Powersets that need review

Adeon Hawkwood



As for Ice Control:

The ST hold is standard
The ST immob is standard
The AoE Immob is standard

Arctic Air needs to get the End decreased. The confuse is so short and spotty that it isn't worth it. If they made the confuse a constant toggle instead of a chance to hit, I can see it being a power that I would use on a regular. Right now on my Ice/Dark Dom I am using it as a debuff.

Shiver should have a secondary effect that is more useful...every power in that set has -Rech/-Spd How bout a -Acc/-Dmg.

Ice Slick should have the the ability to knockdown even tho you are Immobile...you cant move but you sure can fall. I also say that this power receive another secondary effect like -Dmg to help between pulses. It would also help to remove the fear from the Dom version.

Flash Freeze shouldn't do damage. If they had to add a gimmick to this I would like to see a degrading debuff on it. Start with a high -rech/-def power and have it lose effect over time.

Glacier is a PBAoE hold and it I will be ok with this if it was a toggle hold. Anything that came in your perimeter is held.

Jack Frost is an ok-ish pet, I usually just summon pets to absorb the aggro and alpha while I set up controls. Visually is more of my problem. Make those chunks of ice a bit more streamlined and visually pleasing. I would remove the ranged attack in place for something else.




While I agree with the general sentiment that all powersets need review as the game evolves, there are certain sets that need love more than others.

Of all the complaints I'm aware of, I believe Mercenaries deserves attention the most. I say that because at no point in the development of the game was that powerset performing at an acceptable level. Ninjas might be able to make a similar argument, but at least their unique power is useful. Mercs are saddled with Serum, which is among the most useless powers in the game. It has a ridiculous recharge time and serves the purpose of turning one of your henchman into a tank. Then it neuters that henchman with a crash. The problem is none of the Merc henchman are worth putting it on. The set is actually much better served playing as a "Tankermind" anyway. Serum would be much more useful as an AoE survival buff (possibly +Resist/+Regen) that affects henchman at full strength and the MM at half strength. That change alone would make Mercs acceptable to me. Changing the Spec Ops would just be gravy.

Other sets that could use a look are Energy Blast, Ice Control, Dark Control (surprising since it's new), Energy Melee, Broadsword and Battleaxe (inferior versions of Katana and Warmace respectively), and Trick Arrow.

Honorable mention goes to Ice Armor, which is an ok set except for Hibernate. I think Tankers should get Icy Bastion instead. The thing is, Hibernate would function better on a Stalker (they can get it anyway) because they are more about hiding and healing to come back for round two. Maybe Hibernate could be an intelligent toggle? It could give a moderate regen/recovery boost until you hit 20% hp and then activate its current effect? That would require it to be like the WP and SD T9s though and not consider attack rate changes. Otherwise, Ice Armor Tankers would be literally unkillable.

On the topic of T9s, they all need reworked. Nukes are becoming crashless, so that's a good sign that the devs know that crashes have no place in the game now. I really hope that all T9s get a tweak. Especially Elude, which is almost unarguably useless. It does, however, still provide some benefit to SO purists that want to hit the incarnate softcap.

The devs have adopted the rather soft approach that as long as some people still have fun with a set they can't change it. I think that sometimes a nerf is needed. Some sets are just unbalanced, and they need to admit that and fix it. Some people might get angry, but a larger portion of the player base might now feel more relevant since they aren't being totally outclassed by a perma-PA illusion controller for example. Sets I would nerf/adjust include Super Strength (probably just rebalance, nerf some powers while buffing others) and Illusion (make PA like the Dark Control equivalent). I'm sure I could think of more if I sat here, but this post is in danger of becoming a rant.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Make Timb Bomb useful, either convert to Hand Grenade or Omega clone.

A PBAoE sleep is Ice Manip's highest power? Seriously, how about a PBAoE Hold to fit with Ice Blast?

Gun Drone and Dark Servant that you don't need to resummon, but can only have one out at a time sounds very reasonable.

Great thread, thanks for starting it.

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
It is arguable that all of those combined may be an issue.
No they aren't. Because they are all clear before you choose the set. So you would only choose the set because you WANTED those features.

