Resistance against Def debuffs




Good job statesman, this was a good change..




Because the whiniest bunch of losers in the game (scrappers and tankers) didn't like being held, debuffed and gelded like the weaklings they actually are.

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uh...yeah. i guess that quote says all i would feel the need to say about your sentiment. do yourself a favor and walk away for a little while. come back when descriptions like "emotional", "embarassing", and maybe even "not very nice" won't apply so well to your own rebuttals. while you're away, ask yourself if you really think that your ability to debuff +def-based sets is a game-breaking issue in light of the observation that those +def-based sets themselves could i say this nicely..."not very viable at all, period for a list of reasons" in the arena. there's no dev confirmation yet that anything you're claiming about defender and controller abilities versus this new change is even the case.

this kind of sentiment--especially here on this particular thread of help for +def sets--is sad to see.




What are you going to do about the lack of reliable protection DEF builds have against anyone with perma or nearly perma +ToHit buffs, i.e. Blasters and Body Mastery Scrappers?

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How bout you do what controlers do! Brawl till focused acc goes down and RUN when Aim/Buildup goes up?!

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Yarrr, thar she blows! Tactics, matey. Goose and gander and whatnot.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



One Question

What are you going to do about the lack of reliable protection DEF builds have against anyone with perma or nearly perma +ToHit buffs, i.e. Blasters and Body Mastery Scrappers?

Supporting statements for this question:

I'm sorry but when my Dark Defender can cycle through Power Build Up and Aim so that I never miss an SR Scrapper there's something wrong with them. Everyone knows that a Blaster can easily do the same. From my own experience I've also seen that Focussed Accuracy completely ignores +DEF powers not to mention -Acc powers. Put an SR Scrapper up against these and watch him wither.

Don't get me wrong, this is definately a step in the right direction but I feel that it is not quite enough when you look at the PvP aspect of this game. As it stands, I wouldn't dream of bringing a DEF build into the Arena unless I knew the other guy's keyboard didn't work.

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LOL . I knew it I knew someone was to ask to nerf Focus Accuracy .

You know what , in the end , if someone challenge you for the arena and you see that he has powers that might invalidate your defense , it may be wise to decline the challenge By concept this game let players select their powers and its VERY likely that in the world someday youll get your rear badly beaten by someone who isnt better than you but happens to have exactly the right powers to take you out . What can you do about it ? No AT can defend against everything ya know ...

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And this is why I hate PvP

Sign It :




What are you going to do about the lack of reliable protection DEF builds have against anyone with perma or nearly perma +ToHit buffs, i.e. Blasters and Body Mastery Scrappers?

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How bout you do what controlers do! Brawl till focused acc goes down and RUN when Aim/Buildup goes up?!

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Yarrr, thar she blows! Tactics, matey. Goose and gander and whatnot.

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Oh young Master! Please school me in the art of tactically overcomming the complete inability to hit your opponent! Unless you were suggesting I pull another Respec out of the ole bung hole and spec in a new pool power to combat the Def DEbuff resist?



In order to rectify this situation, we will be adding a Resistance to Defense Debuffs to a number of powers. This Resistance will not be enhanceable, but it will increase over level.

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1. So, am i clear in understanding that by resistance to defense debuffs means exclusively scaling resistance but this does not increase the actual DEFENSE of each power. So, rather than RESISTANCE in the way we may think of against dmg.... this is DEbuff Resistance... and not an increase to defense for the SR set?

2. If this is only a DEbuffs res addition and not DEfense that the set needs to have up'd to handle aim + build up or Focused Accuracy + Tactics which are made more common in pvp builds these days... and there are no defensive pools high enough to match those accuracy to hit buff pools....then what good is the Resistance to debuffs against that equation? I'm not ripping.... i'm seriously inquiring for clarity.

