29 -
*scoops up NAK and puts him in a jar*
Look! NAK'er Jelly! Good for everyone! Plus, no spigot! -
*detonates the carrot, cleverly disguised stick of dynamite, as NAK bites into it.*
*laughs maniacly and runs into a wall.* -
*Eats a couple. Keels over*
Sorry, couldn't tell you if I can taste the poison, they killed me. Do that thing with the thing and the undead thing with the other thing, ya know? -
It was great fun and wonderment! Also a good time was had by all! Great job He.
*Snips all the wires on the bomb, causing it to detonate in Blarhgy's back pocket, and creating quite a mess.*
Ow. Perhaps I should have used the clippers on the 10-foot pole. -
Costume Manequinns
Originally suggested by: Evil_Shadow
Category: Aux from Base Tailor
Customizable? Yes
Type: Unlocked, possible mini-mission from tailor, and then crafted for each one.
Description: A blank manequinn that can hold a costume of the placer's design. Requires a tailor residing in the base as it needs to be attached to it.
Limitations: Limited to a certain number per SG/VG, possibly one for each rank, making the cap at 5, though each one would need to be crafted and the full cost of the costume would need to be paid for use.
(Not sure if this has been suggested by anyone.)
Base Tailor
Originally suggested by: Evil_Shadow?
Category: Main, New Room Type: Tailor (Low Room Cost, average Power/Control Req.)
Customizable? Yes
Type: Unlocked, Possible Special Mission from Icon/Facemaker, Always Availible to purchase
Description: A Tailor, who can change any of your current costume slots, SG costume slots (See above idea by BloodStryke), and Manequinne costumes (see above idea by me). Three different types can be created, Normal, Tech, and Arcane, possibly more if more designs become availible. Attendant can have his/her/it's uniform edited by Architects at any time, but only three would be allowed per base, each needing their own room, which would be fairly cheap as rooms go. Would always be availible to build in creation, but is fairly expensive, possibly on par with Main Power and Control Items.
Limitations: 3 per base, each requiring their own room. Can only edit current costume slots, not grant missions for additional costume slots. Possibly cheaper or more expensive than regular tailors, depending on devs' opinion. -
For some odd reason, I'm here. I shouldn't not be here, but, nonetheless, I'm not unable to be somewhere else, so maybe I should not be going somewhere else, eh? Where is here? Who is now? Why is the Here and Now, at this location as this particular point in time. Is there any meaning to my rambling? That's a good question, most likely better answered by NAK or something. Hoo-ah! Oy! Bjorgin!
*fiddles with small green ball filled with some sort of gas*
Hmm, whats this. Oh, must be a football or something. That means I made a touchdown! Weee!
*spikes the poison trap like a football*
Ack! *gag, puke*
*the poison trap goes off, causing everone in the area to gag and projectile vomit violently* -
Don't tell him, he'll stop buying it from my bar ducks.
[quote}Ballista is a Toggle Dropping *******!
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, he is. He was designed to be as close to a Player Hero as we could make him. How do you guys like the Toggle Drop on him? Is it too nasty or does it add a nice challenge?
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, I never had to worry about him as a Mercenary Mastermind grouped with another. I know this may not be the correct forum, but Ballista didn't provide much of a challenge for me. -
Ow, that hurt. You should check and see who's wearing who's head before you up and smack them.
Now, just how am I supposed to get ahead in life like this?
I am here, once again, to state simply, "Blah."
That is all. -
The Black Dawn
Black Dawn is a paramilitary organization based in the Rogue Isles, and recently founded by Aegis, an ex-military officer and shock troop. After being outdone by the super-powered freaks in Paragon City, and seeing how the civilian's lives were ruled by the activities of these so called heroes, Aegis decided to rectify the situation. He contacted his old friends at Nightfall Tech-Industries, a leader in high tech weaponry, and started his own personal force. He picked up brilliant scientists and mercenary leaders to help him with his cause as well as recruiting promising soldiers.
The Black Dawn as an SG would be an organized group of Villains and a Level 20 costume 'Uniform/Battlegear' would be required. Some varations would be allowed in the costume to accomedate the character design, but they would need to be approved by an SG leader. RP would be light to none, depending on the person. If you like to RP, that would be allowed, but don't expect everyone to be into a lot of RP. The server we are going to be on is Virtue so people that want RP and a theme would be close at hand. We will be using a Guildportal Site and possibly a Teamspeak Server. At a later date, a more professional website may be created. Currently there are no restrictions on Origin or Powersets as long as there is an explanation that has a appropriate background of military-like origin if the powersets or origins seem a little odd, such as magic, zombies, stone or radiation. Also, as the SG grows, and if the SG cap stays in place (currently 75 max to an SG), we will be branching out into different units, based on powers and such, such as the Artillery Unit for long rangers, like mercs and AR, or the Airborne Unit for those that take fly. Keep in mind everything is open for discussion.
You may contact me by my global, @Evil Shadow
You can also reach me by PM or through the Guildportal Website. I check everything often, so you'll be sure to reach me or someone in a short while. -
Ya, we got bar-ducks out the wazoo. Hey! Get out of the wazoo ya crazy ducks!
Ouch. Anyone has some duct tape? And some bear ointment as well?
*gets swatted by the raging bear*
Oh ya, I need some bear reppellent too. -
Blah! Mondays after week-long vacations bite more than usual.
I show ya a real hammer.
*starts tossing around MOD hammer* -
Just something I thought you should all know. -
Alright, time to thin the herd.
*goes on a craban hunting rampage* -
I demand an Intermission! I have to pee and I don't wanna sleep in it, no matter how warm it is. Plus, I demand refreshments! To the snack bar!