Base Items We'd Like To See..




Err, how about an item made from salvage that lets us TP back to base from anywhere? Long activation time and interruptable so we don't avoid death situations


Level 53: Arrows/Devices/Munitions Blaster

....and hopeless Science-Natzi.



Not so much an item I'd like to see...more of a change to an existing item.

The arcane telepads are just a hair bigger than a grid square. This makes placing them a pain in the rear. Could they be made a hair smaller so they fit on just one grid square like the tech telepads do?



Good suggestions all around.

Now, we just have to find time...

[/ QUOTE ]

*gasp* Lord Recluse is in the thread!!

Quick! Everyone look busy!



*does the Happy Brute Dance*



and now some of mine:

Alarm Klaxon/Arcane Screamer

[/ QUOTE ]

NOOO! NOT A KLAXON!, We have some guy in our fire house who decided upon himself we needed one of these...

[/ QUOTE ]


It will, of course, be up to the Devs what alarm sound they use. But anything that makes heroes cringe is fine by me.



Base Special Zero Wing Poster
Originally suggested by: Cats
Category: decore
Customizable? No
Type: unlocked/purchased
Description: A framed poster of the words "All your base are belong to us."
Limitations: <.< someone set up us the bomb!

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



Individual letters as wall hangings/signs
Originally suggested by: me
Category: Wall decoration
Customizable? N
Type: purchased
Description: Square shaped signs with a capital letter in each one. All letters of the alphabet plus numbers 0 through 9. That way we can spell stuff on the walls. Like over Zone TPers.. We could spell "ST M" and know that goes to St. Martial as one weak example.
Limitations: wall placement

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably *not* going to happen. Too much chance of people spelling out inappropriate items.

Might be why we don't have SG Emblams to put on the wall too, now that I think of it.

Still here, even after all this time!



Trophy Room
Originally suggested by: J_O_A_T
Category: Room
Customizable? Y
Type: Crafted, requirements: Minimum 5 souvenirs or 5 SG badges or a combination of atleast 5 of these.
Description: A place to show up your trophies. Defeated a particulary nasty AV, see his picture on the wall with the words "PWND" under him! Your SG got a load of SG specific badges, here's where you show them off.
Limitations: Minimum 5 souvenirs/badges, max 15 per room bought. No limit on number of rooms bought.



Music Items
Category: Decorative/special
Customizable? Yes. (boombox, jukebox, old looking radio, futuristic radio, dvd player, etc)
Type: Unlocked (Add an exploration badge to the paragon dance party and one in the Giza disco room)
Description: Would allow you to play the various songs available in the boombox emotes, as well as other background music in the game.



Gym gear
Originally suggested by: me
Category: Decoration
Customizable? n
Type: selected
Description: Placable gear like tatami practice mats, weapons racks for melee and ranged weapons, weight lifting equipment (including a superheavy model for superstrength characters), treadmills (maybe a version for superspeedsters, punching and heavy bags, practice dummies and other things one would find in an SG base.
Limitations: none


Hangar Bay
Category: Teleporter/Room
Customizable? Y (Select from: Jet, Helicopter, Submarine Dock, Spaceship, Ground Vehicle)
Type: unlocked/crafted
Description: a helicopter or aircraft in a hangar bay room, the doors to it are part of the ceiling feature. The hangar bay acts as a teleporter to missions only, much in the manner of the 'board train' missions, it is compatible with SG oriented missions given from the computer.

Limitations: mission delivery only

Purpose: We wont' have vehicles in CoH for any foreseeable time, but this gives the SG the illusory that they're swinging into action aboard their own SG-owned supervehicle (and let's face it, who doesnt want their own batmobile/blackbird?)



Individual letters as wall hangings/signs
Originally suggested by: me
Category: Wall decoration
Customizable? N
Type: purchased
Description: Square shaped signs with a capital letter in each one. All letters of the alphabet plus numbers 0 through 9. That way we can spell stuff on the walls. Like over Zone TPers.. We could spell "ST M" and know that goes to St. Martial as one weak example.
Limitations: wall placement

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably *not* going to happen. Too much chance of people spelling out inappropriate items.

Might be why we don't have SG Emblams to put on the wall too, now that I think of it.

[/ QUOTE ]
Given a large enough room and time I can spell out inappropriate words with items on the floor or wall with what is already in the editor (in fact I'm spelling out Zone abbr.'s now as Zone TP guides). And bases aren't in the general public view. If the Overlord gives someone permissions, she/he can take them away, and if the Overlord him/herself did it and has given no edit permission to other members who could then delete the word, well, that is the only loop hole and I'm not sure that SG/VG will exist.

