Base Items We'd Like To See..




Originally suggested by: Me! Yay!
Category: Decorative
Customizable? N
Type: Purchased
Description: What is a base/breakroom without a source of caffeine? (Ideally there could be several different types, ranging from a simple small pot, to an industrial device with several pots, to an espresso machine. Doesn't have to have any function (though it would be amusing if it dispensed large Catch a Breaths), just decorative to promote roleplaying.

Originally suggested by: Me! Yay!
Category: Decorative
Customizable? N
Type: Purchased
Description: Another breakroom, lab, or med-center must. Use the same model that is often seen in Crey or Malta missions as a glowie that contains brains.



SG Mission Story Arcs
Originally suggested by: Loads of people in various forms
Category: Missions
Customizable? N
Type: Unlockable
SGs need multiple story arcs. A basic story arc should be unlocked simply by starting a base. Future arcs should be unlocked in a variety of different ways. Completing an arc should unlock "something."

In short I'd like some PvE reasons for having a base please

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



In general, I'd love to see more interactivity. Chairs and couches that let you properly sit in/lie down on them, games to play, target dummies to attack (like the ones in the tutorial), stereos to turn on similar to the boombox, etc, etc. I want fun base items that make hanging out in my base fun. A little bit of Sims style for the roleplayers who like to spend a lot of time with their friends in the bases, rather than inert props.



decorative item maker
Originally suggested by: o.o Sleepy Kitty
Category: salvage table
Customizable? N (well. maybe, can't think of how)
Type: unlocked/purchased
Description: a salvage table that instead of making base items, turns salvage from one faction into a decorative weapon/item used by that group of baddies. These items can be used to decorate the base and/or be kept on the hero for purposes of cerimonial costuming (ie, posing and showing off the cool weapon you have on you)

Limitations: These items don't actually do anything, they're mearly for show and can't be used to harm villains/heroes in actual battle.


o.o basically, alot of us keep those temp powers that work on # of shots and stuff so that we can pose with them around atlas or show off to friends. This would provide us with not only a use for extra salvage that the SG can't afford to make into something and place down (and lets admit it, stuff is expensive, and besides, there are only so many of what ever item you can place before your full and haven't got anything to use salvage for), but also a way for us to have that extra sword, or ritiki gun, or nemessis weapon to flash around with our costumes, and not unbalance the game in any way ^_^

(I have the nem staff mission and I just don't have the heart to do it, I can only have it for 3 days o.o, I don't care about zapping ppl with it, I just want to have it to wave around the base or atlas!!)

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



They should make a training room that works like the arena but in your base.

[/ QUOTE ]

Multiply this idea by 25,000,000 to the tenth power for me. That is, implement it once, but I agree THAT many times. (Have others? As soon as I saw it, I quoted it--haven't read through it all yet...)



This has probably been mentioned, but here goes:

I want (badly) the jukebox and (especially) beer taps from the PDP. If I could just have the beer taps, and also have them be stackable on the counter I'm using for a bar, I would be very happy. Please let this happen, oh please oh please.....

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



How about just installing an arena terminal in your base?

On the hero side, I'd LOVE to see something like a Hero Base Spur Line you could install. It would be a little mini-subway room that would allow you to go anywhere the Green or Yellow lines go. It would make a nice complement to the teleporters which only go to zones not serviced by the trams anyway.

Oh, and the stupid teleport beacon for Founders Falls.



Ooooh - a spur line. Cool idea. I'd like it even better if it was just a door that you could install. Clicking on the door brings up a destination menu. Otherwise, another room might not fit in some bases.

I understand the need for the devs to have people burn time in travel, but removing this annoyance for the players might result in accounts sticking around longer. Just a theory.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



I'd like to see more useability from the mission computer. A SG list like the one from Port Oaks SG contact would be nice, the ability to pay Rent from the Mission computer and possibly a list of Badges that the SG does not yet possess, and an exact figure of what they need to fill that list.



Why don't you just go TO the Arena? Seriously, I'm really confused on that one.



he's an idea... you can try to stick to the format of the thread so that ideas are easy for the devs to read...

just a refresher:

formatcut & paste)
Item name
Originally suggested by: (person)
Category: (aux/main) (room type) (other/new)
Customizable? (Y/N)
Type: (unlocked/purchased/crafted)(special conditions)
Description: (Does thus and so; what makes your item special?)
Limitations: (if any. What can't be done with your item? How many can fit in a base? Etc.)


now if thats not to hard for you...

