Resistance against Def debuffs




Thank you, States, for this step towards forward progress and the true balancing of Defense v. Resistence.



Do the resistances stack and apply to all debuffs?

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I agree wholeheartedly with the spirit of this proposed change, but I think that it misses the primary problem with Defense-based sets (in PvP at least): the overpowering nature of toHit buffs. With a single click, an unslotted Aim, a moderately slotted Build Up, or a heavily slotted Focused Accuracy/Targeting Drone negates an entire Defense-based line, even fully 6-slotted.

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Understood; we're still working on this.



Shiver me timbers you are making me mad! I am an excelent PvP'er my skills are not in question. My problem is that an SR need only to reach into his Bung hole and pull out some Defence inspirations to negate my Defence Debuffs in PVP. Just as Blasters and other controlers need Break frees to break our holds.

Why then aren't Controlers given more *FREE* Hold resists?! Whats that? Your defences are being negated by Debuffs?! Well I say me hearty! My holds are being negated by your Hold resists AND my general inability to hit you, hence Rad builds get to Visit Davey Jonses locker more often now.



This is not just a bad idea its a horrible idea. And so that you know I am unbiased, my main is a Stone Armor that would be getting a 68% resistance.

Why, this is a bad idea:
What you in essence are doing is taking all meaniing away from a character who specializes in defense debuffing. What is the point of defense debuffing if it is not to make an unhittable character hittable? Is the point to make some one that can already be hit be hit easier? Gosh, I hope not that does not sound like much of a power to me.

Why is there such a problem with a set of powers having a weakness to another set of powers?:
Superman has Kryptonite and Magic
Green Lantern has Yellow or Wood (depending on which one)
Batman and bullets dont go well if he actually gets hit
The Flash has sonics to slow him down

The greatness of a hero is defined when he defeats that which is most dangerous to him. Thats what makes them a hero, when they find another solution to defeatng their nemesis.

After all does not your datamining show that Peacebringers can survive in a world of challenge that have quantums interspersed?

Please, stop trying to make it so I can defeat every challenge without thinking.



As some players have pointed out, Defense builds (Super Reflexes, Ice Armor, Stone Armor to a degree) have an inherent weakness in that there are a plethora of powers that debuff Defense in PvE and PvP.

In order to rectify this situation, we will be adding a Resistance to Defense Debuffs to a number of powers. This Resistance will not be enhanceable, but it will increase over level.

The Resistance % for the powers and Archetypes are as follows. The two numbers represent the Resistance at levels 1 and 50, respectively:

Super Reflexes
Focused Fighting: 4/21.6
Focused Senses: 4/21.6
Agile: 2/10.8
Dodge: 2/10.8
Lucky: 2/10.8
Evasion: 4/21.6
Elude: 10/54

Ice Armor
Frozen Armor: 5.2/27.2
Wet Ice: 5.2/27.2
Glacial Armor: 5.3/27.2

Stone Armor
Rock Armor: 5.2/27.2
Rooted: 5.2/27.2
Crystal Armor: 5.2/27.2
Granite Armor: 13/68

The way this works is that the % above represent the amount subtracted from the incoming Defense Debuff. For instance, a level 50 Scrapper with Agile has any incoming Defense Debuff lessened by 10.8%.

Our general philosophy was to make it so that a player could achieve at level 50 high protection against Defense debuffs; a Defense build absolutely depends on the enemy missing his attacks!

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Arr! Twas gon'ta have ye walk tha plank til ya posted this!

Drink up me hearties!

Sign It :



Yarr, inspiration use is a problem, but you can't be singling out SR and Ice for it! Those blasted regens know how to click F2 too, ya know! if SR and Ice had to use purples to beat you, then i say something's a bit underpowered on their end.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



Do the resistances stack and apply to all debuffs?

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Yarr, then SR can resist 97% of the debuff. You get to live another day, me hearty!

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



In PvE that sounds great.

In PvP, just 1 more reason to roll an Ice\Ener blaster like everyone else, with Aim and BU, you dont care about whatever defense debuff resist your opponent have. In PvP, SR had far more trouble with the huge +To-Hit buff almost everyone has access to rather then the -def debuff of the few powers.



Why, this is a bad idea:
What you in essence are doing is taking all meaniing away from a character who specializes in defense debuffing. What is the point of defense debuffing if it is not to make an unhittable character hittable? Is the point to make some one that can already be hit be hit easier? Gosh, I hope not that does not sound like much of a power to me.

Why is there such a problem with a set of powers having a weakness to another set of powers?:

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It's not that defense sets have a weakness to another set. It's that defense sets have a weakness to almost *every* set. There exist far more powers which debuff defense than which debuff resistance. Having played /SR to 50, and Ice/ to 48, alongside other equal level scrappers and tankers respectively, trust me when I say this is needed.

After all does not your datamining show that Peacebringers can survive in a world of challenge that have quantums interspersed?

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Kheldians are different, they're designed to be very versatile, they have many options on how to deal with a void/quantum enemy. Tanks and scrappers are designed pretty much to tank/scrap, this is a major difference IMHO.



If you think this helps my Ice Tank in PvP then you're wrong. I'll be more than happy to post my video of an energy tank hitting me nearly every attack with no build up or foc acc and 1 acc enhance.