I was under the impression that the OP intended this thread to make a 'wish' list. As long as we kept to format and it was within some reason, we could post it. So if you don't agree, that is fine, then don't support the suggestion, but I would prefer not to see mine or other people's ideas torpedoed. You can PM me, and tell me my post is inappropriate, or as the OP to weigh in on it via PM.



Base Music
Originally suggested by: Anti-Proton
Category: QoL
Customizable? N
Type: purchased
Description: A list consisting of all the game music and Boombox toons that can be set by SG leaders. Mostly just to get players into the Heroic/Villianous mood. Music can be piped to new rooms by crafting new speakers.
Limitations: wall placement, not able to add music from other sources.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



I was under the impression that the OP intended this thread to make a 'wish' list. As long as we kept to format and it was within some reason, we could post it. So if you don't agree, that is fine, then don't support the suggestion, but I would prefer not to see mine or other people's ideas torpedoed. You can PM me, and tell me my post is inappropriate, or as the OP to weigh in on it via PM.

[/ QUOTE ]

Quite right, JazonZ. Discussing the merits of various ideas will eventually drift the thread away from its current purpose - a quick, skimmable summary of items requested over time. While such discussion *is* inevitable, I'd like it to stay constructive at the very least. This thread isn't about shooting ideas down.

I'll start moving suggestions to the top of the thread now that we've gotten to multiple pages - that way we can discuss, critique, improve suggestions already here and still keep the list together for viewing.

Also, if anyone sees errors or wants to suggest improvements to earlier entries, please do.



__________________________________________________ ______________

Trophy Room
Originally suggested by: J_O_A_T
Category: other/new (Room)
Customizable? yes
Type: unlocked crafted. Requires 5 souvenirs, 5 SG badges or a combination of at least 5 of both.
Description: A place to show your trophies. Defeated a particulary nasty AV? See his picture on the wall with the words "PWND" under him! Your SG got a load of SG specific badges, here's where you show them off.
Limitations: Minimum 5 souvenirs/badges, max 15 per room bought. No limit on number of rooms bought.
__________________________________________________ _____________

Music Items
originally suggested by: Veneficus
Category: decorative
Customizable? yes. or at least a large variety of options available. (boombox, jukebox, old looking radio, futuristic radio, dvd player, etc)
Type: unlocked (Add an exploration badge to the paragon dance party and one in the Giza disco room)
Description: Allows the various songs available in the boombox emotes, as well as other background music in the game to be placed in the base.
__________________________________________________ ______________

Gym Gear/Training Room Items
Originally suggested by: Wulfie
(Ed. Note: compiling my Training Room suggestions here, also. - RoI)

Category: decorative
Customizable? n
Type: purchased in edit window
Description: Wulfie: "tatami practice mats, weapons racks for melee and ranged weapons, weight lifting equipment (including a superheavy model for superstrength characters), treadmills (maybe a version for superspeedsters, punching and heavy bags, practice dummies, etc."
RoI:"In Breakout there objects that are targetable but not destructible... make a tab of "targetables" in with other "decorative" base objects: dummies, pells, punching bags, archery/firearm targets, robot drones, etc. Also: decorative non-targetables like weapon racks, wall-mountable "trophy" things, swords and axes and shields and dead animal parts, to give a room a more martial feel."
Limitations: decorative items only.
__________________________________________________ ______________

Hangar Bay
Originally suggested by: Wulfie
Category: transport/new room
Customizable? no, but many options possible (Select from: Jet, Helicopter, Submarine Dock, Spaceship, Ground Vehicle)
Type: unlocked/crafted
Description: a helicopter or aircraft in a hangar bay room, the doors to it are part of the ceiling feature. Hangar Bay acts as a teleporter to missions only, much in the manner of the 'board train' missions. Compatible with SG oriented missions given from the computer.
Purpose: We won't have vehicles in CoH for any foreseeable time, but this gives the SG the illusion that they're swinging into action aboard their own SG-owned supervehicle (and let's face it, who doesnt want their own batmobile/blackbird?)
Limitations: mission delivery only
__________________________________________________ ______________

Base Music
Originally suggested by: Anti-Proton
Category: decorative/QoL
Customizable? no
Type: purchased
Description: A list of all the game music and Boombox tunes, set by SG leaders. Mostly just to get players into the Heroic/Villianous mood. Music can be piped to new rooms by crafting new speakers.
Limitations: wall placement, unable to add music from other sources.
__________________________________________________ ______________

Ambient Sounds
Originally suggested by: Ruin_Of_Iron
Catergory: decorative/new tab (sounds)
Customizable? no
Type: purchased in edit window
Description: placeable sound effects not attached to an object: machine noises, water drips, tinny TV/Radio newscasts (Radio Free Opportunity!), lounge lizard music.
Limitations: extremely localized effect - a few feet to either side of the setpoint. No more than two to a room.
__________________________________________________ ______________

(this space reserved for more listiness)
__________________________________________________ _____________

(Ed. Note; my own additions to Wulfie's ideas are from this thread. )



Hm, interesting... was trying to place this at the beginning of the thread... 0_o

Will attempt again.

