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  1. [ QUOTE ]

    I mean... tanks have no role. I been waiting for something to play 41+ besides the oldschool AV missions. Your lvl 50 TFs take way too long

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know i have to agree and disagree with this statement..first off yes tanks have no role..because of the people who whined and complained and scoffed. Every AT HAD a role in this game but folks wanted balance,tanks was supposed to do that..TANK they was the hulks of the game..their slow but powerful..wasnt good enough for folks,blasters was supposed to do that BLAST stuff..wasnt good enough they wanted to be like tanks and the list goes on and on. I blame it on the whiners.

    Now the TFs..good lord yes they do take a long time and a time frame should be noted upon taking them like "This TF requires atLEAST 2 hours of your time" so people know ahead of time..i can remember playing on a couple TFs and had people quit in the middle cause it wasnt "fast" enough for them. They thought it was like a mission,go in and complete a task and your done.

    I think they are a bit long but for good reason cause the reward is greater,they need to make em shorter and have different types of TFs.
  2. Here goes mine..im watching the new season of 24 so i got to make this very quick lmao...

    I have a SG that has a more...dark theme (shocker there huh) but we do vampires,werewolves,serpents and other "were" type animals. So i wanted somethings that fit..ive tried to set our base up like a mansion..so..heres some things..

    Suits Of Armor
    Originally suggested by: N/A
    Category: Room Decor
    Customizable? N
    Type: Purchased
    Description: Like in castles and mansions..there are those lovely knights and suits of armors that sit up on a stand..these would be a nice touch for some bases who use the Arcane or if you just want it in there.
    Limitations: None

    Originally suggested by: N/A
    Category: Room Decor
    Customizable? N (but come in all colors)
    Type: Purchased
    Description: Im sure you've seen some movies where you have the curtains thats drawn back but exposes a wall with a shield in the middle or whatever. These also could be good to put up around doorways to give them a lilttle more flair and hide those sharp corners.
    Limitations: None

    Originally suggested by: others
    Category: Room Decor
    Customizable? N (but come in different colors and designs)
    Type: Purchased
    Description: Some nice rugs to break up the cold look of the floors..maybe a welcome rug at the bottom of stairs when you come in the portal. Lay some carpet down in certain rooms to mix it up.
    Limitations: None

    Smaller Portal
    Originally suggested by: N/A
    Category: Door
    Customizable? Sorta
    Type: Purchased
    Description: I dont know why the portal is such a big block..but i know it would be nicer if it was smaller and didnt take up so much room. So how about different kinds of portals you can buy? If you have a sewer style base..your portal could be the gate door...snake hole...or the front doors on the arachnos base.Maybe something on the wall...anything that can fit better or be smaller or larger..hell even a portal something like on Star Trek..four people stand on a circle and they all port out at the same time.
    Limitations: Entrance Room Only

    SG Round Table
    Originally suggested by: N/A
    Category: Unknown
    Customizable? Y
    Type: Purchased/Earned/Unlocked up to devs
    Description: Much like the mission computer it would be nice if you had a very large table with the middle being customized.Say you can click on the table..then scroll through the chest emblems to find your SGs emblem and set it for the middle insignia for the table. This would only fit in big meeting rooms..so it feels more....Super Groupish..all good villians and heroes have a large meeting table lol

    Purchased: Dont make it insanely costly..maybe like 10k
    Unlocked: When you unlock 3-4 badges the SG table unlocks as well
    Earned: After so many missions done in SG mode you earn the right to place it

    More Paintings/Wall Art
    Originally suggested by: N/A
    Category: Wall Decor
    Customizable? N
    Type: Purchased
    Description: We got like 2 huge paintings,1 ity bity painting..and whatever that gray tile picasso thing is lol. More paintings...sunsets,seas,wildlife,snow scenes etc
    Limitations: None

    Name Your Base
    Originally suggested by: N/A
    Category: Other
    Customizable? Y
    Type: Earned
    Description: Dont know what this could be...could be free..but why can't we name our bases...all good groups have a name for their base.. Skull Island..X Mansion lol etc..you could put in a filter to keep it from being named bad things.But i think it would be nice if alot of groups could name their base.
    Limitations: None

    SG Ticker
    Originally suggested by: N/A
    Category: Other
    Customizable? Y
    Type: Purchased/Unlocked
    Description: Three lines you can fill in on the super group register form thing..and it will show a ticker inside the base. I.E. Tonight around etc time we will be running (insert name) task force. Or... Congrats to (insert hero/villian team member name) for bringing in 3 new members and achieveing rank 40.Possibilities are endless.
    Limitations: Only the Leaders can edit it

    Weaponary Room
    Originally suggested by: N/A
    Category: Room Decor
    Customizable? N
    Type: Purchased
    Description: This would span all room styles..but if you had a area where it was a training room..or just for show..to be able to show off weapons on the wall. Like Gun Racks,Sword Racks,Axes etc etc..you cant use em..but would add some style...
    Limitations: None

    And that is all for now
  3. KakashiSherigan

    June Comic

    Personally i must say i loved it...ive pretty much given up on the WOW factor of art in comics long time ago..Image was my last running hope and this is coming from a comic/anime artist.

