepers; Gravity Crushing field/Crush; Thorny Assault Impale
    Mastermind: /Trick Arrow Entangling/Glue; Traps Web Grenade
    Tanker: Hurl boulder from Stone melee and Hurl from Super Strength
    Peacebringer: Incandescent Strike/Radiant Strike

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Fire controllers get -Fly on Ring of Fire, Fire Cages and HotFeet
  9. point you to the great PvE controller guides out there
  10. You Tube Video showing Choff in action after the nerfs

    High Quality Video showing Choff in action after the nerfs.
    There is limited bandwidth per month for the high quality video, sorry about that.
    Controllers can still PvP, it just takes us longer
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Someone PM'd me asking if I had any movies or demos of Choff in action. I dug up a demo of Choff before the latest nerfs. Although my build is now different you can still see the basic structure. The demo is unedited and being a demo it shows up stalkers that I couldn't see during it's recording.

    If you don't know anything about Demos then here's Sloth's Guide .

    Here's the movie for those that don't like demos.

    I'll post a movie of Choff using his current build at a later time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The above demo link is broken. This link should work.
  12. Below is a short movie showing Choff during a duel with a melee char in Sirens. No Imps or Epic powers used. Please bear in mind that this is as simple a fight as one could see. No flashy tactics or 'wins from behind' just Choff's standard attack sequence.

    If fighting a char with enhanced accuracy Choff would be forced to kite until the target was held before closing in.

    Choff Vs Brute

    Anyway I hope this guide helps any budding Fire/Rad Controllers out there. Most controller builds can be modified to follow a similar path as Choff.

    Remember to practice against good opponents when you can as they'll help you improve quicker than fighting easy kills.

    Good luck and have fun.
  13. Someone PM'd me asking if I had any movies or demos of Choff in action. I dug up a demo of Choff before the latest nerfs. Although my build is now different you can still see the basic structure. The demo is unedited and being a demo it shows up stalkers that I couldn't see during it's recording.

    If you don't know anything about Demos then here's Sloth's Guide .

    Here's the movie for those that don't like demos.

    I'll post a movie of Choff using his current build at a later time.
  14. Preamble

    All the following information, tactics and such are mostly my opinion. Many Pvpers out there, better than I, have differing philosophies to mine. That doesn’t make them better or worse, just different.

    This guide was written while I was bored at work and may be a bit rambling. My build shown near the end of this guide is from memory but is very close to what I’m playing.

    Some Background

    My current ‘main’ PvP character is a Fire/Rad controller. When I was looking for information on a PvP build I found that many people either didn’t know or kept their secret super duper builds and tactics to themselves. After a long time PvPing and many repecs later I finally found a build that suits my play style.

    I’m going to assume you have a working knowledge of controllers and the Fire/Rad controller in general. If you don’t, you may need to read some PvE guides out there or just play a Fire/Rad for a while to get a feel for it.


    My PvP build is designed to be viable in all the PvP zones and is surprisingly good in very low level arena matches.

    My play style follows the same basic principles in each zone but each zone has several unique tactics that are available to them due to the powers you and your targets have and the difference in your surroundings.

    My Controller will be referred to, in this ‘guide’ as Choff. I got sick of typing ‘the controller’ or ‘the build’.

    Choff allows me a lot of flexibility. I have many PvP Characters but Choff seems to have the most variety when it comes to tactics and counters.

    Choff’s main tactic is to kite his target while stacking holds, immobilizes and debuffs to set up containment and then close in to bleed the target as quickly as possible. To enable the kiting part of this tactic he uses ‘Hurdle’ and ‘Combat Jump’. Both are 3 slotted with ‘Jump’ SOs. Choff’s damage comes from his single target immobilize, Hot Feet, Imps, Power Blast and Sands of Mu. It takes time for Choff to kill things. During that time the kill may be stolen or their friends may show up to help. This is part of being a controller though. You wont kill quickly.

    Power Choice and Slotting Explanations

    Choff is a endurance hog. He runs a lot of toggles and his debuffs are toggles as well. Since the containment nerf he is even worse in Bloody bay and Sirens. He takes longer to kill things in these zones and runs out of endurance as a result. He has taken ‘Stamina’ and AM from the Rad side for this reason. I enter a PvP zone carrying nothing but ‘Break frees’ and Blues. Nearly all my toggles are 3 slotted with ‘Endurance Reducers’.

    He needs to stack holds, immobilizes and debuffs quickly so he has taken ‘Hasten’ and slotted ‘Recharge’ SOs in many of his attacking powers.

