Cat show!
Heee! good idea!
They really do need to change the wording on the costume equipment though. "Cheetah" only applies to the face paint, which is actually labeled 'cat' I think, but the spots on the body are jaguar/panther spots, not cheetah dots... feh. Some people. If we HAD both that'd rawk. Big spots. Little spots. Rosettes.... ah anyway. I'm off to find some screenies.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
You just noticed this?
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm more of a dog person by nature.
Think this shot covers most of mine.
... I know one's been deleted in there, and I think I have two that don't show up in that shot.
Do you think I'd get more hits if I renamed this thread "Donkey Show"?
Fenris Harlock is my were bengal space pirate captain claws/regen scrapper from another dimension.
I also have a catgirl named Kitty Kill but I cant remember which server she's on.
...only one cat myself, but no screenies of him. sorry.
...the sword is truth...
I have a little catboy named Windfallen I also drew him
Yay! Cats!
Am I the only deviant here who doesn't understand the fascination with cat characters? :|
(No offense to anyone who has these types of characters by any means! I just personally don't get it.)
Am I the only deviant here who doesn't understand the fascination with cat characters? :|
(No offense to anyone who has these types of characters by any means! I just personally don't get it.)
[/ QUOTE ]
it's usually pointless to try understand peoples tastes, some like cats some don't, like me, i don't see the facination behind robot characters, they just seem... weird to me.
my chars though.
Hems is my main, a mutant with feline features, she was kidnapped by crey once, it's her DNA they use for some other feline projects HemilyTiger
She's from another planet, to assist the Galacto Guard, and humans on earth. Space Kitten
another crey experiment, an attempt to create humans with feline reflexes
Rebecca Purr
and my villain
wich crey made, she's a clone of Hemily Feral Tiger
Be forwarned - you brought this on yourself >.>;
The following is my enormous list of kitties <,< I'll list a little background info too so the costumes all make sense
Oh, a couple, but not many, have been deleted (because back when CoV started up; I had to switch accounts); so a couple of these this is your only chance to see! <O.o> (You don't care though <;.;> Do you? <Cries>
First up - my main character, Yumii. She has 4 costumes; plus I'm including 3 that I liked but due to only having so much room for costumes; had to replace. Well, one was simply character evolution - she got older <,<
Essentially - Yumii was kidnapped during a daily walk to class by the Circle of Thorns. When they attempted to sacrifice her, one of her family's long dead ancestors appeared and destroyed the possessor spirit before it could enter her. After helping Yumii dispatch the rest of the Thorns - the ghost made her promise to help others in need, and spent the next six months teaching her fighting techniques almost a thousand years old.
Now I'm sure someone's gonna ask "So why the robot suit?!" Simple - ever try to cut a giant robot in half with a katana? <,< Its a powerharness to increase her strength against hard targets.
The pics!
Power Harness
Power Harness Closeup
School Uniform w/ Nemesis Staff - This costume no longer exists - she graduated!
Samurai Outfit version 1 - I liked this outfit OK; but the shorts bugged me; so I made another version.
Formal Attire - This outfit has been removed in-game cause I didn't have enough slots.
Street Samurai - Removed for not enough slots
Samurai Outfit Version 2 - the current samurai costume.
Ninja Mode!
Normal College Student Kitty
Skycat is a Peacebringer with a history of taking a royal beating and comming back for more. Originally First Lt. Clara Sanders, She was shot down during the Rikti war and badly injured. The Kheldian Silversky offered to merge with her so she could get back into the fighting. Later, a Quantum equipped Malta Titan nearly killed the two; and they are only now re-integrating. (Thus her security level is a paltry 11).
Pre-Titan Costume
Current Costume
In all her Kheldian Glory
Hitoame (AKA 'Ame')
Hitoame is Yumii's best friend. Shortly after Yumii's kidnapping; and before she'd rescued herself, Ame went looking for her. Instead, one of her own ancestors appeared before her, and led her to a spot in Perez Park where a rain goddess granted her a Stormbow. Ame's ancestor was Yumii's ancestor's personal attendant and guard; and Ame's ancestor charges her with the same role.
Pointy Stick Launcher
Better view of her face.
