I predicted this




that got nerfed in the new patch too

have to re-apply GI every time you're unhidden for it to add to -per

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope, that's how it has worked since Suppression was added to the game.



So a single use of Clear Mind makes a hero virtually immune to dominators, AND gives them perception bonuses for the duration of the buff....but a single use of Grant Invis only grants -perception until you attack, and after that you never get the bonus again until it is re-allplied? Even if we attack and then avoid being hit long enough to re-establish hide, we don't get the -perception benefit of GI again?

Does this seem unfair to anyone else?



OTOH, doesn't the defense component of GI not supress ever? I might be wrong about that, but that's how I understood it working. It's more like a defense power that happens to allow you to stealth missions if you're careful.



that got nerfed in the new patch too

have to re-apply GI every time you're unhidden for it to add to -per

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope, that's how it has worked since Suppression was added to the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm confused here does that mean i'm no longer hidden to just that group until GI is re-applied while i'm not attacking them after the 10 sec cool down? Or does it mean i'm seeable to everyone until I re-apply GI?

The way it seems to me right now is that everything has a 10 sec cool down like hide. Like if I do have stealth on, cast smoke, if I wait 10 seconds I will see myself fade out after a while and will be able to walk between them as fully invisible.

Superspeed is another issue, after I attack with super speed it seems to follow that everything can see me until 10 seconds or so like hide, but after that i can run around fine.

If its the case where u have to just turn the power off and back on again it seems like everyone would rather have super speed with instant on and off rather than waiting for stealth to recharge again. Which would make super speed too powerful again.



So a single use of Clear Mind makes a hero virtually immune to dominators, AND gives them perception bonuses for the duration of the buff....but a single use of Grant Invis only grants -perception until you attack, and after that you never get the bonus again until it is re-allplied? Even if we attack and then avoid being hit long enough to re-establish hide, we don't get the -perception benefit of GI again?

Does this seem unfair to anyone else?

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree, this is the way I understood Suppression acted since it was added to the game, and _Castle_ says that GI is acting since it has always acted, in accordance with Suppression.

So which is it? When a person with GI on him attacks a foe, is the -perception suppressed for 10 seconds until the suppression ends, and then restored to its original value? Or is it permanently lowered until GI is cast again, once it recharges?

I also notice that the graphic returns to its original transparency after 10 seconds. If this graphic does not correspond to the actual behavior of the power, then this is a bug, and should be fixed.



somebody test this in game? :>



I just PM'ed _Castle_ for some clarification. According to him, when the -PER from GI surpresses, it never unsurpresses against another player's PER but does against mob's. I am going to test this tonight to get a definitive answer since this doesn't match up against the testing we did earlier.


Lords of the Dead
Old School Legends



none of the stalkers have any resistances to cold, fire, energy, or neg. energy.

/regen have resist to lethal, smashing, and toxic, unless you include MoG which sucks
/ninjitsu have psi and toxic resistance

and thats about it besides having tough for lethal and smashing damage, so it doesnt matter what damage people do as long as they hit us we feel it all.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're wrong. A /Energy stalker has a 7.5% RES to Energy and Neg as well as a 12.5% DEF to Fire, Cold, Energy and Neg Energy.

As well as eventually a 45% DEF to Melee, Lethal, Smash, Fire, Cold, Energy, Neg, and Toxic in a somewhat MoGish power.

I do play with a /Energy Stalker. I notice quite well when she doesn't take the heat on some things as much as my Corruptor does.



I tested it yesterday, and it works exactly as _Castle_ said.

One corruptor stacking clarity on another, while I toss GI on a teamed stalker. Stalker is only visible at really short range up until he brawls the corruptor. And from then on he's visible up to 70y, I think. But GI never came back up.



If you're dedicated to PvP then you'll have Fly and Teleport for Travel Powers

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope, Fly is the worst (in general) travel power for PvP. TP is a good secondary, but SJ is far better (for most tactics) than Fly is.

[/ QUOTE ]

I strongly disagree for Stalkers.. It's a GREAT travel power for Stalkers in PvP. It allows you to do things the other's can't. Like hunt with near impunity for one. Most people don't bother to look straight up. I do not have stealth and do just fine getting my bounty in Siren's Call. Hover overhead and when you find your target drop on them (with practice you can land right next to them from pretty far up) and hit Build Up as you fall so they don't hear it comming. By the time they notice you and get past the shock you are suddenly about to AS them they can't interrupt it. I find Fly to be far more desirable than any other travel power personally. Plus, getting away can be far easier going straight up and limits the teammates you may have to fight if they give chase after killing their buddy. And for me, with SR if I do get hit by a -Fly power, Sprint + Quickness + (Fitness speed power who's name escapes me ATM) = mini travel power. Not to mention that Fly allows you to AS kiting blasters and such. Takes a bit of skill to get the ones that like to move a lot but it can be done. Just use Hover as a break. All in all Fly is a GREAT travel power for Stalkers.




