what is the smallest change that would make you quit?




Not much would make me quit. It would have to make a lot of characters I put effort in less effective or broken.

I use IOs a lot, so maybe this.

TW/Elec Optimization



I can't think of anything small that would make me quit in and of itself. I have quit games because of numerous small things that added up over time.

The small things that piss me off most in CoH generally have to do with Costume items; specifically when one gender gets an entire new costume set and the other gender gets.... a mace. Screw you Carnie Pack.

Some day that may become enough of an annoyance for me to throw in the towel, but not today.

Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
If COH2 gets made and we cannot transfer over our current characters and their builds/IO's. Having to start from nothing for an updated game engine and graphics would seriously annoy me enough to just not play anymore.
See, I feel the opposite way. CoH2 would be a new game, with a new engine and possibly even an entirely new playstyle. What on earth would be the point in just copying over a pre-leveled, pre-min/maxed character?

I wouldn't even bother buying the game.

Frankly a CoH2 would have to be different enough from CoH1 to be basically a new game to me, otherwise why even make it? Why would I pay for the same game again?

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



If they keep going the direction they are going with the store and begin selling badges. That would be the last straw for me.

They are already selling purples!



Moving from handles to real names.

Really, I can't think of anything else that would do it.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But with multiple paths to 50 and dozens of power sets already in the game, aren't new zones and power sets just optional add-ons by now?
I play these games to explore. When I get a new zone, I explore that. When I get a new power set, I explore what it can do and the different ways that it can be built.

You may consider zones and powersets optional; I consider them core content.

Similarly, I couldn't care less about costume diversity but some people are citing that as their most important element.

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Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
this one intrigues me

Oh, if they removed the Body Sliders I'd quit too!
Although, I don't see that as being a "small thing" by any stretch of the imagination!!
(that entire sentence seems like a play on the topic of the body slider)

Sliders for the bodies and the faces are enormous elements of my enjoyment and appreciation of this game for tremendous amounts of customization.
I can't stand to play any game that doesn't let me customize my character... besides Pac-Man. I'm okay with looking like Pac-Man. Anything else... No way!

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and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
See, I feel the opposite way. CoH2 would be a new game, with a new engine and possibly even an entirely new playstyle. What on earth would be the point in just copying over a pre-leveled, pre-min/maxed character?

I wouldn't even bother buying the game.

Frankly a CoH2 would have to be different enough from CoH1 to be basically a new game to me, otherwise why even make it? Why would I pay for the same game again?
Agreed, I couldn't even imagine CoH2 (if it ever exists) keeping the gameplay that we have here. I'd hope for something more akin to the MMO gameplay reinvention we're catching glimpses of in NCSoft's next big US release than a rehash-reskin of a game mechanic that we've already taken past the breaking point several times over.

Class.... powers.... gameplay... who's to say any of that would be in ANY way similar enough to this game that they could even make a comparable port beyond reserving your name for you?



Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
If COH2 gets made and we cannot transfer over our current characters and their builds/IO's. Having to start from nothing for an updated game engine and graphics would seriously annoy me enough to just not play anymore.
Really? Because allowing that would be a disastrously stupid move.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Servers being shut down, I guess. I thought I'd quit when they changed the launcher, and I didn't, and I believed I'd leave when they started tying most of the interesting new content and rewards to group activities, and although I'm not VIP anymore and play perhaps a dozen hours per month I'm still here.

So, yeah. It would have to be a change to the rest of the MMO industry rather than CoH, because what else can we play, anyway? It's 2012 and in the average game sidekicking systems still don't exist, your appearance is still heavily locked and determined by the loot you wear, and you're still a grunt fighting a few enemies at a time.



I asked myself this question a couple years ago, and came up with a few definite answers.

1) If I decided that the Going Rogue content was badly done or not to my taste.

2) If they switched over to a 'Free to Play' model and started moving toward a Pay to Win setup.

3) If they switched over to a 'Free to Play' model and started locking desirable items (costumes, special IOs, etc.) behind a variable-interval, slot machine style mechanic instead of selling them to us outright, just to wring a little more cash from the customers.

