Enough with vanity (useless) items?

Agent White



Well, this march, aside from Beast mastery (I dont play masterminds) there's not much coming out at the market.
Some would love flying disk, others may love St Patrick pet...
I dont.
I see those items as a lost of resources and time. Maybe they are a good return in money so they keep doin that, or the dogs, lion pets...
Same for the detoggle travel powers. Some looks nice but you cant even select a colour for the carpet or rocket slide...
I wish they focus on power pool customization, and further customization for epics, ancillary and epic archetypes, even if they have to sell it at the market.
Hope April is better than march, I wont buy a single thing this month, and points getting piled wont make me buy more
If we only had Staff fighting this month...



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Well, this march, aside from Beast mastery (I dont play masterminds) there's not much coming out at the market.
Some would love flying disk, others may love St Patrick pet...
I dont.
I see those items as a lost of resources and time. Maybe they are a good return in money so they keep doin that, or the dogs, lion pets...
Same for the detoggle travel powers. Some looks nice but you cant even select a colour for the carpet or rocket slide...
I wish they focus on power pool customization, and further customization for epics, ancillary and epic archetypes, even if they have to sell it at the market.
Hope April is better than march, I wont buy a single thing this month, and points getting piled wont make me buy more
If we only had Staff fighting this month...
Not just no, but **** NO!

Those things should come free just like the original power customization.

I'm fine with them continuing to do vanity stuff as long as it leads to funding for FREE stuff like more power customization.

That's the part with the vanity items that folks don't get. Folks actually BUY THEM.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Though I agree some things should be free for all, like finishing power customization, the market should try to cater to those of us that don't care about vanity items.

Some of us just like punching people in the face hard. Not looking good while doing it.



Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
Though I agree some things should be free for all, like finishing power customization, the market should try to cater to those of us that don't care about vanity items.
Honestly, giving the market a quick look-see, I'd say it's doing a (fairly) reasonable job of catering to both. I suspect some of it's just not being seen due to VIP status (giving some of the power sets free while you're VIP,) which is giving a bit of a skewed impression.

They seem to be doing a fairly decent job of hitting a wide range of interests, given the IOs, temp powers, costumes and powersets (and given the time taken to develop each.)



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Some would love flying disk, others may love St Patrick pet...
I dont.
The leprechaun buffs your Inf reward rate. The flying disk has RP uses.
The items are not useless, even if you personally don't desire the things they do.




One persons fluff is another persons omgasm.

As much as I may think badges are fluff, there are people out there who believe that badging is the game, and face fireballs are what you do between collecting them.

Just don't let me catch you complaining that there are too many things for you to buy in April, and could they slow down please...



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Honestly, giving the market a quick look-see, I'd say it's doing a (fairly) reasonable job of catering to both. I suspect some of it's just not being seen due to VIP status (giving some of the power sets free while you're VIP,) which is giving a bit of a skewed impression.

They seem to be doing a fairly decent job of hitting a wide range of interests, given the IOs, temp powers, costumes and powersets (and given the time taken to develop each.)
Oh, I agree they've been doing a decent job at shooting in all directions. Just agreeing with the OP that recent stuff have been a little too much on one side. I think the Super Packs were the last thing that interested me and i already go that out of my system.



As much as I would love for them to finally finish power customization (Awful Hasten effect, I'm looking at you. <_<), I've liked some of the things on the vanity side, too. The flying carpet and panther stealth are good fits for a couple of my crew, and I'm glad they're available. while I don't personally have any use for a frisbee, I'm sure there are people out there who love having it for Surfer Dude and his trusty side-kick The Beach Bum.

To each their own, I say. And if one pays for the other... at least we all eventually end up getting what we want.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



The continuous and seemingly unending flow of vanity items is indeed getting pretty old.

I've bought a few of the costume pieces. Some of them are quite nice, however at the same time prior to Freedom alot of it we would have gotten for free. I would still like to occasionally get a costume set added to the game that I don't have to drop money into, but I honestly don't see that really ever happening again outside of rare exceptions, which is disappointing. Getting a new costume set as part of a new issue for free would be cool, even if those parts were vip only.

On the other hand all the "travel powers" are awful and the pets are stupid and useless, and the super packs are effectively a black hole for your income. I haven't bought any of these things and never will.



I hate to bring this up, but this is a game of pixels and database numbers. Everything is a vanity item. Powersets, experience, characters, everything is a vanity item.

There is not a single thing in CoX that is not, in fact, useless.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
however at the same time prior to Freedom alot of it we would have gotten for free
Not sure that's true. If they weren't getting paid for them, they might never have made them at all.

In fact, that sort of seems the more reasonable assumption, really.



Just want to point that those items, like pets are useless TO ME.
Not saying nobody should buy them, of course.
I just find that march is a weak month for people LIKE ME.
I only got interest in two things in this game:
Costumes and powers.
And I think would be never enough costumes and powersets.



I'm fine with it. I pretty much always buy new costume items, and I wouldn't encourage them to stop making them given how many other people apparently buy them as well.

Things such as the Frisbee or dog pet are interesting because it gives some insight on to what type of 'stuff' they are testing and trying to accomplish. I don't usually buy them, however.



Originally Posted by Grae Knight View Post
I think the market is balanced just fine.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
I've bought a few of the costume pieces. Some of them are quite nice, however at the same time prior to Freedom alot of it we would have gotten for free. I would still like to occasionally get a costume set added to the game that I don't have to drop money into, but I honestly don't see that really ever happening again outside of rare exceptions, which is disappointing. Getting a new costume set as part of a new issue for free would be cool, even if those parts were vip only.
In case you missed it, I think the Olympian Guard costume parts were added (free for VIPs) with issue 22.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
In case you missed it, I think the Olympian Guard costume parts were added (free for VIPs) with issue 22.
What does it imply that I am so used to BUYING costume pieces now that I was entirely confused about that set suddenly being in my inventory? I thought the market glitched or something.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Just want to point that those items, like pets are useless TO ME.
Not saying nobody should buy them, of course.
I just find that march is a weak month for people LIKE ME.
I only got interest in two things in this game:
Costumes and powers.
And I think would be never enough costumes and powersets.

To be fair the last few months have seen a LOT of costume parts be released.

I've bought a few of the costume pieces. Some of them are quite nice, however at the same time prior to Freedom alot of it we would have gotten for free.
Prior to Freedom we were getting hardly any costume parts in terms of either free or packs within the year building up to it. Certainly not to the scale of post Freedom thats for sure.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I hate to bring this up, but this is a game of pixels and database numbers. Everything is a vanity item. Powersets, experience, characters, everything is a vanity item.

There is not a single thing in CoX that is not, in fact, useless.
You mean I can't use any of it to clean my kitchen or stop the heat death of the universe? Why have I been wasting my time?

I can't say that any of the non-combat pets, transformation powers, or detoggling travel powers have struck my interest enough to justify a purchase. (I'd change my tune if they made a broom flight power.) I could see purchasing them as part of a pack like Beast Run or the mini-HVAC, but generally the price of 350-600 is more than I'm willing to pay. To me, it just doesn't seem worthwile compared to 400 points for a full costume set or 800 points for a functional powerset.



Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Enough with vanity (useless) items
Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
And I think would be never enough costumes
I'm confused...




Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I hate to bring this up, but this is a game of pixels and database numbers. Everything is a vanity item. Powersets, experience, characters, everything is a vanity item.

There is not a single thing in CoX that is not, in fact, useless.
Agreed but there are many RL things that would also fall into the same category, anything entertainment related for instance. On a more philosophical level who's to say all of what we call reality isn't just a game of metaphorical "pixels and database numbers".

If something has value for someone, then it has value, determined ultimately by a collective how many value it and how much they value it for. Take a look at gold, a virtually useless metal, but humans think it's pretty so it has value. Someone thinks a vanity pet is pretty, bam! value,... same difference.



Originally Posted by OmegaS View Post
If something has value for someone, then it has value, determined ultimately by a collective how many value it and how much they value it for. Take a look at gold, a virtually useless metal, but humans think it's pretty so it has value. Someone thinks a vanity pet is pretty, bam! value,... same difference.
Actually, gold isn't in and of itself useless. At the time it was given value, yes, it was rather useless. Lately, however, there is quite a bit of gold utilized in modern electronics. Diamonds, too, are more than just "shiny stones," as they have been utilized in a number of industrial capacities (glass cutters, for one).

However, the rest of your argument is still valid. Value, like many things, is determined by far more than just "utility."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



I assume that a lot of the "vanity" powers is an attempt at monitizing potential new tech that could lead to exciting new features.

Four-legged rigs (German Shepherds, etc.)
Vehicles (Hoverboard)
Interactive powers (Flying disc)

Global name: @k26dp



Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
I assume that a lot of the "vanity" powers is an attempt at monitizing potential new tech that could lead to exciting new features.

Four-legged rigs (German Shepherds, etc.)
Vehicles (Hoverboard)
Interactive powers (Flying disc)
This is my assumption, too. Also, as someone mentioned on another similar thread, these "silly" things may also be used internally to let new artists/devs get their feet wet. It's better to let the new gal potentially break a flying carpet, than break Hasten while trying to get rid of the pom-poms.

@Glass Goblin - Writer, brainstormer, storyteller, hero

Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day



Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
Though I agree some things should be free for all, like finishing power customization, the market should try to cater to those of us that don't care about vanity items.

Some of us just like punching people in the face hard. Not looking good while doing it.
Power sets are a HELL of a lot more time consuming to create than costumes, emotes, and so on. They require more art and animations PLUS the time needed to balance and debug them. And, to the OP.... March is getting a lot more than Beast Mastery. March also got the Darkness control and assault sets and might be getting Staff Fighting before it's over.

Anyway, this game is at least 3/4 about vanity items. What do you expect? You want less focus on that, you're playing the wrong game.

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