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



Soda/beer/wine Bottles and cups
Originally suggested by: @Steppenwolf as far as I know
Category: (decorative)
Customizable? (Y/N)
Type: (who cares? I like stuff on counters)
Description: Name says it all. Beverage drink stuff. I managed to build a bar for our SG, but now we need something on it.
Limitations: Ok, alcohol would be bad mmmkay, but we can at least have soda/coffee/etc. Oh, and tables that work with them would be nice too.

Hanging Skeleton
Originally suggested by: @Steppenwolf as far as I know
Category: Customizable? (Y/N)
Description: Medical display skeleton.

Give me a week and I'll think of a dozen more... then forget them.



Blood Tiles
Originally suggested by: Me as far as I know
Category: decorative
Customizable: yes
Type: purchased

Description: These would be pools of blood that could be placed in lowered sections of the room. Call it red water if blood is to much, I have seen rivers of red water in the game and it looks really cool



How about just installing an arena terminal in your base?

On the hero side, I'd LOVE to see something like a Hero Base Spur Line you could install. It would be a little mini-subway room that would allow you to go anywhere the Green or Yellow lines go. It would make a nice complement to the teleporters which only go to zones not serviced by the trams anyway.

Oh, and the stupid teleport beacon for Founders Falls.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, heck. I'd even put two spur rooms for both Green and Yellow Line!

Who had the brilliant idea for teleport beacons to only be for hazard zones?

Still here, even after all this time!



I just wan a Blender for my Bar



Originally suggested by: MadScientist, Lothart, others(Suggestion Forums)
Category: decorative/other
Customizable? yes
Type: craftable
Description: "a decorative whiteboard and messageboard you can use in SG bases... where you can post discussions to your SG. (Read-only for visitors to your base... or not, based on settings.) ...[covers] things like organizing Raid times and Salvage swapping." "Nothing fancy, just a text board. E-mail is already in game so all we need is a way to e-mail to the message board and let everyone read it."
Limitations: Scales up in level, costing more Prestige. Limit on the maximum number of messages. Small: Memo Board (0 energy, 0 control) /Medium: Message Board (small E/C cost) /Large: Kiosk /Gigantic: Information Terminal (Tech) or Tome of Knowledge (Arcane)

This. I want this. =)

Shae Firewarder



Item name:Terra Volta Reactor(well something like it)
Originally suggested by:Lythos
Category: Main,Power
Customizable? Yes
Type: Unlocked all 3 Respec trials done in SG mode
Description: A Better Version of any of the tech power Generators
Limitations:1 Per base

Item name:Thorn Tree(well something like it)
Originally suggested by:Lythos
Category: Main,Power
Customizable? Yes
Type: Complete all 3 Respec trials done in SG mode
Description: A Better Version of any of the arcane power Generators
Limitations:1 Per base

Dunno maybe a reward for an sg done Respec trial we need something to fill the SG Accolades



My appologies if these have been suggested before:

Originally suggested by: Tic-Toc
Category: Decorative
Customizable? Somewhat
Type: Purchased in the edit window.
Description: Various banners and flags that can be hung from walls, ceilings, or stands. They would have the SG emblem and ideally a costumized emblem color/background color.

Enhancement Exchange
Originally suggested by: Tic-Toc
Category: ?
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased or crafted.
Description: A device that could purchase enhancements from a player at the same value as an origin specific contact would, and sell them at that same value (ie, cheaper than contacts, but not free)

Another big feature change I'd like to see would be a change to crafted items. Instead of crafting an item and adding it as a personal item, I'd rather see it unlock that item in the normal purchase window with a quantity. Ie, you craft a lay tap, it shows up in the normal buy window with a 1 next to it. You place the lay tap in your base, it now shows 0 in the window (meaning you couldn't place another). If you delete it from the base, that number goes back up to 1. If you craft 2 lay taps, the number shows 2. This would make storage rooms pretty much un-needed, as you could just delete crafted items, and replace them from the normal buy menu.

Formerly "Back Alley Brawler"



Ok, the suggestions of music and PvE Base missions ROCKS.

Could you imagine going to a contact who turns to you in alarm "XXX villain has found the location to your hidden lair! You need to rush there to defend it..."

And the mobs set up in your mission just like they would in any random map, and you have to clear them all.

It'd be a blast. Toss that up there with Arch Nemeses.

