XP and I5




I think the half debt in missions (in my opinion as does most of I5) attempts to do something (give an advantage to doing the content) but fails miserably.

I've just come off doing the Numina TF with a group of 35s. 6 of us took on the 39s and 40s and we won. Were there deaths, yes a few in the missions, but the most deaths came from trying to get to the last mission at the back end of Eden, in the woods with marauding bands of 39s/40s. Are we doing what the designers intended, sure we're doing content, we're on a TF, do we get the debt reduction - no chance. A fix to the AI that meant the mob weren't still aggrod on you when you went to hospital in FF and came back wouldn't go amiss either.

RollingDoughnut 35 FF/dark def Freedom
and 50+ others including a couple of 50s

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba




The "Ambulance" is a nice shortcut if you are willing to get a bit of debt.
Ok, so I'm a blaster. I lived in debt for 45 levels (would have for 50 if there was debt in levels 1-5). An additional defeat is not a problem because I'll just go throw fire at something until I feel better.

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Interesting loophole, dontcha think? Too bad there aren't hero taxis or something so that we don't have to act so disgracefully to our heroes

BUT...I've never had a problem with people playing the way they want to for the content and powers they've paid for in client software and online costs. I didn't dig herding, either; but hey, whatever floats yer boat



Couple of changes we're making in I5:

2) XP debt will be halved on mission maps (that includes outdoor mission maps, too).

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This was obviously put in to help blasters. This, combined with the new defiance system, will turn this game into CITY OF BLASTERS!

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Shut yer cakehole. Bloody every person wants the game their own special way. Ya know, being a blaster = being in perpetual debt. We've adjusted to that reality, so a tinnie-tiny bone (Defiance ain't no great shakes, nor is that pitance of a health increase) thrown our way won't rock your world.

Sheesh. Freakin' tanks and scrappers...what, bummed you're no longer standing alone at the top as King of the Hill?



Gawd you people cry about anything--at least make your gripes about stealth or something significant...c'mon, whining about debt badges? You serious?



Gawd you people cry about anything--at least make your gripes about stealth or something significant...c'mon, whining about debt badges? You serious?

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Yeah, I fail to see what all the fuss is about. My biggest complaint is the numerous crashes I have to endure now, not the fact my debt is halved, or people don't get debt until LVl 10. Who cares? Oh, and why at LVL 43 does someone not have a travel power? How in the world have you made it through countless hours playing up to lvl 43 without one? It must have taken 3 years if you have limited time and it takes 9 minutes to get...AHHHHHHH....

Was that a blaster nose-diving? Or me screaming. Does anything make sense? Oh, another thing worthy of complaints..the scores of people running around in witches hats....That, my friends, is simply SICK. Ok, not really, but it looks silly.

So, to summarize I5: I hate the word nerf, its excessive usage makes me feel queasy, then upon seeing some toon wearing his/her new hat, upchuck on my keyboard, causing me much saddness. Crotoa is kinda lame in my opinion, witches and pumpkinheads...just a lame group of villlians if you ask me and really, no one really did so sorry. It's that opinion thing.

I for one still love my Scrapper, even if I died my very first fight because suddenly 3 purps actually kicked my butt because I was n..e..r...nooo, brought back down to earth by the evil supervillian group known only as... the DEVS...Seriously, my scrapper at lvl 34 was whipping large groups of reds, with a nice combo of drk melee/invuln. Should I be upset that now if I'm soloing I take more care because my defensive set is softened up a bit? Nah. I actually applaud...yes, flamers light your matches....the I5 changes in one way...at the very least, the DEVS, in my opinion, are trying to lvl the field a bit and bring more strategy (if unfamiliar with that word, well, I suggest going out and reading Sun Tzu's Art of War or something) into the game. So what cont holds aren't as long lasting? What fun is it to hit some stupid pumpkinhead held in a block of ice over and over, without him taking a single swing at me?

Anyway..everyone's insane...WOO-HOO....Now then, where did I put my Debt badge calculator?



