Your In Game Biography
Ohh... I have full length ones on ALL my characters.
I'm about to go to bed though, so I will post all the ones I know tomorrow.
Brace yourselves!
I dont want the "Full length
ones... I want the 1023 characters or less ones!
I dont want to read 4 pages per character... just a good solid paragraph..
Just to get the ball rolling... these are the ones I have on hand (of my own). the first two are my mains, on Triumph, third is my main on Virute.. the rest are just sort of "around" but I love em
American Dreamgirl ( v )
Rachael Cole, the self titled American Dreamgirl, claims to be the illegitimate granddaughter of Marcus Cole (aka: The Statesman). Though DNA tests were lost under mysterious circumstances, Rachael holds to her statement. Rebuked by the Hero community (notably Ms. Liberty), and ignored by Statesman, the American Dreamgirl began her life of crime out of rebellion. Ms. Cole was implicated in several crimes from assault and battery to armed robbery. Each time she came to court, however, she was quickly acquitted and set free. When she finally was tried, it was for murder one. On the stand, Rachael Cole admitted her guilt openly, and swore she would tear down all that statesman had built. She spent only two nights in the Zig, as help came from an unlikely source: the Arachnos break out. Disappearing onto the Rogue Isles, the American Dreamgirl has begun her bid for power. She will see the destruction of Paragon City, and its protector, no matter the cost.
Violent Strain ( h )
Ines Richter was secreted away by her mothers dearest friend as a baby. With the aid of Maiden Justice, her guardian raised the little girl to the light and the law. As Ines grew, it became obvious that she suffered from a form of light allergy. Her weakness fostered a love for science and technology. She found she had a talent for it, and was able to create goggles to protect her fragile eyes. Once her disability was recognized, Ines began to see Monica Cole more often, and they quickly became close. But when Arachnos foot soldiers were seen in Faultline, Monica confessed to a sad secret: their friendship was not wholly genuine. The Maiden Justice had taken it upon herself to keep tabs on the girl. As the daughter of Edrea and Tyhpus Richter, Ines was the granddaughter of the man now known as Lord Recluse. Revolted by her lineage, Ines crafted a pair of vicious claws, and her goggles, so she might take to the streets. She now protects the light her blood cannot bare from those who wish it extinguished.
The Riving ( v )
Mary Kead's *powers* first appeared when she was a child, as voices no one else could hear. Voices screamed to be mutilated and burned by her hands. Begging for things no 5-year old should have understood. But Mary relished their yearning; to be flayed, skinned alive, and burned in sacrifice by her. Three therapists later, Mary was institutionalized and put on suicide watch after carving a deep gash into the side of her face. She raved that her "golden-self" lay just beneath the surface. At 16, she was deemed sane, and released. It lasted less than a week when, in a manic two-day spree, she tortured and murdered over 15 people. Found by undercover detectives with longbow support in a back alley of Kings Row, She had slashed a grisly smile into her own face, saying she "couldnt be happy enough" the way it was. Mary had shards of some metal protruding from every inch of her body. First thought to be self inflicted, doctors were horrified to discover the rusting and diseased metal came from within Mary's skin.
Callgrave ( v )
Archibald Callgrave was one of the original directors of the East India Company. In India, Archie discovered the Talisman of Durvasa, a fist-sized blue diamond strung on a chain of golden bones. Callgrave soon learned of the charm's power. As his wrath flared, his enemies weakened. As he healed, those around him became sickly. Wearing the Talisman, Callgraves have ruled a private empire, father to son, for eight generations. In 1958, Deven Callgrave incorporated the name, and attempted to use his wealth and abilities to remove the Arachnos from the Rogue Isles. Deven was later found murdered. Their holdings on the islands lost, his son Vaden became infamous throughout the US, failing only to produce a male heir. At the last, he revealed the family's secret to his 15 year old daughter, Rani. In those days, she rejected the Hindu artifact. She was born with the ability to channel the spirits of the Callgraves, but has since taken up Durvasa to augment her abilities. Rani currently lives in Sharkshead Isle.
