43 -
With that in mind it might make something like that more interesting to have random villain group spawns inside the building. Oh look we are being attacked again....
On villains side we have Grandville which is essentially Lord Recluse's base of operations. I would like to see something like this on Hero side. It would not need to be a whole zone, but a building kind of like the Vanguard buildings. The Justice League tends to have a hall of justice that can be visited and Flash even has his own museum. It would be great to have something like that here in heroes where we can go to see the premier super group for something other than powers and slots. It would be a nice little addition and if you could get mission content from it all the better. Perhaps something that would work well with Going Rogue.
My wife had the same issue today after updating to RC1. We messed with it for a few hours tonight. Finally even though we didn't think it was on, we double checked compatibility mode and it was on. As soon as she turned it off the game started working immediately.
I really don't care if someone PLs. I just want people I team with to be able to effectively play.
Sometimes all it takes is one clueless player to ruin the experience for everyone.
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You dont need a farmed toon to ruin the "experience for everyone", rp 'ers vets are pretty good at it too, sometimes.
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Particularly the I have a 50 so you should just listen to me crowd. I haven't heard that one in years though, now it's I have x number of 50s. -
how would a street sweeper mess up a game for someone else anyway? they just defeat enemies on the street, so?
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A popular theory is that any game activity other than doing story arcs and TFs draws the attention of the All Seeing Devs, who then nerf everything in sight to encourage players to only run story arcs and TFs, which messes things up for everyone else.
And no, it doesn't make any sense.
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While it doesn't make any sense, and I can't imagine street sweeping having anything to do with it, we have seen power level related nerfs enough times in the past to not completely throw out the theory. Those all seemed to be aimed at farming though and not any other form of power leveling and certainly not street sweeping which I can't imaging anyone calling powerlevling (though I'm sure some people do). -
how would a street sweeper mess up a game for someone else anyway? they just defeat enemies on the street, so?
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Completely agree. It even is in character for most superheros. I find it incredibly boring, but don't see why anyone would be bothered by others.
As a bit of an embarrassing admission on some of my characters based on their back story I find myself unable to not stop when I see street crime. Even if I can ignore the robbers, I can't let the circle finish a spell on someone. -
as far as MMO's go altogether, it's pretty basic as far as the controls and such.
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I'm sure this can be said of many games, but COH is the first MMO for a lot of people. It is kind of an MMO light, or atleast it was at one time back before PVP, Inventions, and Salvage.
I have been around the block and tried quite a few of the others now, but back when I started 5 years ago COH was my first experience with MMOs. I have been spoiled by their maps, chat, and costume creator. I get bored every now and then and do leave, but I always find myself coming back. Back then I was buying it despite it being an MMO not because of it. It is a bit of a gateway drug, that is if you kept coming back to the gate to hang out.
Not really much of a point to that. The poster just triggered my COH fanboi nature. I admit to being a fanboi, but admitting is the first step afterall. -
While that is true, they do make you level a bit before PVP, and you have to engage in PVE to level and get into the PVP zones so technically haven't they done just what you are suggesting?
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In the case of PvP, yes.
To be a "proper" introduction to the game a person should not show a new player only one kind of content that prevents them from learning about the rest.
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The fundamental dishonesty in most of the AE & PL whining is that they somehow PREVENT people from doing something else.
They don't.
The rest of the game is still there- if they WANT to learn how to navigate zones, if they WANT to explore story arcs, that functionality still exists.
If it doesn't seem appealing to them, that isn't the player's fault.
Giving players options means the decision is theirs.
If the devs prefer that players first 'play through' the game's legacy content they should 'insist' via the rules of the game.
The devs proud pre-release statement that we'd be able to level from 1-50 via AE should give pause to those insisting legacy content ought to be the primary focus of incoming players.