Couple of changes we're making in I5:

2) XP debt will be halved on mission maps (that includes outdoor mission maps, too).

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This was obviously put in to help blasters. This, combined with the new defiance system, will turn this game into CITY OF BLASTERS!

[/ QUOTE ]

Shut yer cakehole. Bloody every person wants the game their own special way. Ya know, being a blaster = being in perpetual debt. We've adjusted to that reality, so a tinnie-tiny bone (Defiance ain't no great shakes, nor is that pitance of a health increase) thrown our way won't rock your world.

Sheesh. Freakin' tanks and scrappers...what, bummed you're no longer standing alone at the top as King of the Hill?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry...I can't help it...but I swear I heard something about blasters and their..well...you know what hy say about men who drive sports cars..some sort of thing about compensation....Such an angry guy, almost, dare I say, defiant?!?

I do agree with you though, rarely have I seen defiance be the blessing it was advertised to be (as evidenced by the constant donating of Awaken's, Bounce Back's, etc. during the Manticore TF we ran a few nights ago). A novel idea is to just learn to adapt and have fun....It's a GAME.....

And how are peoples builds "ruined." If you are so nerfed that your character is unplayable, I suggest you look at how you were playing. I had to do this, and become more strategic (See my previous post) to compensate for I5. And their "entire character creation suddenly tainted because a healer can shoot a bow and arrow? Should no other hero get medicine? Should no pre I5 Controller take boxing? If you don't like the new sets, don't use them...If you can't adapt to the changes, then maybe (and if you weren't lighting your matches yet, this will cause spontaneous combustion) you are not that good at the game, but just good at exploiting the game itself!!! And now that you have to work harder its not as fun!!! Well go PL then...WOO-HOO.. Good night heroes!



Debt nerf = backdoor attempt to help blasters, hands. Down.

Currently listening to Lightnin' Hopkins' Swarthmore Concert

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Gawd you people cry about anything--at least make your gripes about stealth or something significant...c'mon, whining about debt badges? You serious?

[/ QUOTE ]

Chickpea I applaude you (applause applause) so very well said.
Yeah, I fail to see what all the fuss is about. My biggest complaint is the numerous crashes I have to endure now, not the fact my debt is halved, or people don't get debt until LVl 10. Who cares? Oh, and why at LVL 43 does someone not have a travel power? How in the world have you made it through countless hours playing up to lvl 43 without one? It must have taken 3 years if you have limited time and it takes 9 minutes to get...AHHHHHHH....

Was that a blaster nose-diving? Or me screaming. Does anything make sense? Oh, another thing worthy of complaints..the scores of people running around in witches hats....That, my friends, is simply SICK. Ok, not really, but it looks silly.

So, to summarize I5: I hate the word nerf, its excessive usage makes me feel queasy, then upon seeing some toon wearing his/her new hat, upchuck on my keyboard, causing me much saddness. Crotoa is kinda lame in my opinion, witches and pumpkinheads...just a lame group of villlians if you ask me and really, no one really did so sorry. It's that opinion thing.

I for one still love my Scrapper, even if I died my very first fight because suddenly 3 purps actually kicked my butt because I was n..e..r...nooo, brought back down to earth by the evil supervillian group known only as... the DEVS...Seriously, my scrapper at lvl 34 was whipping large groups of reds, with a nice combo of drk melee/invuln. Should I be upset that now if I'm soloing I take more care because my defensive set is softened up a bit? Nah. I actually applaud...yes, flamers light your matches....the I5 changes in one way...at the very least, the DEVS, in my opinion, are trying to lvl the field a bit and bring more strategy (if unfamiliar with that word, well, I suggest going out and reading Sun Tzu's Art of War or something) into the game. So what cont holds aren't as long lasting? What fun is it to hit some stupid pumpkinhead held in a block of ice over and over, without him taking a single swing at me?

Anyway..everyone's insane...WOO-HOO....Now then, where did I put my Debt badge calculator?

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Couple of changes we're making in I5:

2) XP debt will be halved on mission maps (that includes outdoor mission maps, too).

