


Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Indeed. Legally, it would be equivalent to someone who had been in a PoW camp for many years after the end of a conflict.
Yeah but if we go by the movie he was legally a deserter because he chose to crash the plane to get out of a date with a smokin hot babe he was scared of getting involved with, during wartime.

He could have safely ditched the rest of the rest of the bombs in the ocean.
He could have turned the plane around.
He could have flown back to Europe.
He could have looked for a parachute.
He could have tried a water landing off the coast of England, France, or even the US.
He could have tried landing the plane while being talked down over the radio.

They shot deserters back then so at the very least now he should get tossed in a military prison and dishonorably discharged.

Of course that's "if" we go by the movie.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
They shot deserters back then so at the very least now he should get tossed in a military prison and dishonorably discharged.
No good deed goes unpunished, eh?



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
No good deed goes unpunished, eh?
I knew a guy in the Navy that was brought back and was dishonorably discharged almost 10 years after he got out of the service because his paperwork wasn't done right and he wasn't "legally" discharged.

He got a civilian lawyer to fight it but I don't know how it turned out.

I know another guy that got sent to Captain's Mast for getting sunburned while out doing small boat ops. The charges were for being out of uniform and destroying government property (his skin).

The application of the UCMJ can be messed up at times but still be "legal".



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I know another guy that got sent to Captain's Mast for getting sunburned while out doing small boat ops. The charges were for being out of uniform and destroying government property (his skin).
His body was property of the military? And some people call the BDSM community messed up and weird.

Let these examples be a lesson to anyone who would want to save the world. First off, never join the military (Admiral Ackbar said it best: "It's a trap!")! Second, before you save it, have the entire planet's population all sign a legally binding agreement that will protect you from all liability. Refuse to do a thing until they all sign it!



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
His body was property of the military? And some people call the BDSM community messed up and weird.

Let these examples be a lesson to anyone who would want to save the world. First off, never join the military (Admiral Ackbar said it best: "It's a trap!")! Second, before you save it, have the entire planet's population all sign a legally binding agreement that will protect you from all liability. Refuse to do a thing until they all sign it!
I don't know that you're making a case against the military so much as you're making a case FOR your sick thing.

Magus Prime- lev 50 kin/ elec defender
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Originally Posted by Magus_Prime View Post
I don't know that you're making a case against the military so much as you're making a case FOR your sick thing.
What is this thing of mine that is sick? I swear I feel just fine!



Originally Posted by Wolvorine View Post
As much as I obscenely enjoyed this movie, I think the Galaga line (and the payoff that the guy was, in fact, playing Galaga) may be my favorite line.
I let out a big laugh in the theater once I saw the guy was, in fact, playing Galaga.....I was the only one. I'm glad that I'm not alone!




Originally Posted by Forefinger_ View Post
I let out a big laugh in the theater once I saw the guy was, in fact, playing Galaga.....I was the only one. I'm glad that I'm not alone!

In the theater I was at; when that scene happened (showing him actually playing Galaga) there were quite a few of us that laughed (my friends, brother and myself at the very least).

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Fin Fang Foom and MODOK would be laughed at on a movie screen.



Well saw it again tonight, at a different theater with a very different audience so I finally got to hear all the bits I didn't make out due to all the laughter during the midnight showing.

Besides the "Puny God" quote, the fact that Loki was mewling on the floor after his beat down was especially ironic.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet



Re: the above cartoon, yes to pretty much all of it. And I miss Yakko.

To redouble said exec's pain, Joss's WW script was shot down because "no-one would connect with a WW2 superhero movie."

Errrrmm… There's another star spangled super in tights would argue with that one.

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



Originally Posted by DreamWeaver View Post
To redouble said exec's pain, Joss's WW script was shot down because "no-one would connect with a WW2 superhero movie."

ErrrrmmÂ… There's another star spangled super in tights would argue with that one.
Sgt. Rock NEVER wore tights.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Sgt. Rock NEVER wore tights.
Why do I have a feeling that a Sgt Rock movie would probably end up being about as good as the Jonah Hex movie?

Too many alts to list.



Just as an aside, can someone fill me in on this Daisy/Quake person?

I really should do something about this signature.



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Besides the "Puny God" quote, the fact that Loki was mewling on the floor after his beat down was especially ironic.
Well, if The Hulk had just used you as a drumstick in an audition for the drummer spot in Devo, wouldn't YOU mewl a bit too?

Well, assuming you were still alive and conscious...

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Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
Why do I have a feeling that a Sgt Rock movie would probably end up being about as good as the Jonah Hex movie?
Jonah Hex movie has been classified under W.W.N.S.O.T.




Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Well, if The Hulk had just used you as a drumstick in an audition for the drummer spot in Devo, wouldn't YOU mewl a bit too?

Well, assuming you were still alive and conscious...
People in the theater were just about rolling in the aisles when Hulk smacked down Loki, and HULK's "Puny God" comment. I then yelled out "Ladies and Gentlemen, Loki has left the building!" as Loki was laying embedded in the ground clearly showing that his lights were on but nobody was home.

Reminded me of when a sledgehammer hit the Coyote in the head and his eyes flashed "tilt".

All Loki needed at that moment was the sounds of birds chirping in his head and stars spinning over his head



Originally Posted by docbuzzard View Post
Why do I have a feeling that a Sgt Rock movie would probably end up being about as good as the Jonah Hex movie?
Depends on who makes it.



Saw it Monday night and absolutely love it! Joss Whedon did such an excellent job handling the characters, from dialogue, to spot moments, giving everyone their time to shine. He handling the power levels quite well too, things could've easily gone the ridiculous route but big moments were handled well.

If I had to nitpick anything, it was the 3D. I hadn't intended to see the 3D version, but time constraints required that I did. For the most part, it was okay, but didn't particularly add anything to my experience. If anything there were a few times where I felt it detracted from my experience. There were several scenes where the 3D made the cgi look like a flat 2D surface floating away from the rest of the 3D screen.

When this began to happen, I'd remove the glasses and outside of the fuzzy lines issue, I said to my friend that it looked better. He agreed with me on this point. I should point out that I'm not a fan of 3D in general, as it mostly comes down to IN YOUR FACE moments. They didn't do any of that in this film which I appreciated. In fact the last time I saw a 3D film was Avatar and that was becase a friend bought me a ticket for IMAX 3D otherwise I wouldn've seen that in 2D as well.

The only other nitpicks I had were that the plot was pretty basic, bad guy wants to take over the world. And I couldn't quite get Loki's motivation for wanting to rule earth other than it'd be easy when he should still want to rule Asgard. Perhaps if they had made it clearer that if he were successful with Earth, they'd assist him with Asgard for example.

But the excellent characterization is what drove the film, so a weaker plot is quite understandable. Well, that and the awesome action scenes.

The other thing I didn't quite catch, either because I missed it, or it wasn't quite covered was how Loki knew about each of the Avengers that were going to be used so he could put his plan into motion. The best guess I had was that he pried it all from Hawkeye's mind. In which case, his plan had been spawned by a moment of luck?



Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
The only other nitpicks I had were that the plot was pretty basic, bad guy wants to take over the world. And I couldn't quite get Loki's motivation for wanting to rule earth other than it'd be easy when he should still want to rule Asgard. Perhaps if they had made it clearer that if he were successful with Earth, they'd assist him with Asgard for example.
Loki does just want to rule something if he can't have Asgard, but I think Loki also wants to rule the Earth as revenge against Thor. Thor loves Earth, so Loki wants to take it from him, as he feels Thor took his chance at ruling Asgard.

The other thing I didn't quite catch, either because I missed it, or it wasn't quite covered was how Loki knew about each of the Avengers that were going to be used so he could put his plan into motion. The best guess I had was that he pried it all from Hawkeye's mind. In which case, his plan had been spawned by a moment of luck?
They didn't explicitly state it or anything, but in the after-credits scene for Thor, he's seen observing Dr. Selvig, and even planting suggestions in his mind. Loki likely has watched the heroes as well, knowing that they are the most likely impediment to his rule.

I hate 3D, too, and was lucky enough to see it in glorious 2D.

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Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
Loki does just want to rule something if he can't have Asgard, but I think Loki also wants to rule the Earth as revenge against Thor. Thor loves Earth, so Loki wants to take it from him, as he feels Thor took his chance at ruling Asgard.

They didn't explicitly state it or anything, but in the after-credits scene for Thor, he's seen observing Dr. Selvig, and even planting suggestions in his mind. Loki likely has watched the heroes as well, knowing that they are the most likely impediment to his rule.

I hate 3D, too, and was lucky enough to see it in glorious 2D.
Yes, Loki wants revenge on THOR and what better way then to wreck Earth and enslave the humans? As to Asgard, until ODIN enters another hibernation I don't think Loki would attack unless he had the tesseract at his full command or the infinity gauntlet.

As to Loki knowing the Avenger candidates before hand, he indeed had been manipulating Selvig as he studied the tesseract, also I suspect Loki used his magic to scan the minds of Fury and Black Widow to learn of the Avengers Initiative and the candidates that Fury had in mind.

