Serious Roleplayer of Freedom, read.





Hey, it's so hard to find roleplayer outside virtue that we need to gather a bit. Are you a mature roleplayer and have a main hero on Freedom? Intersted in roleplaying more then 'a bit'? Good, we can do something.

I am willing to start us a nice roleplaying supergroup on freedom. With backstory, forum, website and updated, events etc. My only problem is : I need someone to lead it. I am a casual player these days and even if i have time to build website and updated, I don't have the time (to make it fun for you) to lead a roleplaying supergroup. I am willing to create the infrastructure and then, step down and let the real leader - someone used to roleplaying - take the steps.

We don't have the luxuary to be too restrictive so, any hero type, any security level is welcome to join. The only and only thing that you need to keep in mind is that : roleplay 100% of the time when ingroup with your teamates or sg channel or events etc. Other then that, act freely.

Are you intersted? The name of the SG is to be chosen when the real leader, who have time to get this going, will step up. How I see it is a counsil of member and a leader then recruits.

Reply here if you have real intention.
I am a defender in the 40s.



(Ooc) While I'm not very high in Level with my main Hero, I have been role playing for the majority of about eight years in various forms, so I know how to do it. I might be up to leading a Group, I've noticed very few Rpers in Freedom, and am begining to regret choosing it for all my characters. So unless someone better than me steps up, I'll take the Job.

(IC Endro Yes. My heart may be made from cold Steel, but it still beats with enough power to lead forward against the Scum of our fair city!



OCC. I couldn't run it, but I'd move servers for it. Been looking for a serious role playing SG.



Hey folks. I understand your looking for a leader type! Well, it may seem like I'm bragging but I think I can handle the job if ya like. Presently I am in another group but they tend to talk about strange stuff that has little or nothing to do with our beloved city. So... if your interested, drop me a line. My Name is Infurno. I have a 25sec clearence and I have been labeled as a flying blaster.
You may also be interested in signing up many of the others listed below. I know them all and they are good people.

Take care,



(Ooc)And if we get a leader...i have the website and forums...i currently run a robotic/android themed SG and we RP a lil..i wish it was more but the lack of members makes it a lil more unfun to.

(IC) PhoenixAndroid at your service,the events that led up to my dismay is what has stregnthed me thanks to Dr. Sensei Hitchagome' with his S.K.I.N.S technology i wouldnt be here right now. {powers up the phoenix suit]}

But that all is changing...the Skulls..Hellions..all will be brought to justice with the help of the other androids!

(OOC) just send me a tell on Freedom under PhoenixAndroid or reply willing to help



Okay lets form this.
I am ready.
Ill contact all of you by the end of WE !



I'm up for it. I'll have to have a taste of it first though.



I'll form the SG and I'll contact everyone of you. Please state clearly your main hero's name. This will be a serious RP SG. More then casual. Very friendly.



(OOC) I have a level 32 Energy/Energy Blater, and would love to join Super Group. Sergeant Blasto is his name so send me a /tell when you see me on.

(IC) Greetings fellow Defenders of Justice. I'd be more than happy to register up with you. I've been currently patrolling the skies alone, but you can only take a few KOs from a gigantic Freakshow Tanker before you realize you could use some allies. I am a cyborg who has the ability to shoot large amounts of energy from my hands. I have 2 bionic suits that vary in certain situations, which I will explain upon meeting you all.

So keep me in mind I'll be around.



The SG is Called 'Paragon Prime'
Seek Moon Crescent ingame to join this RP SG on Freedom.



(IC) Im down, the names Tribal Steel, I'm in a group right now I'll tag along with ya guys to get a taste of the action.

(OOC) Im a lvl 29 nrg/nrg blaster, i play frequently and I've been dyin to rp in game but havent been able to get my style down just yet give me a tell. Ill be on later.



Meeting today in KR at the Police Station behind the giant coin at 8pm Eastern.
Hope to see you all there.