HO's do not make a difference because of ED. HO's do not increase damage or ACC beyond what SO's offer since ED was implemented.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh come on, it allows you to have 3 Acc + 3 Dmg in 3 slots and still have 3 empty slots to fill with End Red or Recharge (or whatever secondary effect your attack might have) SO's. If you are saying that doesn't have an effect on PvP you are sorely mistaken. The player doesn't have to make a choice between Acc vs. Dmg with HO's. He gets both.



HO's do not make a difference because of ED. HO's do not increase damage or ACC beyond what SO's offer since ED was implemented.

[/ QUOTE ]

while that is sorta true, HO's still allow you to have more slotting options to make you more effective than you would w/ just SO's.



that got nerfed in the new patch too

have to re-apply GI every time you're unhidden for it to add to -per

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope, that's how it has worked since Suppression was added to the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

There's another issue with GI though that's PvE related... if you reapply it, that person for some reason becomes visible again if they have no other stealth powers, and has resulted in being Alpha-Struck by mob spawns MANY times in my SG where a lot of us take Grant Invis and use it to setup for AoE debuffing blitzes.

...This makes Reapplying G.I. MORE dangerous than just letting it run out later in a lot of instances, especially instances where there might be large armies of mobs or AV's like Siren's hotspots and the new R's.V. PvP Zone.

...Shouldn't frequently reapplying G.I. be a win win situation for everyone?




HO's do not make a difference because of ED. HO's do not increase damage or ACC beyond what SO's offer since ED was implemented.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh come on, it allows you to have 3 Acc + 3 Dmg in 3 slots and still have 3 empty slots to fill with End Red or Recharge (or whatever secondary effect your attack might have) SO's. If you are saying that doesn't have an effect on PvP you are sorely mistaken. The player doesn't have to make a choice between Acc vs. Dmg with HO's. He gets both.

[/ QUOTE ]

Read what I wrote. HO's do allow for more slotting options, I never said that they didn't. What I was pointing out was the HO's do _not_ increase ACC and DAM more than SO's do.


Lords of the Dead
Old School Legends



There's another issue with GI though that's PvE related... i

[/ QUOTE ] As you apply GI, it drops the previous app of G.I. Perhaps it's done as a necessity to prevent it from self-stacking. At some point it has to negate the old effect before applying the new duration.

Yes, if you attempt to re-Inviso a toon standing in the middle of a spawn, they will aggro as you re-apply GI.Unfortunately the gap between dropping and reapplication is long enough for mobs to instantly target you...as is the nature of a comptuer AI. Fortunately for stalkers, humans aren't as quick to react.

Nevertheless, the way GI functions has been known to those of us who have been using it since suppression was added. Nothing Castle has posted indicates a change of any sort in how GI has worked.



Nevertheless, the way GI functions has been known to those of us who have been using it since suppression was added. Nothing Castle has posted indicates a change of any sort in how GI has worked.

[/ QUOTE ]

The point is that the huge advantage that multiply stacking CM, and multiply stacking TACTICS give, simply cannot be balanced by GI in the current way it works. I would like, just ONCE, to see something balanced. Why is it that every single aspect of the game has to be geared towards giving the heroes the advantage?



read the comics much? watch movies much? the good guys are meant to win. normally its not unless the good guys are out numbered by the bad guys do they even break a sweat not to mention ever really die. the heros in movies and books win all the time and you could make a list a mile long about it.

villains on the other hand, not many movies are made where they win, cept maybe SAW, texas chainsaw massacre and some other twisted horror movies. get my point heros must win and if they lose must be outnumbered by extreme numbers.

we are the underdogs my friends, we have been given the equalizers (stalkers) and we must lead our fellow villains in mass if we hope to overthrow the heros and their allmighty glory.



Why is it that every single aspect of the game has to be geared towards giving the heroes the advantage?

[/ QUOTE ] hahahaha ...that's rich.

The point is that the huge advantage that multiply stacking CM, and multiply stacking TACTICS give, simply cannot be balanced by GI in the current way it works.

[/ QUOTE ] Hunh...so what you're saying is that a team can gain the advantage over Stealth and that's not fair?

But it was completely fair that invidual stalkers could gain the perception advantage over other solo toons? Wow...how quickly stalkers whine when they lose the upper hand. Where is the attitude that you should "get some skillz" as was so often repeated to players complaining about stalkers?

Why not get a team and play as a steam so you don't have to rely on being invisible?

Or better yet, there are plenty of ways to fight heroes that can see you....after all...it's not like you can't see that Empath and it's not like that Empath is going to one-shot you is it?

Btw, does AS still crit if someone can see you? By golly it does, as long as you have the hidden flag.

Are you saying it isn't fun when you're a stalker and you can be seen? Oh. But of course it doesn't matter if it's no fun when you can't see a stalker. Now that the shoe is on the othe foot, this just isn't fair.

