Resistance against Def debuffs




So preety much, Rad controllers can Abandon ye all hope of hitting SR in pvp...Like Freakin Ice tanks and SR need the help...Out of all the glaring flaws that need immediate attention in CoH, you concentrate on making SR and a few Tank builds harder to hit in PVP? What kind of Bilge Rats make these decisions? Yaaaarg!!!



As some players have pointed out, Defense builds (Super Reflexes, Ice Armor, Stone Armor to a degree) have an inherent weakness in that there are a plethora of powers that debuff Defense in PvE and PvP.

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I quit. that fist line was the biggest load of bull cocky anyone ever tried to feed me with a straight face, so-to-speak. Do you devs actually PLAY City of Heros??! I mean with real players, who dont know you're devs and try to kiss your bottom for it? Cause my magic 8-ball says, "signs point to NO!"



The game is balanced around PVE with some selective PVP changes....still primarily PVE.

Also I beleive on test Deflection bubble now provides melee def in addittion to it's other effects...and Insulation now provides ranged...Dispersion provides AOE def.

Force Bubble had endurance costs reduced..and a chance of knockdown added.

All about the bubbles is just what I have read not tested yet...but OOOoooOOO.

That WOULD make them resistant to def debuffs ranged/melee/aoe if this exteneds to them :P.



Dispersion Bubble needs this. Bad. It's the only power in our primary set that gives us any defense at all, and with it running at a 22% defbuff maximum, it means that -def powers make it more or less nonexistant in a heartbeat.

Have no issue with no -def resistance in the targetted bubbles, as those are supposed to be extra defense in the first place. Disp Bubble is our lifeline though. Please consider adding this to the Defense based set that seems to be overlooked in the grouping.


Marut, 50 FF/Rad/Power Defender - Champion
Leader of The Earthguard
Leader of The Galactic Empire



What about Invulnerability? Since now it is basicly Super Reflexes. Where is the resistance for Invicibility and Tough Hide?

Come on devs, art guys, where is my Maid costume for my characters! 5 years now, its a simple request.



Giving resistance based sets the ability to resist resistance debuffs (what a mouthful), and then giving the ability to enhance resistance debuffs seems like this too might go a ways to help balance the differences between the sets.

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Resistance sets already have resistance to resistance debuffs equal to their resistance (let's see how much longer we can make this).



Giving resistance based sets the ability to resist resistance debuffs (what a mouthful), and then giving the ability to enhance resistance debuffs seems like this too might go a ways to help balance the differences between the sets.

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Resistance sets already have resistance to resistance debuffs equal to their resistance (let's see how much longer we can make this).

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, interesting. Thanks for the info. And no, I don't think I could make it any longer.



So preety much, Rad controllers can Abandon ye all hope of hitting SR in pvp...Like Freakin Ice tanks and SR need the help...Out of all the glaring flaws that need immediate attention in CoH, you concentrate on making SR and a few Tank builds harder to hit in PVP? What kind of Bilge Rats make these decisions? Yaaaarg!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you kidding?

A Defender with a single slotted Accuracy enhancement and 6-slotted tactics is more than enough to negate all of an Ice Tanks Defense in PvP. You won't even need any Debuffs. Same goes for SR once Elude is out of the picture.



Fantastic Statesman!

Question though, when you say lessened by 10.8% does that mean:

A def debuff of 10% is eliminated or;

A def debuff of 10% is reduced to 8.92%?

[/ QUOTE ]

The latter.



Like Freakin Ice tanks and SR need the help...Out of all the glaring flaws that need immediate attention in CoH, you concentrate on making SR and a few Tank builds harder to hit in PVP?

[/ QUOTE ]

yes, they do need the help. Yarr, dismantling an SR or Ice tank is trivial for anyone with a tohit buff or def debuff. There also be plenty'o def debuffs in PvE too. Dozens of em, last I heard.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



As some players have pointed out, Defense builds (Super Reflexes, Ice Armor, Stone Armor to a degree) have an inherent weakness in that there are a plethora of powers that debuff Defense in PvE and PvP.

