Powersets that need review

Adeon Hawkwood



My 2 Inf:

Ice Control: It needs better soft control than ice slick. Someone mentioned earlier they eat alphas a lot with Dark Control. On Ice it's even worse. My Ice/ is the only Dom I've taken stealth on for just that reason. Makes it easier to position ice slick from around a corner so I don't get my face smashed in every spawn.

Ice Armor: Endurance maintenance before level 26 is a huge pain. My first 50 hero was an Ice/Ice tanker, and had I not known what was coming with Energy Absorption he probably wouldn't have made it to 20. Maybe move EA earlier in the set?

And then there's Gravity. It's the only Control set I truly do not enjoy playing. It needs something even with the recent changes.



Mind Control: the power Telekinesis needs to be *UN-GIMPED* so as to actually be useful more than once per playing session or in PvP only. Telekinesis is an anchored Target AoE *Repel* that also happens to be a Mag 3 Hold, has a ridiculously ruinous Endurance Cost that is among the 5 highest in the game, and has a Max Targets limit of ... *FIVE* ... for reasons which are not only unfathomable but also almost certainly lost to the mists of time. Telekinesis can be completely "salvaged" through pure Powers Team spreadsheet editing by simply reducing its Endurance Cost and increasing its Max Targets limit from 5 to 10 or 16.

Gravity Control: change Wormhole from KnockBACK to KnockUP and a substantial portion of the "requires terrain" hassles with this power go away.

Mercenaries: too many issues to list, but excessively bad powers synergies in the Pets heads the list, followed by the absolute stinker that is Serum.

Ninjas: glass cannons that are all glass (labeled "break me, I'm easy!"). Ninja survivability is bottom of the barrel unless SERIOUSLY aided by secondary powers and Aid Other from the medicine pool. And why do only the Tier 2 Pets have a "Hide" power natively? Shouldn't *ALL* Ninjas be able to "Hide" their presence? Speaking of which, why isn't Smoke Bomb a PBAoE power that affects the Mastermind and the Ninja Pets within Supremacy Range? Do they have only the one Smoke Bomb, and they have to take turns using it or something?

Peacebringers: lousy powers synergies makes for a poor progression structure. So many of the Peacebringer powers don't "work with" other Peacebringer powers in advantageous effects stacking ways that it really isn't funny. Unfortunately, Peacebringers are somewhat "yoked" to Warshades, where there is a somewhat legitimate expectation that if you do anything to one, something similar really ought to be done for the other.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Removing KB from Wormhole (by use of this mentioned enhancement) will fix one of my problems with Gravity. I would like to see the intangible changed to something else. Thematically, I think a PBAoE toggle that causes enemies in its radius to be lifted (like Psi Tornado) x times/minute would be nice.

I would like to see the absorb mechanic added to older sets like FF as mentioned in one of the i24 scoop videos. In Empathy, Absorb Pain could add a "protective shield" in the form of +absorb, making the set more of a preemptive approach.

In general, I think many players would be happy if KB were completely altered to KD across the game. If it were given as an option for players with KB, it could be another nice option for power customization.



Originally Posted by Erratic View Post
Given how often I am wormholing things on top of the Singularity pet, perhaps I have a somewhat twisted view of how horrible Wormhole is for its knockback. Certainly things that have been tossed about by Singularity seem to be angry with the Singularity.

But even before I had Singularity to summon on top of mobs or drop mobs onto with Wormhole, Wormhole certainly didn't strike me as horrible. Sure its going to toss things about a bit, but in the moment of their arrival you can have queued up another control (typically for me Crushing Field).

I guess I don't think of Wormhole as a method of control, which arguably lends to your point, but rather think of it as a way to split a spawn up since hopefully some of them will be left behind and of those that don't get left behind I am applying a control to some of them.
For the Singularity bit, if you're talking about doing this recently, that's because they switched Wormhole to no-agro. As far as the mobs are concerned only Singularity attacked them.

For the Wormhole as control part, that is in fact a major issue. If people don't view Gravity Control's primary control power as a control, then something is very, very wrong.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



SR needs something other than Quickness and DDR to separate it from Shield.