Rock Demon no. 11 ( v )
Notes: Ive gotten back to work on my recently abandoned Rock Demon project. Numbers 6-10 have unfortunately become irreversibly good, and I must subdue them and bring them back home for either decommission or a stern lecture. Ive loosed numbers 11 and 14 on the Earth plane in hopes of doing just that. 11 still worries me, as he is quiet insane. His ability to follow direction is sporadic at best, but he is easily the most purely destructive, malicious and jolly of the children. Must remember to never touch those ludicrous goggles of his again. I dont know where he found those odd, metal pants, but as he favors them over my newly perfected khakis, I just let him go with it. Kids. Satan
Rock Demon no. 6 ( h )
Notes: Number six is finally finished. I must admit, the handiwork is my best to date, but the personality is
lacking. He seems to do nothing but grunt and light assorted items ablaze. Unfortunately, he also seems to have a bit of the negative streak inherent in my rock demons, namely and irrefutable soft spot for humanity. Unnerving, yes, but I assume he will grow out of it, as did numbers 1-5. Until Carl
no matter, this little beast will surely grow to monstrously evil proportions again once he shatters and ignites enough of the human world. Pants are still a touch structurally unstable. Satan
Rock Demon no. 7 ( h )
Notes: I cant tell if this is a step in the right direction or not. He lacks the sheer mass of earlier models, but I think he maintains the feel. Not to mention, be is slightly more evil than his brethren, and possibly a bit craftier. The mask, alas, cannot be helped. The little angel has trouble breathing in non-brimstone environs. The pants are making progress I think. A little elaborate, but who can truly fault me there. I hate the tail. Terrible judgment on my part. He, however, doesnt seem to mind lashing his playmates in the eye with the prehensile monstrosity. Ah well, kids. Satan
Rock Demon no. 9 ( h )
Notes: Well, Ive let loose the ninth rock demon upon the Earth, but, as with the previous eight, hes starting to develop an irksome penchant for good, thus rapidly shrinking in stature. Ugh, Ill never get this right. If only the little buggers werent so damned cute. On the positive side, I seem to have his the nail on the head with my newest set of non-flammable khakis. In addition, the pants are wrinkle-free AND stain resistant. Hopefully my little bastion of evil will grow out of this phase hes going through and start destroying those heroes as opposed to joining with them. But he will be comfortable nonetheless. Satan
Rock Demon no. 8 ( h )
Notes: I
I dont quite know what to make of this one. Hes a bit
off. Too pretty for a sentient mound of demonic substrata. I tried to give him a tad more flair than the previous model but he ended up sort of, well, shapely. I hope he doesnt get picked on by the other demons. A father-figure/creator gods last wish is for his progeny to not have friends. The hair is iffy, but the pants are almost perfect. Poor little
it. Er
Lilly Grimm ( h )
Lilly was a promising grad student trying to create an individual dimensional door system. Late one evening, Lilly had a breakthrough. The experiment imploded, and dragged her down into a dark dimension. She found herself surrounded by small faceless monsters. Before she could react they struck. A flash lit up the world; green fire burned the monsters to ash. I am the demon, Radiare. Sitting up in bed, stars still danced through Lillys vision. Breathing heavily, Lilly called the only person she could think of, her old freshman roommate. Lacey was the bubbly, flighty, dumb sort of blonde Lilly couldnt stand. But she was obsessed with the supernatural, and Lilly needed help. They met at a rare books store, and Lacey introduced Lilly to Grimm. Grimm knew about the quantum experiment Lilly had been working on, and was well versed in netherworld magic. He taught Lilly of her mystical link to Radiare, the demon prince who rescued her. With Lacey, Lilly now uses her bond to defend the people of Paragon
Lacey Grimm ( h )
Raised in Huntington Beach, Ca, Lacey moved to P-town to, like, further her singing career. She was totally planning to major in vocal music, but fate had these other thoughts in its big old noodle. So, while checking out books on white magic in this icky rare books store, the owner could just TELL how much magic she had all over her. His name was Grimm, and he took her into his back room (not like that!) Ok, so he told Lacey that she had something called the Sirens Gift. Or something.. anyway, Grimm said she had some cool magic link to the spirit of the ancient Greek sirens, and that with a big ritual, he could turn it into, like totally awesome superpowers. Right ON! It was going to take like a year to get everything ready, so Lacey went back to school, where she met Lilly, a sullen sort of genius. They didnt get along super, but Lacey did her best to be friends. By the time the ritual was ready, Lacey had compiled an awesome superhero outfit with a scary mask. Of course it worked! Yay, ME
Well ill give what i have made up so far. only had a few days to think about it but here is what i have made up.