[/ QUOTE ]

I quit. that fist line was the biggest load of bull cocky anyone ever tried to feed me with a straight face, so-to-speak. Do you devs actually PLAY City of Heros??! I mean with real players, who dont know you're devs and try to kiss your bottom for it? Cause my magic 8-ball says, "signs point to NO!"

[/ QUOTE ]



As some players have pointed out, Defense builds (Super Reflexes, Ice Armor, Stone Armor to a degree) have an inherent weakness in that there are a plethora of powers that debuff Defense in PvE and PvP.

[/ QUOTE ]

I quit. that fist line was the biggest load of bull cocky anyone ever tried to feed me with a straight face, so-to-speak. Do you devs actually PLAY City of Heros??! I mean with real players, who dont know you're devs and try to kiss your bottom for it? Cause my magic 8-ball says, "signs point to NO!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Arrr, methinks you need to remove yer head from yer [censored]. Mebbe they fergot to add in FF, but believe you me - def base sets need some help ya scurvy dog!

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



OK, three questions come to mind...

1. As has been mentioned many times, will this extend to FF?

2. Will this extend to the APP versions of these powers?

3. Will a defense debuff debuff your defense debuff resistance to additional defense debuffs?

Sorry for any difficulty parsing #3, but that was, in fact, the clearest phrasing I could come up with.

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



As some players have pointed out, Defense builds (Super Reflexes, Ice Armor, Stone Armor to a degree) have an inherent weakness in that there are a plethora of powers that debuff Defense in PvE and PvP.

[/ QUOTE ]

I quit. that fist line was the biggest load of bull cocky anyone ever tried to feed me with a straight face, so-to-speak. Do you devs actually PLAY City of Heros??! I mean with real players, who dont know you're devs and try to kiss your bottom for it? Cause my magic 8-ball says, "signs point to NO!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Cue throwing toys out of pram.

Hak Inc�
"Justice by the sword since 2005"

"......anyone who read the description of a blaster and actually rolled one up isn't capable of understanding... how to breath without visual aids and an iron lung." - TheMightyScourge

�Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.�



As some players have pointed out, Defense builds (Super Reflexes, Ice Armor, Stone Armor to a degree) have an inherent weakness in that there are a plethora of powers that debuff Defense in PvE and PvP.

[/ QUOTE ]

I quit. that fist line was the biggest load of bull cocky anyone ever tried to feed me with a straight face, so-to-speak. Do you devs actually PLAY City of Heros??! I mean with real players, who dont know you're devs and try to kiss your bottom for it? Cause my magic 8-ball says, "signs point to NO!"

[/ QUOTE ]

You're kidding right? This is actually something "real players" have been complaining about. Its too easy to debuff DEF and its way too common in game.



You need to explain this better.

Does the resistance stack? If so, why would I ever use a Defense Debuff against a SR scrapper?

Does the resistance only function against attacks/effects that the armor defends against? If so, what about Radiation toggles?

With this change in place, can you explain you vision for powers like Burst (Assault Rifle) or Neutrino Bolt (Rad)? They have a low defense debuff, but chaining together some hits help out a bit. Now these secondary effects will hardly contibute to an enemy that uses Stone/Ice aromor or SR. The only way to affect them in a fight that lasts longer that 10 seconds is to use a big debuff power like Irradiate.



I can still get pwnd in PvP buy ToHit. Thanks for the help in PvE tho.

Currently roleplaying, badgehunting, and laughing at the PvPers of CoX. lol, PvP.

Truedusk - Human Rogue



Fantastic Statesman!

Question though, when you say lessened by 10.8% does that mean:

A def debuff of 10% is eliminated or;

A def debuff of 10% is reduced to 8.92%?

[/ QUOTE ]

The latter.

[/ QUOTE ]Can you provide more clarification on a related question?

Do the resitances stack and apply to all debuffs, or do the FF+Dodge resistances only apply to Melee debuffs?

If FF+Dodge only applies to Melee, then I am curious as to how these numbers were chosen. /SR's can't cap anyone anymore. So a 10% debuff, reduced by a max of 31%, is still approx 7% debuff. At the height of my /SR resistance, i'm saving 3% of 10%? I'm really at a loss for understanding how the magnitude of suggested resistances address what you recognize as a problem.