    ‘Bonfire’ is a tool Choff uses in nearly every fight. It is used to separate a Master Mind from his pets, to unhide stalkers or to pin a target against an object. I often place one on my target once my immobilse has taken hold to give me a safe-ish place to finish the fight as it will not knock back a target with ring of fire running on it. Bonfire’s damage is Auto hit. It will knock back those without knock back protection.

    ‘Hotfeet’ does an accuracy check in PvP. I have a lot of HOs and find that once my ‘green glowies of death’ are on a target it hits easily. Your mileage may vary and you might want to slip an accuracy in there.

    TP foe is very handy. I can lay Bonfire around a corner and TP a mastermind to me and hold him. While I slowly kill him his pets are bouncing around at the corner. It’s useful to bring back an escaping target to allow several more holds to hit him.

    Smoke is not as good as I thought it’d be. After testing it with a friend I’ve found it lasts 20 seconds. During that time I’m stealthed from the target. Once I attack the stealth drops and wont come back until I reapply smoke. Its has helped me attack teams but I may respect it out.

    Superspeed is very handy for kiting and chasing runners while leaving combat jump on.


    Choff is very good 1 on 1. Following are some standard attack sequences.

    As soon as Choff sees the target he hits ‘Hasten and AM’. Hit AM while at the top of a jump so you don’t get rooted on the ground for the stalkers. He’ll either jump over the target or around it and place his green glowies on it, ‘Radiation Infection’, ‘Enervating Field’ and ‘Lingering Radiation’. Choff will then start alternating between Ring of Fire and Char. Keep stacking them until he gets held. Land next to the target and drop bonfire on him, Ring of Fire will stop him flying back. Use ‘Sands of Mu’ and Ring of Fire to kill him. If you can have Imps out they’ll catch up eventually or you can cast them as well.

    When fighting a ranged Character like a corrupter try and hit them with a hold first before debuffing them. Ring of Fire is –Fly. If a target is hovering above out of reach you can try to reach him by jumping and hitting him with Ring of Fire. TP foe has helped Choff in this situation as well sometimes.

    Masterminds can be a challenge when they’re played well. I tend to try different things to see what will work. Choff tends to stay out of range while Tabbing through targets until he gets the mastermind. Then he may jump up over the Mastermind and his pets and determine the best spot to land and drop Bonfire. If done correctly this can separate the Mastermind from his pets and break bodyguard, giving you some time to kill him. Another tactic is to land away from the Mastermind, drop bonfire in front of you, between you and the target. Turn around and TP the mastermind to you. You then hold and attempt to kill him before his pets work their way around bonfire. Using the buildings and landscape to your advantage help with this tactic.

    Stalkers are fun to fight. I’ve had some great games of Cat and Mouse in Sirens. Bonfire will unhide a stalker if he stands in it. If you are standing on Bonfire trying to lure him in have a breakfree ready. A good stalker will jump over the Bonfire and stun you. If he’s your bounty and you’re tracking the ‘red dot’ hit bonfire while in the air and as you land on the bounty’s spot drop bonfire as well. If a stalker runs away during a fight stop moving and use TP foe to allow you to get some more holds on him. You need to try and keep hitting a stalker with Ring of fire or Char every now and then otherwise they re-hide. Ring of Fire then the slow, Char then Radiation Infection. That sort of thing. Water will hide Bonfire and allow you to see where stalkers are. Throwing bonfire onto a ripple and seeing a stalker go flying on his butt unhidden never gets old.

    Play Tips

    General play tips are as follows. Use your follow key. PvP is fast moving and this allows you to keep facing the right direction. Sometimes it’s better to manually follow. You need to work out when. Choff has a simple /whoall macro he uses in PvP zones. Type “/macro ? whoall”. Another macro he uses is this “/macro TGT afk I’m talking”. Hit that while trying to look like stalker bait on your bonfire. Stalkers find it hard to resist a squishy, standing still and having a conversation in a PvP zone. Map a key to 'target closest enemy'. I map Tab as my 'closest target key' and the ~ key to cycle through targets.


    Breakfrees get their own paragraph. People will use breakfrees, deal with it. Choff uses them himself and during duels I allow their use. They help me more than they do the target generally. Choff will make his targets burn through their breakfrees very quickly. Generally after running around a zone for a while most his targets are without breakfrees. Even with breakfrees Choff will wittle down their health as he stacks his holds and immobilizes. Slows from ‘Hotfeet’ and ‘Lingering Rad’ will stack and ‘Lingering Rad’ slows down any health regeneration on the target.

