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  1. Well I just got back, and now my compy died. Will be a while before I can play again. at least I have my phone!!!!
  2. Rowrsie


    I was.gone longer!!!!!

    I back too. Howdy!!!
  3. Well me neither really. I.never unsubscribed.... Just didnt log in for 287 days.
  4. I just came back too..... I don't think I'm gonna go anywhere. Unless the influx of f2p makes things completely horrible... but we do get 1 server transfer a month at least. It'll only take three years for me to get all my characters over to the VIP server! Oh wait... I can only do 12, because i bought slots on virtue...

    Oh. Hi everyone I'm back!
  5. Cool glad to see you still kickin!
  6. LOL Don't drug the cat! :P

    Been good, same 'ol but stable! How are you?
  7. Rowrsie

    Buy This

    Oh gotcha. What happened to the first account?
  8. Rowrsie

    Buy This

    Did you change your board name? Hard to keep up with
  9. Rowrsie

    Hi gang!

    Aw that's not true, some of my best friends are birdies
  10. Rowrsie

    Hi gang!

    I could tell you how that turned out but that would pollute the time continuum!
  11. Rowrsie

    Hi gang!

    I'm secret time-enforcer, sent back in time to procure art! See in the year 2985 where I come from, we have no art! All art was destroyed in the robot wars... it's my attempt to repopulate the art species!
  12. Rowrsie

    Hi gang!

    Wow that thread is cool
  13. Rowrsie

    Minimal Effort

    Wow, this thread is full of win Awesome job everyone!
  14. Rowrsie

    Hi gang!

    Really? Where was that? I'll be happy to re-introduce myself.
  15. Rowrsie

    Hi gang!

    Oh I'm sure y'all are well aware.
    How are you doing Wassy?
  16. Rowrsie

    Hi gang!

    Just a Rowr stopping by to say hi! Glad to see the art community is still thriving and kicking! I miss you all! Sorry I don't stop by that much any more.... You know, real world and all that nonsense.

    I'm still on my IM and IRC chats and DA and all that too! So say hi if you want!

    I don't really have anything new to share though... Nothing new since December, and a sketch back in March... though Zerry did happily include me and Val in a pic
    ( ) It was a cute premise so we went along with it

    Anyway! Keep up the great (art)works! I still browse around and look at things on DA and... 'other places' that catch my eye
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Federico View Post
    Hello, i'm Federico, from the European servers.
    I draw, mostly girls, and comics, and comics with girls.

    ...and i did some of her naughty pics!=P

    I've seen 'em! :P
  18. Pfft everyone already HAS drawn TA.
  19. Hi all I'm Rowr and I used to hang out here a lot, but not so much any more as I don't have money to get commissions anymore, and I can't surf here at work anymore, and when I"m at home it's about the last thing I wanna do is read forums, rather would play games.

    But anyway I'm still around and about mostly. Don't like the new forums though so probably even less inclined to visit sadly
    Someone will have to poke me when there's something interesting to see though.
  20. Rowrsie

    Cat show!

    Wow total thread necro

    Good job! LOL

    And yes I'm still around,k as I was back then!
  21. Yeah I can't get a team together to try it
    No one lubs me no more
  22. Me and Jutey ran this a while ago, gotta run it again now that I know about reading Bios!
  23. @Rowr - Attack of the Rowr clones! #51577

    My first one be gentle! I actually ramped down the difficulty, used to be full of EB's... but now the whole thing is pretty 'easy' for me on my scrapper, but I've been told it's really rough on the squishies.... so good luck!

    Note: have not tested with a team larger than 2 so... who knows how well it'll work!

    Also: HI EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!