R.I.P. Gamma.Girl - GAMMA LIVES!

Aliana Blue



I usually dont troll the art section at work just cuz.. but I say send then a nasty email/phone call and get your files back..

LvL 50's Inv/Em Tank, Katana/Regen Scrapper, Merc/Traps MM, Ninja/Dark MM, Crab
@Torell Guardian, Liberty & Freedom



1) contact your ISP - you have the right to know why your site's gone, and you certainly have the right to have *what was on it* back. They would rarely outright delete anything, until it's proven that it's against their policies to host it.

2) use a host which does not have any restrictions on your content. When you do have adult material up, you must remember: anyone on the internet CAN and WILL find it. If you do nothing to protect your interests - ie: nothing to stop 13 year olds from seeing something they shouldn't be legally - it IS going to fall apart. Know your isp's rules, and if you have a problem with them, host your images *without showing them*, use links instead.

3) .... how do you not have backups of anything? I know a lot of people who for whatever reason have never 'backed up' anything. But how is that possible? Did you write stories *directly on your website* and not copy to your own drive? I have in fact lost one or two pages worth of stories that I wrote on Geocities about 7 or 8 years ago - but since then I've learned: nothing goes on the web until it's got 2 copies on my hard drive and a copy burnt to disk. There *must* be a copy of things *somewhere* on your drive.

INTERNET TEMP FILES for instance, unless you've cleared a lot of space by hand recently, usually have the full contents of every single page you've visited recently. Use a paint program's browser to enter these folders, you might be very, very happy at the results. (I know for a fact that worked on windows 98, I do not know how well for XP, but it's likely.)

*HUG* I'm so sorry that people are jacktards. But this is a lesson for everyone. Back up your files, and read the fine print. Protections from stupidity start by protecting your OWN works. Think like a tard for a moment, and figure, "how could someone screw up this setup?" and go from there.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Well, since the ISP had their rules, which were quoted in the other thread;
*Dig dig*
From their "Acceptable Use Guidelines:
Unwanted Materials, Offensive Content and Disabling Code. You may not transmit, distribute, host or store unwanted materials, offensive content, disabling code or any other materials that may impact the Service or user experience. This includes, without limitation:
*snip*[*]material that includes or contains links to nudity, pornography or foul language;

[/ QUOTE ]

Looks like they nabbed you on the fine print. That's a harsh bit of agreement.


Hope you can find a new host that's a little more open-minded, and have a back-up.

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I don't think you have to send any messages when someone is apparently breaking the rules that they have agreed to?



If you get your backups, I'd be more than happy to provide a home on any one of my many domains, or host one with a name of your choosing (if it's available), at no charge.



Well see that's even a better deal than I could offer GG




Rootin' for you.

[ Link removed. ]

@Ghost of Malta: The world's #1 Malta Group fanatic!
"Liberty and Justice by any means necessary."



Darn that's aweful.




Here's something for you to throw into the new gallery if/when you get it up.

Rootin' for you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, that's just raw happy.



Well...how 'bout that for a superhero.




Here's [NSFW!] something for you to throw into the new gallery if/when you get it up.

Rootin' for you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oooo... <O.o> That's niiiiice.

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



well, In silent protest.

I... have just gotten naked.




Here's [NSFW!] something for you to throw into the new gallery if/when you get it up.

Rootin' for you.

[/ QUOTE ]


oh wow!! that is just amazing



Hey Gamma, I heard about this travesty of justice and I'll draw something for you to help get your site stocked up with new drawings!! if you can send a screenie of your toon thru the forums or Email it to me, I'll get right to work on it!

No one should have art denied to them. Especially not a superheroine!

::sharpens the pencils and gets to the drawing table::


The Neverending Battle Continues; Be Heroes!!

Stuff I've Drawn

My Deviant Art Page



Hey Gamma.Girl... you happen to have an image of Gamma online so I can see what her costume looks like? Mostly just curious. Mostly.




There's Gamma's screenshot folder


What? I know I'm not Gamma Girl.



I really liked your artwork. I am really going to miss your site.

Incidents like this remind me of two important things about myself.

1) Always keep important things secure. I am habitual about this. Locks doors, backs up data, etc. I know saying this now isn't much of a help.

2) I hate people. I have a few friends, and I love them dearly, but I hate people in general. It just makes things so much easier.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry to hear about your troubles Gamma. You are such a generous person it is sad to see bad things happen to nice people

I have to agree with PFalcon on point #2 especially, people are the Debil.



Well, you still have all of your Deviations, so all is not lost




Here's [NSFW!] something for you to throw into the new gallery if/when you get it up.

Rootin' for you.

[/ QUOTE ]
Really cool piece Ghost!

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



well, In silent protest.

I... have just gotten naked.

[/ QUOTE ]
hmmm ... prove it? ( I could regret that )

Arc: A Little RnR (17523) - Poster
Char Site | My DeviantArt



... It's a trap!

@Ghost of Malta: The world's #1 Malta Group fanatic!
"Liberty and Justice by any means necessary."



Who was the host of your website again?



Wow, that must really suck, losing all your art. But I say keep drawing.



wow... you guys are just totally awesome... here's the most recent shots of Gamma in her prefered costume






I've had a few days to calm down a bit and look at the postives. I've sent an email to freeservers to see if I can recover my stuff. The art is well, I still have hard copies but my scanner is borked, but at least I still have the paper.

the real loss is my stories, I DID only work on those online and have no copies anywhere. And my naughty micros.

but anyways, I WILL be making a new Gamma.Girl site to showcase the amazing art you guys have given me.

And I will go back to my micro que to fill those requests =)



wow... you guys are just totally awesome... here's the most recent shots of Gamma in her prefered costume...

[/ QUOTE ]

I prefer the school-girl outfit since I'm not a fan of the trenchcoats, but I might be able to work with this...