    Endurance Management

    During long fights you will run low on endurance. If you have no blues or don’t want to use any yet there are some things you can do mid fight. Untoggle ‘Enervating Field’ and ‘Acrobatics’. Keep ‘Radiation Infection’ on the target as long as possible. If you’re really struggling for endurance turn of all toggles but combat jump and ‘Radiation Infection’ and kite until AM is back or your endurance is up enough. Try to keep hitting them with lingering rad if you can.

    Choff’s Build

    I sometimes miss Tactics for stealthy Foes but I do ok without it. This build couldn’t afford them, endurance wise, anyway.

    My current build is shown below.

    Name: Choff
    Level: 50
    Archetype: Controller
    Primary: Fire Control
    Secondary: Radiation Emission
    01) --> Ring of Fire==> Acc Acc Dmg Dmg Dmg Rechg
    01) --> Radiant Aura==> Heal Heal Heal EndRdx
    02) --> Char==> Acc Acc Rechg Rechg Rechg Hold
    04) --> Radiation Infection==> TH_DeBuf TH_DeBuf TH_DeBuf EndRdx EndRdx EndRdx
    06) --> Accelerate Metabolism==> Rechg Rechg Rechg EndMod EndMod EndMod
    08) --> Hot Feet==> Dmg Dmg Dmg EndRdx EndRdx EndRdx
    10) --> Enervating Field==> EndRdx EndRdx EndRdx
    12) --> Combat Jumping==> Jump Jump Jump
    14) --> Super Jump==> Jump Jump
    16) --> Hurdle==> Jump Jump Jump
    18) --> Swift==> Run
    20) --> Stamina==> EndMod EndMod EndMod
    22) --> Hasten==> Rechg Rechg Rechg
    24) --> Lingering Radiation==> Acc Acc Rechg Rechg Slow Slow
    26) --> Bonfire==> Rechg Rechg Rechg
    28) --> Acrobatics==> EndRdx EndRdx EndRdx
    30) --> Teleport Foe==> Acc Acc Range Range Range
    32) --> Fire Imps==> Acc Acc Acc Dmg Dmg Dmg
    35) --> Smoke==> Acc Acc
    38) --> Super Speed==> Run
    41) --> Conserve Power==> Rechg Rechg Rechg
    44) --> Power Blast==> Acc Acc Dmg Dmg Dmg EndRdx
    47) --> Power Boost==> Rechg Rechg Rechg
    49) --> Mutation==> Rechg
    01) --> Sprint==> Empty
    01) --> Brawl==> Empty
    01) --> Containment==> Empty
    02) --> Rest==> Empty

    Three powers I consider as flavor powers are Smoke, Super Speed and Mutation. These could easily be swapped for something else without affecting the build a great deal. Superspeed is real handy in RV when chasing stalkers though.
  15. Choff

    I predicted this

    [ QUOTE ]
    btw anyone know the chance to crit on a held enemy? from my playing a stalker to lvl 38, it seems like about 5%

    [/ QUOTE ]

  16. [ QUOTE ]

    "Kuji-In Rin" (available at level 16 - click) not only protects you from DHIS - it also protects your from Confusion and Fear (no knockback protection so you'll probably need the Leaping power pool to get Acrobatics). However, this power has such a long recharge that even with 3 Recharge Reducers you'll need Haste to keep it on.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have 2 Recharge SOs in mine without hasten and it's perma (just)
    I also use Hover as my knockback protection (it also works well with TP)
  17. Another tactic is to pop the green after AS (quick reflexes needed), select the stalker and hit an attack as they placate. Since you queued the attack it'll go off anyway, knocking em outta hide and allowing you to wail on em. Work out how many greens to hit to survive the 2 hit combo but still have defiance running.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    i fought a spines stalker last friday and he kept 1-shotting pretty much anyone except tanks, scraps, and brutes

    he even 1-shotted me two times :/

    not that much fun, but it was a learning experience

    (im a blade/SR stalker)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Shady? Is that you?
  19. wow this is good info to know. Thx guys.
  20. Uhhuh, I once AS'd an invuln so hard it killed all his alts.
  21. I assume you get knocked out of hide once your health dropps below the pre-dullpain lvl. I'm only guessing though. If true I'd say its a 'feature'.
  22. I've heard some great things about dull pain and hide but I don't play a regen and haven’t experienced it first hand. Many who say regen is gimped don't know about dull pain allowing you you take damage and still slip into hide.