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This was obviously put in to help blasters. This, combined with the new defiance system, will turn this game into CITY OF BLASTERS!

[/ QUOTE ]

Shut yer cakehole. Bloody every person wants the game their own special way. Ya know, being a blaster = being in perpetual debt. We've adjusted to that reality, so a tinnie-tiny bone (Defiance ain't no great shakes, nor is that pitance of a health increase) thrown our way won't rock your world.

Sheesh. Freakin' tanks and scrappers...what, bummed you're no longer standing alone at the top as King of the Hill?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm sorry...I can't help it...but I swear I heard something about blasters and their..well...you know what hy say about men who drive sports cars..some sort of thing about compensation....Such an angry guy, almost, dare I say, defiant?!?

I do agree with you though, rarely have I seen defiance be the blessing it was advertised to be (as evidenced by the constant donating of Awaken's, Bounce Back's, etc. during the Manticore TF we ran a few nights ago). A novel idea is to just learn to adapt and have fun....It's a GAME.....

And how are peoples builds "ruined." If you are so nerfed that your character is unplayable, I suggest you look at how you were playing. I had to do this, and become more strategic (See my previous post) to compensate for I5. And their "entire character creation suddenly tainted because a healer can shoot a bow and arrow? Should no other hero get medicine? Should no pre I5 Controller take boxing? If you don't like the new sets, don't use them...If you can't adapt to the changes, then maybe (and if you weren't lighting your matches yet, this will cause spontaneous combustion) you are not that good at the game, but just good at exploiting the game itself!!! And now that you have to work harder its not as fun!!! Well go PL then...WOO-HOO.. Good night heroes!

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(appluase applause)



Ya know, being a blaster = being in perpetual debt.

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Uh, no.



Umm, Yes. (Wouldn't ya know it--there's always one twinkie that doesn't sit well in it's Hostess box.)

The *vast* majority of blasters (blasters who play other ATs, mind you) feel that they manage debt far longer through each level than your corresponding tank, scrapper, controller and defender. They are the primary squishy. Why? Because they aggro like no controller does (since controllers lock-down the baddies) or any defender (blasters easily outstrip defenders in damage, if you're about to make the offensive defender example--mobs go attack the one that inflicts the highest damage per attack). After all, who do you see on the ground the most? It's the blaster who has tanker-itis, or the fire-blaster that opens with the AoE salvo that ticks off every last minion...bonehead moves, to be sure, but there are plenty of boneheaded blasters. I know I started off that way, too.

The only time you see defenders and controllers hit the deck is from AoE damage, or some uber-dumb move like going toe-to-toe with a lieut or a boss.

With I5...the equation gets muddier, until people adjust to a new playstyle. But it'll be blasters first-and-foremost.

So, just to reinterate, it's *your* perception against the experiences of everyone else, blaster-and-non-blaster alike.

Majority rules, bub. Now go cry in your I-5 beer.



Ya know, being a blaster = being in perpetual debt.

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Uh, no.

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Umm, Yes.

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When you put your statement into the form of an equation you may have given the impression that you were saying "All blasters are in perpetual debt.".

If you did mean that, then you're wrong. Even before the I5 debt changes there was no reason that a careful and skilled blaster couldn't avoid permadebt. Yes, you'll be defeated from time to time. Probably more than most Tankers or Scrappers (which should come as no surprise, since those archetypes have more health and better defenses). Having a lot of debt isn't the same as being in perpetual debt, however.

If you didn't mean that, then you might want to avoid using absolutes (in this case, an equation) to express non-absolute concepts. If you do, then people will be more likely to understand what you say.

The *vast* majority of blasters (blasters who play other ATs, mind you) feel that they manage debt far longer through each level than your corresponding tank, scrapper, controller and defender. They are the primary squishy. Why? Because they aggro like no controller does (since controllers lock-down the baddies) or any defender (blasters easily outstrip defenders in damage, if you're about to make the offensive defender example--mobs go attack the one that inflicts the highest damage per attack). After all, who do you see on the ground the most? It's the blaster who has tanker-itis, or the fire-blaster that opens with the AoE salvo that ticks off every last minion...bonehead moves, to be sure, but there are plenty of boneheaded blasters. I know I started off that way, too.

