XP and I5




I would rather have the first 15 or 20 levels be debt-free. Why? Mezzers. They will out-right freaking own you if your not a Scrapper/Tanker that picks up their mezz protection early. It's just so god damn annoying to get psi-smacked by Tsoo Ink Men to death.



You know someone else said in this tread people are never happy and will complain with anything...

No debt till Level 10 is nothing "killer" its a nice incentive trust that,but saying it will make people be "less careful" is stupid..your going to STILL run into mobs and die..you just won't collect debt. Eventually your going to hit level 10 and then the no debt fun will end like with it for 5 levels.

Seems to me the ones saying nay are the ones who are mad cause they didn't have it from the start. Personally i think they should do this..make it chooseable

While your in Outbreak BEFORE going to Gal or AP you choose..do you want the Normal Debt Ring or the Advanced Debt Ring.. so if you like the so called "challenge" you can go with the "i get debt after 5 levels" for those who want to hit 10 without having to work off debt so early can pick the latter.

The game should be more new user friendly in all aspects,someone thats NEW to MMORPGs might get a lil swayed if they die and see that they got to "pay off" debt after just their only 5th level. Hell i can burn through levels 1-4 with my friends in just a hour or so..imagine someone new playing..plays for a couple hours and gets that stupid Frostfire mission..or one of those Skull missions with the DarkHand(my nickname for him) user in it.

I remember doing that Skull mission BY MYSELF cause i couldnt get a team,and died i think 3 or 4 times..trying to whittle his health down,then run back before he had a chance to heal all the way back up.

As far as the half XP/debt thing, this game is like watching a movie...if ya skip ahead to the end you won't know whats going on and why this happened..or this is there. So half the xp outside and half the debt inside is wonderful. Im SURE theres plenty of MMORPGs for those who just want to "farm" in the games..or maybe they can make like 3 areas thats strictly for the street farmers so you can level and farm away.

Missions are in here for a reason,then when yall skip em..and they add something in for the people who DO do the missions..yall spamming up the broadcast and request looking for folks doing "certain missions" so you can complete to get whatever they added. "Anyone doing the find the such and such cot mission"..ya [censored] shoulda did it when you got it.

They even added Field Analyst so you could up the difficulity of missions so you could get more xp and a better challenege.Up your status..farm your mission and get lots of xp. So i think the new ideas is perfect IMO



Couple of changes we're making in I5:

1) Instead of the first five levels being debt free, the first TEN levels will be debt free.

2) XP debt will be halved on mission maps (that includes outdoor mission maps, too).

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Yer the best! No more complaints about debt again! I love this game and the development team! The humanity behind the red names is palpable. You guys are awesome. I hope you have a fanfaire and provide us with the opportunity to meet you. Take care, guys. You are awesome.



Couple of changes we're making in I5:

1) Instead of the first five levels being debt free, the first TEN levels will be debt free.

2) XP debt will be halved on mission maps (that includes outdoor mission maps, too).

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Ok, this [censored] rules



Alot of the complaints that I've seen seem to be coming from people who just don't get the main point. This is an RPG and is built to function as a RPG. Your supposed to take your time, fight progresively more powerful foes a bit stronger than yoursel with occasional "boss" chatacters, and take in the story as it developes. The concept of the RPG has been well documented since they first started doing the classic pen and paper games decades ago. Do some research, learn how to properly play RPGs and then start giving constructive criticisim instead of trying to get these games turned into something that they were never meant to be.



How about this:

-You can only earn XP from missions and the mobs inside.
-Street mobs earn double Influence, but no XP.
-If you have debt street mobs will reduce it by the normal amount.

This will allow players to get that extra INF for Enhancements or that costume change without outleveling content. This will allow players a quick way to clear debt without slogging through a mission at 1/2 XP.

Yes this means the only way to gain XP will to do missions. Which is the only thing that really makes sense. What kind of "learning" or "experience" does someone gain when fighting the same mobs over and over. Missions show progress of a character through the story.

Unfortunatly the zones are not laid out to facilitate this. Seriously DEVs, you create giant zones like IP or hazard zones like Parez and stuff them full of easy to kill mobs. Then you wonder why people street hunt???

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If they want people to do missions then why don't they just get rid of mobs on the streets?

Why? Because some people like hunting large groups of mobs.

I like wading into large groups and taking them out, one at a time or all at once with an AoE. If they nerfed my toons to oblivion I would find a large group of lower lvls and do it them. Should I be punished for doing something I think is fun.

