647 -
oh as a side point, anyone between Woodbridge Virginia and Durham North Carolina that is interested in car pooling, drop me a line (Email: Myke_bim2003@yahoo.com)
It will be one helluva hike, and I'll need to do some finagiling at work to get the 6th off, and then not open the 7th.... but I just might be able to make it. Not looking forward to a 3-4 hour drive but hey, for CoH I'll make the trip if I can make it at all.
Here's to hoping to see you all there! -
Quote:Yes. I am all for it. Who's going to organize it?I am moving out of the area, but that means I will just have to travel back, from outerspace...
oo sorry, wrong segue...
Anyhow, Crazed Drifter has lead on this organize! Get with him for details, but it's looking like the 17th Nov 2012 is our best date, (short notice is short), and our best location is still Arundel Mills (since everyone knows where it is and the parking is MUCH easier now).
Hope you can make it... Obsidian Light and I will be coming in from TX... -
a long slow quiet walk through the streets of Paragon city by a generic un-named person. Starting in Atlas part, the streets are lined by NPC civilians. Then in Kings Row the Low level NPC badies. As you progress through the streets they are lined by the more and more powerful NPCS, moving up into the MOnsterous creatures. Only to come back to Atlas park, where the streets, and roof tops are lined by us. The player characters. We line every street and every roof. Until we come back to the statue of Atlas, where the Phalanx stand. Coming full circle from where it began.
Just a heads up: Raging Bull productions is still in need of additional demo editors.
Okay, who's up for getting another Meet-and-greet together?
So I'm working on a new image, and I'm trying some different things with it. When I started it I felt like I had a pretty good understanding of what I was doing and felt pretty confident with each step. But now I step back and look at it at it's current stage and I'm not so sure. The really annoying thing is I can't really put my finger on what I'm doing wrong. Of course I did just spend 4 days in 100+ degree heat with not AC or power before I spent 4 solid hours working on this image, so maybe my brain is a bit too baked right now to see what the problem is and I'll see it in the morning.
That aside, I would like to ask for other people to check it out and provide feedback and critique on the image. The image I'm linking is a screen cap right out of Photoshop so please excuse the guide lines in there. They will not be in the final image.
Now firstly I'm doing a reverse lighting source on this piece. Unlike my prior images of Positron (which was lit primarily from behind and the sides of the image) and of Manticore (which was lit from the from of the image), this image is being lit from the bottom with the source of the light coming from his right foot. This has proven quit confusing as I'm added high lights and shading.
The second problem I'm having is the skin color. The character is question has very dark, almost black, colored skin and when I say black I don't mean like african american black I mean black as in black ink. I tried adding high lights with grays and those seemed to come out as too harsh in contrast, looking more like shades of white out then light and shadow playing across his face. Then there's the hair. His hair is supposed to white and grey, like advanced age kind of white and grey. I'm thinking if I stick with a real black for the skin color it's just going to contrast too heavily with the hair and look false.
Anyone have any feed back or suggestions? -
I can't put my finger on it, but something about the layout changes you recommended coupled with a bit more controlled lighting effect changes the whole design and I rather like this particular center-centric layout:
[Click on the image for the full size version]
I've also been working on a Manticore wall-paper in the same style as the Positron one:
[click on image for full size version]
I can't figure how to do Manticore's eyes so he doesn't look evil or like he's a drug head. I want him to look stern and intimidating. Not necessarily evil. -
Quote:How said is it that this is the high point of my day today?Well since no one else has I'll give it a go. You didn't specify if you're looking for critique on design, layout, content or artwork so in turn...
Quote:Design; Looks good and with that much blue space it would be easy to resize it for different dimension desktops (1600x1200 1920x1200 etc). Two things I would suggest:
1. The "legacy" lettering doesn't match too well with the CoH lettering. The white ->black gradient only stands out from the dark blue because of the gray fringe. Perhaps different colors or remove the fringe but give it an outer glow like the CoH lettering (maybe ever brighter to draw attention) to better tie it in.
2. You have to make a decision if you want Posi and his green glow to be it's own design element confined within the stripe or not. If yes widen the stripe or restrict the glow if no then I would extend it more, right now it looks like it's accidentally spilling over.
Layout; I think the CoH LoS would look better centered. As a desktop most people have their icons along the left wall and this would cover up the letters and make for a jumbled look. The Posi stripe is okay on the right but some people have icons there too so if you wanted the most compatibility I would say make the Posi stripe down the middle with the lettering above it.
