R.I.P. Gamma.Girl - GAMMA LIVES!

Aliana Blue



Gamma.Girl was my first character. She was created to be cute and sexy and more than a bit naughty. Over the years I hope I've entertained a few people with her antics. I hope some have enjoyed my art, my micros and my stories.

Gamma has fought a variety of villains, as we all have in this game...

but it only took one anonymous complaint to kill her.

Wherever my work entered the realm of "for adults only" it was clearly marked as such and advance warning given.

But apparently this wasn't good enough. Someone appointed themselves the moral guardian of the masses, as if the masses (i.e. YOU) were not capable of making your own choices about what to view and read.

I don't dedicate time to character unless I love them. Only 5% of Gamma was what I played in the game. The other 95% was the art and the stories I dedicated to her.

Now that's all gone. My site has been deleted along with ALL of my artwork and ALL of my stories. No... I don't have backups.. it's all gone.

I could say, "screw it" and just draw more and write more. But with all I've been through recently, it's just not worth it.

So there will be no more stories

no more micros

no more fire imp drawings

no more Gamma.Girl

Cya guys, it's been mostly fun with a few glaring instances of "not fun".




"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



You don't have the files on your hard drive? What about google cache? While taking it all down is one thing, -losing- it completely is awful !!! I mean thats stuff you worked hard on, you should keep a copy of it just for yourself and don't worry about the haters!!!



I only saw the site once or so. To bad that will be the last.

You really should back up your stuff. Just incase you decide to try it again.

Couldn't you just use Deviant Art? Although you have to be a member to see the more racy stuff..



now that's just plain horrible!

i'm guessing someone reported your NSFW site and it was deleted by the ISP? if so, they may have back-ups of everything.

i never saw the site, but NObodies hard work and time should be cast off as simple as that.. especially if it's after only one complaint.

i know i wouldn't want to rebuild either, but at least you have everything else (such as DeviantArt) to look back on.

i'm very sorry to hear about this and hope you aren't completely disheartened.

who knows? maybe this will open the doors for a new toon? maybe a future version of Gamma Girl? maybe her daughter.. cousin.. imaginary friend..

point is, i'd hate to see someone disappear due to someone elses asinine self-righteousness.

My first MA: It's a No Good day. (Arc ID: 92684)
@CybinMonde: Nethershift - (50) - Dark/Regen/Dark scrapper (Infinity)
@Solunis: Desumater - (27) - Elec/Dark brute (Pinnacle); Syrah - (23) - DB/WP scrapper (Pinnacle) (proud member of Pinnacle on Tap)



Yeah. Don't listen to other people!!! You do whatever you like! I've had my own haters but I have never stopped what I do because of them!!



<_ _> Gamma, you already know how I feel; so I won't go on and on. *big hugs* In all seriousness - don't give up, find a new place to spread your wings ok? You're a good person, despite what some may think.

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Have you explained the situation to whoever your host was and asked for the file back-ups? They may be understanding if you approach it without sounding self-righteous and pointing fingers. Explain that it's all your own original work and you'd like it back.

What does their EULA say about NSFW material? If they have a zero tolerance policy that you agreed to, then the best you can hope for would be back-ups of your files. If not, then I'd fight the hell out of it to get your work back. But that's just me. I have a bad habit of punching bullies in their noses.

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



Sorry to hear that, huggle



I used the Way Back Machine and Web Archive. The problem is that it will pull up your main page, but nothing beyond that. I tried. :/



ISPs or Hosting providers often do not delete files after complaints. The hosting site in question is "Suspended" or in other ways of IIS disabled to allow DNS to trasfer to the site you had. This means that because the internet address doesn't work the files are gone. Just the way to it.

I would strongly suggest contacting the hosting provider / ISP who you had your site through to retrieve these files. They WILL have backups.

I am very sorry to hear that ones perception of art and ones creative expression can be taken so offensive. No matter the realm of children or adult alike. It is disheartening; don't let their actions rule or ruin your inspiration. Continue and press on. It's a grey day but not far from the colors we have all seen inside you.