The only time you see defenders and controllers hit the deck is from AoE damage, or some uber-dumb move like going toe-to-toe with a lieut or a boss.

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Those are some amazing generalizations. What exactly are you trying to say? Just that Blasters are the squishiest archetype, and are able to draw the most agro when they want? Or also that we should feel sorry for the poor Blasters because of this? Are you advocating a change, or opposing one? I've gone back and read your posts in this thread and I'm at a loss to understand what your position is.

I should have stopped paying you as soon as I realized that you were using my money to change the PvE game I love into a PvP game. It was foolish of me to trust you to leave PvE intact.



My point was merely to demonstrate that blasters work amid a habitat of debt, moreso than the other archetypes. And I wasn't making 'amazing generalizations'--I sited specific circumstances on how most blasters get into debt, as well as illustrating the clear nature of acquiring aggro as blaster: Blasters generate far more aggro because they out-damage controllers and defenders and are in highly-offensive postures (e.g. rapidly activating offensive powers agumented with build-up, hasten, aim).

My point is this: Blasters have the highest potential to generate more debt than any other class because of a two-fold issue: 1 - they aggro well and 2 - are also very weak defensively. I'm not asking for sympathy.

Make more sense?




If you didn't mean that, then you might want to avoid using absolutes (in this case, an equation) to express non-absolute concepts. If you do, then people will be more likely to understand what you say.

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Don't be so literal with the mathmatical arguement

By the way:

Even before the I5 debt changes there was no reason that a careful and skilled blaster couldn't avoid permadebt. Yes, you'll be defeated from time to time. Probably more than most Tankers or Scrappers (which should come as no surprise, since those archetypes have more health and better defenses).

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The majority of Blasters are not careful or skilled (very in the minority). In my blurb I alluded to this.



One thing seems clear to me, at least looking at the title of this thread, XP & I5...everyone loves getting huge chunks of XP. For sure I thought many of the old-timers who got to 50 under the old xp system would be angry..heck, if I go hunt solo and wipe the floor with a few lt's or a stray boss with a minion or two, I'm getting 2000+ XP for the boss.

With increased XP, it's clear the DEVS wanted to balance that with the Defense decreases, which is understandable. Pre I5, I could rack up XP buy taking on good sized groups, now I have to be a little more careful. So that makes sense, but what doesn't is the debt thing. Logic dictates that if we get more XP, debt goes away much faster, so why cut it down? Because they toned down defense, more people die? So what. Debt is a way of life for most heroes who play the game. I always push it and see what my powers can really do. So why even bother with the debt?

Maybe it is a blaster thing. Don't know. Don't care. Or was this XP,debt, etc some vast indirect attack on our fav ppl, the PL's. How this discourages it, I don't know. If anything it encourages it. And Statesman is anti-PL. OH Statesman, why hast thou forsaken us? I know I've made it to lvl 36 far more quickly than my climb through the early 30's. Do I feel like I've earned it? Sort of.
Anyway, PLAY on..and on...



The majority of Blasters are not careful or skilled (very in the minority).

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This was pulled directly out of your bottom, and you know it. You cannot speak for "most Blasters" when it comes to their skill or how careful they are, because you have no way to substantiate the statement. You have not seem most blasters play, because there is not enough time in the day to do so.

Do blasters draw more aggro than other squishies? Sure, and they can't lock them down as effectively as some controllers. Do they have minimal defense? Certainly. Does that mean they are not careful or skilled? Not at all, in fact, I'm glad my first 50 was a blaster, becuase it made me a better player and gave me a good understanding of MOB AI.

You may have teamed with some crazy blasters, granted. My blaster never hit the debt cap, was hardly in perma-debt, and solo'd most of her carreer.