To me it is not as much about the xp in that situation but about the power of it. I do missions alot with some of my alts (done all the Hollows missions and halfway through Striga) but missions to me get boring. They are repetitive and, worst of all, don't have enough minions in them.

I want to wade through minions. That is what they are made for. Crunch all you want, they'll make more.

Anyways, ramble.
In short:

a) reward for doing missions and don't punish for street hunting because some of us find that fun.

b) er.. can't think of one

Harly- yep -Kin



How about this:

-You can only earn XP from missions and the mobs inside.
-Street mobs earn double Influence, but no XP.
-If you have debt street mobs will reduce it by the normal amount.

This will allow players to get that extra INF for Enhancements or that costume change without outleveling content. This will allow players a quick way to clear debt without slogging through a mission at 1/2 XP.

Yes this means the only way to gain XP will to do missions. Which is the only thing that really makes sense. What kind of "learning" or "experience" does someone gain when fighting the same mobs over and over. Missions show progress of a character through the story.

Unfortunatly the zones are not laid out to facilitate this. Seriously DEVs, you create giant zones like IP or hazard zones like Parez and stuff them full of easy to kill mobs. Then you wonder why people street hunt???

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That would kill the game.



How about this:

-You can only earn XP from missions and the mobs inside.
-Street mobs earn double Influence, but no XP.
-If you have debt street mobs will reduce it by the normal amount.

This will allow players to get that extra INF for Enhancements or that costume change without outleveling content. This will allow players a quick way to clear debt without slogging through a mission at 1/2 XP.

Yes this means the only way to gain XP will to do missions. Which is the only thing that really makes sense. What kind of "learning" or "experience" does someone gain when fighting the same mobs over and over. Missions show progress of a character through the story.

Unfortunatly the zones are not laid out to facilitate this. Seriously DEVs, you create giant zones like IP or hazard zones like Parez and stuff them full of easy to kill mobs. Then you wonder why people street hunt???

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Would not affect me either way, at 32, I see debt as only having more influence to spend later. I actually get pleased when I bite the carpet, now I can afford that SO I have been eyeballing at the store
Even at that level, I take about 30 minutes to plow through a "bub" of exp. Street hunting? Nope all door missions, all solo(save for those few "Do X sumultaniously" missions). I learned a long time ago that street hunting was only frustrating and aggrivating with all the kill stealing (nothing burns my bacon more than getting a "Hunt X in Y" mission, and having only one more to ki-- arrest to go while Joe Schmuckenheimer wipes out the last X in sight.) and unimportant broadcast drivel. I have seen the light, and it is dazzling to behold.

Go Hunt!
Kill Skulls!

What more needs to be said?


It is never truly gone, as long as there is someone left to remember.



Boy you reeeallly want us to do those missions don't you?

If you are going to encourage missions that much you really need to look at a complete revamp of some of the hazard zones like Faultline/Boomtown. These areas look great but just aren't used at all. If the 2 or 3 Faultline missions were removed, I wonder how long it would take before anyone noticed that Faultline zone was offline? The only thing Boomtown is good for is Troll Bosses (yes it is better than the Hollows). These areas need to be rethought.

One strong suggestion: Pull the existing missions out of one of them and it level 45 non-hazard zone. PI is way too over crowded and nobody wants to go to Zulu with me lol. Make a Carnie area.

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ohhhh! :O good idea! yes yes yes, make it a carnie area! that would be fun, challenging, and entertaining...all the things boomtown no longer is. It was okay before the hollows, but now that the hollows exist, you can spend level 5-18 there, and by then you go looking for somewhere to hunt and boomtown is there, but no teams can be found and the enemies are level like 16-17, i'm not sure but they're always grey by the time i'm done in the hollows. I think i'm gonna post something about this in the suggestions area of the forums since its off topic

on topic:

great idea with the debt on mish maps being halved.

i'm not sure the point of no debt until level 10...maybe get you used to the hollows faster? heh...i think too many newbies run into danger too much at that level and its gonna be killer to get into the habit of who cares if i die and have level 11 debt smack you in the face.
I can't say i agree with holding it off until level 10. At 5-10 it allows newbies and casual players to understand the concept of debt faster, without saying holy crap! Its not like it hurts that much at level 5-10 so what's the reason behind taking it away? Casual players won't even hit level 10 for a week after they start playing....(i have friends termed casual players that play on my comp occasionaly that i base that estimate off of) and by then they'll have it set in their heads of okay, no bad things happen when i die, lets take on this mob of reds?