Name: Corvan Dee "also known as The Celtic Warrior"
Skin color: white but nicely tanned
Height: 7 foot 5
Weight 350 pounds (by appearence)
Eye color: dark red
Outfit: A lower black hood covered most of the top of his head and part of the front. dark red round shades hid his eyes. His shirt was a black bagy shirt that had celtic symbols from his collar to the ends of his sleeves, and a larger celtic symbol on his chest. Bagy black pants that also had celtic symbols down the sides and small martail arts belt around his waist. He wore black combat boots that also bore the same symbols as his other clothes.
Powers: Super strenght,invincability, leaping
History/Origin Not much is known about his past but it is known were he was born. Off the shores near Stone Hendge. Were supposdly the real celtic religion and its cult practiced sacrafice and religious talk. They also say that the historcial Gauls were followers of this Celtic religion.
(( i will add more in time but its late for me and i didn't sleep so well.))
Well, technically, can't people already see you, and read your powers? No need in the Bio to put in description and powers ingame.
I dont want the "Full length
ones... I want the 1023 characters or less ones!
I dont want to read 4 pages per character... just a good solid paragraph..
[/ QUOTE ]
lol, Of course I don't mean full length ones! I mean full length, as in in-game full length, 1023 characters? =P
Bios to be posted later.
oh, whew.. good...
I was worried there for a second. Yea, I wanna read the bio you squeezed/shortened/butchered to fit onto the ID in game :-D
I've got a thread dedicated to the longer version of my characters' bios. It's written as if it were told from the point fo view a Freedom Corps' clerk. I'll try to get my characters' in-game ones out here, though.
The problem, though, is I usually change their bios every ten levels or so (or if I've made a major change like a Respec trial or have reconsidered the character's role from their in-game behavior).
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
I usually type up the background in Word then paste it in-game. This of coarse is imediately followed by frustration when it doesnt fit and i try to edit it here and there to make it shorter.
In the end you get a good setup that abruptly leaves you hanging or with no closure.
Heroes: Lady Halifax, Miss Kia, WhiteLotus, Agent Immolate, Lady Empathy, Sylence Fyredancer, Maiden of Fire
Villains: Innocent-Ella, Aegis-Sprite, Midnight Dragonfly
hehe, I found out specifically the number of characters I had to work with.. and now I just make sure to be breif...
but in a way, I think that is the "skill" right there... that you HAVE a limited workspace, and you want to put as much of "who your character is" and "where your character comes from" into such a constraining space...
Like carving a statue from marble... chipping away at the whole, until you have something perfect in its brevity and ability to project and convey meaning and understanding.
...That was... That was deep.
Meanwhile, I am about as deep as a 2-inch puddle of water.
All hail my shallowness.
Randall Grey
I was a hero back in my hometown of Kingdale. When the Rikti attacked, I helped protect my fellow citizens along with a few of my friends and family who bore super powers of their own. After helping to fix up Kingdale, I moved on to here, Paragon City.
I did it for two reasons. One, I wanted to help with the rebuilding effort, and two, I wanted answers. I wanted to learn who the Rikti were, what they were after, and where my wife was. I've learned all that now, and have been happily reunited with Charlene.
So... Now I'm concerned with the reconstruction of Paragon City. To that end, though, I have been made painfully aware of the various groups in this city. With that in mind, I decided to focus exclusively on going to war with the villains. Sadly, this means I have to abandon my more quiet work as a construction worker to that of a super-powered hero.
Fortunately, I'm well equipped for that. I've had this strength and armor since long before the Rikti War.
My Stories
Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.
Here's a little sample of one of my more favourite in game biographies:
"... I've journeyed such a large distance to this planet, Gaia. Instilled with only one purpose, I am here to help aid the heroes of Earth to defeat the destructive Rikti, once and for all.
You see, I am the remaining avatar of the planet Cyvilantres. My once peaceful homeland was overrun by these disgusting ailens, and by Lady Cyvilantres, she poured the remainder of her power to create her living vessels - the avatars - as her last act of mercy. The Lady knew that these aliens had much influence over the universe, but she saw that the young Gaia would have the resources and abilities to rebel, and destroy the Rikti upon her soil.