Also, Loki likely mind scanned them all when he first met them in the movie and thus was able to divine which mental strings to pull via his staff to get them all arguing in Banner's lab. Loki wasn't making them argue so much as getting them to argue via pumping up the egos of some (Stark) as well as making everyone irritable and thus more prone to argue. Notice that Banner didn't realize he had the staff in his hand until it was pointed out to him, and also that Rogers and Stark both winced as if suffering a headache after they argued and then saw Banner holding the staff. The look on Banner's face also made it clear he didn't know he had grabbed the staff. All that agitation and frustration combined with the explosions would be why he had the uncontrollable Hulking-out, yet later had a firm leash on the Hulk for the final battle.

"Dr. Banner! Now would be a really good time for you to get angry."
"That's my secret, Captain. I'm ALWAYS angry!"



Yeah I understand the motive they gave Loki for the film was attacking Earth as a form of regenge against Thor. It's just a rather weak motive. He even states during the film that he's the rightful ruler of Asgard.

So how does attacking Earth help him regain his "rightful place"? It doesn't. As I said, it's a nitpick and nothing so huge as to say the film suffered for it. I just thought that it would've given Loki a little stronger motive to tie his attempt to conquer Earth (Midgard) as a means to reclaiming his rule over Asgard.

So with Thanos, it's prove yourself by bringing my army to earth and I'll help you get Asgard. After all, in the Thor film, they show the Infinity guantlet housed there. It'd kind of make sense if that's where they're going with the future Avenger films.

With regards to Loki gleaning information from Fury, Black Widow, watching other heroes, etc... they're all assumptions that we, the watchers of the films have to make because they writers don't explain otherwise. Making the leaps of logic to support why a character performs an action shouldn't be necessary for a viewer / reader unless sufficient clues are provided for the leaps to be made. And there really aren't. There's one clue, the after credit scene in Thor and it doesn't suggest that he's watching over Fury's shoulder everything he opens a file with the Avengers Initiative label for example.

If that's the case, then giving Loki a simple line dashing Fury's hopes in the beginning during his confrontation in the beginning of the movie would've resolved the entire issue.



I prefer to think that Loki got information about Cap from Red Skull.

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Originally Posted by Tannim222 View Post
Yeah I understand the motive they gave Loki for the film was attacking Earth as a form of regenge against Thor. It's just a rather weak motive. He even states during the film that he's the rightful ruler of Asgard.

So how does attacking Earth help him regain his "rightful place"? It doesn't. As I said, it's a nitpick and nothing so huge as to say the film suffered for it. I just thought that it would've given Loki a little stronger motive to tie his attempt to conquer Earth (Midgard) as a means to reclaiming his rule over Asgard.

So with Thanos, it's prove yourself by bringing my army to earth and I'll help you get Asgard.
Actually, that's exactly how I assumed conquering Earth helps him regain his rightful place. It seemed nominally obvious to me from the opening scene that the deal was Loki had to prove he was a good investment: conquering Earth was the audition to demonstrate he was worth his benefactor investing more into an effort to retake Asgard. The fact that it is a place his brother loves is just the icing on the cake and the fact that Loki needs the adoration anyway means it doesn't take much to convince him to try to take over the world as a stepping stone.

With regards to Loki gleaning information from Fury, Black Widow, watching other heroes, etc... they're all assumptions that we, the watchers of the films have to make because they writers don't explain otherwise. Making the leaps of logic to support why a character performs an action shouldn't be necessary for a viewer / reader unless sufficient clues are provided for the leaps to be made. And there really aren't. There's one clue, the after credit scene in Thor and it doesn't suggest that he's watching over Fury's shoulder everything he opens a file with the Avengers Initiative label for example.

If that's the case, then giving Loki a simple line dashing Fury's hopes in the beginning during his confrontation in the beginning of the movie would've resolved the entire issue.
Actually, I believe its entirely reasonable to ask the viewers to make minimal assumptions. We aren't told how Hawkeye knew the vulnerable spots on the Helicarrier, but I doubt anyone in the audience was confused about how that's possible: we didn't need a flashback scene showing him reading a manual or something. We aren't explicitly shown how Shield kept track of Banner, we're just told Shield did, and we assume Shield is capable of doing exactly that. There is actually the opposite criticism that sometimes a movie will show so much so explicitly it becomes burdensome. Interfering with the flow of the movie by stopping to explain everything to the audience is just as maligned.

And the assertion that the problem isn't explaining *everything* but just this one thing is missing the general point, because everyone has a different just one thing. Where you draw the line is a matter of cinematic judgment.

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