Devs know best, just hope that it doesn't hurt the lower level part of the game. I love alts, and i've been through level 1-15 about 75 times, and theres already enough trouble with groups that don't pause for endurance and just being kill zombies. Sigh, hope it turns out okay.



Couple of changes we're making in I5:

1) Instead of the first five levels being debt free, the first TEN levels will be debt free.

2) XP debt will be halved on mission maps (that includes outdoor mission maps, too).

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Why wait until I5?!? These don't seem like huge changes that need to be worked on for ages. Delaying just seems like padding the release.
Why not incorporate them into I4, by the time that's released they'll be done. Or do them as a mini-patch before then.



"You've simply proven my point: no travel powers (by your own math) equals more time an account is open. Nothing you wrote disproves my original assertion.

If travel powers are good enough for Peacebringers and Warshades at level 1, they should be good enough for anybody who wants them."

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You appreciate travel powers only because you have exerience NOT having them (I know, very zen)...

Anyone who is playing a warshade or peacebringer has to have done his time in the streets in a previous life...

The cost effectiveness of the entertainment for an on-line game such as CoH is amazingly great. Going to a movie one gets 2 hours for $10. With CoH one get as much as one like in a month for nearly the same price!

The dev's actually would prefer players' average use be a lesser amount of that available time per month since it costs them more via bandwidth (while player cost is fixed)...

CoH is constructed such that the available gameplay is so vast one person could never experience it all. I'm not talking about 'content' here (e.g., story), I'm talking about play experience. There are 5 origins, 5 AT's, each with two sets of specific power sets to choose from with mutiple choices in each, not to mention the variations with pool powers, or enhancement setups, etc, etc...

Those 'long' trek's one has to take pre-level-14 to get to where you are going is costing the dev's more than the players...

So why are such time-consuming details still in the game? To keep the play experience more REALISTIC. Remember, this is a roleplaying game for many, not just a numbers and power-one-upmanship game. Some of us appreciate HAVING to go long distances, making the sacrifices, because it makes the rewards more meaningful! What good is, say, a badge if it's just given to you? Nothing. But if you have to earn it, it means something. The more it takes to earn, the more it's worth. This applies to aspects of the game besides just badges...

- iceburner level 33 fire/ic mutation blaster - victory (currently in brickstown)




Those 'long' trek's one has to take pre-level-14 to get to
where you are going is costing the dev's more than the

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Heh, either this months MaximumPC or PCGamer has an
interview with the people behind the upcoming MMORPG
"Star Trek" and use the former "Earth and Beyond"'s time
to travel as one reason for it's eventual demise. I BETA'd
"E&B" and played, and can vouch for the problem with long
travel times being an issue, along with the Devs "balancing"
every 10 minutes. It killed it.

So far, the only REAL problem I have is the travel issue.

Personally, I think there should be an individual Travel Power
Pool, but I'm not one of the paid code monkeys...



This is a great change.

Increasing the learning curve to 10 was a great Idea.
New players will feel less frusterated, and my ALTs will love you for it.

A note to all the players asking why about the second change and how it effects me:
Most of my main ALTs deaths are the end result of some other player aggroing a mob behind me and then running scared past me, or a Tank dropping mid combat, or some other similar mishap brought about by poor teaming skills.
Heck, 9 out of 10 of my faceplants have been during missions, so this is a blessing. How many times have you joined a team of 8 only to find out the mission owner outlevels you and has the mission difficulty set on invincible ?




1) When you level, you get x % of your debt forgiven
2) A certain amount of debt forgiven each day
3) If you are rezzed you have 50% less debt from that death, if you use an awaken you have 25% less debt from that death versus going to a hospital. It encourages players to actually stock up on supplies and bring healers on missions.

4) Scrappers should get less debt from dying (they do it a lot they are used to it). Alternatively you can actually have a power that reduces the XP debt from dying.



4) Scrappers should get less debt from dying (they do it a lot they are used to it).

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Oh yeah, that'd go over well...



Couple of changes we're making in I5:

2) XP debt will be halved on mission maps (that includes outdoor mission maps, too).

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Then in that case we need....

a) the ability to delete missions.

b) much clearer indications that a mission contains either an AV or a Monster, is timed, or needs more then 1 person... BEFORE (note that word) we accept the mission.




4) Scrappers should get less debt from dying (they do it a lot they are used to it). Alternatively you can actually have a power that reduces the XP debt from dying.

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My scrapper rarely dies. Far less than any other class I play. They are basically a tanker lite as far as defense goes. It is not unusual for me to go 5 levels without debt on him, but I can't go more than a level or two on my defenders, controllers, or blasters.