4) If the upcoming Incarnate System encouraged repetitive farming in order to advance in it.

5) If the upcoming Incarnate System revolved around player-swarm Raid Content similar to end-game content found in other MMOs.

The time since I18 has not been kind to me, as you can see - all of these changes have come to pass in some form or other. I did go on hiatus for a few months to play that new laser-swords-in-space MMO until the release of I22 and the Dark Astoria revamp, which I thought was particularly cool.

Though I'm not really pleased about the current direction of the game and don't predict that the development team will change course toward something more to my liking, this game still gets a lot right compared to others in its category. My time away certainly underscored that. I'll probably stick around until my SG finally dies or moves on to another game.

The Ballad of Iron Percy



Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
Any change that resulted in me not having fun playing the game anymore. Which would probably require that many (possibly all) of my friends stopped playing, too.
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The only "small" thing that can make me quit is rotten development team attitude. I call this "small" because it's not technically part of the game and I should, technically, be able to enjoy the game without knowing who's making it. Regardless, if at any point I start feeling like there isn't a single redeemable person left on the development team, I'll take a hike.
These - and note that they don't need any changes inside the game to occur.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



I'll be here until:

a) the servers shut down
b) Matt finally gets that restraining order against me

I might not QUIT, but I would certainly rant, rave, sob, weep, gnash my teeth, and break down the door at Paragon Studios when they finally get rid of the /demorecord feature. (On the flip side, I would take a certain dark amusement in watching the Creative Team in Seattle try and do halfway decent ads for the game without it.)


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The very smallest change for me would be if they encoded all player names to be in either all caps or no caps at all. Or even for every name to start and end with "xXx". I'd lose it.

Besides, how would I tell the doofuses from the rest?

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hmm upping the system requirements.

I'm on a low end system (though I did upgrade to 2 gigs of memory and the game plays much better now).

I am on that razor's edge of a threshold between being tolerable for playing the game and being so annoying that its not worth playing without a computer upgrade.

Updating the game to an even more modern computer would end up driving me out until I could get a new computer.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
But what would be the smallest change that would make you quit?
My password.

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Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post

See, I feel the opposite way. CoH2 would be a new game, with a new engine and possibly even an entirely new playstyle. What on earth would be the point in just copying over a pre-leveled, pre-min/maxed character?

I wouldn't even bother buying the game.

Frankly a CoH2 would have to be different enough from CoH1 to be basically a new game to me, otherwise why even make it? Why would I pay for the same game again?

You'd be paying for updated graphics and an engine that was superior and could offer more things than the 7 year old mess we currently have. (example being more anchor points for costume pieces, and all powers color custom)

Making a new game and putting me into the choice of either paying for this one or that would make me stop playing. I only play COX and no other online games. Keeping my current roster of characters up to date with sick builds and getting to T9 (not there as of yet) and than migrating over to a new game and having *nothing* at all, no thanks.

It wouldnt be a matter of just continuing to play the current version as I'm sure most of the player base would migrate and just seeing all the cool graphical things they would be doing in the other would be irritating at the very least.



If they made me rename my @Global again.

Fool me once shame on you.
Fool me twice shame on me.
Fool me thrice............ nope not in this lifetime.

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Originally Posted by khorak_EU View Post
My password.



Expanding the Hasten Fx all the way to the shoulder and brightening it



By definition if you consider the change small it doesn't matter that much to you.

Oddly the one thing that I like a LOT about CoH (that wasn't popular at launch) is the fact that you can't mix and match any powers. I would not have lasted since launch if you could. It is impossible to make all powers equally powerful so you end up with a world full of like 3 clones and the hand full of characters they make fun of for not maxing out their toons.

The archetype system makes me build a lot of characters I wouldn't otherwise. I would like to see like an extra power added to each set though. With various changes like Fitness being inherent you don't have to make the hard choices you used to, which made for more variety. Having to choose between awesome powers hurts so good...

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



Originally Posted by Ultra_Violence View Post
Oddly the one thing that I like a LOT about CoH (that wasn't popular at launch) is the fact that you can't mix and match any powers.
Does that Include the free-form power selection system avaiable to Incarnates?

@Golden Girl

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