does your character move around when you fight?




It depends on powersets and if I need to line up area attacks.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



I tend to move a lot, though how depends on the toon:

- RANGED & STALKERS: duck in and out of cover and get optimum shots, or to control the number of mobs chasing me down.

- TANK/SCRAPPER/BRUTE: keeping up with the action and/or keeping them off my team involves chasing down escapees, taunts, and again working with cover or trapping in corners. Plus it's fun.

- OMGHEALZOR: chasing down people who move out of aura range/LOS is pretty essential. Gluing myself to the tank is what some people want, but not usually what the team needs, and is frequently deleterious to my health.

- MASTERMIND: essential to keep moving to keep your pets buffed, keep up with the damres buff, and keep them from tagging any mobs you don't want coming after you just yet.

- LOCKDOWN (Domi/Troller) Oddly, for the most fragile of the toons, this is where I have to move least and can just keep spamming Holds etc. It also helps to keep track of which areas are held up with what if you're relatively stationary.

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



qr : Yes, he does and I wish he'd stop. It's not like I'm pressing the wasd keys or anything, he just seems to be gaining sentience.

The worst is when he spins around so he's looking straight out at me and just points...



does your character move around when you fight?
Usually, but the degree to which I move changes drastically depending on the character.

  • SM/WP Brute - shuffle around slightly to increase regen from RttC, but no drastic changes since I need to be planted if I have to use Fault.
  • SS/FA Brute - I have large radius AoEs and ranged attacks, let them come to me to die. Small shifts to maximize Burn placement if they aren't packing in tightly enough.
  • Rad/Kin Corruptor - is it even allowed to play a Kinetic character that doesn't move a lot? Without a way of herding or taunting she's always on the move to maximize AoE effects (Irradiate, Void, and Fulcrum Shift) or avoid potential mezzes (look ma, no Clarion!).
  • Dark/Dark Dominator - she's all over the place: cone fear/-tohit + PBAoE stun and attack, melee attacks until things start responding then jump back while using Gloom and/or Life Drain to set up another Fearsome Stare...

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
EM's best attacks are, unfortunately, energy punch and bone smasher, behind energy transfer.
Clarifying this some: only if you're either using a lot of procs or are a Stalker that is on a team. Throwing out procs and just looking at the DPA for the powers, the order is ET >> TF > BS > EP > Barrage > WH >> Stun.

The difference between Bone Smasher and Energy Punch is very small and will shuffle around with procs, but I'm not sure how PPM procs affect them because of BS's higher recharge - and thus proc rate. I double-proc'd EP on my EM Brute due to the faster animation on her last respec (for inherent Fitness). Now Total Focus is still annoyingly slow, but it's not like you can't queue it and jump backwards just as it starts to cheat and get some mobility during the root time.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



I skip all over the place when i fight !

. . . . . . .


. . . . . . .

I do large manly superleaps when i fight!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



What I tend to do at least in melee is micro-repositioning. It's kind of like sticking to one spot but I circle around my foes in small movements between attacks to make it seem like they're dodging and weaving or trying to find an open spot to attack. And this is when I'm using single-target powers.

For AoEs and such I move around to maximise targets hit, only makes sense. But I just like to move a bit to make things a little more exciting!

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11



Originally Posted by Oneirohero View Post
What I tend to do at least in melee is micro-repositioning. It's kind of like sticking to one spot but I circle around my foes in small movements between attacks to make it seem like they're dodging and weaving or trying to find an open spot to attack. And this is when I'm using single-target powers.

For AoEs and such I move around to maximise targets hit, only makes sense. But I just like to move a bit to make things a little more exciting!

Your a shark! *blows shark whistle*

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Your a shark! *blows shark whistle*
nah, he's a Jet

and when you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Some people think the game should be a comic book simulate, or an action hero simulator or just a mix of action and stats. I mean, there are people who still expect the game to feel more 'comic booky' or 'anime-ish' or [insert genre with action in it]. Last time I experienced any of those things, the characters involved *moved*.
I don't really have a problem with games that expect me to move. Hell, one of my favourite moves in most action games is the instant-translication dash-teleport dodge move. I LOVE being able to move out of the way of a big attack in the nick of time. The problem is that City of Heroes doesn't really have this. It has, as a point of fact, really awkward unresponsive controls. It doesn't have action-game controls, it has click-n-kill RPG controls. The game can even be navigated via click-to-move.

If this were an action game like Devil May Cry or Oniblade or Kaan: Barbarian's Blade, then I really wouldn't mind it, but in City of Heroes it's just AWKWARD. Few things bug me more than a game with bad controls which require fast, precise reactions. Very, very few things cause me to punch my keyboard, but this is one of them.

Moreover, the way people most often suggest I move around just looks horribly ugly. City of Heroes does not have jumping animations for its powers. It has standing ones and flying ones. Jumping past a stationary enemy to avoid getting hit stuck with a long root just looks horrid to me, because it plays the standing animation, and it delivers a melee attack at long range. If we had running attacks or jumping attacks or any way for the game to acknowledge moving and attacking at the same time, I might feel differently, but I've seen what this looks like and it looks WORSE.

Besides, all this does is promote exploits that circumvent rooting, like the one I found where you can skip all rooting for any Electric powers. Just make sure you're not in combat mode, activate Build Up or equivalent to go into a "false" combat mode then just don't stop moving. No more rooting, no more animations, and the game looks like *** because of it.

Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
When did you become concerned with DPS, Sam?
I'm not so much worried about DPS as I am about the game never letting me fight. Protean is actually not that bad of a fight, since his Power Syphon is so rare. Every minute or so is actually pretty conservative. It's enemies like the ******* Knives of Vengeance Prophetesses and that GOD DAMN Stutter TF with the absolutely constant airstrikes that follow you even underground.

I don't mind having to move in order to react to a developing situation, so long as it's used with some degree of moderation. I mind when the mission designers go berserk and have me run around the whole ******* time and don't give me a millisecond of time to actually get in an attack, and yet I have to fight a tough enemy at the same time that I don't get the chance to even ******* approach! God damn that Stutter TF!

Seriously, that TF is probably single-handedly responsible for my hatred of moving around.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Some people think the game should be a comic book simulate, or an action hero simulator or just a mix of action and stats. I mean, there are people who still expect the game to feel more 'comic booky' or 'anime-ish' or [insert genre with action in it]. Last time I experienced any of those things, the characters involved *moved*.
Problem with this viewpoint is, it's mechanically impossible to achieve with the current game engine, for reasons Samuel's been explaining for several pages. What the game "should be" is irrelevant to what the game IS. If power rooting were done away with, the "safety dance" style of gameplay might become viable. Until then, this line of thinking has no merit.



I don't like to move but my pets do.



Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
Oh that's easy, just superglue his power cord to the wall and tape his cassette tray in place. ;-)
That's Soundwave, you nit!


Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Most of my characters move quite a bit to maximize things like cones and PBAoEs. Also, it's handy to launch KB attacks from above so they work as KD.
This. When you're getting swarmed, it doesn't make much difference; your cones and PBAoEs are going to get good swathes of mobs anyway. But when the Mad Minute dies down and you can start paying attention to where individual mobs are, moving to get the best coverage of targets is essential.

Of course, with a significant fraction of my Blasters, "best coverage of targets" sometimes comes down to 'See that dot?" (i.e., LRM with three Dmg/Rng HOs, Boost Range stacked on top, and range bonuses from sets)...

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



This thread confuses me every time I see the title.

I keep wanting to respond "Only when I press the movement keys."

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.