Here's one I'm surprised nobody suggested:

Originally suggested by: Me, I think
Category: Room type
Customizable? Should be a variety of these rooms, anyway
Type: Purchased
Description: Similar to the prisons found in Council bases or CoT lairs, when a raiding hero/villain "dies" and tries to respawn in the hospital (or wherever it is they respawn in raids), they respawn here. Behind a locked door. Likely with a slew of defenses guarding them. This helps make the fight less of a "zerg" affair, and heroes with "holding cells" and villains with "dungeouns" are a staple.

While you're at it, add some manacles and devices-aiding-in-interrogation.

Limitations: Only one per base, and it should require at least some Control. I'd limit the number of defenses you can put in there so it's a challenge to escape, rather than a drag on the raid.

Oh, and adding NPCs would rock. Guards to fight at your side, cowering prisoners in your dungeoun, or people selling items/helping out.



Here goes watching the new season of 24 so i got to make this very quick lmao...

I have a SG that has a more...dark theme (shocker there huh) but we do vampires,werewolves,serpents and other "were" type animals. So i wanted somethings that fit..ive tried to set our base up like a some things..

Suits Of Armor
Originally suggested by: N/A
Category: Room Decor
Customizable? N
Type: Purchased
Description: Like in castles and mansions..there are those lovely knights and suits of armors that sit up on a stand..these would be a nice touch for some bases who use the Arcane or if you just want it in there.
Limitations: None

Originally suggested by: N/A
Category: Room Decor
Customizable? N (but come in all colors)
Type: Purchased
Description: Im sure you've seen some movies where you have the curtains thats drawn back but exposes a wall with a shield in the middle or whatever. These also could be good to put up around doorways to give them a lilttle more flair and hide those sharp corners.
Limitations: None

Originally suggested by: others
Category: Room Decor
Customizable? N (but come in different colors and designs)
Type: Purchased
Description: Some nice rugs to break up the cold look of the floors..maybe a welcome rug at the bottom of stairs when you come in the portal. Lay some carpet down in certain rooms to mix it up.
Limitations: None

Smaller Portal
Originally suggested by: N/A
Category: Door
Customizable? Sorta
Type: Purchased
Description: I dont know why the portal is such a big block..but i know it would be nicer if it was smaller and didnt take up so much room. So how about different kinds of portals you can buy? If you have a sewer style base..your portal could be the gate door...snake hole...or the front doors on the arachnos base.Maybe something on the wall...anything that can fit better or be smaller or larger..hell even a portal something like on Star Trek..four people stand on a circle and they all port out at the same time.
Limitations: Entrance Room Only

SG Round Table
Originally suggested by: N/A
Category: Unknown
Customizable? Y
Type: Purchased/Earned/Unlocked up to devs
Description: Much like the mission computer it would be nice if you had a very large table with the middle being customized.Say you can click on the table..then scroll through the chest emblems to find your SGs emblem and set it for the middle insignia for the table. This would only fit in big meeting it feels more....Super Groupish..all good villians and heroes have a large meeting table lol

Purchased: Dont make it insanely costly..maybe like 10k
Unlocked: When you unlock 3-4 badges the SG table unlocks as well
Earned: After so many missions done in SG mode you earn the right to place it

More Paintings/Wall Art
Originally suggested by: N/A
Category: Wall Decor
Customizable? N
Type: Purchased
Description: We got like 2 huge paintings,1 ity bity painting..and whatever that gray tile picasso thing is lol. More paintings...sunsets,seas,wildlife,snow scenes etc
Limitations: None

Name Your Base
Originally suggested by: N/A
Category: Other
Customizable? Y
Type: Earned
Description: Dont know what this could be...could be free..but why can't we name our bases...all good groups have a name for their base.. Skull Island..X Mansion lol could put in a filter to keep it from being named bad things.But i think it would be nice if alot of groups could name their base.
Limitations: None

SG Ticker
Originally suggested by: N/A
Category: Other
Customizable? Y
Type: Purchased/Unlocked
Description: Three lines you can fill in on the super group register form thing..and it will show a ticker inside the base. I.E. Tonight around etc time we will be running (insert name) task force. Or... Congrats to (insert hero/villian team member name) for bringing in 3 new members and achieveing rank 40.Possibilities are endless.
Limitations: Only the Leaders can edit it

Weaponary Room
Originally suggested by: N/A
Category: Room Decor
Customizable? N
Type: Purchased
Description: This would span all room styles..but if you had a area where it was a training room..or just for be able to show off weapons on the wall. Like Gun Racks,Sword Racks,Axes etc cant use em..but would add some style...
Limitations: None

And that is all for now



The devs have already confirmed alot of details, things like a storage for salvage, medical feature that take you right back to your mission entrance as well as the eventually addition of an arena terminal in the base.