Edit: phooey. I can't get into the posts I reserved earlier, making them completely useless. I'd have to start a whole new thread to recompile everything into one list. Which I'd rather not do.

Oh, well. We'll see how it goes, I guess.



Practice Drone
Originally suggested by: Archrex Dojhrom
Category: (aux) (creature)
Customizable? (Y)
Type: (unlocked by Gladitor badges & crafted /Need Training Room/Danger Room)
Description: (Every combatant needs practice before they dive into enemy territory, You have unlocked a new practice drone that uses the best in holographic imaging to simulate any creature you have fought in the Arena or earned a badge for)
Limitations: (Bots cannot attack base items or cause debt, bots are worth Prestege but no XP, Bot has same stats as real foe but has AV HPs, despawns-resets in 10 minutes [Can have many bots as base can support]

ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec



Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Chairs
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Other chairs to decorate a base with including benches and wider versions of current chairs.

High Technology Computer
Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Tech
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Several versions of a fancy high tech looking computer case used to fill in Control Rooms, Tech Labs, and any other room that the creator would like to have a lot of computers.

Gym Equipment
Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Room Details
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Punching bags, treadmills, weights, weapon racks, practice dummies, balance beams, Olympic rings, swimming pool, and various other equipment that would be found in a training facility for those with natural origins.

High Tech Monitors
Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Tech
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: The counter part to the High Tech computer, the High Tech monitor I am thinking of is the computer station in the Lab mission sets. Another welcome addition would be something similar to the Arachnos wall mounted computers.

Smaller Arcane Fluff
Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Arcane
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Even smaller versions of the arcane objects.

Conference Table Pieces
Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Desks
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: A collection of table pieces of various styles that may be combined to form conference tables.

Recreation Room Fluff
Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Room Details
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Pool tables, pinball, game consoles, VR machines, and a variety of other entertainment for SG members to enjoy.

Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Tech/Room Details
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Big screen TV’s, small black and white, classic 1940’s, wall mounted, projectors, and many other televisions to occupy a bases couch potatoes.

Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Other Furniture
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: A variety of normal beds ranging from sleeping bags to three person beds made with gold trim and silk sheets.

Medical Fluff
Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Room Details
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Proper medical beds, health monitors, x-ray machines, and an assortment of other medical equipment.

Walls and Doors
Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Walls/Doors
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Floor to ceiling walls and door/wall combinations in all styles to help separate large rooms into more manageable pieces. Basically to take the place of the lateral file we use now. Include windowed walls to see beyond the wall.

Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Wall Details
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: A collection of wall-mounted doorways and elevator doors to give the appearance the base is more complex than it actually is.

Medium Medical Bay
Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Medical
Customizable? Yes
Type: Purchased
Description: A medical room whose size is in between the current ones.

Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Hallway
Customizable? Yes
Type: Purchased
Description: A hallway room that acts like the defensive hallways but excludes defense abilities.

Costume Dummies
Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Room Details/Special Item
Customizable? Yes
Type: Purchased/Crafted
Description: A mannequin that can be edited to wear a costume. Similar to the ones in Icon.

Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Room Details/Tech
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: The elevator tubes and similar mundane means to appear that the base is accessible by more than the teleporter.

Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Unkown
Customizable? Yes
Type: Purchased
Description: A raised section of the base or another floor of the base on a different map perhaps.

Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: OS- I mean Wall Details
Customizable? No ( for both categories )
Type: Purchased
Description: A collection of windows of various sizes that show the outside of the base, be it under water, in space, in the clouds, or in a city.

Molding: None
Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Style
Customizable? Yes
Type: Purchased
Description: The ability to remove molding from a room or base. Sometimes room decorations leave a section of molding that is forced to be left because nothing else should go there and the room looks odd. This allows us to remove moldings.

Wide and Double Doorways
Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Doorway
Customizable? Yes
Type: Purchased
Description: The ability to make a doorway as wide as a room or simply two blocks.

Control and Generator Fluff
Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Room Details
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Power gauges, banks of computers, and other nonfunctional fluff that fleshes out control rooms and generator rooms.

Tech Fluff
Originally suggested by: Ryoku
Category: Tech
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: High tech looking equipment including circular portal rings, more scanning looking equipment, containment and manipulation chambers for radioactive materials, stasis tubes both empty and full, and other cool sci-fi stuff.



o.O my Ryoku01, you'll have to give me a copy of that time machine you used to suggest items first that others have suggested months before you..

