Base Items We'd Like To See..




<.< and time is drawning near.... we already know the temp power table I suggested is in...o,o any bets on what else from here made the cut?

*prays for koi pond/fish tank*

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



I suggested this in another thread, and apologies if anyone else has done so already:

Item name: Infirmary healing tank
Originally suggested by:CaptA
Category: Decorative
Customizable? No
Type: Decorative
Description: A large tank of liquid that would go in the infirmary for healing purposes. Think bacta tank from Star Wars: ESB (the one Luke was in after his rescue on Hoth)
Limitations: None - just a decorative item.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



Added to the Mk. II thread, CaptA.

...not that we can't keep talking here. Discussion is always good. Especially when Sleepy_Kitty's involved.



o.o there's a Mark 2 version of this?

<.< post a link from this one then!

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



You'll find the tidied and consolidated wishlist here.

It's all the same stuff, cleaned up and formatted, minus some of the discussion. Honestly, I didn't expect both threads to survive the dreaded forum purge. 0_0

The fact that they're currently right next to each other on the boards makes me feel a little silly. Ah, well.

Anyway. Ish 7. Goodies. What do you want to see there the most? Discuss.



<.< well.. looking over the consolidation in mk2.. I do see some rather improbable ones ^^;;

>.> things like unique raid badge for each sg.. that obviously will never happen, the coding for that would be crazzy!

o.o others, like Costume Mannequins, Practice Drone.. I'm not sure I quite understand what they're suppost to be... particularly the mannequins.. I think the maker missunderstood what the Bases are and thought they where personal houses ^^;;

>.> and the "Base Special Zero Wing Poster"... err... ^^;; I was in a REALLY silly mood at the time.. <.< if that was included.. ppl would be hunting me down.. o.o course.. for my current project, if it's included.. people WILL be hunting me down to get revenge..

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



Now, now... We're not here to make fun of other people's ideas....



...Well, we ARE, but CONSTRUCTIVELY...

Seriously, all I'm hoping for is water features and placeable ambient sounds. And them fixing the stupid trim/doorway bug. And more options for doorways in general. And pipe assemblies. And more furniture options. And wall decorations. And weightlifting/gym stuff. And... hm, this is getting long...



I just want a variety of decorative/raid-functional doors, and ramps from the bottom floor level to the top one, two levels higher. Anything beyond that is just a nice bonus.



Dunno if anyone has mentioned this yet, but I would like to see a nice Greco-Roman tileset, with at least white and black marble varieties.



=^^= just a reminder, this thread is now continued under:
Base items we'd like to see MK2!

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



o.o Warning: this thread will probably be gone to the new 2 week thread autopruning. If you have anything that you want to keep, or think the devs should see when they finnally get around to improving the bases and/or adding items to them, please copy it out of here now!

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



I know some of this stuff was mentioned , but I want to show my support so Maybe they will make it

NPC Trainer
Category : NPC
Customizable : Yes
Type : Purchased under the edit window under NPC . Description : This will work like creating a character . You are able to customize and place your NPC trainer . They can be anything you want , most likely someone to do with your SG story . when you hit chat , they will say what ever you have wrote for them .

NPC Taylor
Category : NPC
Customizable : YES
Type : Purchased in the edit window
Description : These people allow you to make changes to your costume . You can create them just like a character and program them with a chat option and program them with what ever you would like them to say . MOst likely have something to do with your sg and can tell a story and change your costume.

NPC Shopkeeper
Category : NPC
Customizable : YES
Type : Purchased in the edit window under NPC
Description : These shopkeepers can hold enhancements and inspirations the same way the tables do . You can create them the same way you do a character and have a chat option that you can write whatever you want them to say . They usually can tell a little more about the sg .

NPC Medic
Category : NPC
Customizable :YES
Type : Purchased in the edit window under NPC
Description : THis NPC works the same way as a meddrone does . THey can dispence health and endurance inpirations to the team . They can be created the same way as a character and you can add a chat option that you can write what ever you want them to say , most likely something about the SG .

NPC Contact
Category :NPC
Customizable : YES
Type : Purchased under the edit window under NPC
Description : This person can give out base missions . With the addition of issue 14 , this NPC can give out missions made for SG members by SG members . This person can be created the same way as characters and given a chat option that can be customized , usually saying something about the SG .

NPC General
Catagory : NPC
Customizable : YES
TYPE : Purchased in the edit window under NPC
Description : THese can be general people in the base . Totally customizable the same way you create your characters . They can be programed with emotes and when you walk upon them , they can say things you programmed , such as : Hello " hero name " . How are things going today ?

Base plaques
Catagory : Decorative
Customizable : Yes
Type : purchased at the edit window under place item
Description : These plaques can tell members and visitors about each room and about the SG . It helps new members learn about the story and creation of the SG and makes them want to be more involved and take interest in the SG

I think that having people that talk and tell a story as well as functional , makes being in an SG more enjoyable . It also makes learning about your new SG more FUN ! It makes you want to spend time in there and bring friends over to see the base . Having story missions for the base would be fun for SG members and thier friends . I think it would bring in new players and a lot of old players back . The game is great , but it would definately expand the play time of older toons and keep you interested in the game beyond what you have already done in the past .



make a base designer that looks like xcom battles.
costumes that look like xwing uniforms.
bases that work like animal crossing and the sims.
throw in some mini games to play, that's what I would like.



id like to see walls, fountains and pools added to the base items(actual water too )



Historical plaques with pop up text windows we can edit.

I'm not a fan of the current texting options in bases (banners spelling out 10 feet words), it feels distracting.. but I'd love something that folks could walk up and click to read. Base leaders could leave special instructions for new members in key areas (storage, assigned rooms, etc), roleplayers could create a history of their own facility and trophy rooms, and trolls could leave ominous warnings.