    With that said i must add in my opinion, the storyline is wonderful..because it shows a side that we don't get to see too often in heroes...their HUMAN side or their "not so heroish" side. Now don't get me wrong..i love Superfriends of the old..with the [echoes]great hall of the justice league[echoes] but alot of times you see more friendly banter then realness.

    Xmen is a good show of realness..Wolverine isn't afraid to speak his mind and tell you where you should go. Justice League of new shows alot of raw emotion (watch the episode of Justice Lords oorrrrr Supermans birthday gift when he lets his anger shine). Thats what i want to see and read..not this team who was so well nit and wonderful theres flower petals falling all around them. Statesman was a great leader...was leader forever so sure a little bit of it coulda went to his head...and he would have to be reminded he may be leader but hes leader of a TEAM!

    So i enjoyed it..no matter how "bumish" synapse was he still sucked it up to come to his old team aid and see whats going on.I call it a prelude to things to come...they got smacked..HARD..yeah people are going to be hurt..angry..sad..etc etc...so show us what they deal with before they get back in the game.

    Its no different then a team in the NFL and they getting smacked around bad and its still 2 quarters left but the team is pissy cause they losing..and pointing fingers at this person and that person on why they losing. You can't fast foward the game and say..eh..i want to see the team thats together and wonderful and winning... JMO [smiles]
  4. KakashiSherigan

    XP and I5

    You know someone else said in this tread people are never happy and will complain with anything...

    No debt till Level 10 is nothing "killer" its a nice incentive trust that,but saying it will make people be "less careful" is stupid..your going to STILL run into mobs and die..you just won't collect debt. Eventually your going to hit level 10 and then the no debt fun will end like with it for 5 levels.

    Seems to me the ones saying nay are the ones who are mad cause they didn't have it from the start. Personally i think they should do this..make it chooseable

    While your in Outbreak BEFORE going to Gal or AP you choose..do you want the Normal Debt Ring or the Advanced Debt Ring.. so if you like the so called "challenge" you can go with the "i get debt after 5 levels" for those who want to hit 10 without having to work off debt so early can pick the latter.

    The game should be more new user friendly in all aspects,someone thats NEW to MMORPGs might get a lil swayed if they die and see that they got to "pay off" debt after just their only 5th level. Hell i can burn through levels 1-4 with my friends in just a hour or so..imagine someone new playing..plays for a couple hours and gets that stupid Frostfire mission..or one of those Skull missions with the DarkHand(my nickname for him) user in it.

    I remember doing that Skull mission BY MYSELF cause i couldnt get a team,and died i think 3 or 4 times..trying to whittle his health down,then run back before he had a chance to heal all the way back up.

    As far as the half XP/debt thing, this game is like watching a movie...if ya skip ahead to the end you won't know whats going on and why this happened..or this is there. So half the xp outside and half the debt inside is wonderful. Im SURE theres plenty of MMORPGs for those who just want to "farm" in the games..or maybe they can make like 3 areas thats strictly for the street farmers so you can level and farm away.

    Missions are in here for a reason,then when yall skip em..and they add something in for the people who DO do the missions..yall spamming up the broadcast and request looking for folks doing "certain missions" so you can complete to get whatever they added. "Anyone doing the find the such and such cot mission"..ya [censored] shoulda did it when you got it.

    They even added Field Analyst so you could up the difficulity of missions so you could get more xp and a better challenege.Up your status..farm your mission and get lots of xp. So i think the new ideas is perfect IMO
  5. KakashiSherigan

    Freedom Server

    Do you guys/gals RP only on the game or do you also have a message board where it can continue off game for those laid back times ?
  6. (Ooc)And if we get a leader...i have the website and forums...i currently run a robotic/android themed SG and we RP a lil..i wish it was more but the lack of members makes it a lil more unfun to.

    (IC) PhoenixAndroid at your service,the events that led up to my dismay is what has stregnthed me thanks to Dr. Sensei Hitchagome' with his S.K.I.N.S technology i wouldnt be here right now. {powers up the phoenix suit]}

    But that all is changing...the Skulls..Hellions..all will be brought to justice with the help of the other androids!

    (OOC) just send me a tell on Freedom under PhoenixAndroid or reply here..im willing to help