3. In the scrapper set...Super Reflexes is the dominant Defense set so then why is regeneration's moment of glory higher defense than SR's ELUDE (which offers resistance making the defense of that power more useful)? Will Elude be receiving a bump to a higher defense stat than mog in the future? And same for the other toggles.... if they matched up with evasions defense increase then that may be something.

This is a great start in helping us not delete our lvl 50 Super Reflexes toons... as some have called the set "not-so-super-reflexes". This step means a lotta hard spent money month to month and good player time grinding a SR to 50 is taken into account and this is helping some of us feel a bit better about keeping those memberships. Thx for taking the time amid our daily frustrations. We do appreciate that at least.

Honor Before Glory!




Do the resistances stack and apply to all debuffs?

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I agree wholeheartedly with the spirit of this proposed change, but I think that it misses the primary problem with Defense-based sets (in PvP at least): the overpowering nature of toHit buffs. With a single click, an unslotted Aim, a moderately slotted Build Up, or a heavily slotted Focused Accuracy/Targeting Drone negates an entire Defense-based line, even fully 6-slotted.

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Understood; we're still working on this.

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I don't know about the rest of the CoH community, I only know what I see......

And if this is because of PvP, again you are going against what you said about PvP not being the driving force on power changes, etc.

I don't PvP....I have never pVp'd, I don't care about pVP, and really don't understand what all the hype about Pvp is.

If I wanted a PvP experience, I would have gone onto WoW and talked trash.

pVP should not be the contributing factor in anything that is PvE. PvE is what CoH is.

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All of you people ragging on PvP might as well give up. It IS the driving force behind all these nerfs, and it IS for balance. Stop playing against computer opponents, and welcome PvP.

Go to the arena? Hell no. Who cares about the arena?

I'm talking about CoV vs CoH. Anyone not exicted for this, may as well stop playing CoH.

Thank you Statesman. Thank you so much for this. If you also work on the to-hit buff problem, I'll actually consider using my MA/SR scrapper for PvP, rather than keep trying to figure out what regen build I want to use so I don't get my butt kicked.

There are around 50 powers that debuff defense. 50. That's an average of about 2 per set or so. It's like SR is Superman, but everyone's handing out kryptonite.




What are you going to do about the lack of reliable protection DEF builds have against anyone with perma or nearly perma +ToHit buffs, i.e. Blasters and Body Mastery Scrappers?

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How bout you do what controlers do! Brawl till focused acc goes down and RUN when Aim/Buildup goes up?!

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Yarrr, thar she blows! Tactics, matey. Goose and gander and whatnot.

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Oh young Master! Please school me in the art of tactically overcomming the complete inability to hit your opponent! Unless you were suggesting I pull another Respec out of the ole bung hole and spec in a new pool power to combat the Def DEbuff resist?

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If you want to win against min/maxed for PvP Defense builds: Yes. If not, then don't cry because you're not equipped with the tools to do the job.



As some players have pointed out, Defense builds (Super Reflexes, Ice Armor, Stone Armor to a degree) have an inherent weakness in that there are a plethora of powers that debuff Defense in PvE and PvP.

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With all due respect, this was not the sets' primary weakness. Defense Debuffs only aggravated the problem; they didn't create it.

We have declared that our pie was served too cold, and in compensation you have given us hot silverware.




If you want to win against min/maxed for PvP Defense builds: Yes. If not, then don't cry because you're not equipped with the tools to do the job.

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Oh I have the tools...They are just now being TAKEN AWAY. Hence my Ranting.



Ah, but you don't. It'll take more than One Debuff to overcome a min/maxed PvP Defense build.... unless it's Ice, of course. Then you only need one Acc inspiration.



Junior, If Radiation infection with 6 Defence Debuffs and Attack powers with 6 Damage/Acc HO's aren't enough, then that says something about SR doesn't it? Perhapse...*Gasp* SR is fine without a Buff adding Resistance to Defence Debuffs! OMGZBBQ!!



Have you ever played a non-Elude SR?

Thats the Ice Tank that PMM is defending.