But it's a very flexible set. You aren't locked into it like most of the recent sets with their combos and gimmicks. You want a melee cone? There is one coming to the fighting pool in issue 24. Problem fixed.

I play EM on a stalker, so the set is pretty much perfect for that AT, so I am happy on a personal level. I have always been more concerned with how the set functions for brutes and tankers.
I can assure you it is just fine on my tanker. It's probably less good for brutes, but most powersets vary in performance across ATs. You can still leverage it on a Brute with the right build (EM/Dark is very good for example).

So I can't argue for changes to EM. I just can't. But at the same time, something feels off about it. So while I don't jump on board that EM is bad off, I sort of sympathize and understand where people who want changes are coming from.
A vague feeling is not a reason to change anything. Provide hard evidence of under (or over) performance, and we can look at it. Until then, there are plenty of sets with performance that is clearly out of line that need to be looked at first.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Periodic review and changes to conform to the current game does not equal 'constant chaos.'
Periodic review to make sure sets aren't over or underperforming is fine. Periodic review to make things fashionable is not. Without evidence of over or under performance there is no reason for change.

Issue 6 launch. My Villain main for 4 years. After the animation nerfs just didn't enjoy the set anymore.
Yes, I was sad when my tanker stopped being able to out-DPS scrappers too!

I remember when that wasn't the case. Nevertheless, all you learn is where the set is at the time you created it. I liked Energy Melee when I created it. I no longer like it.
I.e. you liked it because it was ridiculously OP, and now don't like it because it is no longer ridiculously OP. (ET is still a very very good attack though).

I really should do something about this signature.



Here are my suggestions for Ice Melee:

Tanker version:
Frozen Fists: reduce activation time to around 0.87 seconds.

Frost: Increase range to 20 feet.

Ice Patch: Increase radius to 15'

Greater Ice Sword: Increase damage by around 10%, turn into a narrow cone range 10'.

Frozen Aura: Increase radius to 15'. Add Immobilise with -KB. Add lots of slow and -recharge.

Stalker port:
As above, but Frost Replaced by AS. Remove all damage from Frozen Aura but add a brief (2 second) mag 2 hold. Reorder: Freezing Touch (3), AS (4), BU (5), Placate (6), Ice Patch (7).

Scrapper and Brute ports:

As for tanker, but swap order of BU and taunt/confront. Completly replace Frozen Aura with a PBAoE Footstomp clone, doing very high cold damage with slow secondary effect. No sleep.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Yes, I was sad when my tanker stopped being able to out-DPS scrappers too!
I was playing a Brute, a mainline damage AT. So this inane comment is irrelevant to my situation.

I.e. you liked it because it was ridiculously OP, and now don't like it because it is no longer ridiculously OP. (ET is still a very very good attack though).
No, I don't like the feel of the set anymore. Two very long animation attacks is one two many. I would have preferred, and argued at the time, to adjust the damage or recharge. Fast animations are fun. EDIT: I like to have three fast animating (sub 2 sec) attacks in every set I play. Sometimes that requires me to take 'weak' powers instead of much stronger ones.

I notice that since I showed how your comment was in error, all you could respond with was a veiled attack.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
It's been five years, guys, IH as a toggle is gone, for ***** sake.
Seven actually. It went to a click during Issue 5, in August of 2005.

(The rest is not responding to Talen Lee)

I don't think Instant Healing as a very high regen power is appropriate as a toggle. But I don't think it should be a long-cooldown click anymore either. I would prefer that they redesign the power, but apparently it hurts people's feelings to have a power made better. Except for when they did it with Conserve Power/Energize, or with Moment of Glory, or Light Form.

It's interesting. This argument that you can't change things for the better doesn't seem to hold when you're talking about nerfs. Instant Healing was changed drastically for the worse. For the good of the game I'll admit, but nevertheless it was changed. Sometimes it needs to go the other way too. There are some powers in this game that are so lackluster, that they need to go in their current state. If it's OK to annoy a large number of players with nerfs, it should be equally OK to annoy a small number of player with buffs.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Periodic review to make sure sets aren't over or underperforming is fine. Periodic review to make things fashionable is not. Without evidence of over or under performance there is no reason for change.
I don't believe anyone was suggesting that the look and feel of Energy Melee be changed. Nobody is saying to add combo mechanics or "gimmicks". All anyone is saying is that it may not be performing adequately in the current state of the game.

