Base Items We'd Like To See..




Making this thread as a consolidated wishlist (in the spirit of the season, of course) in the hopes we can get it stickied, as individual suggestion threads tend to get lost in the shuffle.

1) Stick to the standard format, makes it easier to read/skim through.
2) Keep it positive. Plenty of other threads to grouch on, folks.
3) Descriptions should be brief & to the point.
4) Give credit where credit is due. Cite original idea-holder if you can.

formatcut & paste)
Item name
Originally suggested by: (person)
Category: (aux/main) (room type) (other/new)
Customizable? (Y/N)
Type: (unlocked/purchased/crafted)(special conditions)
Description: (Does thus and so; what makes your item special?)
Limitations: (if any. What can't be done with your item? How many can fit in a base? Etc.)
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New Base Items We'd Like To See

Wall Signs
Originally suggested by: CodeGuy
Category: Decorative
Customizable? Yes.
Type: Purchased in the edit window.
Description: Customizable wall-mounted signs/bulletin boards. "The ultimate would be a signboard that we could type anything into. If that's not possible, then it would be great if there were just a bunch of signs to choose from that we could hang anywhere."
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(Origin-Specific) Enhancement Stores
Originally suggested by: Aergonaut
Category: medical auxiliary
Customizable? no
Type: crafted, presumably an unlocked recipe.
Description: "..Able to sell enhancements of all types in the appropriate level ranges (5/10 TO, 15/20 DO, 25+5n (n >= 0) SO) and buy back enhancements at store prices... They could even break the store up into origin-specific items, if they wanted..."
Limitations: Increased price from regular Vendors/Contacts. Each separate store is origin-specific.
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Base Storage
Originally suggested by: Unknown. Suggested many times since Beta.
Category: other/new
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased or unlocked
Description: A place to donate Supergroup Salvage and Crafted items for the Supergroup as a whole. This serves multiple purposes: Firstly, crafted items put into Storage do not disappear if the crafter leaves the SG. Secondly, it allows those with crafting priveleges access to all Salvage, and allows the designated base Architects to place crafted items according to their own plans for the base.
Limitations: Will probably require their own room/category. presumably, limited storage capacity. upgrades and other Aux items should be craftable.
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SuperGroup Uniform Creator
Originally suggested by: BloodStryke
Category: decorative/other/new
Customizable? yes
Type: unlocked craftable recipe
Description: A design station or display case that allows "...a very special extension of the tailor shop. Costume does not take over any existing costume slots. All SG members can now wear the same uniform in SG mode, not just the same colors... Over time, additional SG costume slots could be unlocked; winter and summer uniforms, battlesuits, different looks for different ranks. Special SG logoed gear might also become available such as jet packs, scuba gear, etc. The first costume slot should be fairly easy to unlock and relatively cheap to build..."

Limitations: "This might technically require three designs, one for male, one for female, and one for huge. Actually recieving your costume will probably require costumizing at the tailor, until you can actually build a tailor annex. Later SG costume slots and special gear will be more challenging to acquire."
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Base Servant
Originally suggested by: The_RaZ
Category: decorative/other
Customizable? yes
Type: craftable
Description: "the ability to hire/buy/construct a servant for your base: Butler, Robot, Summoned Demon, etc... depending upon the SG style. Acts as an interface for various aspects of the Base. For example if you wanted to put something in [Base Storage]: simply click on the servant and ask them to put it in the [Base Storage]." Possible other uses; BBS system, greeter, bartender.
Limitations: mainly decorative, no defensive or raidable purpose. Possibly kidnappable by raiders!
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Originally suggested by: MadScientist, Lothart, others(Suggestion Forums)
Category: decorative/other
Customizable? yes
Type: craftable
Description: "a decorative whiteboard and messageboard you can use in SG bases... where you can post discussions to your SG. (Read-only for visitors to your base... or not, based on settings.) ...[covers] things like organizing Raid times and Salvage swapping." "Nothing fancy, just a text board. E-mail is already in game so all we need is a way to e-mail to the message board and let everyone read it."
Limitations: Scales up in level, costing more Prestige. Limit on the maximum number of messages. Small: Memo Board (0 energy, 0 control) /Medium: Message Board (small E/C cost) /Large: Kiosk /Gigantic: Information Terminal (Tech) or Tome of Knowledge (Arcane)
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OPs, I apologize in advance for any liberties I have taken with your ideas to fit them in the current format. Please post additions, corrections, clarifications etc! I will update, correct and maintain as necessary. And, of course, there's plenty of room for new suggestions, too! Put 'em here, folks! maybe we can get this stickied!



and now some of mine:

