does your character move around when you fight?




the saddest thing I saw with CoX was a scrapper challenge where they had dual blades and stood in place in RWZ cycling a few attacks to defeat the spawn. There was no action to the fight and basically no thought or tactics. Just cycle attacks.

if my character does not need to move in a fight, I pretty much delete the character. I love sands of mu - maneuvering around to get a lot of foes in the cone. I like immobilizing a foe then getting cover from them.

so does your character move around in combat and do you care?



I've never thought about this before. I think most of my characters that depend on ranged attacks will move around a bit (mostly to keep enemies from closing in to melee distance), but my melee toons tend to plant themselves while delivering their smackdowns. Though I will often set them to auto-follow the next target I tab to, once I've defeated the previous one.



My blaster sprints and leaps all over the place in a fight, which is a lot of the fun of playing her... so much so that, when I started a mastermind, it took about 20 levels to finally accept that she needs to just stand there, debuff the enemies and let the minions take care of things.

"Now, I'm not saying this guy at Microsoft sees gamers as a bunch of rats in a Skinner box. I'm just saying that he illustrates his theory of game design using pictures of rats in a Skinner box."



For my ranged characters, I move around a lot. Mostly to maximize the cones.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Pretty much always. Sure, if I find a spot where I have the advantage due to positioning, I'm not moving until that is no longer the case, but that spot moves around pretty fast in most fights. It's part of why I like Hover. I'm not just positioning myself in 2D now, I'm positioning myself in 3D space.

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My Claws/SR Scrapper moves around very frequently in order to keep Shockwave properly positioned. To that end, I also keep Ninja Run on most of the time, which keeps her extra maneuverable.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



On my invuln/SS tanker and ill/Rad controller, not really.

However my Spines/Fire Scrapper, if only to utilize the ranged cone it has, will hit the Burn, the spines PBAoE and then jump back over the spawn and throw the cone.

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Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Holy crap you make a lot of threads.
And what's an arth?



Nope, I pretty much just stand there. Cycling attacks and popping off the occasional buff or inspiration is about all I can handle. If I had to worry about tactical movement on top of that, I think my brain would melt down.

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Originally Posted by SinisterDirge View Post
And what's an arth?
i'm guessing it's where dug is from.

Most of my characters move quite a bit to maximize things like cones and PBAoEs. Also, it's handy to launch KB attacks from above so they work as KD.

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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
the saddest thing I saw with CoX was a scrapper challenge where they had dual blades and stood in place in RWZ cycling a few attacks to defeat the spawn. There was no action to the fight and basically no thought or tactics. Just cycle attacks.

if my character does not need to move in a fight, I pretty much delete the character. I love sands of mu - maneuvering around to get a lot of foes in the cone. I like immobilizing a foe then getting cover from them.

so does your character move around in combat and do you care?
Yes, I love dynamic gameplay. My Blasters angle for range and keeping the foes running at me (not attacking-it's all about finding that sweet spot that makes them want to keep chasing) while I blast. Similar play with Defenders and Corrupters, with the added angling of making sure buffs and heals are where they need to be.

My Scrappers and Stalkers bounce around picking off the most dangerous targets while my Tanks and Brutes are always manuvering to keep as much aggro as possible...

My MasterMinds and Controllers... Don't move as much as many of my others. I play them more like chess pieces, making the right moves at the right time, get the right angles for attacks, etc. It's one of the reasons I don't play many Controllers or Dom's for that matter- similar patterns of play. It's not a problem on the MasterMinds though, as I'm doing all kinds of things with the Pets as well.

And yeah, always jockeying around to get the best angle for any cone attacks any of them have

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



On my Claws/EA brute, things tend to glue themselves around me so it's hard to actually move without jumping. But yes, he moves occasionally whenever he gets the urge to use Eviscerate or if he wants to hit things with Shockwave. In the times where things glue themselves to him, Spring Attack is a nice repositioning tool that not only can line up foes but damage them *and* knock them down. One fun tactic after getting aggro: Spring Attack to edge of cluster > Eviscerate > Shockwave > Focus > Gloom. Or for kicks when a wall is near before the fight starts: Shockwave mob into corner > Spring Attack > Energy Drain > Spin.

For my DM Stalker and Tanker, I've mastered Shadow Maul.

For my Pistols Blaster, it's all about the hop. Combat Jumping helps hop distance and Hurdle hop speed. With DP's animations, you look cooler for hopping around to keep the foes away.

I've got a Thorns/Plant dom who I, seriously, play as a hyperactive munchkin dryad boy. He has to move somewhere between every click or else I'm playing him wrong.

My Dragoon brute does the fly-by fire breath then turns about and breaths toxic and icy breath right after.

I have some characters who are more stationary but mainly out of necessity because they have nothing to prance about for...but if they did, I would.



No. I get tired of messing with melee cones and things in an MMO really quick. My main is FF/BR and likes to dig in and hold a point. My new Rad/Archery plans to just hover and endlessly chain archery attacks to turn GM's into pin cushions. My Bane is way beyond lazy and just lobs grenades, runs leadership, and smacks down adds that get through the front lines.

My TW/Fire brute has solo'd to 40 so far and has done all her combat standing still in an AE mission with a pile of enemies, and she is TONS of fun. Constantly near death, banging inspirations as they come in, holding and combining, watching stats go up and down, managing when to use the timired heal/endo vs using inspirations. Deciding when to do that long TW animation to start momentum. VERY busy, very fun.

Related Rant:

CoH isn't that kind of game IMO. You can play it that way, sure, but personally I go to shooters and action games for that.

