XP and I5




Instead of the first five levels being debt free, the first TEN levels will be debt free.

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Ghetto Hospital 'Port for the win!

Just kidding, I can't bring myself to kill my character purposefuly but people will get a kick out of this.



I don't quite get the debt free for 10 levels bit.. but okay, whatever.

Bizzare change...

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Now people get to be stupid for 10 levels instead of 5 levels. So instead of learning about caution at L5, they get to learn it at L10 when it is costly.

Also it makes low level travel less painful since you can go to the hospital at any time to shortcut your way across a zone, or out of a hazard zone like Perez, Hollows, or even a level's worth of Boomtown.




I ponder this...

Hmm. So if you die on a mission, you'll pay less, speeding up the advancement of people that die often (and do missions), while those of us that rarely die will go at the same pace.

Basically, you're trying to help the lesser-skilled/built/game-mechanic-educated players keep up?

Sounds fair to me.

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Indeed it does. Since there's no competitive nature to this game, this change will indeed help the less informed player who has taken three travel powers and teleport foe because he didn't know better.

And since most high lvl blasters are struggling with debt mitigation in the late game, this will help them all enormously.



Not that I'm complaining really, but why?

Debt is hardly even a penalty, and now it's being mitigated further? Perhaps I'm alone here, but I don't get it.




If you are going to encourage missions that much you really need to look at a complete revamp of some of the hazard zones like Faultline/Boomtown.

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Instead of 1/2 for each one, I'd make it a percentage based on the number of on a team. Like (normal value of debt)/(number of players on a team). Would certainly increase teaming.



I can see removing the debt for the first 10 levels as making it easier on people who are new to the game. I don't think its necessary but then I usually don't die more than once at the most in the first 10 levels. I have played several alts to 15 or so without dying and one to 18.

As for debt in missions, I suppose that might make it more attractive to people to do missions rather than streetsweeping but I sincerely hope it doesn't remove debt as a punishment for bad gameplay. There *has* to be a sufficient penalty for dying to keep the game a challenge.

I mean how often do you actually die more than once in a mission? I have a few characters that can manage it every so often but for the most part there are few or no deaths in missions already, and death only occurs when you do something stupid, or am I playing a completely different game than the rest of you?

I think the current penalty is just fine. If you want to encourage doing missions, then up the penalty for dying outside missions



O. M. G.

They're nerfing debt farming?

They're nerfing debt farming!

Doesn't change my behavior much... I'll still be kamikaze-ing into a group of purples in theaters near you.

It'll be nice for my husband, tho.

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Not that I'm complaining really, but why?

Debt is hardly even a penalty, and now it's being mitigated further? Perhaps I'm alone here, but I don't get it.

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No matter how little debt the system assigns you, someone will always complain about it to try and get it lessened.

Even if there was no debt, people would complain about having to port ALL the way back to a hospital, and that they should be allowed to have a timer to stand back up or something. Then they will complain about that timer being too long.

Basically the point at which the people complaining about the debt are satisfied, is when the same people start complaining about the game being too easy. It's a no win situation, really.




Instead of the first five levels being debt free, the first TEN levels will be debt free.

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Ghetto Hospital 'Port for the win!

Just kidding, I can't bring myself to kill my character purposefuly but people will get a kick out of this.

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When I play in the hollows, Its the only way to travel!!!!!
done it so many times i cant count....of course its another reason for me to stay away from the hollows. Missions always spawn at the back of the zone now.



The first one is cool, thanks! But could you elaborate a little on the second one, please? Are you saying that a character would get half the debt they get now while on a mission map, or that they earn half as much debt back while on a mission map? Thanks.

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Heh. I love how people can have absolutely opposite reactions to something. My thoughts:

The first change is nice, but really doesn't amount to anything substantial. Debt at that level is so minor as to be laughable. You blast right through it and are debt free in literally minutes.

The second, on the other hand, is an awesome change! I'm one of those people that primarily plays missions. Street hunting is boring to me. So essentially the change means that my overall debt load is going to be halved. That's ... fantastic!

I don't mean to poopoo the first change. I think it's nice. I just don't see it as really impacting my overall playing experience or experience point gain. Especially not when compared to the second.




Considering the fact that the devs want to get us into the missions, I think that he means you'll get half as much debt if you die in a mission.

What worries me is that, taken in context with his other post on balance, this could mean that soon fighting 3 minions means you're going to die.



I pretty much only die getting to mission doors placed in Hazard zones that force my group or me solo to run through packs of mobs. This probably wont' have much of an impact on me, but I welcome the change to help more casual players.

I hate you Perez Park!!!



