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  1. ok fine, at least give me a thighs height robe
  2. I was hoping to have a monk's robe chest piece, with rope belt and all, a long full body robe like those monks used to wear and many fantasy magic users wear, maybe with a shorter variant
    is this possible at one point in time?
  3. I'm sure this topic is all over the forum, but here goes

    I'd like to see elemental wings, like a phoenix's firey wings, frozen icicle wings, Dark shadow matter wings, luminous light wings, gargoyle granite like wings, and cloudy wings, and maybe even holographic overlay tech like wings!
  4. Item name: other floors,
    Originally suggested by: this version by Me, and perhaps others
    Category: (aux/main)N/A (room type) all (other/new) new
    Customizable? Y
    Type: Unlocked via a special SF/SG PvP badge (see limitations)
    Description: (Does thus and so; what makes your item special?) Raises the cieling of the base to one story higher, you can add platforms in between, My intentions are to create something like the office map templates in CoV,
    Limitations: (if any. What can't be done with your item? How many can fit in a base? Etc.) a total of 4-5 floors can be added in the end, All can be unlock with both a SF and a SG badge won by sucessfully attacking a base or defending your own...


    Item name
    Originally suggested by: Me
    Category: New
    Customizable? Y
    Type: Purchased
    Description:Another area for your base
    requires an elevator room, or a transdimensional portal room,
    Once you by this room and have the required objects you are able to buy a second base plot, this functions the same as the old one except the entrance would lead back down/or up to your first area, good for 2 part raids or those who want a tower type base
    elevator could require acess key (or mystic item for acane portal) and/or a force field in the door way, requiring the attacking team to destroy/disable the switch/generator before proceeding
    Limitations: Extremely costly, for veteran SGs only, perhaps only 1 per SG