What I think is encouraing is that none of the APP's for Stalkers have a stackable Stealth power. Conclusively shows that devs did not intend that Stalkers should be allowed to attack other players completely unseen as a part of their MO. Think about that.

The devs knew full well that tons of /SR's and /DA's are going to get FA..not to mention that /Regens can take Tactics and FA and put an end to inviso ganking.

I find it amusing that now that people really do have "tools" to see stalkers....stalkers don't like it. It was fun to tell people that they had tools, when we knew that those tools were by and large ineffective all but specifically built teams, as Castle's revelation reveals, but now that solo Scrappers can truly counter your inviso...it's just not fair is it?

Let me PM Cuddles, he's always sympathetic to the Stalker cause. Maybe he can petition on your behalf.



So the point the OP was trying to make was that in RV stalkers will no longer be able to solo against teams (which usually form because of stalkers) without a team of their own?

The way the zone was described sounds a lot like a Battlefield 1942 map. Turrets, mobile defenses like giant robots, control points, etc. It doesn't sound like the type of zone where anyone will do well solo. It also doesn't sound like the type of zone where the point is to rack up the most kills.

I imagine stalkers will be very useful in helping a villain team take down defenses/signature heroes/giant robots while the rest of the team distracts them (hey, an actual use for MMs in a pvp zone!) as well as defending the control points the villains control. It will not be a soloers paradise like SC is.



HO's do not make a difference because of ED. HO's do not increase damage or ACC beyond what SO's offer since ED was implemented.

[/ QUOTE ] There's that rock solid logic so often found on these boards...

Never mind that using three slots, you are most likely exceeding the accuracy of any SO'd toons. Nevermined that with three slots, you have three more slots which can all be slotted for recharge which would increase your DPS substantially. Nevermind that if you chose to six slot with Acc/Dmg, you would be getting a beneift over other SO'd toons 10% greater accuracy and damage like having someon on your team running Assault and unslotted Tactics.

No, HO's don't provide any increase in damage for those who can fully slot them. Can I have yours please?



you dont understand the differences it seems, without being hidden we have no power, and when seen we will be the first targeted, knock out of hide, and we have the 2nd lowest hp's in the game. basically i know that teaming with the right people i wont have to worry about being hunted by anything.

heros were meant to win, i'll say it again, but i'll be damned if they are gonna hunt me ever in RV. they can nerf us, they can make sure the heros have the upperhand, but they can never give skills to the unskilled.

heros will always be in fear of being killed by stalkers and will always have a team. something i wont ever have to worry about in recluses victory is fear that i will be hunted down by heros because as we all know heros always stay together, and a lone hero is a free kill, most of us stalkers can see through the -Perception cap of non stalkers and since they will only still see us within 10 feet while were teamed we dont have any worries of being hunted.



HO's do not make a difference because of ED. HO's do not increase damage or ACC beyond what SO's offer since ED was implemented.

[/ QUOTE ] There's that rock solid logic so often found on these boards...

Never mind that using three slots, you are most likely exceeding the accuracy of any SO'd toons.

[/ QUOTE ]

Really, so will 6 slotting HO's give you more ACC than 6 slotting SO's? While you _can_ slot dam/acc HO's that nets you a whopping 15% more than a 3 and 3 SO slotting.


Nevermined that with three slots, you have three more slots which can all be slotted for recharge which would increase your DPS substantially. Nevermind that if you chose to six slot with Acc/Dmg, you would be getting a beneift over other SO'd toons 10% greater accuracy and damage like having someon on your team running Assault and unslotted Tactics.

[/ QUOTE ]

I never said that HO's didn't give an advantage, they do, but people complaining that they will suddenly be taking massive amounts of additional damage and having their defenses nullfied by HO's don't know how the game works.


No, HO's don't provide any increase in damage for those who can fully slot them. Can I have yours please?

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't have any.


Lords of the Dead
Old School Legends



I know this is probably an EXTREMELY stupid question but:

Is there a list of the HOs you can get out there?



*Note copied from Wikipedia, so the info may be out of date*

Nucleolus - Damage + Accuracy

Centriole - Damage + Range

Peroxisome - Damage + 'Mez' Effect

Endoplasm - Accuracy + 'Mez' Effect

Golgi - Healing Rate + Endurace Cost Reduction

Ribosome - Resistance + Endurace Cost Reduction

Microfilament - Travel Speed + Endurace Cost Reduction

Lysosome - To Hit Buff + Defense DeBuff + Accuracy

Enzyme - To Hit DeBuff + Defense DeBuff + Endurace Cost Reduction

Membrane - To Hit Buff + Defense Buff + Recharge Time Reduction

Cytoskeleton - To Hit Buff + Defense Buff + Endurace Cost Reduction


Lords of the Dead
Old School Legends



bah I was hoping for a damage/end or acc/end

Thanks for posting that for me tho.