Remember an Ice tanks main Def requires 14 baddies sitting in a pile so I can hit EA twice and stack it.



Holy cucamonga...I never saw this coming

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Ahoy Statesman, I sugges ye quit trying to Swing the Lead and respond to the Anhialation of Radiation Infection as well as other Defence debuff powers that are now Moot in the arena.

Currently most Ice, Stone and SR players can Take a Caulk while my Most powerful debuffs do nothing but add a green tint to to their one shot = dead Rad controler/defender attacks.

I'm puttin up a Yellow Jack untill this is addressed...Yarrr?!



As some players have pointed out, Defense builds (Super Reflexes, Ice Armor, Stone Armor to a degree) have an inherent weakness in that there are a plethora of powers that debuff Defense in PvE and PvP.

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I quit. that fist line was the biggest load of bull cocky anyone ever tried to feed me with a straight face, so-to-speak. Do you devs actually PLAY City of Heros??! I mean with real players, who dont know you're devs and try to kiss your bottom for it? Cause my magic 8-ball says, "signs point to NO!"

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What are you complaining about?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I have 6 Debuff defence/end HO's in my Rad infection. I Fight SR and Ice on a regular basis in the arena. With Rad infection, Multiple Damage/Acc HO's ane Even Buffs from other team members I Still have a Horrible time trying to Hit an Ice tank/SR. I can't drop their toggles with Brawl because it NEVER connects.

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Having played in the Arena frequently WITH a maxed out Ice Tank, I call BS.

If a Kinetics Defender with 6-slotted Tactics and NO Def Debuffs can hit me consistently, then I'll say that A) The Ice or SR you're up against is massively buffed by other players as well or 2) Your perceptions are highly screwed.



If you think this helps my Ice Tank in PvP then you're wrong. I'll be more than happy to post my video of an energy tank hitting me nearly every attack with no build up or foc acc and 1 acc enhance.

Remember an Ice tanks main Def requires 14 baddies sitting in a pile so I can hit EA twice and stack it.

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Wait...that was such a stupid reply. They are looking into how ToHit buffs tear apart defense. Have you tested the new changes yet? Oh wait...I doubt it.


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Yarrr, so what ye be sayin' is that there are now a few foes out there that you're gonna have a very tough time with. Sounds like every other set t'me.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



So preety much, Rad controllers can Abandon ye all hope of hitting SR in pvp...Like Freakin Ice tanks and SR need the help...Out of all the glaring flaws that need immediate attention in CoH, you concentrate on making SR and a few Tank builds harder to hit in PVP? What kind of Bilge Rats make these decisions? Yaaaarg!!!

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So, it's okay for Rad to completely negate an ice tanker's primary or an SR scrapper's secondary?

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I'll Raise you and invite you to a little play session with Outlaw torn and myself. I can Barely hit him. Whats that you say? Wait till his Elude runs out?! That sounds like a Jolly old time! I'll catch up on some needlepoint while I Inviz in a corner somewhere and wait for his Elude+Defence toggles+Inherant defence+his resistance to defence buffs to go down. There is Definately a problem with the changes and PvP. Again I'll Gladly show you.

And to Pirate Fanboy, I HAD a tough time with them before, thy're getting an Additional Buff while I'm watching my Resistance debuffs getting LOWERED because a FEW have trouble with it.



Those numbers are all sweet and dandy, but I'd rather go into the game and actually get a feel for this than nodding or shaking my head. Every villain is different and I bet my witch hat there there are power combinations and situations where this new hex doesn't help the reflex-dependents a bit.

For now, I say you're not seeing the game for the numbers (or wood for the trees, if you will).

Edit: And people, who actually gives a damn about PvP? The game was never meant to be pvp and only a minority cares for it.




In PvP, just 1 more reason to roll an Ice\Ener blaster like everyone else, with Aim and BU, you dont care about whatever defense debuff resist your opponent have. In PvP, SR had far more trouble with the huge +To-Hit buff almost everyone has access to rather then the -def debuff of the few powers.

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The solution to that would be to completely remove the +Acc from Build Up and reduce the +Acc from Aim to 50% or less FOR PVP ONLY.



The two numbers represent the Resistance at levels 1 and 50, respectively:

. . .
Granite Armor: 13/68

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One question: Granite opens up at level 32 currently. Does this mean that the new resistance starts around 3/5ths of the way towards 68%, or does it mean that at level 32, Granite has 13% resistance that scales up to 68% at level 50?

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Do the resistances stack and apply to all debuffs?

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I agree wholeheartedly with the spirit of this proposed change, but I think that it misses the primary problem with Defense-based sets (in PvP at least): the overpowering nature of toHit buffs. With a single click, an unslotted Aim, a moderately slotted Build Up, or a heavily slotted Focused Accuracy/Targeting Drone negates an entire Defense-based line, even fully 6-slotted.

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Understood; we're still working on this.

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For PvP...would a defenders defense debuff still be unresistable? If I recall correctly all defenders debuffs are meant to be unresistable.(PvP only)



Oh?! Haha Silly me! ALL I need is 6 slotted Tactics to fix all this!? Haha [censored] thats all you had to say! Let me respec... No... I seemed to have used that one because of all my Defence and my AOE holds being signifigantly Nerfed... Oh well! There's always Issue 6 =D!!