I would love to see what Regen gets if it ever gets moved to Tankers, and if those changes will get implemented for everyone else.

Most of the Manipulation sets are getting a little help, as are a lot of the Blast sets, so I am looking forward to rolling a new-age Blaster.

I look at my Peacebringer and smile fondly. I put some coin into him and he turned out nicely. Then I look at the Soldiers I have rolled and I think, "ok, they used the knowledge from making the HEATs to get to VEATs. The HEATs deserve another look now that everyone is all wizened up." I do not know the comparison to Warshades, as I will not roll a Warshade until I have a daughter (the PB was in tribute to my son).

11 months of all-nighters, messy feeding sessions, bath fighting and realizing just how good my son's lungs work, and I am still convinced he is the crowning accomplishment in my life. What in the blue HFIL is wrong with me?



Originally Posted by SuperBull View Post
Ninjas need to be reviewed. They are too fragile. They need something to increase their survival.
Unfortunately, the devs would need to code around the Law of Inverse Ninjutsu.

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Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Street Justice is very weak at AoE and I don't think it would be out of line for Spinning Strike to give its Combo 3 effects at all times.
Yeah, I have to agree with this, but then that is all I would do. It's a hard hitting set. I am a little disappointed that the aoe is only 6 ft too.

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Great Thread ! Here are my powersets that should be reviewed;

SONIC RESONANCE : Needs major help. Lots of ideas have been discussed on this one (here and elsewhere). The following powers should ALL be reviewed and improved ; Sonic Siphon, Disruption Field, Sonic repulsion, Clarify, and Liquefy.

FORCEFIELDS : Needs a modernization. Back in the day, being a one-trick pony was.... ah heck, it has never been a good thing. The same still holds true. I would like some kind of de-buff added and/or additional damage. The following powers should ALL be reviewed; Forcebolt, Force Bubble, Repulsion bomb.

EMPATHY : Needs something to help with Solo-ing. Too many ideas have been discussed on this one so I will just say that Empathy suffers the most because ONLY 3 powers are helpful solo. Without breaking the Cottage rule, this cannot be changed. But something SHOULD be done to update this powerset.

THERMAL RADIATION : So if Empathy needs help AND both Sonic and Forcefields need help, then it stands to reason that this set would need major help. Not having played this set very much, I cannot offer suggestions. The extensive amount of Empathy, Sonic and FF experience that I have, makes it true that I will NEVER play this set unless it gets some help.

ELECTRIC BLAST : Like many folks in this thread, I would like to see Electric Blast get a look-over. Kind of hesitant for that to happen at the same time since I build my Electric characters to "sap", so any re-vamp could likely "break" this in order to "fix" something else. In the end it is worth the risk, because Electric is simply not as good as other blast sets. The powers that should be looked at are ; Short Circuit, Tesla Cage, Voltaic Sentinel.

MIND CONTROL : I don't understand why this powerset seems so good, but then as you get towards the high-end of the levels 35+ it starts to really "under perform". Love this set, but cannot get into the 40s with it on any combination that I have tried. One major change that could really turn this set around though would be a fix for Telekinesis. Here is an idea ; what if TK was a chain hold (ala Synaptic Overload). Have it target one enemy and the cost increase for each enemy held, and each tick would check for "un-held" targets in the area of effect. In general, I also believe that controllers 4-min recharge holds need to be re-vamped. ED is still haunting many powers, but none more-so than these. I would change them all from 240sec to no more than 180sec.




Agree with the above poster on reducing the recharge of the AoE holds.


- Spec Ops: Improve ST damage. Give them a stealth strike capability when they attack from Stealth. Greatly reduce the recharge of their AoE controls and add Glue Grenade to their arsenal.

- Third Upgrade bestows Ignite (with aforementioned radius buff) to T1 Soldiers. Reduce/Remove KB from all of their powers.

- Commando: Third upgrade bestows the power "Leadership" a Damage, To-hit and defense buff for all other mercenaries.

- Serum: Large Damage, Damage Resistance, Regen and Recovery buff, also boosts the effects of healing powers cast on user. Applies level shift. Reduce recharge to 90 seconds. Applies a condition that prevents you from re-casting it on the same Henchmen for 180 seconds after it wears off.