Can you provide of us with a real situation, say a lvl 50 Rad using six slotted RI with defense debuff against an /SR with max slotted defense?

Thanks for looking into the problem and offering some help.



Avast, ye scurvy dog! I approve of these changes!

Off to the alehouse!


/likes "Talk like a pirate Day"

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



Fantastic Statesman!

Question though, when you say lessened by 10.8% does that mean:

A def debuff of 10% is eliminated or;

A def debuff of 10% is reduced to 8.92%?

[/ QUOTE ]

The latter.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks a lot. Like I said great job!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



As some players have pointed out, Defense builds (Super Reflexes, Ice Armor, Stone Armor to a degree) have an inherent weakness in that there are a plethora of powers that debuff Defense in PvE and PvP.

[/ QUOTE ]

I quit. that fist line was the biggest load of bull cocky anyone ever tried to feed me with a straight face, so-to-speak. Do you devs actually PLAY City of Heros??! I mean with real players, who dont know you're devs and try to kiss your bottom for it? Cause my magic 8-ball says, "signs point to NO!"

[/ QUOTE ]

Have you ever played a Reflexes scrapper who gets hit with Quicksand (Earth Thorn Casters), Vengeance (Nemesis Lts.) or try to fight in range of a Geode's emanator?

"Signs point to NO!"


Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



I have 6 Debuff defence/end HO's in my Rad infection. I Fight SR and Ice on a regular basis in the arena. With Rad infection, Multiple Damage/Acc HO's ane Even Buffs from other team members I Still have a Horrible time trying to Hit an Ice tank/SR. I can't drop their toggles with Brawl because it NEVER connects.

Poison Envy's Anger is VERY justified. Scrappers and Tankers that can Drop a Controler with ONE or Two Hits Need not worry about a pathetic Controler/Defender attack breaking through their defence. The only Valid arguement the mentioned Defence builds have is that they are at a disadvantage to damage resist builds in that there are fewer -resist attacks (Just wait it My Sonic blaster is of level tho) You sir need to untuck your head from your lower extremities for a clearer look at what this means to builds that rely on defence debuffs. Ye Scurvy Dog Ye!



Statesman, thank you for realizing that Defense-based power sets are still lagging behind sets that rely on Damage Resistance or Healing.

I agree wholeheartedly with the spirit of this proposed change, but I think that it misses the primary problem with Defense-based sets (in PvP at least): the overpowering nature of toHit buffs. With a single click, an unslotted Aim, a moderately slotted Build Up, or a heavily slotted Focused Accuracy/Targeting Drone negates an entire Defense-based line, even fully 6-slotted. No one power should completely negate an entire power set, and in order for Defense based sets to be brought in line with Resistance or Healing based sets, this weakness needs to be eliminated. The problem can be attacked from any number of angles without severely impacting PvE, including reducing the base numbers on toHit buffs, adjusting the +33% toHitBuff / 20% Defense Buff disparity in SO enhancements, reducing player base accuracy for PvP only, or even altering the to hit formula (as posted by Geko) to favor Defense more than it currently does.

A change such as this would go a long way towards balancing Defense based sets against their peers. The other issue I would truly like to see addressed is that SR/Elude is required for an SR scrapper in PvP. The toggles and passives simply don't provide enough mitigation against an opposing hero, even when no accuracy is slotted and no toHit buffs are used. Fighting for 3 minutes then running away and hiding for a minute and a half isn't very fun and doesn't seem very heroic. If Elude is truly supposed to be 'situational' like MoG and Unstoppable, then some balancing is needed to make the rest of the set a viable alternative.

I realize that PvP and PvE must both be considered in the balance of a set, but the I5 changes hit Defense based sets especially hard in PvP. With City of Villains on the horizon, PvP balance is even more important. I truly believe these problems with Defense based sets in PvP can be worked out without negatively affecting the PvE balance of the game.

a Defense build absolutely depends on the enemy missing his attacks!

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That quote just about sums it up.