All good and valid points. I'm not personally a fan of centered wall-papers, but that's an opinion thing. As for the lettering of "A Legacy of Sin"... that one I have to grind my teeth on a bit. Like I said I had originally made this wall-paper as a tie in piece to my Legacy of Sin fan-comics so I want the logo to be consistent across its' usages.
Quote:Content; Is/Was Posi ever a member of Vanguard? I know the Phalanx tangled with them over the Rikti in the comics. If you are not meaning to show his connection to van directly maybe move their emblem up and bracket either side of the lettering. Or use the Phalanx logo or some combination.
In the cannon storyline no, Positron was never a member of Vanguard. In my Legacy of Sin storyline everyone more or less winds up either officially joining Vanguard, working for them, or working for someone who is working for them. And now that I actually type that thought out and look at it I'm thinking it would probably work better to get rid of the Vanguard logo in this particular instance all together.
Quote:Artwork; Big thing here is to consider your light source. If his hands are the light source, as the lighting on his legs and torso suggest, then some things need to change. His helmet and shoulders are lit from the front by something inches away from his face and right about visor level but his hands are down and cast backward in what looks like the start of the Electron Haze animation. Also might consider some rim lighting in a bright green at places like the bottom line of the shoulder pads etc.
Quote:The particles orbiting his hands could have their trails stand out a bit more.
That what you were looking for?
Looking good though and I'm interested to see what comes of this.
P.S. From a layout standpoint what do you think of this?
The cuts and lineups aren't precise this is just a quick and dirty
cut/move to show what I mean.This would allow icons to either side.
So I was shifting through my files and ran across a Wall-paper I had started several months ago. I had started it in conjunction with my City of Heroes: A Legacy of Sin fan-comics, but never really got around to finishing it up. So I dropped it into Photoshop and spent a couple hours putting some more work onto it. I don't know if I would say it's 'complete' but it's as done as I can afford to make it at this time. So I figured I'd post it up, ask for feed back and critique on it and when I have the time, go back and apply the feed back on it.
The City of Heroes: Shining Stars is a fan driven project to produce an ongoing machinima series based around the Shining Stars super group collection of characters. We are in the process of producing a mini-promotional episode. However, to produce the full series in a timely manner we will require more resources then we presently have. Those resources are people.
Under the name Raging Bull Productions, we are working to produce this series. However, at present the entire staff of Raging Bull Products amounts to myself, Torroes Prime, and my lead writer, Lady Libby. As you can see, that creates a bit of a bottle neck in terms of work ability compared to work load.
One of the things I want to do is keep this fan-based project from developing a job mentality. This is a project we are undertaking in our free time because we want to and its fun. I want to try and keep that mentality as much as possible. To that end, I dont want to overload anyone who joins us and thus we need to have more manpower to spread the work load around a bit. Instead of having one person spend 20 hours a week doing demo editing, we would like to have 10 people spend 2 hours a week to accomplish the same thing. Or even better, 20 people spending 1 hour each. Presently we are in the process of producing our promo episode and are seeking individuals interested in being Demo Editors.
Demo editing is probably the single largest part of this entire process. For those of you who have tinkered with Demo editing before, you understand how much of a time sink it can be. Now of course the big catch with demo editing is well, we kinda cant make the series at all without it. Were not saying its more important than the Writing, the voice acting, or the sound designer, but without the demo editing, we sort of wouldnt have anything to show. So, this is where we can really use extra manpower.
Im not going to go in to a lot of detail about what demo editing actually is here, but I will provide the basic idea for those that dont already know.
City of Heroes includes a Demo Record command which when activated records everything that is occurring on the current map the player that activated the command is on. When the record completes, either through exiting the map or using the Demostop command, the record of everything that occurred from the start to the end is compiled into a list that is a demo file. In the demo file is a listed order of events based on a time code. Literally each line of a demo code reads X milliseconds after the previous event, entity Y performs executes argument Z with parameters 1,2 and 3. That file can then be used to instruct the City of Heroes Game engine to re-render what it recorded. The cool thing about this is the fact that the demo file is little more than a basic text file so we can edit it and change what was recorded and thus make the game render something different on playback. Now, we cannot use demo editing to change the way the game works merely what it rendered. Basically, if you see it happen it game, you can make it happen with Demo editing.
There is already a great library of information and guides about demo editing out there and if you want to know more about demo editing I highly recommend you check them out. The best place to check is the Paragon Wiki pages on Demo editing. I have included links below for those:
Demo Editing- How To
Demo Editing/Demo Problems and FAQs
Demo editing/Additional Information
It's a bit comparable to the animation of a animated series. The Animators take the script and story boards and create the actual animation based on those parts. The finished animation is then taken and compiled into footage where it will be edited as needed and the audio synced to.