The dastardly aliens knew of our existence, no doubt. As the years passed by, our numbers dwindled, Her power having almost been extinguished. As a last hope, along with the knowledge that the Rikti on this planet are only a small fraction of their true numbers, I intend to gather power forces to drive them back, reclaiming Earth.
And perhaps, Cyvilantres..."
It doesn't stick too close to the actual Rikti storyline, but I like it. =P
Eternal Sunshine
Praetorian Earth; it's a scary place. I grew up there; as to say, my mortal body did, not I, the inhabiter of this mind. You see, I am a mage of the Circle of Roses, a group of magic-yielding beings who have crossed the boundaries of the netherworld into the material, to help those defenseless and in need.
We were hunted. Though our intentions were only for the good, out actions were shunned upon, out "kidnappings" and "rituals" were accused of being a bane upon humanity. With no other way to cross the borders of spirit and flesh, we had no choice but to take the hosts - sometimes willing, sometimes not - as our only conduits to Earth. Visions of darkness and destruction were driving us mad, and thus, we had no choice but to become flesh, as saviors.
My kind were either banished or killed; there was no pleading when madmen ruled the world. I arrived in Primal Earth shortly after, a guardian with a new purpose.
As for my name, no mortal tongue can pronounce it so. Just call me Eternal Sunshine...
I like to keep mine short and sweet
Hero - Zip
Real Name - Ezra Zachius Streeter
Age - 25
Powers - Superhuman speed and agility
Source of powers - Benevoulent mutation
Hometown - Motar City
Then I use whats left for a short bio saying whatever I feel like...I tend to change this often
Bio: Hi, the names Zip. I run fast and jump high, thats pretty much me in a nutshell. The first thing you'll notice about me is that the only thing faster than my feet is probably my mouth. I love teaming with other heroes so invite me to a team...after all superheroing alones no fun, come on lets run...ect...
something to that extent
while I typically work to craft full bios for all my characters, the only one I've been able to distill down to the 1023 limit is my Brute, Torroes prime. I'm not at home right now so I don't have access to the game. But more or less this is what I put in the bio box:
"The result of on man's mechaninations to craft the ultimate solder, Torroes Prime was once a young man who scrapped out a living by stealing. While he worked at a villains labratory, he was subjected to what appeared to be an attack from Long Bow. The result of the attack was a mutation that changed the young man into the monster that is Torroes Prime.
Despite his gargantuan proportions, and anatomy driven for combat, Torroes is a dedicated team leader, frequently staying behind to cover his team mates in a retreat or defending other team mates while they recover.

I don't have any of my mains on hand, but all of my dead character's bios I keep handy in case I ever decide to resurect them. Here's a few of the gems:
Dynamo Rose Electric Melee/Electric Armor Brute Level 16
Daniel O'Grady had a dream that he would be known forever as the man who created free energy. He used an amazingly simple system that utilized the body's own electrical generation and magnified it 10,000 fold. Packed into a box the size of a pack of cigerettes, there was no reason why people couldn't have cheap, limitless electricty.
Daniel's Dream was never realized. Several notable persons saw his invention as a threat to their own fortunes or as a tool they could use to their own ends. A super powered assassin was sent to eliminate the scientist. The assassin dispatched the scientist quite brutally while destroying Daniel's lab and its contents. Little did they know that Daniel's wife, Rose had possession of the final working prototype. With a few modifications to the generator, Rose was able to protect herself and attack with the mighty power of electricty. Thus armed, she began her quest for vengence posing as an assassin for hire, hunting down down the villain who murdered the love of her life.
Lares Fire Blast/Thermal Radiation Corrupter level 22
In the year 4051 crime is but a distant memory, and humanity has devoloped to the point where no person has to work or put forth effort in any way, shape, form, or idea. (Which has taken all the fun out of sex, believe you me.) College student Diedre Wilson published a study paper that declared that humanity would be doomed to stagnation in 3,000 yours unless someone did something. Despite Humanity's progress as far, it was still capable of laughing and rediculing someone out of a room. Disgusted with humanity's complacency, Diedre took up the name of an ancient Roman Goddess picked randomly out of an encyclopedia and traveled back in time to destroy the uptopian future so that her 'peers' would likely never be born, let alone be able to mock her.
