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  1. Little Lizzie?
    Da'ling, I havent heard from your side of the tree in ages.
    Torn apart that I wont be able to attend (wrong side of the pond, dontcha know), but Best wishes all around.
    Slay 'em.

    Tizane Bathory
  2. i've heard that <game name deleted> is going to have something along those lines.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Alsoa View Post
    I get a 403 on it.
    its probably been a while ;p
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    A fair enough opinion. However, we then get into the slight problem when you have a RP character that's been RP'd daily for over 4 years. Just WHAT do you put IN that bio? WAY too much has happened to her over the years to list much in the bio, and most of it, especially to a new RPer, would be completely meaningless.

    Do you care that she was the catalyst for the whole "Requiem War" saga we had on Union? Hell, there's some RPers on Union that don't even acknowledge that it happened in the first place! Does it matter to you that early in her career, she was arrested and tried for the brutal murder of a dozen kids? That kind of info would probably put you right off RPing with the character, in fact; yet it's a matter of public record that she was in fact, tried AND found guilty (and she did it too!), but was released only because it was proven she was under another's control at the time.
    actually, none of those "facts" would have turned me off as a roleplayer. I refer to the skill used in writing it, the depth of thought and caring shown in the character.
    ask yourself this question...
    are those facts IMPORTANT?
    if they arent "who you character is"... and are merely "what she's done.." then they arent relavent.
    if it DEFINES your character, that she killed a busload of kids, if it makes her who she is today... then its important.
    if its just an episode in her life... then it would be up to her to tell it.

    a backstory, especially with the limitations we have in the game, is NOT a running tally of every event a character has participated in.. rather, its an expose on those events which shaped him/her into a hero, into the person we see before us.
    as the character changes, and evolves... facts that were so very important, once, no longer hold the same significance.
    where once, there was a hero, fighting to avenge the death of his sister... now that hero fights to protect his young wife.
    so, the background drops that sense of vengance. yes the sister died, and yes it mattered once... but now there is something more important, more "self defining" than his previous aims.

    With a new char, it's different. You don't have much, so fitting it into 1024 chars is easy. With an old char though, things become much much MUCH more complicated.
    this is just conjecture.
    a new character could have just as much, if not MORE information and story about their life "before" than a character you've played with for four years.
    its up to the individual.
    I have what amounts to a 600 page "backstory" for a character I only just reciently made in game.
    there's no way I could put even an 8th of that character into the bio-space...
    not because the character is new or old, but because i CARE about that character.

    So I just stripped the bio from most of my chars, stuck the info on the Union Wiki, and just give basic data in the bio these days.
    Besides, the text editor for the bio is SERIOUSLY pants...
    mhm, like i said, I can understand your reasoning... not to mention the fact that your RP regularly with a specific group of people...
    they dont need to "get to know" your character. they know it. they just need the facts, to make sure they keep their RP straight.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    I refer to things not immediately doable in the char creator. Such as piercings (my main has a belly piercing, so would be visible in certain clothing) or tattoo's. Accent is another (as my main is British), and other things such as being a psi blank, so telepaths needn't bother thinking they can read her. (There's a decent reason for that too, roleplayed out over a series of several months, and not just an arbitrary "get outta my head" thing to annoy folks)
    I can understand that on some levels.... something like an accent, i'd just RP.. something like a peircing, to me, seems totally arbitrary and unless its "the belly peircing of the gods!" I wouldnt even mention it, outside of a roleplay chat "have you seen my new peircing?!" *shows off the belly peircing*

    but I can see the need to express something like "cant be mind read" or "has no soul", but in saying that, I like the challange and ingenuity of encorporating such information into an actual "story", in that confining little box.

    For anything else, get to know her just like you would anyone else in the real world. Stuff that's on the wiki is mainly there as a memory aid for people. I really wouldn't expect people who don't know her to bother reading any of it; and even then, only if they're interested.
    to me.... there is a firm distinction between IC and OOC information. My character knows nothing about yours, but what they can immediatly sense. but the reason I want to talk to you at ALL is because of either:
    A) i personally experenced your RP, and think its worth my time.
    B) Your backstory interests me.

    now, the sort of backstory you include, from my perspective, is "useful" when I am roleplaying with you... but it doesnt help me decide if I "should".
    so, unless Im already around you roleplaying, I have no way of really knowing if you're someone I'd be interested in roleplaying with. (which, imo, is the whole point of the backstory... to get an idea/feeling for the character and player in a passive, unintrusive manner.)
  6. heh... interestingly enough...
    I find it rather tedious to read through peoples lengthy, often medocre backstories written up on wikis or even here...

    likewise, I always thought biological discriptions a little pretentious in a primarily visual medium. (you have a scar, pick a face with a scar... dont just tell me about it in a bio, ya know?)