If you want to help us by being a demo editor, but do not know demo editing, have no fear. I will gladly help you learn the process and some of the tricks I've learned over my years of playing with it.
The thing you do need to already possess is at least a rudimentary understanding of cinema terminology. if the script or story board says that there is a "Wide medium shot of Twin Shot with the Paragon City Hall framed in the back ground" you need to understand what that kind of a shot will look like in your head. I can teach you demo editing. I'm afraid I can't teach you cinematography. -
Quote:What Badmartialarts said. I have not spoken of Video editing at this stage. In this particular process of machinama, the video is created by running a demo with Fraps recording what the demo shows. What I need are people to create the demo files themselves.No, it sounds like he's going to give someone a script and they are going to make the characters hit their marks and say the lines on queue. Demo editing is more like directing than video-editing, as described, although some After Effects work at the end might kick it up a higher notch. I don't know anything about demo-editing, and don't have the free time to devote, though. :/
Here's the process:
1: Create Script
2: Record voice overs
3: create Demo files
4: Record Footage (Run Fraps)
5: Edit footage into video with proper audio.
What I need are more people to work with me in creating the demo files to be run with Fraps to produce the footage. People need to have a moderate to good understanding of cinematography and camera shots. I can not teach that. I can teach demo editing. So if the script says:
Medium closeup:TwinShot
They need to know what a Medium close up is. I can teach people how to accomplish the shot with demo editing, but I can't teach them what the shot is.
Der! I just had a brain storm. Think of it like Animation. You have to have a team of artists to draw each cell in order to assemble into the finished animation. I'm trying to get demo editors (animators) to work with me to create the demos (animation) in order to edit into footage for the episode. -
Quote:That's like saying a monkey can run a camera for a TV production. Yes a monkey can run a camera.I didn't get from this thread what you actually wanted people to do.
I get that demo editing is editing a text file. But a monkey can do that.
What are you actually asking people to do?
I can do the demo editing. The challenge isn't whether or not it can be done. The issue is whether or not it can be done in a reasonable amount of time. And for that we need manpower. 1 person doing the demo editing means it will take several weeks (read 6-10 weeks) to produce each episode and that's not counting delays that one person may encounter. We would really like to put together a Demo Editing team of 6-10 people if at all possible. -
Just a heads up that Shining Stars is still looking for demo editors.
The City of Heroes: Shining Stars is a fan driven project to produce an ongoing machinima series based around the Shining Stars super group collection of characters. We are in the process of producing a mini-promotional episode. However, to produce the full series in a timely manner we will require more resources then we presently have. Those resources are people.
Under the name Raging Bull Productions, we are working to produce this series. However, at present the entire staff of Raging Bull Products amounts to myself, Torroes Prime, and my lead writer, Lady Libby. As you can see, that creates a bit of a bottle neck in terms of work ability compared to work load.
One of the things I want to do is keep this fan-based project from developing a job mentality. This is a project we are undertaking in our free time because we want to and its fun. I want to try and keep that mentality as much as possible. To that end, I dont want to overload anyone who joins us and thus we need to have more manpower to spread the work load around a bit. Instead of having one person spend 20 hours a week doing demo editing, we would like to have 10 people spend 2 hours a week to accomplish the same thing. Or even better, 20 people spending 1 hour each. Presently we are in the process of producing our promo episode and are seeking individuals interested in being Demo Editors.
Demo editing is probably the single largest part of this entire process. For those of you who have tinkered with Demo editing before, you understand how much of a time sink it can be. Now of course the big catch with demo editing is well, we kinda cant make the series at all without it. Were not saying its more important than the Writing, the voice acting, or the sound designer, but without the demo editing, we sort of wouldnt have anything to show. So, this is where we can really use extra manpower.
Im not going to go in to a lot of detail about what demo editing actually is here, but I will provide the basic idea for those that dont already know.
City of Heroes includes a Demo Record command which when activated records everything that is occurring on the current map the player that activated the command is on. When the record completes, either through exiting the map or using the Demostop command, the record of everything that occurred from the start to the end is compiled into a list that is a demo file. In the demo file is a listed order of events based on a time code. Literally each line of a demo code reads X milliseconds after the previous event, entity Y performs executes argument Z with parameters 1,2 and 3. That file can then be used to instruct the City of Heroes Game engine to re-render what it recorded. The cool thing about this is the fact that the demo file is little more than a basic text file so we can edit it and change what was recorded and thus make the game render something different on playback. Now, we cannot use demo editing to change the way the game works merely what it rendered. Basically, if you see it happen it game, you can make it happen with Demo editing.