For my part, I believe Energy Melee needs touched up. It is a high damage single target set with long animations. That's fine when you're soloing. Or, you know, if you like only killing one thing on a team every now and then. It becomes a problem when you are solo against larger spawns or want to be effective in a team environment. A low AoE damage set needs fast animations in order to keep up. The animation times also hurt the sustained damage abilities of Energy Melee against the hard targets it should be good at defeating. I haven't looked, but attack chains that ignore TF and ET wouldn't surprise me if they were better than those that include them. That means Energy Melee is only good at burst damage. The value of that varies, but in very few situations is burst damage better than sustained damage.

I think there are a number of ways to improve Energy Melee. I would even accept them adding an additional secondary effect to the powers, perhaps -Regen, as a consolation prize for having to deal with ET and TF. I want to like the set. I really do. But I can't bring myself to play it right now. And if people that love it conceptually can't play it, then something needs to change.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
There are some powers in this game that are so lackluster, that they need to go in their current state. If it's OK to annoy a large number of players with nerfs, it should be equally OK to annoy a small number of player with buffs.
This is true. Sadly, for you, Energy Transfer and Total Focus are not lackluster. You may not like them. You may take exception to a set with 3 quick activating attacks and 2 long activating ones (I know you said you want your sets to have 3 sub-2 second animations, maybe you thought EM didn't when you typed that). You may take exception to a set with only one AoE damage power. But you will have a hard time arguing that it underperforms or is lackluster.

It is not only OK, but necessary to make changes to stuff that underperforms or are lackluster. Sometimes those changes will annoy some people who like the status quo, but they are still necessary. That doesn't mean things should change just because some people don't like some things.

Really, I find AAO odd. Shield users, in the history of RPGs, have been about giving up damage to gain survivability. But CoH designed the set to boost damage? So wrong to me. AAO should give a stacking resist buff or something for survivability and something in the set should likely penalize damage. Shield should be a turtling armor set, like Stone. More survivability, less damage. Should we remove the damage buff in AAO?

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
No they aren't. Because they are all clear before you choose the set. So you would only choose the set because you WANTED those features.
Lots of things about blasters are true and clear before you choose to play them, yet they are getting significant changes. Clearly being able to see a sets warts is not a reason to leave them (it is also not a reason to change them).

Note, I agree the set has advantages that counteract the warts. I don't know if it is a completely equitable trade, but I still don't think EM is bad off.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I would have preferred, and argued at the time, to adjust the damage or recharge.
Which would have been FAR FAR WORSE for me. That's why you should be very wary about changing anything - for all the people you please, there will be as many who you anger.

(It's actually my main reason for not wanting the set touched. I do not, under any circumstances, want the damage of ET reduced one jot).

Fast animations are fun. EDIT: I like to have three fast animating (sub 2 sec) attacks in every set I play. Sometimes that requires me to take 'weak' powers instead of much stronger ones.
Which, as others have pointed out, is purely personal preference. I.e. not a valid reason to change anything. I'm quite happy with longer animations, and since Brutes where changed they don't significantly impede fury generation. I know because I play a Staff Brute which is mostly long animations.

As for having two slow attacks - no-one is forcing you to take them both. That's where the flexibly of Energy Melee comes in. There is no penalty for including powers from outside the set in your attack chain. I don't have Total Focus in my current build. My current ST attack chain is:

(BU) - Barrage - Energy Transfer - Ice Bolt - [Boxing if I'm slowed]

If you really hated self damage, you could leave out ET and go with Total Focus as your big hitter.

Flexability, see. Unlike my staff brute who is severally penalised if he wants to include a non-staff attack in his chain.

I really should do something about this signature.