Alarm Klaxon/Arcane Screamer
Originally suggested by: Ruin_Of_Iron
Category: defense auxiliary
Customizable? no
Type: purchased in the edit window
Description: triggers a loud alarm sound when a hostile gets within range. Alarm is heard throughout the base and continues until the item is destroyed or the raid ends/base resets. Klaxons and Screamers should have different alarm sounds from each other, so a base large enough to have both can differentiate between them. Ideally, both types should see through Stealth and Invisibility, though they don't "unhide" targets - they're just an alarm system.
Limitations: Requires tech/arcane-specific power and control. Placed in Defense rooms only. Does no damage. Easily destroyed.
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Unique Raiding Base Badge
Originally suggested by: Ruin_Of_Iron
Category: decorative/other
Customizable? yes
Type: Unlocked by multiple IoP Task Forces - at least five.
Description: unlocking this item gives your SuperGroup a customizable badge that can be crafted and placed in your Base - ONCE. You can specify the title and text of the badge, and set it as either Exploration (anyone who enters the base can find the badge), Defense (awarded to all defenders after a raiding party is defeated) or Raider (awarded to all attackers after the base is succesfully raided.)
Limitations: One to a customer. Supergroups can only place ONE such badge, EVER, so maturity (and possibly a member-ratification process) should be in place. EULA-violating badges are removed from the database permanently and are not replaced.
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Base Portal Beam Focuser
Originally suggested by: ReddDredd
Category: Aux.
Customizable? No.
Type: Tech Craftable, Expert Table
Description: Focuses the Base Portal return beam in Hazard Zones so that a toon who dies in a door mish in a Hazard Zone returns directly to the mish door, instead of the Teleport Beacon location of that Hazard Zone.



Good suggestions all around.

Now, we just have to find time...



Oh... I'm all creepy inside! The badguy redname used MY Reply link to Reply! Oh oh oh !

Good to see a Reddie in here tho.



and now some of mine:

Alarm Klaxon/Arcane Screamer

[/ QUOTE ]

NOOO! NOT A KLAXON!, We have some guy in our fire house who decided upon himself we needed one of these...



Grated Water Drain (small)
Originally suggested by: me as far as I know
Category: Floor decoration
Customizable? N
Type: purchased
Description: Just a basement drain. So I can drain blood from my interrogation room. Would like to have versions that match all tile sets but matching sewer would be fine
Limitations: floor placement only

Wandering off duty Heroes/Villains
Originally suggested by: me though similar to base pets mentioned above
Category: other
Customizable? N/A
Type: unlocked or special conditions
Description: Unused Alt characters wander around the base. Or sit and read or sleep. They can dissappear during a base raid but I would pay good money to see them AI defend my stuff.
Limitations: It can be just eye candy but might be fun as a base raid tool.

Originally suggested by: Mr Sprinkles
Customizable? Y (as in different types for different tile sets)
Type: purchased
Description: Opens and closes
Limitations: only seatable in doorways

Hand rails (not attached to a wood bridge, just free standing)
Originally suggested by: Mr Sprinkles and me
Category: room detail/item
Customizable? N
Type: purchased
Description: kind of like the roped off sections of those warehouse but instead of bowed ropes, they are straight up hand rails.
Limitations: place anywhere free standing on the floor
(NOTE: I know there are items that can kind of mimic this but just a length of rail to keep people from falling off a raised platform would be nice.)



Worldwide Action Monitor

Originally suggested by: me

Category: Control Aux

Customizable? N

Type: Craftable... Maybe SG PVP Badge requiremnet

Description: Looks like a cross between the mission computer and holodisplay. Lists activity in PVP zones. IE Number of Heroes, # of Villains. Shows current status of Hero/Villain battles in Sirens. Maybe it could also report Giant Monster activity




Costume Manequinns
Originally suggested by: Evil_Shadow
Category: Aux from Base Tailor
Customizable? Yes
Type: Unlocked, possible mini-mission from tailor, and then crafted for each one.
Description: A blank manequinn that can hold a costume of the placer's design. Requires a tailor residing in the base as it needs to be attached to it.
Limitations: Limited to a certain number per SG/VG, possibly one for each rank, making the cap at 5, though each one would need to be crafted and the full cost of the costume would need to be paid for use.