There is already a great library of information and guides about demo editing out there and if you want to know more about demo editing I highly recommend you check them out. The best place to check is the Paragon Wiki pages on Demo editing. I have included links below for those:
Demo Editing- How To
Demo Editing/Demo Problems and FAQs
Demo editing/Additional Information
If you want to help us by being a demo editor, but do not know demo editing, have no fear. I will gladly help you learn the process and some of the tricks I've learned over my years of playing with it. -
no worries Winter. We're working on the promo episode now and hope to be getting started on the series itself in a couple months. So we'll be looking for more voices in the none-to-distant future. keep an eye on the forums.
So, Raging Bull Productions has now completed it's first video. Originally intended to be little more then a week end project to add audio to an in-game cut scene, this quickly grew into creating a 2 minute mini-movie and is now being released under the Raging Bull Productions name. I present to you:
City of Heroes: Romulus' Ascension
This was a mostly fun project to undertake. Relatively simple to cut my teeth on there were a lot of things I did that frankly made the project that much more difficult. The biggest was being impatient and working on the video before I had gotten the voices in. That created a lot of head aches that were only compounded later on in the project.
Another thing I did was I attempted to follow a "How does this work? how can I improve it?" mentality, meaning I took was was there added a little bit to it, looked at what I added, then added a bit more. This meant I was constantly going back to the drawing board to either remake the same demo file several times, or messing up an existing one and restarting from the original demo. Moving forward I will attempt to set up the story before I give any solid though to editing the video. That more then anything else was my biggest failure with this video. The most glaring example of this is the far too long shot of Romulus walking away from the camera and to the stairs to face the Nictus. Originally I had intended to have that shot inter-cut with shots of the 5th Column commander deploying his troops but the needed shots never came to be.
I had also intended to expand the transformation sequence into something somewhat inspired by Skeletor's transformation in "Masters of the Universe", only with out the long-winded pointless speech, with the light blinding those close by and seeing them covering their eyes and such. Again, that never happened.
These were all because of my lack of planing in the beginning. I really got to a point where I realized that if I was ever going to finish the video I had to put my foot down and say "NO more! Finish what is there!" And I did. Well, live and learn. At least I have learned the important lesson of planning first in this sort of a production. My next challenge: producing City of Heroes: Shining Stars! -
Quote:Yeah, I really do. I've been trying to take the 2 or 3 people that have answered the call and multiply it out so instead of having 4 people walking on the side walk I have 20.Nuts, wish I saw this earlier.
You still need to get this shot? Because I know quite a few people who would be more than willing to fill as background extras.
Buuuuut it's not working out. Instead of having 20 people I have 5 groups of 4 people doing the exact same thing along the exact same path exactly 5 seconds removed from each other. It looks too mechanical so yeah... I really need 15-20 people to demo record so it really looks like I have 20 people on the side walk.
I'm going to reschedule the shoot for sunday evening about 6:30pm EST to give a chance for word to get around. -
given the quality difference between the Springfield mall theater and the Muvico theater... yes. Besides, dont you want to be able to have a beer with your Avengers movie, Traegus?
Hey all, had a thought for the next M&G. Here's my thought:
We meet at SpringField mall (it's metro accessable so it's easy to get to and parking shouldn't be anywhere near as huge of a deal as Arundel Mills was. Lets say 1:30pm is the target time frame to meet. We meet there. Spend... I donno a, hour or 2 hours for lunch and kibitzing and then we pile into cars and car pool down to the fredericksburg Muvico theater for the actual movie.
Thoughts for that? -
I'll keep this brief and to the point. I am working on the opening shots for the promo episode of City of heroes: Shining Stars. They are a series of dolly shots through Atlas showing the city. All well and good, except for one thing. There's hardly any people around. Sure there's a hand full in Atlas Park. And one or two walking the streets occasionally, but just waaaaay too few to account for a major city like Paragon is supposed to be. So, here is what I would like to do. I would like to get 10-15 people to fill in for the non-present civilians and extra heroes that were ever present in the comic series back ground. Literally all I need you to do is start at one of 2 points and walk/fly to the other. That's it.
I need people for three shots. If I can get 10-15 and just do 2-3 passes that'll be great and I'll be able to demo edit as I need in civies or whatever. I just want the city to look like... well a city. With more then 150 people in it.
Who's available Monday evening about 8:00 pm EST to help me with this? With a little luck shouldn't take more then 20 minutes.