So Praf, you were okay with the nerf to EM, because it worked out well for YOU. But yet, when other people point out that it didn't work for them, they're somehow wrong, or wanted to be overpowered?

Sets have changed in the past, both for good and bad, so sets aren't always the same as when you chose them. EM got nerfed pretty well, and those who liked the set before got told that they had to get used to changes. If the set is looked at, and is found to be needing buffs, people who like the set as is may need to get used to the changes as well. Current performance is no indication of future performance of a set when MMOs are concerned.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
So Praf, you were okay with the nerf to EM, because it worked out well for YOU.

If the set is looked at, and is found to be needing buffs, people who like the set as is may need to get used to the changes as well. Current performance is no indication of future performance of a set when MMOs are concerned.
I've nothing against buffing underpeforming sets, of which we have plenty. I'm against touching sets which AREN'T underperforming, just because they don't match the preferences of certain individuals.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post

I've nothing against buffing underpeforming sets, of which we have plenty. I'm against touching sets which AREN'T underperforming, just because they don't match the preferences of certain individuals.
Energy Melee has middle-of the road single-target, and poor AoE. And the ST-damage standing is assuming that the target is still alive when you hit it, which may not be the case in team play. It may not be the worst set in the game right now, but it's not good at anything, either. In my opinion, it's one of the three melee damage sets that at least needs to be looked at. The other two being /Axe and /Ice Melee.

The numbers back up that EM needs some help to put it on par with the other melee sets. Not a lot, but a bit. And just because the set works for you doesn't mean that the set isn't underperforming. Old Ice Melee worked for me, but it was quite the weak set.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



I'm not for 'boosting just to boost" The upside with energy melee, in the beginning, was that you had fast, strong single target burst damage, with control vs. single targets as well. The downside was that you were bad vs. crowds and could damage yourself. Then they slowed down energy transfer, and reduce the magnitude of total focus. Now you have a slow burst damage set with reduced control.

Is the set good? Yes, I still like it. But it isn't as good at the things it was good at at first, and while the adjustments were necessary, the 'overperforming' portions were downgraded without anything else bing upgraded. This would be fine if the set were overperforming in all areas, but the set had definite weaknesses along with its strengths, and its strengths were brought down without anything done to normalize its weaknesses.

The set is good at:

  • delivering large chunks of damage in large portions
  • single target minion/lieutenant control
  • continuous control over time (stuns layer well)

The set is bad at:
  • AoE control
  • AoE damage
  • quick damage delivery
  • staying healthy (hurts itself)
  • fast control

There are several places the set could be improved. Putting the damage upfront in either total focus or energy transfer would alleviate the QoL problem of "too much damage too late" also known as corpse-blasting. Total focus' mag 4 stun gave burst control to compensate for its long animation, that would help survival vs. hard targets. Stun gives a long animation with almost no damage...it should either be a faster control, or have damage in line with its long animation. The problem with the latter is that energy melee already has that in spades. If the set is about killing tough targets, it should at least give better crowd mitigation to guard it while it locks in its longer animation that sometimes incur extra damage. This could be through Upping whiling hands' stun rate, or by making "stun" give crowd mitigation.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Energy Melee has middle-of the road single-target,
Which becomes better the more +recharge you add.

and poor AoE.
Which can be made up for (if you want to) by mixing in powers from other sets. Something you can't do with newer gimmicky powersets.

And the ST-damage standing is assuming that the target is still alive when you hit it, which may not be the case in team play. It may not be the worst set in the game right now, but it's not good at anything, either.
It's good at:

1) Stunning bosses.

2) Taking out dangerous lts and Minions (such as sappers) with one hit.

3) Not being gimmicky.

4) having a very end cheap heavy hitter.

In my opinion, it's one of the three melee damage sets that at least needs to be looked at.
It's been looked at, by someone who has played it almost every day for the last seven years, and it does fine.