Please don't make assumptions about "most Blasters" based on the ones you've seen in game. If I were to make the statement that most blasters were very skilled about MOB AI because of how squishy they are, I would be talking out of my bottom, too.



Just because I can't "substantiate" with hard data doesn't mean it's any less accurate, like in this example: most jerks don't have a lot of friends. Can I substantiate that with numbers? Have I met all of the jerks in the world? No, but from observation one can make these kinds of accurate generalizations.

I more than acknowledge that there are good blasters; however, they are in the minority. Even you have seen your fair share of blasters hit the deck due to bad judgement (errors that usually gets weeded out by the late lvl 20's). When I say *majority* I should've qualified that for accuracy: "the majority of blasters I've seen..."

but when you see a trend, as I've explained, it typically rings true. Ask any primary non-blaster what they see, and they'll tell you that they see a trend, too...most blasters aren't too bright with their aggro management. Blasters, in general have debt-handling issues--again, because 1) they aggro well and 2) have poor health & defenses. Add poor player judgement into the mix and you wind up with goofy ideas like 'defiance'. I've never felt like I needed a 'defiance' boost from the devs (even in the face of the +DEF nerfs), because I know how to play within the confines of being a squishie. Really, if you and I are so good as blasters, why do the devs throw bones like this our way? Must be because a lot of blasters aren't making good builds and/or are poor players that get in over their heads repeatedly.

BTW, i've never, ever been close to my debt cap. To reiterate: most blasters spend much of their time as heroes in debt because that AT has a high learning curve--ergo, the vast sea of crappy blasters. Not a hard concept to agree to, is it?




I more than acknowledge that there are good blasters; however, they are in the minority. Even you have seen your fair share of blasters hit the deck due to bad judgement (errors that usually gets weeded out by the late lvl 20's). When I say *majority* I should've qualified that for accuracy: "the majority of blasters I've seen..."

but when you see a trend, as I've explained, it typically rings true. Ask any primary non-blaster what they see, and they'll tell you that they see a trend, too...most blasters aren't too bright with their aggro management. Or are you going to dispute this, too, and say "substantiate it"?

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I have to agree that more often than not it's a blaster that makes poor decisions and die when I team with them. As a result I will only team with select guys and gals I know are good players. If I had a nickel for everytime I saw a blaster firing away on a boss (one I'm fighting and not needing help with either for that matter), aggro'n the whole pack of minions around him, and getting attacked and dying, then get blamed cause I should have been there to defend them, well, my subscription would be paid into next year easily!

Why is this? I don't know. Like Synch said, a lot of blasters I have teamed with or just seen street cleaning, fall prey more often than any other AT. Part of it is poor play, and given the weaknesses a blaster has (namely minute HP's and utter lack of defense) of course a blaster who is not in tune to strategy will accumulate debt much more rapidly than other AT's.

A lot of other AT's play poorly too, but they can afford to, since they have a better scenario to work with, i.e, not as much damage as a blaster, but better DEf and higher HP's.

All in all, I think a simple rule of life holds true...If something offends me, it might just be because it's true. Attacking Synch because he's telling the truth doesn't accomplish much. If the DEVS took a poll of all blasters and asked if they would give up some of their massive damage for more HP's and Def, I wonder what the results would be. Anyone can get into debt quickly if they can't play (although now they won't realize it until lvl 10!) but the very make up of a blaster makes it easier for them to accumulate debt, because poor play feeds on the weaknesses of the toon.

So chill, and don't take stuff so personally. There are very few absolutes in life.




Just because I can't "substantiate" with hard data doesn't mean it's any less accurate, like in this example: most jerks don't have a lot of friends. Can I substantiate that with numbers? Have I met all of the jerks in the world? No, but from observation one can make these kinds of accurate generalizations.

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This is the kind of logic that kept people thinking the world was flat.



Hey States, I want to thank you for the XP changes! There is one thing in I5 that I truly appreciate, and this is it.