- Medic: Increase the range of all of his powers to be greater than the Soldiers, give him the ability to cast a reduced version of fortitude which recharges fast enough to be maintained on all other henchmen.

Oh and here's the truly impossible request: Adjust power recharge times across the board for -all- ranged henchmen so they always have another ranged power ready to fire regardless of what upgrades they are using. I find that they are more likely to run into melee when they have nothing else ready to shoot. They often run right up to an enemies face, then by the time they get there they have a ranged power to use, so they cast it from point blank range (you can see how a cone heavy set like mercenaries would find this highly unfavorable).



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
For the Singularity bit, if you're talking about doing this recently, that's because they switched Wormhole to no-agro. As far as the mobs are concerned only Singularity attacked them.

For the Wormhole as control part, that is in fact a major issue. If people don't view Gravity Control's primary control power as a control, then something is very, very wrong.
As noted, it lends to your view. It is hard to see it as a control (well, I suppose mobs do have to spend time standing up). I consider Gravity to only have Crushing Field, Gravity Distortion Field, and Dimension Shift (and really not so much that last one) as its area controls.

I am not opposed to Gravity being review, however I think Poison probably should be looked at first (not that it is a competition).

Under construction



Yes, I do consider unmitigated chaos fun. This is a super hero game after all, I should be able to punch someone across the room or blast them into the neighboring time zone.

For those that want KD, there is the KB2KD proc, which is going to be followed up by non-damage variations. So wormhole will be fixed without messing it up for people that like to fling stuff around.



Mercs need a lookin' at. Spec ops have ridiculously long cooldowns on their crowd control, and do poor damage as well. Reduce the charge time on their CC, increase the damage on their attacks. ESPECIALLY Rifle Butt, there was no reason for them to leave that at so low damage, especially after they buffed the VEAT version.

Ninja's need a balance. I suggest adding a Pirate mastermind set.

"I have something to say! It's better to burn out then to fade away!"



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
This is easy and does not take a novel to answer. ALL of the sets need to undergo a periodic review period end of discussion.
While I agree with you here Darth....remember a few months back when I made a thread suggesting simple (simple ideas) to make older sets updated and flashy, compared to new ones? And WHAT was your response?
"Oh, I dont want them to touch the sets I like, I dont want to play anything with gimmicks."

And then you post the above? Which is it, you what every set looked at and tweaked..or you want nothing 'old' touched at all? And yes..I KNOW you said you dont like gimmicks..I understand some people dont, but everything I suggested, and most of the ideas in THIS thread, would involve no change at all in playstyle..or a change for the better.



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
EMPATHY : Needs something to help with Solo-ing. Too many ideas have been discussed on this one so I will just say that Empathy suffers the most because ONLY 3 powers are helpful solo. Without breaking the Cottage rule, this cannot be changed. But something SHOULD be done to update this powerset.
Have to say I don't see that as a problem with empathy. It's a team-focused set. That's not a bad thing. And we do have a second build available that lets you open up to other options for soloing - and with empathy (and thermal, and pain, and FF) that can be a lot of options that let you focus more on your own offense, damage and/or survivability.



Energy Melee suggestions (from someone who has played the set to 50 and enjoys it, but also sees its weaknesses):

Total Focus: shorten the animation (use say, Knockout Blow or Knockout Blow's alternate animation)
Energy Transfer: shorten the animation (to simply a shorter version of its current animation, like the changes to Dual Pistols, though Sweeping Cross would work, too). I don't think it needs the self-damage messed with.
Stun: The big change. Basically, make it into a second AoE attack. Give it Total Focus's animation, increase its damage, and give it and a splash AoE effect - basically, turn it into a copy of ElM's Thunder Strike (but with 100% Stun as its only secondary effect, rather than TS's 50% Stun / 80% KB / 40% End Drain).