But what I want to see is more community aspects added to the base, things which allow for VGs and SGs to run events. SWG added the ability to place props and script NPCs around the planets for player run events and they really were quite useful. I wouldn't suggest allowing people to place props and NPCs around the city but if you combined the base building feature, with a 'danger room' type environment then it would be excellent to allow players to build and script their own missions. The technology for the base can clearly be adapted to craft rudimentary missions since its part and parcel.

I'd also like to see more functional furniture in the bases. A working clock which keeps in-game time or realtime dependant on a specified timezone to help organise events. A bulliten board which members can access for SG announcements. A set of features which turns the base into the centre of communication for the group rather than relying on external websites. A mass mailing system, a coalition feature that lets you see the roster and whos online for the SGs/VGs you're allied with.

Some fun and trival stuff would be nice as well. A costume editor that lets you temporarally change costume and keep it while in the base but resets to normal once you leave. This might encourage social events in bases as people can dress up and have themed gatherings without spending thousands of INF on seeing a tailor. Maybe also allow lowbies to have temporary auras as a perk and a gimpse into what they'd look like when they get to level 30. Lets have a few 'games' which allow you to gamble INF, if you win it gives you a payout of INF but if you lose the bet is converted to prestige at the usual 500:1 ratio. So essentially its a fun way to gamble and no one actually loses. There's various things you can do for fun games, roulette, 21 (otherwise known as blackjack) or even games of skill. Multiplayer features and observer modes would be nice as well.

I think some enhancements to the base building themselves would be nice. At present the trims around the edges of the base HAVE to be selected, it would be nice to have an option of trimless or trimmed. Furthermore the trimes do not extend into doorways which creates an ugly disjointed look to the bases, it would be nice to either have a 'gate' design on the edges of the doorway which ties seamlessly into the trims within the room or have the trimes go through the doorway to the next room. It would also be nice to be able to place decoration on the walls of the doorway as they do look rather bland. Some of the items of furniture have very odd placement restrictions. The Clerks Desk simply will not allow a chair to be placed in front of it at all within a reasonable distance. Yet you can place it right next to the desk if its on the side so it seems like the collision detectection box (or whatever the terminology the devs use) is too large. It might be a little much but currently the rooms require a 1 square space between them, it would be nice to have the minimum gap changed to 1/2 of a squre as it would significantly improve the amount of space in the rooms without creating any issues with rooms overlapping or being too close.



I don't know if this has already been suggested in this thread (getting pretty long to read it all), but:

Originally suggested by: The_RaZ
Category: Wall Decor
Customizable? Y
Type: Purchased
Description: You can choose windows with a set of outdoor vistas to provide more atmosphere for your base. One example could be space views to give your base the feel of a space station.

Technically this could just be a form of Painting/etc...but the look could make it seem like a window.

Dominators don't need mitigation from their secondaries. Even if they did, there's ice (slows), psi (-recharge), and fire and elec (death).
-Talen_Lee commenting on Energy Assault's Utility



A true window would be nice, games have had portal technology for years which essentially made a polygon surface appear to act as a viewing portal into a 3D image (otherwise known as a skybox) or into an actual 3D area.



Coalition beacons
Originally suggested by: Sleepy Kitty
Category: (aux) (teleporter room)
Customizable? Y
Type: unlocked/purchased

Description: Beacons that allows you to use a base teleporter to go to a coalitions base from the teleporter they're linked to. Beacons are unlocked by forming a coalition with said group (does not create a badge for sg like normal beacons) and only take you to their portal room as if you'd selected to enter it by portal.

Limitations: Coalition base must be set to allow your sg entry to it, also cost money to place. Also uses up a beacon slot on a tper platform

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



Item name: Arachnos Tileset
Originally suggested by: Warface
Category: Style
Customizable? N
Type: available-no cost-style item
Description: This Arachnos tileset provides you with that dark brooding and glowy red style you villains have always dreamed about.
Limitations: No Style Issue

Item name: Arachnos Tileset
Originally suggested by: Warface
Category: Decorative
Customizable? N
Type: purchased
Description: In the Arachnos purchase tab you have available approximately 20 Arachnos style decorations available. Those cool red computers, Red bubbles with floating spiders, Red Arach Flags to hang, Funky machines that go beep
Limitations: Unlimited

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