The Astral Asssassin (Killed by typo in name) Claws/Energy Stalker
People have looked to the heavens for answers since time eternal, and over the ages the ones who have recieved answers have been called many things: Prophets, Messiahs, Heretics, and Lunatics. I take none of those titles for myself, know only that the stars have spoken to me, and they said, "Kill".
Once, I merely studied the stars. Astronomer Janice Sanderson longed to unravel the mysteries of the Stars Above when late one night during a meteor shower I heard the most beautiful sounds, the longer I listened to the harmonious music, the clearer its message became.
Certain people are born with ties to the heavens, ties that give them power, and put great destinies before them. When these beings go too long squandering the power of the stars, someone must return the energies to their rightful place, else the music of the heavens will cease to be...and I do not know if I could remain sane if the only beautiful thing in the world was taken from it.
The Gold Wolf Katana/Super Reflexes Scrapper
Since she was three, Amber Brooke wanted to be a superhero. On her sixteenth birthday, she realized that in addition to a less than spectacular breast size (which all famous heroines need), she wasn't getting superpowers from some mutation. Lacking the means to get a technological patron or find some crazy science experiment to volunteer for. It wasn't until she tried beating up some Circle of Thorns to learn some magic that she recognized her own innate grace and reflexes. A brick to the back of some random Tsoo's head netted her a Katana, and she rushed off to register as one of Paragon's finest.
Plasma Beam Energy/Energy Blaster Lvl 9
Audrey Galloway was the favorite daughter of her family, after all, she was born with mutant powers that were actually useful, unlike her brother Carl who could change his eye color at will or her older sister Caroline's ability to make anything taste like chicken. Doted upon by her parents, she was well on her to becoming a selfish bore when the Rikti invasion devastated her hometown. Her family made it out alright, but the cost of rebuilding had her parents 'encouraging' Audrey to move out and do something with her life. With no place to stay and little desire to find a vocation, Audrey came to Paragon City with the intent of using her innate powers to coast through life. Only time will tell if her experiences helping people and stopping crime will make her a better person.
EMCS Grey Elec/Elec Blaster Level 6
Senior Chief Electrician's Mate (AW/SW) Thomas Denethor Grey was the LCPO of the Electrical Department aboard the USS Kittyhawk looking forward to his upcoming terminal leave ending his twenty-six year career in the world's greatest navy when his plans were altered forever. While chewing out EMSA Schmoe's terrible PMS work on the 2nd deck distributin switchboard, the faulty equipment overloaded, dousing Chief in a shower of high voltage/high amp electrical power that should have killed him instantly, but Grey used his amazing in-rate knowledge and powers as a Chief Petty Officer of the United States Navy to pull the life force back into him and redirect the energy into his body. Bestowed with the amazing ability to discharge the raw voltage from his hands EMCS Grey realized that he had a higher calling. He has to use this power to destroy Commies, Nazis, Terrorists, Democrats and Liberals.
With a stripped down F-14 to provide an armored exoskeleton, its time to take criminals to the paint locker!
Cohen's Cat Claws/Regen Stalker Lvl 6
Cohen, Stanely H. (1922- ). American biochemist who determined that DNA molecules could be cut, seperated and joined, thus paving the way for genetic engineering. Sadly enough, the only thing science has been able to do with this knowledge is create Cat girls to fill the harems of rich men with barnyard preferences and Anime fans with tastes for Furry. Created in a lab two years ago, Cohen's Cat was sold to a young man with good credit references. After weeks of being used and abused like property, sleeping on a pile of dirty clothes in some unwashed, rude, antisocial twenty-something anime fan's parent's basement Cohen's Cat escaped the clutches of its master with a certain deadly finality. Done with dead end relationships, Cohen's Cat supports herself by contract killing. Scientists and Anime fans for free.
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
...her older sister Caroline's ability to make anything taste like chicken.
[/ QUOTE ]
Oftimes I leave out all the personal details and put down the most essential element of the character - sometimes, it feels more important to give the feel of the character than it is to give real specifics. Here's an example. While it tells you really nothing about the personal history of the character, it tells you basically what you need to know.