I know Whirling Hands' radius is usually complained about, but it's the same radius and target cap as most other melee sets' PBAoE, at least ones that explicitly hit with the character's body or weapon (except for SJ, which has a smaller radius). SS and SM hit with an explosive shockwave rather than with the character's fists, and Staff Melee and Titan Weapons are using long-reach items, so it makes sense for them to have a larger radius. (In fact, the PBAoEs whose radius should probably be increased are the weapon sets - Claws, Katana, BS, WM, BA, and DB should be increased to match Staff Fighting's 10' radius).

It shouldn't be as much of an issue anyway, with a second AoE in the set to back it up.

Really, what makes the set work for me is that every attack has the same secondary effect - Chance For Disorient (with some attacks having that chance be 100%) - letting you stack it. I think that's the set's greatest strength (moreso than even ST damage), and I don't think they should mess with that synergy, whatever they wind up doing.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
While I agree with you here Darth....remember a few months back when I made a thread suggesting simple (simple ideas) to make older sets updated and flashy, compared to new ones? And WHAT was your response?
"Oh, I dont want them to touch the sets I like, I dont want to play anything with gimmicks."

And then you post the above? Which is it, you what every set looked at and tweaked..or you want nothing 'old' touched at all? And yes..I KNOW you said you dont like gimmicks..I understand some people dont, but everything I suggested, and most of the ideas in THIS thread, would involve no change at all in playstyle..or a change for the better.
I don't see those responses as contradictory at all. Adding gimmicks to old sets is not the same as doing periodic balance passes to assure that everything is working well. Darth, it seems, is looking for a regular review pass on all power sets, not a periodic addition of completely new mechanics. Of course, I could be the one misconstruing things... but I don't think so.



Adding gimmicks to existing sets that didn't previously have them is a bad idea. Not everyone wants gimmicks.

However, I can think of something that isn't really adding a gimmick, but making use of one that is already there. That would be Stone Armour. This already has a sort of "offense/defense mode toggle" in that with Granite on it is low damage high survivability, with it off, it is average damage, average survivability. There are changes that could be made to make frequent switching a viable option - reduce the recharge on GA, have toggles suppress rather than turn off, and so on.

I really should do something about this signature.



Stone Armor isn't exactly low survivability with Granite off. I get 35% S/L Defense and about 40% S/L Resist with just Rock Armor, Stone Skin, Tough, and Weave, and I could probably get it up to the softcap with better IO Sets. My Psi defense is already at the softcap with just Minerals and Weave. (And I'm considering respeccing to replace Recall Friend with Maneuvers, for another ~5% or so)

I think all they'd have to do to make the set much more playable is to take the -Jump out of Rooted (but only have the status protection and boosted regen work when you're on the ground, a la Elec Armor's Grounded). I can deal with the -Run, even, but the -Jump is crippling.



Originally Posted by Thunder Knight View Post
Stone Armor isn't exactly low survivability with Granite off. I get 35% S/L Defense and about 40% S/L Resist with just Rock Armor, Stone Skin, Tough, and Weave, and I could probably get it up to the softcap with better IO Sets. My Psi defense is already at the softcap with just Minerals and Weave. (And I'm considering respeccing to replace Recall Friend with Maneuvers, for another ~5% or so)
Okay, I've edited my post. Although out of granite it seems to be falling behind the newer sets (WP, Shield, Bio) especially when it's mobility debuff is included.

I think all they'd have to do to make the set much more playable is to take the -Jump out of Rooted (but only have the status protection and boosted regen work when you're on the ground, a la Elec Armor's Grounded). I can deal with the -Run, even, but the -Jump is crippling.
Definitely. I don't see this set as strong enough to need either debuff compared with newer sets.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
Ninjas (too fragile) and Mercs (spec ops) definitely need looking at, maybe beast and necro. Though I do have a problem with saying over half the sets for an AT are under performing

Electric blast... I'd wait till i24 hits beta so we can see how much of a difference to draining TB with no crash makes. Though Tesla Cage does need to become as powerful as a T3 blast, and Voltaic needs adjustments.

Do have to ask, Gecko.. how does Street Justice in need of a looking at? Its one of the best melee sets, flat out.

Traps is fine, but Devices needs work. Time Bomb needs to be completely replaced.