(Not sure if this has been suggested by anyone.)
Base Tailor
Originally suggested by: Evil_Shadow?
Category: Main, New Room Type: Tailor (Low Room Cost, average Power/Control Req.)
Customizable? Yes
Type: Unlocked, Possible Special Mission from Icon/Facemaker, Always Availible to purchase
Description: A Tailor, who can change any of your current costume slots, SG costume slots (See above idea by BloodStryke), and Manequinne costumes (see above idea by me). Three different types can be created, Normal, Tech, and Arcane, possibly more if more designs become availible. Attendant can have his/her/it's uniform edited by Architects at any time, but only three would be allowed per base, each needing their own room, which would be fairly cheap as rooms go. Would always be availible to build in creation, but is fairly expensive, possibly on par with Main Power and Control Items.
Limitations: 3 per base, each requiring their own room. Can only edit current costume slots, not grant missions for additional costume slots. Possibly cheaper or more expensive than regular tailors, depending on devs' opinion.



Individual letters as wall hangings/signs
Originally suggested by: me
Category: Wall decoration
Customizable? N
Type: purchased
Description: Square shaped signs with a capital letter in each one. All letters of the alphabet plus numbers 0 through 9. That way we can spell stuff on the walls. Like over Zone TPers.. We could spell "ST M" and know that goes to St. Martial as one weak example.
Limitations: wall placement



Training Sim Room
Originally suggested by: me? naw....
Category: Fun!
Customizable? Yes
Type: crafted
Description: You can create a room like a holodeck where you can choose different types of enemies to fight against. You can decide their AI and behavior so if you just want to test your damage and endurance usage, you could put the setting on 'punching bag' and work them over. Or you can put them on 'aggressive' and have at it. Wanna see if your defender can solo a +2 Freak Tank? Try it!



Base NPCs
Originally suggested by: me
Category: decorative/other
Customizable? yes
Type: ?
Description: NPC "citizens" that appear to be busy working in the base. There should be several types (Clockwork, demons, lab-coated civilains etc). The idea is to eliminate some of the sterile look of empty bases by showing some activity. If possible, they could have unique replies when poked by an SG member, for example, comments on what SG members have done lately ("Word on the street is that Power Blaster took out a bunch of Clockwork!") Again, if possible, allow the designer to pick from existing NPC models - e.g. the guy talking on the phone, the person with their feet in the bucket etc.



Koi Pond
Originally suggested by: kitties everywhere (me first!)
Category: decoration/distraction
Customizable? Yes! (add fishies!)
Type: unlocked/built (but not to expensive)
Description: decoration piece that not only contains water to splash around, but also fishies!
Limitations: fish occationally need to be restocked if owned by a feline sg (non really, it's Decore!)

Originally suggested by: Sleepy Kitty
Category: N/A
Customizable? no
Type: purchased/unlocked (SG trial)
Description: takes heros to second floor of base where personal rooms of each hero are in base (ie, rooms that, that hero can decorate).
Limitations: Elevator doesn't operate during base raids due to safty concerns (ex fire!) and neither raiders or residents can get up there till the emergancy is over.

Personal rooms
Originally suggested by: o.o everyone! (this ver by me)
Category: decore room
Customizable? very!
Type: purchasable
Description: personal space in bases. Each member of the sg has a doorway on the second floor. If the door is open/ajar then that person has set permissions to let others enter their room/see what they've done with it. If the door is closed, it's locked and only the owner can come in. The room(s) are similar to normal bases, except with alot more decore options (beds, desks.. personal type items, wall displays for souvenirs! and badges!!). Items in room and aditional rooms can be purchases through influ (or maybe badges/trials) and can only exist inside that room.
Limitations: rooms are decore only and don't aid/effect base/sg raids and trials, purely for fun ^_^ also, rooms are tied into elevator, so during raids, defenders and attackers can't go up to/enter the rooms (so no hiding!)

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



Supergroup Emblem Plaque
Originally suggested by: Karina
Category: Decorative - Wall Decoration
Customizable? Yes.
Type: Unlocked.
Description: A wall decoration similar to available paintings; limited to existing supergroup emblems.
Limitations: Customizable only by style type (Arcane/Tech/Etc). Unlock-able so that smaller SGs may display one without influence.

Edited to add Limitations.



"Office" Base Type
Originally suggested by: Karina
Category: Decorative
Customizable? Yes.
Type: Purchased at the edit window
Description: Addition to existing base types: Arcane, Tech, Miyako, etc. Beige walls and carpeting to better match the cubicles.
Limitations: Behaves similarly to existing base types.

Click for example of an Office Base Type



Villian Group Statues
Originally suggested by: YeaYuh
Category: Decorative - Decoration
Customizable? No.
Type: Unlocked.
Description: A decoration of your favorite villians (Similar to the robot in Gentlemen's Club mission, will post picture soooon!); Limited to open badges from supergroup.
Limitations: Unlock-able so that smaller SGs may display one without influence.

Edited to add Limitations.



Return to base transporter
Originally suggested by: me as far as I know
Category: other
Customizable? N
Type: crafted
Description: Creates a permanent click power for all SG members so they can TP back to base. Would add more value to having zone TPers
Limitations: there would have to be at least a 15 second count down before you port so this can't be abused as a way to avoid dying in PvP or PvE.



Advanced Teleporter
Originally suggested by: o.o err.. I've been since bases came out..
Category: Teleporter
Customizable? Y
Type: unlocked/crafted
Description: an advanced version of the basic teleporter, can handle 15 zones/beacons at a time (might want to have a medium tper too that handles 8 or something).
Limitations: unlocked by sg through badge/trial, uses up triple the energy/control of the basic tper.

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



Disco lights
Originally suggested by: @Bland
Category: decoration
Customizable? N
Type: Unlocked/Crafted
Description: There's a mission with the Hellions early on, and the Paragon Dance Party with a disco/laser show.
Limitations: Maximum is one per room (maybe more). Shuts down in the event of a raid - maybe flashes a "warning" light instead.



Forgive me for not sticking with the format but I do not have time to write this all out as such. I posted this in the sugestions forum but since most are base stuff I will paste it here.

The ability to sit in chairs
wider chairs for bases
the tech computer for bases (the large computer boxes)
punching bags and other stuff that would fit in a gym
The Diablo point for heroes! (( Please please please please? ))
tech computers (the computer with the keyboard and monitor) for bases
Smaller arcane fluff
large conference table pieces
more fluff to add to recreation rooms (pinball, pool... etc)
TV's of various sizes
beds and medical beds
more medical fluff
walls and doors for bases
a medical room between the current two sizes
a hallway room
dumies that wear costumes ala Icon
elevator tubes and doors (even if they do nothing)
mulitple floors
"windows" (aka sprites that look like windows and have things on the "other side" of them)
the ability to remove molding from the ceiling and floor
ability to have wide or double doorways
more things that seem generatorish and control roomish (even if they do nothing )



Endurance Emitter
Originally suggested by: Archrex Dojhrom
Category: (main)
Customizable? (N)
Type: (unlocked, purchased, & crafted)(SG defeats 10,000 sappers)
Description: (Prolonged Combat with malta sappers has Earned you a design for an super power restoration machine)[ Like CoT Endurance Crystals]
Limitations: (One per room)

Prison [2x4] 4 cells
Originally suggested by: unknown, many have Suggested it.
Category: (main) (room)
Customizable? (Y)
Type: (unlocked & purchased)(SG badge 1000 council missions)
Description: (With many missions deep into the bowels of the Council/5th Column bases you have learned how to bypass the medical transport system and perfected a room to hold invaders)
Limitations: (Basic Version starts with a 20% chance to capture defeated raiders, disables travel powers, basic prison door)

Light/Medium/Heavy Prison/force feild Door
Originally suggested by: Archrex Dojhrom
Category: (aux) (prison/vaults/rooms)
Customizable? (Y)
Type: (unlocked & purchased)(10/100/500/1000 Base Missions & Raids)
Description: (Many incursions and invasions have proved the worth of sealing vital rooms and holding prisoner behind better doors)
Limitations: (Prison doors don't respawn regardless of thickness and HPs until forcefield is discovered)
Heavy Prison Door = Current Council/CoT doors

Basic MTS Jammer (+5%) /Improved MTS Jammer (+15%)/ Heavy MTS Jammer(+30%)/Elite MTS Jammer (50%)
Originally suggested by: Archrex Dojhrom
Category: (aux) (prison)
Customizable? (N)
Type: (unlocked, purchased, & crafted)(must have unlocked Prison & 100/500/1000/5000 PvP instanced missions)
Description: (Foiling the other side is what your group does best, be predicting your enemies location you have learned how to further jam the MTS)Limitations: Jammers will have a heavy energy cost and high price 5 million for the Elite seems fair for a temporary "choke point"

ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec



When bases were first proposed, it was assumed as a given that there would be a base vault. Someplace where you can deposit Influence, Inspirations, and Enhancements (and now salvage and components) for others to use. Like other base components, access could be restricted by rank.

This woul make sharing influence and enhancements in the group much easier and be an allaround quality-of-life improvement.

It would also increase the chash in the group, as people could drop their SOs there for others to pick up insteadof selling them at 30ยค, giving away the money, and the beneficiary then bying them back for 100% of the base price. Maybe the devs do not want this to happen. But shouldn't being social be rewarded?

I definitely want it. Some real utility for a PvE group.



I bought a little wall safe. Can't I put stuff in there?

Oh, and the little roaches for sewer type bases would be cool.