And my lvl 32 SR gets eaten in the arena, and thats with the max Defense I can have for that level.

Thanks for eight fun years, Paragon.



Do the resistances stack and apply to all debuffs?

[/ QUOTE ] Yes.

I agree wholeheartedly with the spirit of this proposed change, but I think that it misses the primary problem with Defense-based sets (in PvP at least): the overpowering nature of toHit buffs. With a single click, an unslotted Aim, a moderately slotted Build Up, or a heavily slotted Focused Accuracy/Targeting Drone negates an entire Defense-based line, even fully 6-slotted.

[/ QUOTE ]Understood; we're still working on this.

[/ QUOTE ]
The message is really good news. The message behind the message is even better. I am glad to hear that you haven’t put the defense based sets into the ‘finished’ pile. Thanks for keeping at it.



Junior, If Radiation infection with 6 Defence Debuffs and Attack powers with 6 Damage/Acc SO's aren't enough, then that says something about SR doesn't it? Perhapse...*Gasp* SR is fine without a Buff adding Resistance to Defence Debuffs! OMGZBBQ!!

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Honestly, I can't speak too much for SR as I don't play it. I can, however, talk from my experience as an Icer.

In a fight with an opponent not build not PvP, I don't get hit too often. that's the way it's SUPPOSED to be.

When I've foolishly gone up against anyone that is built FOR PvP, I get hit consistently. One HOed RI is enough to notice a serious increase in landed hits. Toss tactics on top of that, I may as well not have any armors on. BU and Aim? I just go AFK and let the opponent wail away.

So, while you continue to throw this SR/Elude example down my throat, my ice Tank is melting away. Sorry if I don't feel much sympathy for your plight.



Yarrr, thar she blows! Tactics, matey. Goose and gander and whatnot.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh young Master! Please school me in the art of tactically overcomming the complete inability to hit your opponent! Unless you were suggesting I pull another Respec out of the ole bung hole and spec in a new pool power to combat the Def DEbuff resist?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yarrr, what's the matter me hearty, run out of crap arguments so now you start to make personal comments? Arrr, what tactics are there for an SR or Ice whose armour is useless and they run out of purples 5 minutes into a match? Avast, if it sucks for them it sucks for you. Blow me down!

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



Yarrr, thar she blows! Tactics, matey. Goose and gander and whatnot.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh young Master! Please school me in the art of tactically overcomming the complete inability to hit your opponent! Unless you were suggesting I pull another Respec out of the ole bung hole and spec in a new pool power to combat the Def DEbuff resist?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yarrr, what's the matter me hearty, run out of crap arguments so now you start to make personal comments? Arrr, what tactics are there for an SR or Ice whose armour is useless and they run out of purples 5 minutes into a match? Avast, if it sucks for them it sucks for you. Blow me down!

[/ QUOTE ]

Five Jolly Rogers for ye.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Yarrr, thar she blows! Tactics, matey. Goose and gander and whatnot.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh young Master! Please school me in the art of tactically overcomming the complete inability to hit your opponent! Unless you were suggesting I pull another Respec out of the ole bung hole and spec in a new pool power to combat the Def DEbuff resist?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yarrr, what's the matter me hearty, run out of crap arguments so now you start to make personal comments? Arrr, what tactics are there for an SR or Ice whose armour is useless and they run out of purples 5 minutes into a match? Avast, if it sucks for them it sucks for you. Blow me down!

[/ QUOTE ]

Five Jolly Rogers for ye.

[/ QUOTE ]

And a YO HO HO and a Bottle of Rum!

Sign It :



Overall I think this is a good idea. Especially for SR and Ice that seem to have the biggest issues. However now that you gutted Invuln's non-S/L resistances and make us rely on being surrounded to make Invinc worth having (Invinc is absolute garbage when you don't have foes in melee, and extremely powerful if you have several), I fail to see why Invuln got nothing for this when GA which is already powerful in the extreme, gets such a large def protection when it also gives huge res in a single power. I don't want to sound like I'm attacking Stoners (I'd prefer them to be left alone actually), but GA is already incredibly powerful, and unlike Unstop, I don't see much debate over whether you should take it or not, despite it's penalties.