Ice Control definitely needs work, Gravity is a bit more iffy. Dimension Shift needs to go. The 'fix' was cool an interesting but it doesn't really help. However, the devs have stated that there will be a non-damage KB-KD proc IO. This will fix wormhole for the people that have a vendetta against KB, and keep the KB for the people who like to have fun.
I agree with everything you said. Perhaps it is better to let him clarify, but he possibly wants it reviewed as it has overshadowed much of the earlier melee sets in many areas. Some people seem to be calling for rebalancing/nerfs here.

EDIT: I see that wasn't the direction he was going at all from the post on page 2.

My list:
Energy melee
trick arrow
force fields
sonic resonance
electric blast
most MM primary sets
most Manip sets
stone armor

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



All the powersets in the game require review, all the time.

That's what you do with a persistent world - everything is under constant review and nothing is sacred. You nerf what you have to, and you buff what you have to. I don't care about anyone's opinion in the matter. ED didn't offend me, for instance - I thought it was 100% required and not nearly enough.

In this particular case, when the game was created the development team had no clear goals about comparative set performance when most of these sets were created. When Castle took over, his overriding objective was to make sure that underperforming sets were brought up to a minmal par, and he blew off any other requests to fix things. This current dev team appears to see the value in comparative balance, but they are too timid to roll out the world-shattering changes that are necessary to fix the game, because they fear the subscriber base crying like the immature children that they are. Ultimus's Blaster Nuke post is a perfect example of that reaction. Comic book fans fear change as a rule; this community is composed of comic book fans.

Don't hold your breath on fixes.



Originally Posted by Rakeeb View Post
All the powersets in the game require review, all the time.

That's what you do with a persistent world - everything is under constant review and nothing is sacred. You nerf what you have to, and you buff what you have to. I don't care about anyone's opinion in the matter. ED didn't offend me, for instance - I thought it was 100% required and not nearly enough.

In this particular case, when the game was created the development team had no clear goals about comparative set performance when most of these sets were created. When Castle took over, his overriding objective was to make sure that underperforming sets were brought up to a minmal par, and he blew off any other requests to fix things. This current dev team appears to see the value in comparative balance, but they are too timid to roll out the world-shattering changes that are necessary to fix the game, because they fear the subscriber base crying like the immature children that they are. Ultimus's Blaster Nuke post is a perfect example of that reaction. Comic book fans fear change as a rule; this community is composed of comic book fans.

Don't hold your breath on fixes.
It's more that the NGE changes in Star Wars scared ALL developers from making major changes to a class or in our case powerset. There are powersets in this game and whole powerset categories (looking at you Manipulation sets) that just plain need to be re-imagined. But no developer wants to take the aggro.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
It's more that
Most players range of balance tolerance is this big:

The devs range of tolerance is this big:

Many forumites range of tolerance is this big:

And Rakeeb's range is this big:

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
While I agree with you here Darth....remember a few months back when I made a thread suggesting simple (simple ideas) to make older sets updated and flashy, compared to new ones? And WHAT was your response?
"Oh, I dont want them to touch the sets I like, I dont want to play anything with gimmicks."

And then you post the above? Which is it, you what every set looked at and tweaked..or you want nothing 'old' touched at all? And yes..I KNOW you said you dont like gimmicks..I understand some people dont, but everything I suggested, and most of the ideas in THIS thread, would involve no change at all in playstyle..or a change for the better.
Reviewing older sets and making improvements to them is "all" I am talking about when I said review. I am not into patching new gimmicks on older sets no sorry that sucks warm donkey balls.

This thread has turned out to be yet another make the AT or powerset do what "I" want it to do vs a review seeking more balance across the sets. Typical.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
It's more that the NGE changes in Star Wars scared ALL developers from making major changes to a class or in our case powerset. There are powersets in this game and whole powerset categories (looking at you Manipulation sets) that just plain need to be re-imagined. But no developer wants to take the aggro.
You're absolutely right. It's a shame.

EDIT: Cowards, but motivated by money and the survival of themselves / their families. I get it.

I'm looking at weird stuff these days anyway, guys that are doing it for the art more than for the market. Secret World as opposed to (for example) The Old Republic.