    ....so the necessity of restraining yourself to a feeling, or at worst, a summary of your character in those 1024 characters seems infinitely more compelling that what is produced with full freedom of movement.
  7. "Hey Sis. Sorry, I know it's been a while since I came by. Have you been enjoying the sun? Sorry about borrowing your stuff, but that's what little sisters are for, right? Anyway, I know you aren't going to like it, but I haven't been by cause I'm leaving. No, its not because of you. Well, not like that.
    See, that funeral made me realize something about you, about us, even about Mom. We're fighters, ya know? It just is't in us to give up, even when everything's against us.You never gave up and Mom never gave up. I know you'll understand when I cant give up either.You didn't want this for me; wanted me to go with Dad and get out of town, grow up somewhere safe. But I have to do this. Now more than ever because you were right. You can't put a fire out with a flamethrower.
    I'll make you so proud, Sis! You told me that if we ever stopped smiling, they'd win.So, I'm smiling, Cassie. I hope you can see me.
    You'll see.
    I'll never stop smiling."
  8. ((uh... solid. *holds up a fist in respect*))
  9. well, In silent protest.

    I... have just gotten naked.
  10. Skardiz Ierneater, Oi, chomp demz stumpies, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG
  11. Empress_NA

    New Britannia

    looks a lot like The American Dreamgirl's first costume ;P

    Ive changed it reciently though
  12. hehe, my comment on it says it all ;P
  13. (its kinda my thing ;P Im just not really good at the long elaborate things that go on in the RP forum, so I avoid it )
  14. My name is Nimuen. I was once Devil to the First Lord, servant to the Master of Boundless Hell. But my Master bid me enthrall the soul of a young, foolish man, who meddled in the affairs of greater beings; I failed. I misjudged this mortal, the strength of his will and of his soul. A more wicked cut still, for my failure the First Lord imprisoned me inside this mortal, and banished me from his radiance. This man, called Sythius, has stolen knowledge from me, to use against his enemies. But I am a being beyond time, and he does not know ever power at my command. I now use this mortal shell, as he uses me, to enact my revenge. To bring down the plots of my once Lord, and all his agents in this world.

    (I pictured the Devil inside Sythius as a female, something about the dichotomy of having truly twin souls inside one body (good/evil/male/female/mortal/eternal etc) strikes me as
    “right”. Beyond that it allows a lot more versatility in “roleplaying” the character, if you are into that, as the full range of emotions are possible. That being said, I made sure that nothing in here, apart from the name, sounds even remotely feminine(I hope) as you may have had something different in mind.)
    (p.s. – The paragraph is only 708 characters, meaning you still have another 315 characters or so to fiddle with.)
  15. dont settle yet.. I'll write up a 1023 here in the morning, see what I can come up with.
  16. Empress_NA


    WELL... Im finally at my new place, and finally have internet again...

    that being said, I will post up the winners of the contest in a little bit, as soon as I get links to them all to post here
  17. hahahah, he looks awsome, LJ, I love it...

    and to answer that question, in his own words:

    "You know... No, I really dont, Im just that awsome. New fanclub members, line starts to my right."
  18. Empress_NA


    sorry everyone... I promise.. I will update this monday (everythings loaded in the truck, so we move tomorrow)

    I didnt mean to keep everyone on the hook so long but soon, very very soon, I promise!
  19. "stop...rocking...the boat..... BLARF!"
    ...whojoowan'me kill?

    and sarga.... the only time zombies use their heads, is when its the only thing that will fit through the window to get at those lovely, lovely brains...
  20. well, it looks awsome...

    though Ive knever known Belle's outfit to get "scratched".... "esplode" is more like it
  21. hey, grats to ANYONE who gets an "O-nod", ya know? thats sort of the pinnacle of the community. gettting your name in bright lights.... or liteBrites..... something like that