what is the smallest change that would make you quit?




If they put something as a super-rare (wolf pet) drop in the Super Packs that I really affected player power, I would cancel my sub.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



I might quit if...

They introduced a new type of enhancement level (mega-ultra rare!) and then designed content around the idea that you have full sets of the mega-ultra rares.

I've seen a few games do that, but so far CoH's policy to balance around SOs is good.

TPN trial guide video / MoM trial guide video / DD trial guide video / BAF trial guide video
/ Lambda trial guide video / Keyes trial guide video / Magisterium trial guide video / Underground trial guide



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
Many would quit if they only allowed one characters, merged servers, etc. Major changes cause major annoyance.

But what would be the smallest change that would make you quit?
It took ED to make me quit the first time...but I ended up picking up CoV and hardly missed a beat.

The trigger for my second hiatus wasn't anything the game did, my son just got old enough to eat all my free time.

I seem immune to changes rated less than 'earth shattering'.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Every mission has you teamed with Fusionette as an ally. Scanner, Newspaper, Story Arcs, iTrials. . .EVERY mission.



Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
Every mission has you teamed with Fusionette as an ally. Scanner, Newspaper, Story Arcs, iTrials. . .EVERY mission.
What if you teamed with Fusion instead?



Originally Posted by Paladin View Post
The only change that would get me to leave the game would be if Pal was forced to rename into something else. Having that character name, and being on Virtue are what's kept me around all these (almost) 8 years - the core game is great, but the name and server are what's keeping me from even doubting keeping my sub renewing.
So...if they changed naming mechanics so anyone can pick the name Paladin since it'd be linked to their Global Name?



I doubt it would take them much effort at all to rename all of my characters to random obscenities but I wouldn't take very kindly to it.



I did leave for a little bit. It wasn't "one minor" thing, and I can't think of "one minor" thing that would do it. One "minor" thing on top of a bunch of other things can be that "final straw," though.

Everything I can think of that would make me quit - head to account - scramble PW and unsub would be "middle" to "fairly major" though.

Originally Posted by IndyStruck
If post counts got reset?
I've advocated for hiding, or having the option to hide, post counts, actually. I'd love to see that.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
If the "Ignore" ingame (and even forum) functionality become a "Super Dooper VIP $25 a mo." perk.
Pay per entry?

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Current hybrid as Arbiter Hawk described in his thread.

I am not actually an altist I play with a couple of toons and all of them already slotted with various incarnates at T4 and had alternatives for different scnerios. I got bored from playing them at the moment and only thing that make me keeping my subscription was the hybrid slot. It turned out to be such a letdown in the patch that I may unsubscrie when i23 goes live and will play as a premium with my low levels instead I am alreadt Tier 9 anyway and I think I can keep most of my toons since incarnate content won't be appealing anymore for me there is no need to keep a subscription either.



Futa inspired costume pack.



I can't think of any small changes that would make me quit the game outright.

However, I'd probably drop my subscription and stop buying anything from the store if they introduced IO sets (or similar) that were exclusive to the store and couldn't also be earned through in-game activity. Or if stuff like powersets were made exclusive to super packs. Basically things that contribute to character builds and the means we obtain them.



Can't think of anything minor that would force me to quit - I mean there are already minor things I don't like about the game....

Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
I love you, I Burnt the Toast!



If they put the upcoming Retro Sci-Fi costume solely in the Super Packs I'd be tempted to rage quit.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



1. Echoing what was said above about the Hybrid slot. If they don't make it available to solo players in I23, my once 45 hours per week -> now 3 hours per week -> will most likely go to Zero (0) hours per forever.

2. The second thing that would make me instantly quit is if they actually listened to the solo community; did right by them; trashed the incarnate system and created real end-game content, I'd quit due to heart failure.



I can't think of anything small that would make me quit. Probably the smallest would be if it went an entire issue without anything new added redside. And by "redside" I mean anything that can be done by villains, so that includes stuff like new powersets and co-op content.



The only "small" thing that could possibly make me quit before the servers go dark is the removal (as in existing characters loose it) of the Monstrous Beast 5 head and Flared Ears. As Omnimouse (my main) I was once literally asked "How attached are you to your head?" during an attempt to join a guild. The answer is very...

Want better looking NPCs Contacts? Check out this NPC Contact/Trainer/Etc Revision Thread and Index
Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



Originally Posted by Fritzy View Post
1. Echoing what was said above about the Hybrid slot. If they don't make it available to solo players in I23, my once 45 hours per week -> now 3 hours per week -> will most likely go to Zero (0) hours per forever.

2. The second thing that would make me instantly quit is if they actually listened to the solo community; did right by them; trashed the incarnate system and created real end-game content, I'd quit due to heart failure.
Well that's not at all unrealistic.



If COH2 gets made and we cannot transfer over our current characters and their builds/IO's. Having to start from nothing for an updated game engine and graphics would seriously annoy me enough to just not play anymore.



Even one clearly overpowered item, available in Super Packs only, set to Very Rare. I won't rehash my argument as to why P2W via casino gambling is evil enough that I won't do business with a company that does it.



Removal of the body sliders.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Any change that resulted in me not having fun playing the game anymore. Which would probably require that many (possibly all) of my friends stopped playing, too.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



The only "small" thing that can make me quit is rotten development team attitude. I call this "small" because it's not technically part of the game and I should, technically, be able to enjoy the game without knowing who's making it. Regardless, if at any point I start feeling like there isn't a single redeemable person left on the development team, I'll take a hike.

Pretty much everything else that can get me to quit isn't "small." No, removing costume pieces that invalidate my existing characters irreparably is by no mean "small."

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Are we talking about something that would make me quit permanently? That would have to be pretty major.

I've quit this game twice so far, and come back both times.

The first time was just after I6 and ED came out. It was too big of a nerf with no hints that we were ever going to get buffs that would help mitigate it. It also didn't help that I had just started my junior year of college and was too busy to play frequently, so it became kind of a waste of money. I was gone for around 2 years I think, and came back after I graduated. At the time I came back I think I11 or I12 had just come out.

The second time I quit was just after the 4 incarnate abilities came out. Since I didn't know how long it would be before they brought out more, I felt like I had to get them RIGHT NAO! to keep from falling behind. And since there were only 2 trials to run at the time, and it seemed like that was all anyone was doing, I got seriously burnt out on the game. I was only gone for 3 or 4 months that time though.