4) Scrappers should get less debt from dying (they do it a lot they are used to it). Alternatively you can actually have a power that reduces the XP debt from dying.

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That's pretty funny. Scrappers and tankers can work out of team wipes. My scrapper and my tanker have both done that multiple times.

Now...had you said...blasters...

Proud member of the Cole-a-lition.
Fighting to make every reality, a better reality.



How about implementing some sitting commands that are assigned to a key? Every other game of this type has it where you press one key, and you sit down. Not CoH.

As for the two ideas initially posted, bad idea. Don't dumb down the game to the point of where making 50 in a week is possible. It basically slaps the older players in the face. I've already seen enough PL'ed 40+ idiots that don't have a clue what their AT is capable of. That's why I've been solo'ing lately. Last mission I was on, both the scrapper and tanker had absolutely zero clue on what the heck to do without their PL'ing buddy (scrapper was invul/spikes, tanker was fire/fire... talk about cookie cutter). I left after ten minutes and two deaths because I drew room aggro healing their sorry butts.

The last thing we need to do is encourage constant n00bism. Bad idea, take it off the books please.

"Your voice holds the key to your society
Expose the ones that want to **** it up for you and me
No more of settling for what they feed
The time has come to put the pressure up against the greed"
- Senser, "Resistance Now"



4) Scrappers should get less debt from dying (they do it a lot they are used to it). Alternatively you can actually have a power that reduces the XP debt from dying.

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Stop! STOP! My sides hurt from so much laughing!!

Oh...oh wait....tell me you're not serious?



How about implementing some sitting commands that are assigned to a key? Every other game of this type has it where you press one key, and you sit down. Not CoH.

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Try these:

/bind C "powexec_name Rest"

/bind V "em sit"

The Optimist says the glass is half full.
The Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
While they argue about it, the Opportunist comes along, drinks what's left, and removes all doubt. - Redwood

Alvays remember, schmot guy...any plan vere you lose you hat...is a BAD PLAN!



4) Scrappers should get less debt from dying (they do it a lot they are used to it). Alternatively you can actually have a power that reduces the XP debt from dying.

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You're either kidding, never really played a scrapper seriously, or majorly suck.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint




4) Scrappers should get less debt from dying (they do it a lot they are used to it). Alternatively you can actually have a power that reduces the XP debt from dying.

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I'm sure he meant to say Blasters. Yeah.



1) When you level, you get x % of your debt forgiven
2) A certain amount of debt forgiven each day
3) If you are rezzed you have 50% less debt from that death, if you use an awaken you have 25% less debt from that death versus going to a hospital. It encourages players to actually stock up on supplies and bring healers on missions.

4) Scrappers should get less debt from dying (they do it a lot they are used to it). Alternatively you can actually have a power that reduces the XP debt from dying.

[/ QUOTE ]

Steve... please don't take this wrong, but are you pretty new to the game? The reason I ask is this: I created a scrapper and here was pretty dang tough from the get go. But I enhanced him badly, and didn't plan what the smarter choice for his powers would be -vs- the coolest powers to have. He started getting killed. That and my SG captain kind of took me aside and suggested that I try not to play as if I were a Tanker. Play smart and don't think that you are or should be indestructable. That is just not the case. I did the respec after asking some advice from other players and followed the general consensus of them all. Guess what, it helped immensely.

My advice... enhancing is the key right behind acknowledging that you just have to run once in a while. I know that as a scrapper you may want to do DAMAGE DAMAGE DAMAGE... but you cannot do that if you cannot hit what you swing at. I enhance with accuracy before damage enhancements. The results are far more productive. Also, when on a team... decide what role you want to play. ex.: The team may have a tank, a blaster and two controllers. I let the tank lead and take the damage. The two controllers, who are a lot weaker than yourself are going to need protection should anything get past their holds and the blaster. Protect them. Protect your Defender if there is one with you. Who will heal you or keep your team buffed if things go really bad if the one who heals is down? Save them and you'll be a bigger hero to your team than if you stand next to the tank on the front lines against enemies. And they'll be able to back you up.

And to address your debt issue. I know it just seems like major punishment to place so much debt on you that can accumulate. Think about how you're getting the debt. Is it a bad team situation? Speak up and offer your opinion. If things stay bad, people play poorly or just keep soloing and putting the team at risk then either ask them to change... leave... or you be the one to leave. I think it was mentioned in a previous answer to your post that not everyone knows how to handle their own powers. Remove yourself from a continuously bad situation. Less debt mean you advance faster. If you are always always in debt just ask yourself why. You'll come up with the answer.