Why wouldn't you make hard/secure backups of any data that was important to you?

I find that very strange.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




based on the responses I see here. I think there is enough community interest to help you at least start something else your interested in . I too would hate for you to disapear because someone else pointed a finger at you.



That sucks. I kinda liked drawin' her.



based on the responses I see here. I think there is enough community interest to help you at least start something else your interested in...

[/ QUOTE ]


Were you GenericHero'ed? Banned from the game? Or just had your site wiped? Maybe it's time for a "Gamma.Girl.Lives" campaign.



I really liked your artwork. I am really going to miss your site.

Incidents like this remind me of two important things about myself.

1) Always keep important things secure. I am habitual about this. Locks doors, backs up data, etc. I know saying this now isn't much of a help.

2) I hate people. I have a few friends, and I love them dearly, but I hate people in general. It just makes things so much easier.



based on the responses I see here. I think there is enough community interest to help you at least start something else your interested in...

[/ QUOTE ]


Were you GenericHero'ed? Banned from the game? Or just had your site wiped? Maybe it's time for a "Gamma.Girl.Lives" campaign.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hey you know, good point !!!

In Comic Book hero land, no one ever dies !! They always come back somehow!

So let's start the Gamma.Girl resurrection plotline pronto!



Well thats odd, so you had a link to a mature site in your forum signature, and someone complained to the mods and they talked to your ISP, a seperate server thing, and they took it down themselves? If its a third party and the ISP themselves didnt have rules about mature content on their server, that all seems rather weird to me. Oh well.




everytime something smacks me down you guys remind me just what a wonderful community this is.

Gamma was not GenericHero'ed and I was not banned. Just had my site wiped... all my work...

I am honestly very very touched by the support I see here

I just don't know what I'm going to do yet




everytime something smacks me down you guys remind me just what a wonderful community this is.

Gamma was not GenericHero'ed and I was not banned. Just had my site wiped... all my work...

I am honestly very very touched by the support I see here

I just don't know what I'm going to do yet

[/ QUOTE ]


You'll figure it out. <^_^> Remember - no matter what you decide, there is support here for ya!

I've lost a few large sketchbooks myself <~.~> which had literally years of work in them. It hurts. A lot. But the best I've always managed is to go "Ok, well... I can lay down and give up... or I can go forward and do even better work".

So eventually I knuckle down and move forward.

>.< *hugs again* Gah! Just dun let yourself get down as best as you can. Stand up, dust yourself off, and kick some artistic tail! Take it as an opportunity to start fresh.

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.




everytime something smacks me down you guys remind me just what a wonderful community this is.

Gamma was not GenericHero'ed and I was not banned. Just had my site wiped... all my work...

I am honestly very very touched by the support I see here

I just don't know what I'm going to do yet

[/ QUOTE ]

A politely-worded email to your ISP or hosting service should get you copies of your stuff. Definitely try that ASAP, before they do delete the files.

It's extraordinarily bad business to delete someone's website without any warning, and not something I've heard happening recently. If the polite emails don't work, escalate it and threaten legal action. Make it sound reasonable and you'll probably scare them into giving up your stuff.

And the real lesson is to always backup your stuff... and probably buy your own domain name and host it somewhere else. It's pretty reasonable nowadays.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



whats that rule.

if you have 2 backups you really have one if you have one back up you dont have any



Ironik is right - this comes under the rules and rights of intellectual property. The same we see often used within, what else, City of Heroes!



Someone dared to mess with the Girl that is Gamma?!

*Gets the "my little leg breaker" kit out*

That totally sucks that someone had a bug up their hiney and had to go tattle. Gamma.Girl will always live on, you said it was 95% of your art and stories, so its all in your head, and the mind of others who want to add on something to the life that is Gamma.Girl. Im sure there will be new inspirations somewhere down the line, and of course new stuff from the fans.

Chin up and all that good stuff, Phoenix's rise from the ashes, and im sure that someone who flings green radiation can make something happen.

*hugs for joooooo*