I have a ton of characters, and I enjoy writing bios for them probably more than any other part of the character creation process, but my all-time, hands down favorite has got to be the one I wrote for Doctor Crom, my Robots/Traps MM:
My name is Doctor Lazarus Crom.
For as long as I can remember, I have followed but one goal.
In its tireless pursuit, I have witnessed wonders beyond belief.
I have suffered losses deep and terrible.
I have committed atrocities most men cannot imagine.
When obstacles barred my path, I removed them.
When foes stood in my way, I defeated them.
When the would-be defenders of truth and justice opposed me, I eliminated them.
My cause is nothing less noble than rescuing humanity from itself.
And while these so-called heroes scurry about, protecting a life here or there,
I toil diligently, determined to save the whole of Civilization.
As thanks for these selfless efforts, I have been called a monster.
But perhaps the world needs monsters to accomplish the tasks its champions cannot.
My name is Doctor Lazarus Crom, and I have a destiny.
And that destiny is to rule you.
Now, more than ever, Paragon City needs heroes. Do your part to save it.
Several of these look very interesting and cool. I'm currently in the process of redoing my main character Spark Force over.
thanks Krochet... Im sort of hoping this thread will inspire some creative juices in the community...
imo... anyone can write out a page of "history" about a character... but it takes true skill to convey the sense of a character in confined space.
Unaccountable - Martial Arts / regen scrapper
Kelli Lindeman was just another accounting student, when one day, a freak computing accident gave her amazing powers!
More powerful than a company-wide audit! Able to leap tax shelters in a single bound! Killing her enemies with nothing but a sharpened number 2 pencil, she is. . .
. . . Unaccountable!
Tequila Lee - Spines / regen scrapper
Teresa Linares's great-grandmother began her career as a crimefighter at the age of 17, and passed it down to her female descendants. Teresa's grandmother was killed in the line of duty, as was her aunt; now it's up to "Teq" to carry on the family tradition.
Teq's mother isn't at all happy that her daughter has taken up the family "business" but recognizes that it's in her blood. Could it be, however, that Mrs Linares herself has a secret or two...?
(Editor's Note: Yes, she has. She has her own secret identity, taken on after the murder of her sister; as blaster "Trickshot Lena", she patrols the city, doing her best to make sure she never crosses paths with her daughter.
The Red Marquise - Broadsword / regen scrapper
Amanita Carnadine ruled her circle of the Sun King's court with an iron fist in a velvet glove, matching wits with her soulmate and sworn enemy, Etienne Helbourne.
...except that she's really Amy Sherman, grade-school teacher who's bored, bored, bored with her life-- except for the part where she's also a sword-wielding superheroine.
That part's kind of cool. She'd totally rather be the Marquise, though.
Feverella - Dark Melee / fiery aura brute
Marianne Crosswhite thinks everyone in her high school is incredibly stupid. She even has a list of people she seriously despises. The current top two: Peyton Sorenson, because she has apparently made it her mission in life to make unpopular girls (like Marianne) completely miserable, and Peyton's boyfriend Dakota Hanthorn, because he's stupid enough to be with someone as shallow as Peyton.
She will become powerful enough to crush them all... if she can stop blogging about it long enough to actually do it, that is.
Girlcrush - Dark Melee / Invuln brute
Peyton Sorenson is sick and tired of being the perfect girl. No more 4.0GPA, cheerleading, and actually trying to keep up with the in-crowd-- no more giggling and simpering at her sappy boyfriend!
She wants to smash some heads, kick some tails, and beat down anyone who gets in her way!
...if only she can quit worrying about how her outfit clashes with her powers.
If you click the link in my sig, it takes you to a page with my in game bio on it. (the paragraph labeled "description".)
I still have to do the webpages for Rafe and Daciana, but they'll be added soon enough.
I love your avatar, Choff... Love it :-D
This is something that always makes me curious. On the boards, or personal websites, we are able to make as deep and lengthy biographies for our characters as we want...
But, what happens when we only have 1023 characters to work with...
so, Im curious... how has everyone broken down their character's history, personality, look, relationship status, sun sign, shoe collection and PuR water filter so that it all fits into their ID card in game....
feel free to put as many of them as you want... I love to read the cliff notes