Resistance against Def debuffs




Staeman Spins :
As some players have pointed out, Defense builds (Super Reflexes, Ice Armor, Stone Armor to a degree) have an inherent weakness in that there are a plethora of powers that debuff Defense in PvE and PvP.

In order to rectify this situation, we will be adding a Resistance to Defense Debuffs to a number of powers. This Resistance will not be enhanceable, but it will increase over level.

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Yep, heaven forbid you all us to Diversively Enhance other aspects that you add to defense powers as a band-aid to a system that Postitron already stated has been part of your internal builds since March 2005; yet in those 7 months you never (until this outcry) bothered to consider Super Reflexes or powers in other sets that ONLY are allowed ONE and only one Enhancement type.

Gee, what was/is the point of Enhancement Diversification again? If it is to in fact diversify builds, wouldn't it be more logical to ALLOW Super Reflexes to now Enhance the other power aspects you're adding?



Have you noticed some stone tankers are below level 33? That's how stone is more defence based.




Yep, heaven forbid you all us to Diversively Enhance other aspects that you add to defense powers as a band-aid to a system that Postitron already stated has been part of your internal builds since March 2005; yet in those 7 months you never (until this outcry) bothered to consider Super Reflexes or powers in other sets that ONLY are allowed ONE and only one Enhancement type.

Gee, what was/is the point of Enhancement Diversification again? If it is to in fact diversify builds, wouldn't it be more logical to ALLOW Super Reflexes to now Enhance the other power aspects you're adding?

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The toggles already accept both endurance reduction and defense buff enhancments. The passives are being altered to add damage resistance, per States' recent post.

So, yes, in fact, they are adding things that allow more diverse enhancementsto the powers in SR that only accept one enhancement type.



So preety much, Rad controllers can Abandon ye all hope of hitting SR in pvp...Like Freakin Ice tanks and SR need the help...Out of all the glaring flaws that need immediate attention in CoH, you concentrate on making SR and a few Tank builds harder to hit in PVP? What kind of Bilge Rats make these decisions? Yaaaarg!!!

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Hey I have a lvl 50 ice tank and let me tell you I get wasted by every archetype in PVP. And i can Pvp very well too. One scrapper with focused accuracy or the new Pvp er" a blaster wih all secondarys that each secondary elininates my toggles in one hit" and im a defeated hero. Not to mention the end use of Ice tankers especially mine having an axe. Any hero with self heal and little defense and i cant damage them fast enough with 6 slotted axe powers and focused accuracy. Being an ice tanker means i dont even try pvp anymore and stick to Pve, so really changes to pve are all that matter to me anyhow cause I know i wont have any chance of defeating any equal lvl hero in pvp. Im not arguing with you im just stating Ice tankers are easier to beat than you think.



Yay Statesman! , These AT's have long awaited these "gifts"! :P



The toggles already accept both endurance reduction and defense buff enhancments. The passives are being altered to add damage resistance, per States' recent post.

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Cite? The only thing I've seen is the pseudo-Defiance tied to the passives, and I haven't seen anyone say if that will be enhancable.



hey statezman I alwayes wanted to know what server are you on?



Nice to see touch up work on the game, on a case by case basis. Keep going. Do each AT instead of dulling the whole lot of CoH.

Keep each hero epic.



Did someone say they had trouble hitting Sr's in pvp?
I'm not sure wich ones your fighting, but my guess is that they were loaded up on inspirations.
I never have a problem hitting an SR, I hit half the time with no acc buff, and and hardly ever miss when I use aim or a buildup.




I'm happy to see that occassionally somehing is GIVEN to the players instead of taken away. I can't complain about the specifics, but... It's still obviously PvP balancing, which was never supposed to interfere with those of us who hate PvP.

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Um, this is definitely not intended for PvP balance. This is not the primary problem of PvP for defense builds (still helps a good deal).

If you've ever played a defense build, especially SR since its only damage mitigation is defense, then you'd know that this is a PvE intended buff. There are a ton of attacks in the PvE game that lower defense and it can effectively remove all of our damage mitigation. The prevalancy of defense debuffing attacks and the severety for which they hit defense builds is incomparable to how -res hurts resistance builds and -regen hurts regens. This is a much needed PVE buff.




I'm happy to see that occassionally somehing is GIVEN to the players instead of taken away. I can't complain about the specifics, but... It's still obviously PvP balancing, which was never supposed to interfere with those of us who hate PvP.

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Um, this is definitely not intended for PvP balance. This is not the primary problem of PvP for defense builds (still helps a good deal).

If you've ever played a defense build, especially SR since its only damage mitigation is defense, then you'd know that this is a PvE intended buff. There are a ton of attacks in the PvE game that lower defense and it can effectively remove all of our damage mitigation. The prevalancy of defense debuffing attacks and the severety for which they hit defense builds is incomparable to how -res hurts resistance builds and -regen hurts regens. This is a much needed PVE buff.

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it is a PvE buff, no question about it. But one might as, "why now?". Perhaps because the SR scrapper gets boned by all the DEF debuffing powers of the mobs.. that have been in since the game was released..
or perhaps because of all the DEF debuffing powers of the other players that he'll meet in PvP, after I5 and after ED.



As some players have pointed out, Defense builds (Super Reflexes, Ice Armor, Stone Armor to a degree) have an inherent weakness in that there are a plethora of powers that debuff Defense in PvE and PvP.