Just because I can't "substantiate" with hard data doesn't mean it's any less accurate, like in this example: most jerks don't have a lot of friends. Can I substantiate that with numbers? Have I met all of the jerks in the world? No, but from observation one can make these kinds of accurate generalizations.

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This is the kind of logic that kept people thinking the world was flat.

[/ QUOTE ]

I was using a light-hearted analogy to illustrate a point about human nature--you've taken me out of context. Keep to the subject, bud. I'm not talking about politics or astrophysics, I'm talking about day-to-day observations on a sub-set of people that play this game.



Chickpea, I appreciate that.

I want to make sure that people don't misconstrue my attitude--I am a blaster, first-and-foremost, and I hold no contempt toward my fellow blaster players or any other AT. I'm simply stating, for those of you just tuning in, that being a blaster means dealing with the realities of being in debt more often than the other AT sets, on the whole.

Are there acceptions? Yes, of course there are. There are cruddy tankers, scrappers, controllers, defenders, and squiddies, to be sure. But as an AT goes, on the whole, blasters have the debt market cornered, based on multiple factors that I've mentioned before.

I'm not looking for sympathy or blaster-pity. Just making a statement. An informed opinion based on observations starting from Day One. That's it. Why all the angst?

I think I could have avoided this whole thing if I simply removed the "being a blaster = perpetual debt".

I wrote it like that for emphasis. A few of you are too (mathmatically and otherwise) literal-minded. And, as my compatriot said:

Anyone can get into debt quickly if they can't play (although now they won't realize it until lvl 10!) but the very make up of a blaster makes it easier for them to accumulate debt, because poor play feeds on the weaknesses of the toon.

So chill, and don't take stuff so personally. There are very few absolutes in life.

[/ QUOTE ]



Debt nerf = backdoor attempt to help blasters, hands. Down.

Currently listening to Lightnin' Hopkins' Swarthmore Concert

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HA, so a perma-debt scrapper isn't also going to benifit? In issue four I spent whole levels paying off debt starting at level 22. A scrapper spent about 7 of their last 10 levels in constant debt. Guess what, I'm enjoying the half debt in missions. It meens that if my scrappers die they aren't going to be paying it off for the next week. Debt reduction helps everyone.

The reason I was perma debt wasn't due to lack of skill, but rather lack of defence. I deliberatly was NOT maxing my defences with Madam Enigma. That was to give more of a chalange. It also had the side effect of getting hit more offten by LTs and Bosses. Want proof that it wasn't due to bad playing? I took Madam Enigma from level 1 to level 20 with just Swipe and Slash from the claws set. I only had Swipe until level 8. My third attack was spin, and it was rarely used. As such I had a two attack power chain going for about 28 levels. It was only then that I picked up another attack I used: evicirate.

Doing that took alot of skill, and I did it mostly with 3 slotted toggles and 2 slotted passives for super reflexes. Due to the price tag of SOs I tended to have yellow enhancements most of the time in my defences. Not an optimized build, and I didn't want one. I hate having to six slot to notice when my toggles are down. What power pools did I have? Teleport, and Fitness. I didn't pick up stamina until level 26. I didn't use my travel power much. I play using skill

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Why is debt only halved on mission maps?

When I'm soloing, I'm pretty cautious, I move forward slowly. As such, I don't get that much debt on mission maps while soloing.

Where I do get debt is outside. Not from random street hunting, but the killer ambushes (2 lieutenants plus six minions) or from force hunting missions. I got two bubbles of debt from clearing the maw in striga, and (after waiting to hit 22 and getting influence from a high level character so I was completely fitted with SOs) three bubbles of debt from clearing the bog.

I understand you want to encourage people to do missions, and half debt is a carrot for it. But doing missions means you get ambushes, and doing missions means you get assigned hunting missions as part of story arcs. Why not half debt on mission-related combat?

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



Statesman, I posted awhile back that Rest should have its recharge reduced to 1 minute. That would do more to take away the early pain and make PL not so attractive. Please consider why you feel the lowers levels should have so much downtime.

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It's a good idea but it's not going to happen so why keep flogging this long deceased horse?