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You are right in general, but this was in regards to one story about a guy and his wife. He is introducing her to the game and is her guide. He is leaving out massive portions of the game to the point that if she wanted to take that character and join another team she would be at a large disadvantage in regards to navigation. -
I agree here, and that's one of the reasons I don't like seeing new players powerlevel. If they are just trying to get to Max level as soon as possible and don't get into the arcs or stories then they will likely be dissapionted once they get to 50 or feel that they are done and move on to another game.
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The fix for that is more endgame content
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It only needs a fix if it is broken. I for one am perfectly fine with the idea that 50 is a new beginning for another character. I'm an altaholic though and love making new characters. When a character is max level for me thier story is over. It has reached it's conclusion and there isn't much development left for it.
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Yes and for everyone that isnt an altaholic gets to 50 in however long it took and leaves ? More enjoyable endgame content is needed
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Alts are the end game. Epic ATs with new story arcs I think supports this conclusion. I understand though that many people don't feel the same way and want to keep playing thier 50s. -
I have no idea where you are coming from here. Mission Architect is a true innovation that has created an influx of players from other games and not just returning players either. It is possibly one of the greatest things that has come out of MMOs in a LONG time.
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Advertising a new boxed set and a bait and switch by the devs had nothing to do with those results ?
I also have no idea what the events of recent days you are referring to are.
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Talk to people in game about bannings
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I don't think the box set had much to do with it no. It was more returning players and word of mouth than anything else.
I have found a few threads while they were still up about the other topic. I understand those comments now and why you are angry. -
That's correct. But someone who is new really should experience the different types of things the game has to offer so they could make an informed decision.
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If the devs want them to start with a certain segment of content they should code the game that way.
Left to their own devices players will follow their impulses, not necessarily to the same destinations preferred by others.
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While that is true, they do make you level a bit before PVP, and you have to engage in PVE to level and get into the PVP zones so technically haven't they done just what you are suggesting?
In the story mentioned I do feel that the husband is cheating the wife's experience. The reasoning being that if the person cannot navigate through the zones then they are at a disadvantage in running the developer introduced content. By doing missions first you are not limited on the knowledge needed for AE or PVP. You are not kneecapping that ability. By only doing AE the husband is effectively making the choice of what content she will experience for her and leaving her at a huge disadvantage if she wanted to try something different. To be a "proper" introduction to the game a person should not show a new player only one kind of content that prevents them from learning about the rest. -
I agree here, and that's one of the reasons I don't like seeing new players powerlevel. If they are just trying to get to Max level as soon as possible and don't get into the arcs or stories then they will likely be dissapionted once they get to 50 or feel that they are done and move on to another game.
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The fix for that is more endgame content
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It only needs a fix if it is broken. I for one am perfectly fine with the idea that 50 is a new beginning for another character. I'm an altaholic though and love making new characters. When a character is max level for me thier story is over. It has reached it's conclusion and there isn't much development left for it. -
But... but... but..." Argue all you want, it wouldn't matter if you had ten thousand people lined up behind you agreeing with you. The devs and other managers who run this game aren't stupid. They didn't just fall off the MMORPG truck yesterday.
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Mission architect disagrees with you. The games relatively poor results disagrees with you. The events of recent days disagree with you.
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I have no idea where you are coming from here. Mission Architect is a true innovation that has created an influx of players from other games and not just returning players either. It is possibly one of the greatest things that has come out of MMOs in a LONG time.
I don't think the game has relatively poor results. It is a niche game aimed at a niche market and as such has had good success. The fact that they are now 5 years old and still planning more expansions seems to indicate a success. No they aren't the number one or two game out there for subscribers, but I don't think they ever intended to be. If you want to be number one you don't pick a niche market like superheroes.
I also have no idea what the events of recent days you are referring to are. -
What the hell do you guys do with all those characters? How can anyone have more than 3 ACTIVE toons, there's not enough time in the day to do any more than that.