Yay! Less Mission debt! Thanks, States.

*Now if you could just do something about the debt from Teleport lag dropping me into a bunch of +4 mobs. . .*



Staesman, This is an excellent bit of news. I like both the changes. I think this will add alot to the teaming experience.



This rocks. I think I can also infer an ulterior motive.

1) PLers will have to follow their PL people around, because of the 300 foot XP thing.
2) PLers will not be in missions. They will be in the streets.


3) PLers will die a lot and get maximum debt.



It will help alleviate the Hollows Stress Syndrome so many people seem to be suffering. It won't cure it, but it will delay it to a point that is managable. It never affected me, but I'm thick skinned like that. Others, I'm sure, will like it a lot.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Couple of changes we're making in I5:

1) Instead of the first five levels being debt free, the first TEN levels will be debt free.

2) XP debt will be halved on mission maps (that includes outdoor mission maps, too).

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Um... baiting people to play missions? Why?

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But why would you need to bait people to play missions, their the best part of the game.



Just a thought, reading some of the concepts, maybe you're dealing with debt from the wrong end?

Maybe debt should be accumulated as normal, but missions should burn it off twice as fast? (I.E....an enemy is defeated that gives 100 XP. On live you gain 50 XP and burn off 50XP. I'm prpoposing that you gain 50 XP and burn off 100XP.)

It also gives you more "tweaking points". When doing something particularly heroic, you burn off faster. When doing something borderline, you burn off slower.

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I'm not a big fan of the first. I can understand for five levels when people are still getting used to the game, but by L6 I don't see the need for no-risk gaming. Especially given your affirmation of not wanting reward without risk.

The second...eh. There is really very little risk already, decreasing it just seems to be more least-common denominator stuff and I'd prefer you head the other direction.




Perhaps this Level 10 no debt deal is due to some promised but unfulfilled change we've asked for? Namely, Hollows and Perez Park mission doors being deep in red zones. We were told they would change the door locations to be close to the low level exits. This hasn't happened. Perhaps this is a roundabout way, with probable other benefits as well, to 'solving' this problem? I'm supposing that making the door locations level-limited is not easily possible. I'm surprised this isn't being packaged up in I4, though, considering how much more technical work needs to be done before that can be released, such as costume graphic changes, power bugs (graphics and audio), etc., so you'd think there'd be enough time to whip these XP changes out and get them into I4.

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I'm not a big fan of the first. I can understand for five levels when people are still getting used to the game, but by L6 I don't see the need for no-risk gaming. Especially given your affirmation of not wanting reward without risk.

The second...eh. There is really very little risk already, decreasing it just seems to be more least-common denominator stuff and I'd prefer you head the other direction.


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I would bet the first is to deal with the Hollows and Perez Park "courage runs" where you run through +5-6 level purples to get to your level 7 mission door.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I would bet the first is to deal with the Hollows and Perez Park "courage runs" where you run through +5-6 level purples to get to your level 7 mission door.

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No doubt thats part of it - easier to toggle a small peice of code for when debt occures than having to rework a ton of zones and missions.



Just a thought, reading some of the concepts, maybe you're dealing with debt from the wrong end?

Maybe debt should be accumulated as normal, but missions should burn it off twice as fast? (I.E....an enemy is defeated that gives 100 XP. On live you gain 50 XP and burn off 50XP. I'm prpoposing that you gain 50 XP and burn off 100XP.)

It also gives you more "tweaking points". When doing something particularly heroic, you burn off faster. When doing something borderline, you burn off slower.

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I agree with this.

Actually, what I'd like is to accumulate 2x EXP on missions and apply that to debt as the math plays out, but that's never going to happen...



Well, I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I sure don't see the need for these. The misson debt halving is, I suppose, a good way to get people in missions. Assuming they get defeated much at all. Personally I both do missions and don't get defeated much, so it's sort of a wash to me.

I actually kind of dislike the level 10 thing. It seems like it will promote dumb play for longer. But I don't dislike it enough to actually say I oppose it. I just kind of don't see the point.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I love it! Thanks States!

One sidenote to consider: Removing the additional five levels of debt will make it even harder to meet the level range and completion requirements to get the Caverns of Transcendence Trial.

But DON'T nix it on that account - please fix the trial requirements instead.

(I solo'd a scrapper all the way up to getting this TF, including allowing myself to be defeated to get debt so I wouldn't outlevel, only to realize the chances of putting together a team of 8 people meeting the requirements who would all stay for the entirity and who all knew what they were doing was practically impossible. So I'm waiting for Flashback for this trial, when I can do it with players I trust.)

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