Enough with vanity (useless) items?

Agent White



Yeah, while I might prefer other things get done, if the Vanity Items are helping pay the bills, along with my VIP fees, then that means that there are folks that not only want them, but are willing to part with Bucks to have them, and the idea is that this not only helps fund Keeping The Servers Running, it also provides more Stuff That We Would Otherwise Never See.

There are Fans of Tron who are utterly giddy over the disk, and folks that want the Black Wolf so much they are buying scads of Super Packs. They may not subscribe, but they will fork over for those items. I would not, but then again, I LOVE the Rocket Board for all my new heroes. I would seriously consider jumping in a Time Machine and paying the Devs money back in 2005 for that power; having to run everywhere was pain enough, but the elevations I could not scale at highway overpasses or huge sheer walls or the CoT holding their ceremonies that I was supposed to stop on top of buildings only in Kings Row, getting ambushed by Clockwork with INSANE aggro radii, Grendel's Gulch... oh, the humanity.

Meanwhile, there are folks that would not take the Rocket Board if you paid them. Takes all kinds.

On these Market matters, I think the Devs are truly listening (see: Revisions to Circle of Thorns Revamp Caused By Choruses of Booing) and trying to put out a good mix. In a perfect world, their choices would have been MY choices, but I have to give them A for Effort thus far.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
Meanwhile, there are folks that would not take the Rocket Board if you paid them. Takes all kinds.
Back when you had to get to 14 for a travel power and about the best way to do that was traipsing about the Hollows for awhile, I probably would've gone for the Rocket Board despite the annoying limitations. But these days I don't find it worthwhile given its limitations. Travel powers come much earlier, and a couple of runs through DfB could get you to 14 in short order anyway.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Don't focus so much on the market if you are VIP?

The month of March brought Darkness Control, Olympian Guard, and a Dark Astoria revamp, amongst other things.

Seems like things are pretty well balanced to me. The important stuff (or what I infer the OP to consider to be "the important stuff") is free and the fluff is sold on the market for dollars.

That seems like the "right" way to do things, does it not?

In any case, stuff like the Imperial Dynasty costume set is more than just "fluff", if you happen to miss spending $10 on one of the old booster packs and you really must have something non-fluffy to purchase in the market.

Personally, if people like me who buy the fluff because it's fluffy are subsidizing stuff like the Olympian Guard costume set then I'm okay with that. Everyone finds their own level of value for what the game provides.



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Power sets are a HELL of a lot more time consuming to create than costumes, emotes, and so on. They require more art and animations PLUS the time needed to balance and debug them. And, to the OP.... March is getting a lot more than Beast Mastery. March also got the Darkness control and assault sets and might be getting Staff Fighting before it's over.

Anyway, this game is at least 3/4 about vanity items. What do you expect? You want less focus on that, you're playing the wrong game.
Funny thing about that. My Titan weapon is level 12 or so, haven't played him in a month. Don't care about sticks, demons, kitties, or darkity dark stuff. New powersets are not really a selling item for me. Street Justice and beam rifle intrigued me till level 30-something, though. Now gathering dust.

So shinies don't lure me, neither do new powersets, and not going to spend a lot real monies on IOs. Hmmm. Now I wonder what demographic I belong to in terms of marketing. . .

EDIT: I guess most of the value I care about already comes with the subscription. Which is fine, I guess. Just feeling left out. Marketing it not gunning for my wallet.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
I've bought a few of the costume pieces. Some of them are quite nice, however at the same time prior to Freedom alot of it we would have gotten for free. I would still like to occasionally get a costume set added to the game that I don't have to drop money into, but I honestly don't see that really ever happening again outside of rare exceptions, which is disappointing. Getting a new costume set as part of a new issue for free would be cool, even if those parts were vip only.
So did you pay for those with Cash, or with your 400pp's you get each month for the same sub fee you paid prior to Freedom? And did you not have to pay for the various super packs?



Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
EDIT: I guess most of the value I care about already comes with the subscription. Which is fine, I guess. Just feeling left out. Marketing it not gunning for my wallet.
As a VIP, they kinda already have it. Their primary target with the marketplace are the non-subscribers who are otherwise just a resource drain.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



considering how few and far between Vanity items have been in the 7 years of this game's production compared to pretty much any other game on the market I'd just consider it playing catch up.

And not every market offering is going to appeal to every player. They've said this repeatedly. We're still getting a new costume and power set just about every month or so, either both or at least one or the other.



Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
Some of us just like punching people in the face hard. Not looking good while doing it.
This is quite simply crazy talk. Crazy! One must ALWAYS look good when fighting crime...or committing it. Whatever floats your boat.

Ashley Hudson
Virtue - Rocker Girl (Earth/Earth/Ice); Justice - Cinnamon Spider (Fire/Fire); Protector - Sweet Venom (Plant/Time/Psi) & Black Autumn (SS/WP)

- Ashley
[Rocker Girl (Earth/Earth Dom); Sweet Venom (Plant/Time Ctrl)]



Must have all the costumes.

All of them.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
Must have all the costumes.

All of them.
The only one I've skipped so far is the Fire Helmet.

For everything else, I've gotten them just about as soon as they hit the market, even if I don't have any immediate plans to use them.

It's just something where the inability to come up with a costume to fit a character will prevent me from making the character, so I want all the options I can have.



Crappy thing about this new CoH Freedom. People are going to want something that caters specifically to them every week.



I'm very much pleased with how the Market is working. Sure, there are slow weeks where there's nothing I want, but simply having the variety and ability to choose what I want to spend points on is quite nice.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Not just no, but **** NO!

Those things should come free just like the original power customization.

I'm fine with them continuing to do vanity stuff as long as it leads to funding for FREE stuff like more power customization.

That's the part with the vanity items that folks don't get. Folks actually BUY THEM.



Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Crappy thing about this new CoH Freedom. People are going to want something that caters specifically to them every week.
Then whine they don't have enough points when they do.



Originally Posted by AshleyHudson View Post
This is quite simply crazy talk. Crazy! One must ALWAYS look good when fighting crime...or committing it. Whatever floats your boat.
... sounds like someone's channeling Arby Fab.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
I've bought a few of the costume pieces. Some of them are quite nice, however at the same time prior to Freedom alot of it we would have gotten for free. I would still like to occasionally get a costume set added to the game that I don't have to drop money into, but I honestly don't see that really ever happening again outside of rare exceptions, which is disappointing. Getting a new costume set as part of a new issue for free would be cool, even if those parts were vip only.
Yeah, no free costume pieces since Freedom...

...except for Defense

...and Olympian Guard

...So only two free costume sets out of three issues! I guess those are the "rare exceptions" since we got, oh I don't know, how many free costumes in the three issues before Freedom? Dozens? A few? One?

@Doctor Gemini

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