I still am glad to see this especially for SR and Ice.

Edit:Most of we Invuln Tankers would prefer to see Invinc become less of the crutch it is anyway and the passives get at least some of their value back. Then we wouldn't be too concerned about this for Invuln.




What are you going to do about the lack of reliable protection DEF builds have against anyone with perma or nearly perma +ToHit buffs, i.e. Blasters and Body Mastery Scrappers?

[/ QUOTE ]
How bout you do what controlers do! Brawl till focused acc goes down and RUN when Aim/Buildup goes up?!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yarrr, thar she blows! Tactics, matey. Goose and gander and whatnot.

[/ QUOTE ]Yer clever tongue has stiched a grin over me scowl from ear ta ear. Another five Jolley Rogers to fly from yer mast as we set sail for the Rogue Isles....stalkers beware!




I agree wholeheartedly with the spirit of this proposed change, but I think that it misses the primary problem with Defense-based sets (in PvP at least): the overpowering nature of toHit buffs. With a single click, an unslotted Aim, a moderately slotted Build Up, or a heavily slotted Focused Accuracy/Targeting Drone negates an entire Defense-based line, even fully 6-slotted.

[/ QUOTE ]

Understood; we're still working on this.

[/ QUOTE ]
If I may ask....what is the eventual goal for the interaction between accuracy (via enhancements, inspirations, toHitBuffs, inherent power bonuses, defense debuffs) and defense?

What should it take to hit a six-slotted non-Eluding SR scrapper 50% of the time? Six-slotted accuracy enhancements in a power? Six-slotted accuracy and several inspirations? Six-slotted accuracy, several inspirations, and additional to-hit buffs?

I don't see any good balance point here. The SR player has devoted half his powers and slots (or more) to defense, so negating that with anything less is unfair to him...but it's not possible to spend half your powers on accuracy, so if you make it take that much, there isn't going to be anybody capable of hitting him. (Spending half your slots on accuracy actually sounds fair to me, but my understanding is that defense owns accuracy enhancements no matter how many of them you have.)



Cute but what about sets you now have made defense relient? Inv for instance is far more defense relient then stone. So why exactly does Stone get this and Inv does not?



However now that you gutted Invuln's non-S/L resistances

[/ QUOTE ] I've been thinking about this...and it occurs to me that perhaps one of the reasons Inv was so powerful was because it such high non-s/l resistance. Yes, I now you're on about Invinc and its evils, but gutting the non-s/l makes Inv a lot more balanced, imo, at least as far as scrappers go. Now, we start see places/mob types where Inv doesn't continue to totally dominate in the scrapper world. Its seems the they devs have decided that Invulnerability is now going to be great at S/L, but to be truly inv to everthing required some significant sacrifice and questionable value.

I'm not passing judgement as to the fun factor on this change, but from the fence, it seems to make sense conceptually. I never say the DM/Inv in my SG pause for anything...and that was with unslotted Invinc. Now we'll see if he pays a little more attention to CoT and BP.



Very well. Take away Controllers' ability to lower Tanker and Scrapper defense in PvP. Keep in mind that Defenders will still be able to make your armour useless, causing you to run out of purples 5 minutes into a match. Also, keep in mind that many defenders can boost their acc.

What are controlers left with? We can't mez you, we can't hit you. We don't do much damage in the rare event that we do hit you.

I am 1000% for the buff in PvE. But mark my words, these rediculous debuff resistance numbers will change for PvP. Unless the Devs are going back on the defenders' unresistable debuffs, Storm, Rad and Sonic controllers had best give up fighting SR, Stone and Ice in the Arena.



Any chance of Regen getting something like this (resistance to -regen)?