I've had it out a few times now with people who were Diablo2 vets that don't like Diablo3's skill system or Inferno mode because they don't get exactly what the OP here is saying.

D2 vets always ran the toughest thing they could find and did exactly as the OP here says... stood and spammed attacks while tanking everything. So they weren't really 'playing' actively, and D2 was sadly the best of the bad bunch. Titan Quest was exceedingly boring with nothing but an endless -albeit very pretty- parade of loot pinatas, math, and carpel tunnel. But many people loved it because they play it just like I play City of Heroes... more about the character and building it than the actual combat.

D3 has been designed to have more interesting enemies to fight. The first thing the D2 vets cry about is that the beta is 'easy' because they are doing the same thing again, crushing the content with stats and levels above it. If you play through the D3 beta once and try to never be hit and assuming the damage later would be so high you couldn't afford to get hit, you will find that it's a far more interesting game. Taking out Bloaty fat guys that pop into more enemies, mixed in with skeleton archers without getting hit, is more engaging than anything found in TitanQuest including bosses, and more importantly it's INTENDED. TQ enemies had no AI to them, they just stood and fired. To hit them, you had to take arrows. The game was about math and was always meant to be, but in D3 instead of dodge chance, you have things like projectile slows.

Andarial, Mephisto, and Diablo were decent fights in D2, but as said almost no one actually fought them. They just got up the gear and pots to be able to tank all the damage while they murdered them as fast as possible. The Skeleton King is hands down the most fun boss fight I've had in an ARPG outside of an arcade -again- when I try to never be hit.

And what's the end-game there? A difficulty setting where the entire game flattens and you can't just out-level or out-gear the content. You will HAVE to fight the enemies, set up cones, dodge things, etc. The skill system some people hate for being adaptable on the fly, is picture perfect for that.



Mostly. Though on a tank it may seem like I'm not moving, it just takes that long to defeat stuff.

Great game while it lasts.



All of my characters move. A lot. Probably the character that has the least amount of movement is my tank. This is for a good reason, however: he has the innate power to cause enemies to huddle and gather around him, and he has a taunt aura with nice buffs to take advantage of this fact. Of course, he'll still move sometimes like to get into better positions or to take out enemies in the spawn that have scattered and such.

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Fighting a Pylon is pretty different from real combat in this game anyway. Most of my Scrappers have to move around a lot, if for no other reason than because they tend to fight large numbers of enemies, not all of which like to walk right into the place of the previous one to be beaten.



If a specific power doesn't require you to move around and position yourself just so, I really don't see any need to move around during combat aside from movement to avoid damage (i.e. "Don't stand in the fire").

To be honest, back when I was playing WoW I was often baffled and amused by exactly the opposite scenario: seeing somebody in PvE jumping all over the place and running in circles around a mob. It immediately screamed, "PvPer who doesn't grasp that jumping up and down and running in circles doesn't confuse the A.I. the way it does another player." While this was merely amusing when seeing it out in the open world, it was downright maddening when the tank would do it in a dungeon, and I'm a melee DPS class who would really like to get behind the target (because mobs in that game can't block or parry attacks from behind), but I can't because the tank is running in circles and making the target spin around and around. Or even worse, leading the mob on a merry chase around the room. It made me want to slap the tank and scream, "This isn't PvP! Plant yourself somewhere and hold the mob still!"



Whether or not my characters move much depends on the character. Characters like my Invuln tank and Shield scrapper don't move around too much because they have powers that encourage staying in one place in order to yield the best benefits. Characters like my Claws/Regen scrapper, though, tend to be fairly mobile, dancing around opponents and trying to maneuver them into favorable positions for my attacks. When I'm alone against a boss on the scrapper, for instance, I like to use Focus to knock them down, come in for a few hits, then back up and use Focus again to knock them down again without getting hit by their (often) stronger melee attacks.

I prefer moving around, mostly, but I know it doesn't work well with some characters, so I stay put when the situation calls for it.

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I move as much as I can... limited by what makes sense. In other words, there are times when moving around is a detrimant... I don't do it then. I love things like the pink patches in MoM: it forces you to move around and adapt.

In fact, I move a ton even when not in combat. I dont understand how folks can just stand around and talk, I have to be doing something in-game... which is why I like to form iTrials in DA.... there are things to kill there.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
the saddest thing I saw with CoX was a scrapper challenge where they had dual blades and stood in place in RWZ cycling a few attacks to defeat the spawn. There was no action to the fight and basically no thought or tactics. Just cycle attacks.
All the thought went in beforehand I'm sure, to work out the character's build and attack chain. The fight was won before it started.

This topic caught my eye because I just finished playing a beta for an MMO where players need to move around to dodge attacks. Generally in MMO's I don't move around more than necessary during a fight. In particular with CoH, for the most part players can't move and use powers at the same time, so if I'm moving that means I'm not attacking. In fights against typical spawns I may need to move around a bit to use AoE's or catch runners. In an extended fight, such as an AV or GM fight? No, unless the mechanics of the fight require me to move in order to dodge a special attack or such. I don't mind moving around, but I won't do it needlessly.



At one time I did move around a lot while fighting, now I find that I don't move around all that much, mainly because the longer animation times on some attacks just keep me rooted in place until the mobs are dead.
It all boils down to this the longer the animation times of a character the less likely I am to move them around after the initial positioning has been set up.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
[...] so does your character move around in combat and do you care?
My Stone Armor Brute with Granite and Rooted can't move in combat. I will win or I will die! Retreat is not an option. (Because detoggling granite is a guaranteed death.)