A Ghostly Cat
Ghostly Cat is a 2000 year old spirit - one of a number of people caught in the crossfire of the war between the Mu and Oranbegans. She's spent most of those 2000 years wandering; helping people in need - usually subtly and not showing herself. Paragon however has required so much aid that she's been forced to manifest.
PTX03 and Skrapt
PTX03 and Skrapt are both the same person... well, android. PT was originally built as a substitute hero to help protect and rebuild Paragon after the Rikti War. Unfortunately she went WAY overbudget and the project was in danger of cancellation. To prove that her work was sound, the scientist who built PT sent her against Doctor Vahzilok alone. Vahzilok destroyed the robot and its remains were recovered weeks later covered in sewer sludge. She was to rot on the garbage heeps of Talos until the Banished Pantheon awakened their old gods. So strong was the dark energy unleashed, and so powerful was PT's personality - that she was re-activated and granted independance. Now she exists as Skrapt; aiding the citizens of Paragon, but far too ashamed of her destroyed body to ever release the constant cloak of darkness surrounding her.
Sorceress Yumii
There are a thousand or more different variations of Earth in the multiverse. On Hell Earth (not to be confused with Infernal Earth) - demons hold sway over most of the planet, their oranbegan slaves enforcing order.
For the few free people, the Sorcerers and Sorceresses of the Dark Order are their only hope. These brave individuals give up parts of their very souls to command the green demonfire that wreathes their world constantly; using it to drive back the forces of darkness. This is the Hell Earth version of my main character, Yumii.
Sorceress Yumii
Lt. Anne Gerroff
Anne is too young to remember much of the old Soviet Union. But she's seen alot of modern Russia, and she doesn't like what she sees. Despite the drastic changes in Russian society, Anne was brought up with the beliefs of an idealistic Marxist by her father; a former political officer in the army. Anne finally decided that the world's people could no longer liberate themselves, and that someone would have to rise up to inspire them. Such she now commands a small army in the Rogue Isles, constantly staying one step ahead of Lord Recluse while trying to bolster her ranks with members of the Scrapyarders and Dockworkers unions.
Lt. Anne Gerroff
Blazing Hellcat
Blazing Hellcat is just that, a hellcat from some dark netherdimension. Its purposes are not yet clear. (She's one of the very few characters I don't have a good background for yet!)
Blazing Hellcat
Tailchaser comes from a dimension where Nazi Germany won World War II and eventually conquered the entire planet. Having feline features and a darker skintone, she was sent to the labor camps as soon as she could walk. The 'inferior' peoples of Fascist Earth are made to work endlessly, and are denied even the most basic of educations. Still; they pass down ancient fighting techniques as best they can. When a revolt occurs, the rebels are able to take over a few outposts; including one "Portal Base" where the leaders of Fascist Earth are preparing for the conquest of other worlds. The rebels are brutally suppressed, and the last act of Tailchaser's best friend is to hurl her through one of the portals; hoping it leads her to safety. Tailchaser has wound up here; on Primal Earth; where she seeks to better herself; and recruit those who would help free her own world.
K47 is the result of hundreds of Crey cryogenics experiments; turning a kidnapped orphan into a walking wall of ice and sleet. Unfortunately for Crey, before they could program K47 as a "Protector"; she was rescued by a group of heroes; and now fights at their side.
Xen Musashi
The Cult of Xen is built around the idea that the surface world will soon come to an end - destroyed by Xen with plagues and fire; and that the underpeoples (those living in the sewers under the Rogue Isles and Paragon) will then rise to reclaim it.
Until then, it is Musashi's job as Xen's chosen prophet to recruit the disenfranchised and downtroden into an unstoppable army for the day of judgement. They also have a special hatred for the Rikti as both are constantly at war for turf in the sewers.
Xen Musashi
Disaster Cat
Disaster Cat ran off to join the circus when she was 12... unfortunately; that circus happened to be the Carnival of Shadows. She spent years in a psychic daze and doesn't remember much except for a very large fist and then waking up days later, free of domination. Disaster Cat was named by her friends because of her "walking fashion disaster" look.
Disaster Cat
Unlucky Kit
Unlucky Kit is just one of hundreds of Crey's victims; plucked from homeless shelters, under bridges, and anywhere else someone might go missing without much cause for alarm. Kit lost one arm completely, one from the elbow down, her tail, one of her legs is completely artificial all the way to the foot, the other is organic except the upper thigh - she's got more cabling inside of her that most satelites as well. Mentally its a miracle she's not crazy, as they left her awake through most of the surgery. Crey did however achieve their goal. Within Unlucky Kit's chest, right next to her heart, is a powerful micro fusion generator, capable of wreathing her in protective plasma, as well as discharging it. She's almost unstoppable, and can burn through a tank with a single plasma charged hand. She recently joined an organization called Longpaw - which is a group originally from Feline Earth who came to our own Earth via an interdimensional accident.
Unlucky Kit
Guardian Kitten
Guardian Kitten is a nigh-indestructable play toy, designed for super-powered kids who's toys can't survive their high-impact play. She's also programmed as a nanny and bodyguard, as such super-powered children tend to be the targets of villains. This particular model's charge has been kidnapped; and she hunts endlessly for the little girl she was built to protect.
Guardian Kitten
Savannah Lion
Savannah Lion had long been interested in plants, animals, geology... natural things in general. She became a tour guide and park ranger at a national park, and generally was contented in her work until the comming of Hammidon. Hammidon disturbs Gaea greatly; and in her revulsion of Hammidon and his Devouring Earth, came to Savannah Lion in a dream. She granted her the power over earth itself, and set her against the devoured.
Savannah Lion
I actually have 2 more I'll add later <x.x> I'm pooped now!
(I did warn you. >.>
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Holy moly...
I only have 2 or 3 kitties... including Rowr. :P
<-- in a kitty SG <'x'>;
Not to mention the fact that I'm a freak >.>
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
<-- Was in Kitties on the Prowl and still hang out in their global channel.
You were in the Legion too?! <o,o>
<. .> You must speak up sometime! <,<;
<-- is Yumii in the global <'x'> just in case you didn't know.
<bounds away>
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
<-- Was in Kitties on the Prowl and still hang out in their global channel.
[/ QUOTE ]
hems was in that SG too for a while, but RP happened and she moved on
Here are mine:
Tani of the 12 (aka Raanatani) and her friend Occam (who is spooky with those 'shut eyes'....)
And my assortment:
Khat'anna (katana/reflexes I think)
Yveen Sengihr (dominator? I don't know I don't play her i only needed a pic)
Cynonix (probably electric/emp def)
Cynthia (aka A Sanger Kitten, dominator)
RR in her catgirl outfit
Razi Sanger (and Tigeress hangin out) (electric/emp def) - this is probably one of my favorite pix too, nice 'postcard' feel to it... except that it's in the Hollows and he's surveying all the horrible damage out there)
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
<-- in a kitty SG <'x'>;
Not to mention the fact that I'm a freak >.>
[/ QUOTE ]
A squirrel in a kitty SG? That must be... uncomfortable for you.
<-- Was in Kitties on the Prowl and still hang out in their global channel.
[/ QUOTE ]
hems was in that SG too for a while, but RP happened and she moved on
[/ QUOTE ]
... I have no choice then.
<pounces Hems and Rowr> <^,^>
<-- couldn't help self >.>
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
Ninja mode rules!
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
Only one for me but she's a real hand full. Just ask Statesman.
Krazy Kitty
Sparky - mutant elec/elec/elec blaster

Who knew he was allergic to cats?
if people really would be interested... I could post sources for Space Kitty my PB on Victory.
Member: Mutant Force Five, Chaos Legion & Team Awesome

Am I the only deviant here who doesn't understand the fascination with cat characters? :|
(No offense to anyone who has these types of characters by any means! I just personally don't get it.)
[/ QUOTE ]
it's usually pointless to try understand peoples tastes, some like cats some don't, like me, i don't see the facination behind robot characters, they just seem... weird to me.
[/ QUOTE ]
Fair enough, fair enough. However, you're weird for not liking robots. *nod nod*
And holy crap Squirrel! Thats a lot of kitties! I gotta say, my favorites are Yumii's Power Harness and K47. Simple and elegant.
I've noticed the growing popularity of the "furry" or "feline" character type running around in game. I thought it would be interesting for those players to post pics of their characters and we can enjoy the variety of furry goodness!

Credit goes to Rowr for causing me to take notice of all the kitties running around.
So, if you have a furry or cat type character, post pics and show off!!!!!!