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



I was in a rush hurry so I didn't check to see if they were said before me. I appologise if anyone was offended by this.



Water Fountains
Originally suggested by: Witchchild (possibly others)
Category: Room Details
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Small water feature that sprays a water jet upwards
Limitations: none

Add Water
Originally suggested by: Witchchild (possibly others)
Category: Room Details
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Fill area with low film of water
Limitations: surrounding area must be raised

Pool Table
Originally suggested by: Witchchild (possibly others)
Category: Room Details
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Just looks like one, not able to be interacted with

Pool Cues
Originally suggested by: Witchchild (possibly others)
Category: Room Details
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Stand including 6 pool cues

Originally suggested by: Witchchild (possibly others)
Category: Floor
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Carpeting that reflects color of bottom lighting selection

Wall Fountain
Originally suggested by: Witchchild (possibly others)
Category: Floor
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Water spigot that streams into a basin (pool)
Limitations: Must be located at floor/wall intersection

Originally suggested by: Witchchild (possibly others)
Category: Floor/Counter
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Comes in two sizes: Small (countertop), Normal

Warehouse doors
Originally suggested by: Witchchild (possibly others)
Category: Door
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Covers doorway and can be clicked to open

Sliding Glass Door
Originally suggested by: Witchchild (possibly others)
Category: Door
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Covers doorway and can be clicked to open

Originally suggested by: Witchchild (possibly others)
Category: Wall/Cieling
Customizable? No
Type: Purchased
Description: Hero Corps/Freedom Phalanx flags, COT Tapestries, Arachnos Flags



Item name: other floors,
Originally suggested by: this version by Me, and perhaps others
Category: (aux/main)N/A (room type) all (other/new) new
Customizable? Y
Type: Unlocked via a special SF/SG PvP badge (see limitations)
Description: (Does thus and so; what makes your item special?) Raises the cieling of the base to one story higher, you can add platforms in between, My intentions are to create something like the office map templates in CoV,
Limitations: (if any. What can't be done with your item? How many can fit in a base? Etc.) a total of 4-5 floors can be added in the end, All can be unlock with both a SF and a SG badge won by sucessfully attacking a base or defending your own...


Item name
Originally suggested by: Me
Category: New
Customizable? Y
Type: Purchased
Description:Another area for your base
requires an elevator room, or a transdimensional portal room,
Once you by this room and have the required objects you are able to buy a second base plot, this functions the same as the old one except the entrance would lead back down/or up to your first area, good for 2 part raids or those who want a tower type base
elevator could require acess key (or mystic item for acane portal) and/or a force field in the door way, requiring the attacking team to destroy/disable the switch/generator before proceeding
Limitations: Extremely costly, for veteran SGs only, perhaps only 1 per SG



Advanced Reclamator (Rez Ring)
Originally suggested by: Myself
Category: Medical
Customizable? N
Type: Unlocked
Description: Improvement from the Basic version. While the Basic version only allows 25% HP/END recovery, this version allows for 50% HP/END recovery. This version will also allow up to 4 Med Aux attached to it. This will give you a total of 90% hp/end with max med aux.
Limitations: None



Slot Machine
Originally suggested by: @bland
Category: Decoration/storage
Customizable? N
Type: Unlockable
Description: Slot machine - you click it gambles 50 influence. Sometimes you win (returns 100 influnece), sometimes you lose.
Limitations: In order to keep balance, you cannot win anymore than anyone has lost. You can seed the machine initially with starting influence, but there is no way to "withdraw" from it, short of winning. Only SG members may use the device.

Unlimited numbers may be placed, but only in a decorative room.



Ya know I would love to see some type of "gamble" device on COV.

The odds would have to be tweaked a little as not to imbalance the system. But I think it would be cool.



Ya know I would love to see some type of "gamble" device on COV.

The odds would have to be tweaked a little as not to imbalance the system. But I think it would be cool.

[/ QUOTE ]
It'd be pretty sweet, but it's City of Heroes/Villains, bro, not the Sims ;P



Tax Break
Originally suggested by: o.o the opressed!
Category: sg needed
Customizable? sure! why not!
Type: unlocked (special conditions)
Description: this item would be put in base and cause taxes on base items to not be charged instead of the current charging Tax and rent. Ultimatly, letting SGs actually have rooms and decorate them too.
Limitations: obviously, only 1 per base. If rent is still calculated far and above what the SG makes in a payperiod, then item will self-destruct, taking the room it's in with it. This will cause about 60% of sgs with one to loose said room every other week.

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe