2nd set of ATIOs spotted on beta




We really need an extra power choice and slots. It was hard enough fitting the first sets in. These are going to be a pain when they come out. Having to rebuild my toons to fit them and still maintain soft capped to whatever and high recharge.

And before the "you dont have to use them", the brute and scrapper procs are must haves. Kinda like the ones in the first set were must haves.



probably because if people find out [redacted] and [redacted] were in the works it would be as bad as all the whining about [redacted] fighting not hitting the store yet. Pretty sure they don't want the [redacted] summit to be nothing but questions about [redacted] and [redacted] but focus on the stuff they actually want to [redacted].

Not to mention all the buzz a new [redacted] is going to cause.

Plus a lot of it is still probably being initially tested and finalized, from names to graphics. Remember beast's call ravens was originally [redacted]. Yet we still had people complaining about it well into the beta.

These on the other hand seem fairly developed. Probably coming out soon after 23 or the next beta build.



Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
Haha, where's GuyPerfect? I'm pretty sure he's crying toxic tears of happiness.
Guy Perfect: Toxic proc in every attack? Yes please!



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
Guy Perfect: Toxic proc in every attack? Yes please!
Loving this. Curious to see what the SATO proc % is.

Catalyzed it's at 12% chance to proc.

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



Psi melee and Water control were hinted at so strongly I even guessed one was coming. I do not think these are really that closely guarded, but they love to tease.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Devlin_Quaid View Post

Also, absorb seems to be a new mechanic where you steal health, and add it to your own, even over your maximum.
Well, that explains this then:



One of my 'touch of the nictus' enhancements on a transferred character magically gained absorb too. Screen shot in a sec.


The enhancement came from live, i.e. was a normal touch of nictus on a character that was transferred.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
One of my 'touch of the nictus' enhancments on a transfered character mgaically gained absorb too. Screen shot in a sec.

The enhancement came from live.
It looks like all the healing enhancements pick up absorb on beta.

This strongly suggests a new defense mechanism, and probably also a new defense set.



Originally Posted by 8_Ball View Post
I swear this game has the worst info leak control ever....
Actually, these types of leaks are common for early Beta. However, most people normally didn't see the leaks because they were exposed and rehidden in Closed Beta.

Now that we're going straight to open (i.e., 'VIP') Beta, more people are seeing what's behind the curtain.

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I'm not sure what to think of the blaster option. Is their putting a status protection proc into the thing a roundabout acknowledgement of blasters having status protection issues? If so why not just tweak the AT itself.

If, on the other hand, it's just something to stop blasters from complaining about status protection; then I'd really rather them just not do that and add in something that increases their damage.

Edit: Yea, I know they're not really finished yet, but it was just something that struck me oddly.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
I think it really speaks more to the small size of Paragon's team working on the game. not enough people, not enough checks to insure against this sort of thing happening so frequently
Actually, I'm fairly sure Zombie Man hit it on the head. You want a small team (which this game certainly does not have,) look at the size of the team just before it was purchased by NCSoft and turned into Paragon Studios - 15 people. Total.

And the leak control was better. Note we also had closed betas (and waves of closed betas) then, with open showing up fairly late in the overall process.



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
I'm not sure what to think of the blaster option. Is their putting a status protection proc into the thing a roundabout acknowledgement of blasters having status protection issues? If so why not just tweak the AT itself.

If, on the other hand, it's just something to stop blasters from complaining about status protection; then I'd really rather them just not do that and add in something that increases their damage.

Edit: Yea, I know they're not really finished yet, but it was just something that struck me oddly.
They have been using ATOs to tweak balance issues, quite noticeable with the first round of them, even moreso noticeable with the second round, I fully expect them to continue that trend. ATOs are something that they will use to balance, whether they admit to it or not.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
They have been using ATOs to tweak balance issues, quite noticeable with the first round of them, even moreso noticeable with the second round, I fully expect them to continue that trend. ATOs are something that they will use to balance, whether they admit to it or not.
That would be a rather ridiculous way of doing things, given they can't guarantee everyone would have them... which doesn't exactly scream "balance." After all, how does it "balance" my all-SO build, or someone that just has one of the IOs?



The big question to be answered of course, which won't come til this things hit beta for real, is whether or not you can slot more than one ATO set. That is, if you have round 1 ATOs slotted, can you slot the Round 2 ATO in a different power that accepts it, or will you have to choose which set you want.



In case anyone was wondering, Spider's Bite's bonuses are:

2) Increases Damage by 2.5%
3) Increases Maximum Health by 2.25%
4) Increases Melee Defense by 3.13% and Smashing/Lethal Defense by 1.565%
5) Increases Regeneration by 14%
6) Increases Maximum Endurance by 3.15%

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



I sincerely hope that Absorb mechanic finds its way over to Force Field some sort of way.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
The big question to be answered of course, which won't come til this things hit beta for real, is whether or not you can slot more than one ATO set. That is, if you have round 1 ATOs slotted, can you slot the Round 2 ATO in a different power that accepts it, or will you have to choose which set you want.
Well, all we can really go by are:
(A) the descriptions we've seen, and
(B) what happens now.

The description goes right along with purples, some procs/globals and the current ATOs - it's unique, so you can only have one *of that type, of that set* in it. However, purples (for instance) don't preclude you having, say, a set of Hecatomb, a set of Absolute Amazement, a set of Apocalypse, etc. in the same character.

Haven't messed with the enhancement catalysts - I know from the description it considers the normal and superior versions "different" sets as far as the set bonuses, but someone else will have to say if you can slot both.

I'd say it's *likely* you could slot one of each set of ATOs in a character - but we haven't dealt with this class of enhancements before, so there's always the chance they'll do something to stop that. They'd have to have fairly good reason, though.



Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
The big question to be answered of course, which won't come til this things hit beta for real, is whether or not you can slot more than one ATO set. That is, if you have round 1 ATOs slotted, can you slot the Round 2 ATO in a different power that accepts it, or will you have to choose which set you want.
I have a full set of Dominion of Arachnos slotted and was able to slot the Spider's Bite global proc with no problem. I know they're still WIP and the global proc isn't even working at all right now so who knows.

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post

Guys, these are still WIP and we did not intend them to be seen this early. Let's not send ourselves into a spiral this weekend talking about them.

Did you accidentally push Issue 25 instead of Issue 23 to the beta server?

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Originally Posted by Haggard4Life View Post
That picture is getting a lot of use today.
*waves hand* No it isn't.



Originally Posted by blueruckus View Post
I have a full set of Dominion of Arachnos slotted and was able to slot the Spider's Bite global proc with no problem. I know they're still WIP and the global proc isn't even working at all right now so who knows.
Similarly, I had both Scrapper procs going at once as well. Eagle's Claw got me the bonus crit chance on the next attack to go off every time with the superior version (it has a red "CRITICAL STRIKES!" above your head when it fires), which stacked nicely with Eagle's Claw +33% crit chance on your next attack that it already does. Between the ATO proc, the global crit bonus, and the Eagle's Claw bonus, I was getting a guaranteed crit on Dragon's Tail for every enemy I hit. Good stuff!



Leaked all this good stuff so we would stop complaining about staffs lol.