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I think I have something on the order of 8000 hours on my main toon. I have four other 50s, but Doc Turg's the skin that wears the best. I know plenty of altoholics tho. I just shake my head at their schizophrenia.
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8000 hours is amazing. When I hit 50 I am done with that character. I'll bring it back on sometimes to assist or for a TF/SF, but there is really no reason for me to keep playing it so I don't . It's story is complete, but there are many other stories to tell. -
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I'm a twit and deserve to be ignored.
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Doesn't feel too good does it? But I'll take "your" suggestion as a good one.
[/ QUOTE ] I love talking to hypocrites. They are so simple to deal with.
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All newbies should be PL'd ...... by the game creators.
It's called a one time use "level up tokens" and would keep new subscribers.
[/ QUOTE ] Wouldn't hurt my so I don't care either way if something like that were to ever happen(although I would bet money it won't).
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I honestly don't care what they do (Other than erasing any of my toons), I just want to see more players in the game.
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I agree here, and that's one of the reasons I don't like seeing new players powerlevel. If they are just trying to get to Max level as soon as possible and don't get into the arcs or stories then they will likely be dissapionted once they get to 50 or feel that they are done and move on to another game. -
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I'm a twit and deserve to be ignored.
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Doesn't feel too good does it? But I'll take "your" suggestion as a good one.
[/ QUOTE ] I love talking to hypocrites. They are so simple to deal with.
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All newbies should be PL'd ...... by the game creators.
It's called a one time use "level up tokens" and would keep new subscribers.
[/ QUOTE ]
It might if there was an end game to speak of. The end game though is creating new alts and starting over, plus something like that would have to also not count towards unlocking Epic ATs or those that played through would feel cheated. Essentially it would be like a skip the game button, or an unlock epic AT button. -
What the hell do you guys do with all those characters? How can anyone have more than 3 ACTIVE toons, there's not enough time in the day to do any more than that.
After you fill up the 12 character slots on 1 server how do you access the one's that say unavailable?
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You can buy extra slots as well as getting 4 for veteran rewards. For some people it is creating new characters after hitting 50, for some of us we like to try everything and depending on the day could feel like playing something different. I enjoy having a toolbox of characters so whatever group I want to join or whoever I want to play with I'll always have something in the level range to pull out. Also there are a lot of creative people in this game. We come up with a character concept and just feel compelled to create it. Most of my characters never make it out of the teens, but I don't want to delete them because you never know when you might want to come back to them or when a change might make them more interesting. I regularly return to old characters when the whim hits me. -
No spreadsheet here but around 60 characters I am logging in for the badge. I'm not logging in all of them.
Altoholism FTW!
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I do this occationally, but there are a few characters I leave out. I run HeroStats so I can have it grab the information and update badge Hunter. -
see, if the devs only allowed everyone to play one character this wouldn't be an issue.
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That is true. The game would have folded a long time ago and wouldn't be around to have the concern. -
I enjoyed them as figures to display. I never played the game though.
Ah powerleveling. The topic that spawned a thousand flame wars back in the day. Nothing good EVER comes from it and when the old devs were around we kept getting tweaked and otherwise punished in game due to efforts to stop those that were powerleveling or farming.
I fall on the powerleveling is a bad thing and shouldn't be done by anyone side of the fence. If someone wants to cheat themselves out of the game experience though that is their prerogative. If the race to 50 is all a person cares about though then they are probably playing the wrong game. -
I've been doing much better. I reslotted and finally got the hang of the play style I needed for the character. I do die more than on any other AT, but I don't feel useless anymore. I just have 3 more levels to go to get my legs though and then everything changes. Hopefully for the better.
Yeah, I feel the same way. I know how awesome I will be after 24, but I feel completely useless and like a porcelain doll at times.
My newest guy, a Golden Age teen hero: Mighty Lad.
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I really like that design. It is definitely nostalgic. -
That's incredibly impressive. I thought I had alot of alts, but you put a person to shame.