In order to rectify this situation, we will be adding a Resistance to Defense Debuffs to a number of powers. This Resistance will not be enhanceable, but it will increase over level.

Our general philosophy was to make it so that a player could achieve at level 50 high protection against Defense debuffs; a Defense build absolutely depends on the enemy missing his attacks!

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My level 47 DM/SR scrapper thanks you from the bottom of his heart (though would have sure been nice back when he was in his 30s and dealing with DE and CoTs).

Much needed help on this front. Not uber enough for many I'm sure (I don't play PvP, so will skip that rending of clothes conversation.)



this does sound like a great idea, now please make it a reality



As some players have pointed out, Defense builds (Super Reflexes, Ice Armor, Stone Armor to a degree) have an inherent weakness in that there are a plethora of powers that debuff Defense in PvE and PvP.

In order to rectify this situation, we will be adding a Resistance to Defense Debuffs to a number of powers. This Resistance will not be enhanceable, but it will increase over level.

Our general philosophy was to make it so that a player could achieve at level 50 high protection against Defense debuffs; a Defense build absolutely depends on the enemy missing his attacks!

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My level 47 DM/SR scrapper thanks you from the bottom of his heart (though would have sure been nice back when he was in his 30s and dealing with DE and CoTs).

Much needed help on this front. Not uber enough for many I'm sure (I don't play PvP, so will skip that rending of clothes conversation.)

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This does not resolve the PVP issue on SR at all 1st things 1st with ED SR has only 28% defense all slotted so lets do the math here this is simple basic math nothing complex.

Every hero has a base 75% to hit so a fully slotted SR (without elude running) has a 47% chance to hit SR

1 Acc SO bumps most players from 75 to roughly a 100 this jumps it to a 72% chance to hit

2 Acc SO's bump most players to a 124% which means they have a 96% chance well really they have a 95% chance

All SO's where done on a even lvl SO scale.

This does not take into account things like Build up and aim and some attacks like Touch of fear that have higher intial Acc

Also realize no matter how much Acc you have you can never get more than a 95% chance to hit any target and no matter how defense even if it was 500% everyone would still have a 5% chance to hit those are 2 hard caps in place.

The buff is fine for PVE which is the part of the game I play but for pvp realm /sr is a waste of time you do not even need to debuff SR to hit them at a 95% chance.

Plus do not give me elude it last 3 freakin minutes and with build aim +acc or Focused Acc+ build up can cut thru elude like butter. Also elude last 3 minutes blaster just runs around until elude drops bam dead SR no toggles no endo dead worthless scrapper

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



To balance PvP for defense based sets, builds, and to solve other issues... why not disallow inspirations? Heck.. with elude, passives and a few toggles, some couple purple pills mixed in with a few reds i will be unstoppable!
Well.. maybe not.
I mean loading up on inspirations.. going to a PvP zone... fighting till you are drained.. and running back to a contact wont be all that much fun. What will the point of Aid-Self be then? When you can get almost the same healing from a green with no interupt time. Who needs powers that give res to status affects when you can pop some break frees? And you can forget about buildup... ill take 4 reds instead. Maybe only allow awakens to be used in PvP zones.
On the other extreme you can nerf all mobs in CoH/CoV. And nerf inspirations too. A tier 1 green should only be say 5%health. A tier 3 red should only be about 15%damage increase. And they wouldnt stack at all!
If this has already been posted or stated otherwise than im sorry.



right now. I feel unstoppable. almost completly. maybe its what normal heroes feel like. cause I've been sr for so long. but, I do feel like it...and Its very satisfying to me...for once to feel powerful.



from what I hear and experienced we haven't even gotten the debuff, I hope this isn't an empty promise



And what about Force Field Defenders???

Force Fields is a powerset devoted to the defense of other players. It is very high endurance. It has no damaging powers other than the very minor damage from Force Bolt. It has an escape power, PFF. It has only one defense power for the Defender, Dispersion Bubble and this is also being overpowered by the same gameplay flaws with Defense DeBuffing attacks that have appeared in Super Reflexes, Stone Armor, and Ice Armor.

Assuming that Minions have a 61% Accuracy (65%?) and characters have base defense with no powers activated (5%? or better?) then having Dispersion Bubble activated should grant a Defense Buff of some type, but in my test vs two Penumbra Assault Minions firing Assault Rifle Bursts, it does not. The character tested is a level 14 FF/Electric Defender with two DO Defense Buff (lvl15), slotted in Dispersion Bubble. In 1 thousand shots fired there were 687 hits and 313 misses. For the test criteria, counting only began after a successful hit to cause some Defense Debuff and continued from there until the character had to retreat to heal. So even at level 14 with a partially slotted Dispersion Bubble, two even conning minions were able to use their Defense Debuff to completely negate Dispersion Bubble and hit for 68.7 percent through it. If you add a third or an Lt. it gets much much worse. And although I did not test it to 1000, two +1 Vortex Marksmen were hitting 92-95% through Dispersion Bubble as outlined above. It's even worse at level 30 where the mobs use more sophisticated attacks with status effects.

I'll test more as time goes on.


"I did not say this. I am not here." -Guild Navigator



Ummm, is the defense debuff resistance EVER going live?

Be well, people of CoH.