The other two being /Axe and /Ice Melee.
Yes, those two clearly underperform. As does Trick Arrow, Force Field, and quite a few others.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
There are several places the set could be improved. Putting the damage upfront in either total focus or energy transfer would alleviate the QoL problem of "too much damage too late" also known as corpse-blasting. Total focus' mag 4 stun gave burst control to compensate for its long animation, that would help survival vs. hard targets. Stun gives a long animation with almost no damage...it should either be a faster control, or have damage in line with its long animation. The problem with the latter is that energy melee already has that in spades. If the set is about killing tough targets, it should at least give better crowd mitigation to guard it while it locks in its longer animation that sometimes incur extra damage. This could be through Upping whiling hands' stun rate, or by making "stun" give crowd mitigation.
I've nothing against any of these. But I'm afraid that if it gets "looked at" the people who want the animation or self damage of ET reduced, and hence its burst damage, will be listened too. I would rather the set not be buffed at all than risk changes to may favourite power.

Basically, I think ET is still overpowered as an individual power (when you get very high levels of +recharge - I can take down EBs in less than 20 seconds), and I think if the devs look at it too closely, it will get nerfed again. I don't care if they buff the other powers in the set because I don't have them - I only have Barrage, BU, Whirling Hands, Taunt and ET.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
I've nothing against any of these. But I'm afraid that if it gets "looked at" the people who want the animation or self damage of ET reduced, and hence its burst damage, will be listened too. I would rather the set not be buffed at all than risk changes to may favourite power.
Yes, heaven forbid the Devs take into account the people who have stopped playing the set for legitimate reasons when making a change. I get that your opinion is that the set is fine. But again, that is just your opinion. People who stopped playing because of the nerf should also be listened to, because they may have valid points as to why they stopped playing, not just that they were no longer overpowered.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Folks play the strongest sets. The preponderance of SS/Fire brutes should indicate that. The lack of EM across the bulk of the meta points to its inability to compete.



Originally Posted by Rakeeb View Post
Folks play the strongest sets. The preponderance of SS/Fire brutes should indicate that. The lack of EM across the bulk of the meta points to its inability to compete.
As I've said before:

1) SS is clearly overpowered, and is therefore invalid for baseline comparisons.

2) It doesn't matter if new players don't choose Energy Melee. Kinetic Melee is a semi-replacement.

I really should do something about this signature.



I honestly think that energy melee was nerfed due to PvP and the fact that it was ported to stalkers. Castle himself said the change was due in part to the fact that people were getting laughed at for choosing other sets in PvP. For stalkers, where many AOE powers were removed, Energy Melee was truly dominant in its single target damage. No One ever argued about its dominance among tankers and brutes in PvE, since other sets far out shined it in overall game play.

The change to energy transfer was truly disfiguring to the set. Though it may have been necessary for balance issues, the resulting horrid animation and long cast times of its heavy hitters made it feel wrong to me and I haven't played it since. You can argue all you want that it's designed to take down "hard" targets but everyone knows that others sets do the job better and faster. Now that there are mechanics to make powers different in PvP and PvE I think it should get looked at again. I would much rather have a shorter animation and a larger chuck of health removed than be a corpse smasher on a team in PvE. Do whatever you want with it in PvP since no one I know plays it anyway. I'm sure it's far down on the devs list of stuff to look at though and it's probably just wishful thinking.

"We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - George Orwell



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
People who stopped playing because of the nerf should also be listened to, because they may have valid points as to why they stopped playing, not just that they were no longer overpowered.
They have been listened to. They have said they stopped playing because they only like fast attacks. Which would be a valid point if EVERYONE only like fast attacks.

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
As I've said before:

1) SS is clearly overpowered, and is therefore invalid for baseline comparisons.

2) It doesn't matter if new players don't choose Energy Melee. Kinetic Melee is a semi-replacement.
LOL. So if new players aren't choosing a set because it underperforms, that's okay, because there's a better set out there? Why not make the underperforming set just as desirable as the others?

What about comparing /EM to other melee sets, where it still underperforms against them?

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
They have been listened to. They have said they stopped playing because they only like fast attacks. Which would be a valid point if EVERYONE only like fast attacks.
ONE person said that they only liked fast attacks in this thread. Other people might just not like slow attacks. I think that the relative lack of /EM being played in the game points to the fact that there are MANY people who don't like the slow attacks.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus