R.I.P. Gamma.Girl - GAMMA LIVES!

Aliana Blue



freeservers... but as soon as I get home I'm downloading EVERYTHING and finding somewhere else, a few people have already made offers

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Glad you got your stuff back! YAY

As a side note GAH on freeservers, how could you take all those popups!?

To echo everyone else...BACKUP!



First off, grats, Gamma! I'm glad you got access to your files again. If only we didn't have to worry about losing our treasured files... but since we do, because we can, please take measures to protect yourself in the future.

Second, until the terrorists really DO win, you have the freedom to conduct your art as you see fit. Don't let anyone take that freedom from you.

Third, mega grats on the gift art!
<--- jealous

All the best,



Gratz Gamma! That stinks you got your stuff taken away, but now you have it back! Glad to see you didn't leave




missed me by thaaaat much

(anyone who doesn't get the reference, just wait until the Get Smart movie comes out)



Get Smart - Freaking awesome series >.< I used to watch it on Nick at Night <,< Shoephone > Cellphone

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



I used to watch it just before Duckula...or maybe it was after.

Meh, too long ago.



I used to watch it just before Duckula...or maybe it was after.

Meh, too long ago.

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Why... why the ketchup?!




I used to watch it... on it's first run...




I used to watch it... on it's first run...

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You n me both....

What a perfect choice for Max though. I look forward to this movie.

So, you got those backups done, Gamma?!

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



almost, I'll finish tonight




You wanna host the image I made for you on DA, or do you want me to? I don't mind if you put it up on your gallery with the others, so people know what character it is.

your call.



I’m gonna level with you guys. I’ve no idea what this thread was about.

*watches Gamma’s avatar*

Mmm… gee, I hope that there’s a site somewhere with all of Gamma’s work.




rummor has it that DA is coming down on people hosting art that was done FOR them instead of BY them... Maybe it's better if you put it on your DA.

Marcian... my site got itself mysteriously vanished for a few days. Freeservers told me it was because they received a TOS complaint about it. I was in the process of asking them if I could access it just to retrieve my files and then *poof*.. my site was back.

Not sure if it's going to stay but it's there now... and all my work is there until it goes *poof* again.




rummor has it that DA is coming down on people hosting art that was done FOR them instead of BY them...

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I strongly doubt that, but it's your call. If you don't want to display it, then that's fine.



pffft!! don't be silly!! Of course I want to display it!! What idiot would NOT want to display art from you??

*putting it up on my DA now*



It's true, Doug.

Unless people take screenies of emails/chats/etc giving them permission from the artists and post them as 'release forms' along with the artwork, if anyone (!) sends in a complaint, the art comes down.

I, for one, am not pleased about this; it means I have to go bug every one of the folks that has given me gift art and that I have paid, asking them to say "yeah it's cool to display in your gallery" .... and then doing screenshots of the replies and posting them.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



oh i remember now, DA was making people put gift art in "scraps" where it couldn't be watched



Yeah... if you want to display a commissioned piece/gift art, all you ahve to do is upload it, then go to edit it and you will have the option of attaching the artists permission.



If you ask me, I am not going to change a single thing I'm doing until DA sends me a notice about it. I never get a 'new rules' news letter, I have never SEEN this new rule outside of other peoples journals, so if it is a rule change DA should send out a mass email notifying people about it.

So there. :P



Marcian... my site got itself mysteriously vanished for a few days. Freeservers told me it was because they received a TOS complaint about it. I was in the process of asking them if I could access it just to retrieve my files and then *poof*.. my site was back.

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Oh, I was teasin'. I was paying close attention to this entire thing. I just didn't know what to say that someone else hadn't, so I didn't (if that makes sense).

I'm really glad you got your site back, though. I'd highly suggest looking someplace better. Just a backup DA?



you tell 'em Rowr! I've had my fill of this wannabe internet censorship!





have at them, Cat lady!



you tell 'em Rowr! I've had my fill of this wannabe internet censorship!



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Oi. Gamma, peoples, you KNOW I love the artists here. Desperately and in a way that is illegal in 48 states...

... but this doesn't hold water.

You aren't being censored. When you join them, you're playing by their rules. That's what a TOS is: you agreeing to play by their rules.

Now, I want your art to be up. I love it, and I feel it is just that we have access to it consistently. I do not, however, get to say that they are censoring you when you entered a contract with them willingly.

Maybe I'm just grumpy because I haven't made my casserole yet, but... yeah.



pffft.. party pooper

I know all that, I just felt like getting rowdy and padding my post count =)

I am going to use a different host when I launch my new site so this doesn't happen again