Super Packs on the PMarket 2/14/12




You know, it's getting easy to figure out everyones's moral, political and religious alignments just on this one argument alone. I find it fascinating.

Try to guess mine, please oh please!



Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
I've got two premium accounts that I only use for buffbots and each account has a stash of about 1600 points. I plan to blow that on super packs just on the off chance I might get some good ATO's to transfer to my main account, since I have no other use of those points which could benefit the main account.

I fully expect to get the Black Wolf pet on at least one of those accounts.
So, just to follow up on this....

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
I'm pretty sure gambling has a minimum age in many countries.
You know how earlier in the thread I was convinced that people were confusing the casual and legal definitions of the word "gambling"? And thus making pedantic, semantic arguments? It was because of inferences to fallacious statements as this one.

Just so you know.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Super pack only, and only a chance to get them.

Took me nearly 25 packs for the whole costume set.

Whats so special about this set that its worth almost three times the cost of a regular set?
Which is pretty much why I said that if it weren't for the costume sets that a lot less people would be complaining about the things.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
So does this game card minors?

I'm pretty sure gambling has a minimum age in many countries.
This only applies if the "gambling" meets the Legal definition of gambling.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
You know how earlier in the thread I was convinced that people were confusing the casual and legal definitions of the word "gambling"? And thus making pedantic, semantic arguments? It was because of inferences to fallacious statements as this one.

Just so you know.

Why yes since technically you can't make real money out of this it doesn't legally count as gambling.

Of course the legality of the classification could change with a single court case and several ebay or similar similar sites, auctions as evidence.

"I spent $1 on this and sold that for $5 and that for $2, I'm $6 up!"

Did you know until recently, online RMT and so on weren't really considered trade, until goverments wised up to how much in taxes they wrre missing?

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
So does this game card minors?

I'm pretty sure gambling has a minimum age in many countries.
You need to differentiate between the legal definition of gambling and the social definition, as Snow Globe has been hammering on. Socially, sure, the super packs are a mild form of gambling. Legally, they don't count as gambling. They fall in the same category as M:tG cards and those little toy vending machines.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
So, just to follow up on this....

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post

"I spent $1 on this and sold that for $5 and that for $2, I'm $6 up!"
This is called commerce. You have an item and you sell it.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
The Superpack and casino games such as roulette are on the same spectrum of all games of chance. The former may not be as detrimental to one's bottom line as the latter, but that doesn't alter the fact that they are both forms of gambling. They appeal to the exact same parts of the brain and the operate with identical mechanisms: paying money to take a chance on winning something.
This is like comparing a BB gun with a hydrogen bomb. If that comparison made you roll your eyes, then congratulations! You know how Mazey feels, now.

And me.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
This is like comparing a BB gun with a hydrogen bomb. If that comparison made you roll your eyes, then congratulations! You know how Mazey feels, now.

And me.

You know I'd bet more people have died due to BB guns than have died to the hydrogen bomb.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Okay baring in mind that I have dropped subscription for all of three or four months since the EU launch of CoV. I'll take you up on that.

I'd like proff that you have bought a second copy of GW2, additionally I'm going to keep checking for proof each month of an additional subscription to the game.

You want to play silly beggers? The games ******* afoot mate.
Oh I didn't say anything about buying GW2, no interest in that, but I did immediately buy an additional $54 of super packs. As for proof, is my winning smile not sufficient for your liking?



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
Oh I didn't say anything about buying GW2, no interest in that, but I did immediately buy an additional $54 of super packs. As for proof, is my winning smile not sufficient for your liking?

I'd prefer screenshots of transactions from your NCsoft account.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
You know I'd bet more people have died due to BB guns than have died to the hydrogen bomb.
I'd buy that for a dollar!



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
What floored me was getting the wolf on pack #4 ... But I'm going to feel like a bit of a heel running around with him.
Don't feel that way. I have a theory that subsequent packs are going to contain more ultra-rare vanity items. That way, everyone who buys super packs will likely end up with something that not too many other people have. I think that's great (hint devs hint ). My only suggestion for the devs is to allow ultra-rare vanity items to be traded for other ultra-rare vanity items of the same degree of odds.

But beyond that, you played the game, just like the rest of us who bought super packs (considering the testing you did on Beta, perhaps fate is smiling on you. ). Personally, anyone who seriously calls me a jerk for using an ultra-rare vanity item won't get a single reply, they'll just be placed on /ignore.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
I'm going to take this as a challenge and match those funds. Think of the devs' children.
This is one of my inner quirks, ever since I saw a ragequit post the first time. Although I never announced it publicly before now, I've been putting extra dollars into the game almost every ragequit I see. It's the heroic thing to do.

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
The thing is, I have no objection whatsoever to paying for that set. I almost instantly, INSTANTLY ponied up the points for the Elemental Order Bundle. As soon as it went live.
Fixed that for you.

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
But I refuse, on principle, to buy any of these packs where there is only a chance to get what I am actually after.
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I'm going to swallow my previous statement and lay down on one big set. ... If I can get the entire costume in that one drop, then all's good, I guess...
Dude, your principles only lasted 35 minutes! I say this mostly to tease, but partly to show why I think a phrase like "on principle" ought to be reserved for matters of greater significance to begin with.

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I fail to see why it's so hard to put the Elemental Order set up as a paid for bundle. After all, if the Packs stand up on their own merits, surely they'll still make income, yes?
Subsequent posters have delved into this question more than I wish to (I hate arguing on the Internet). My personal opinion is that this isn't about the costume set's merits. It's about the amount of money on CoH: Freedom's real, actual price tag. You're talking about the trees, I'm talking about the forest. The two big factors here are, (1) They've got to find ways to encourage us to pay the full amount on that price tag, or the consequence is having resources taken away. And, (2) No one but Paragon Studios knows exactly what that price tag says.

If they slapped the full amount of that price tag solely onto the Elemental Costume set, trust me, you couldn't afford it.

Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
The F2P business model comprises a wide array of purchasing options, not just random mystery box rewards. CoH Freedom was introduced to us as a hybrid of F2P, microtransactions, and subscriptions. The Super Packs are fundamentally different from this. It should be no surprise that many players reacted unfavorably to their announcement and are still dissatisfied with them after the devs compromised on a couple of points.

Implementing games of chance in the business plan only five months after CoH Freedom's launch suggests that early on Paragon Studios was planning how to maximize revenue from big spenders, what casinos call "whales". (The players who were consulted about pre-alpha Freedom have confirmed Super Packs were part of the program.) It has nothing to do with how profitable Freedom's launch was or how well Paragon Studios' fourth quarter performed.

As long as F2P is synonymous with "soaking the players" under the pretext of fiscal responsibility, the business model is going to have a bad reputation.
You've been at this all day, I see. You'd beat me in a war of attrition, so I'm not going to be arguing back and forth with you. Marketing needs to be many steps ahead of the game, so your second paragraph isn't difficult for me to swallow. But dude, I get how some people feel manipulated. I didn't have to make a post to learn that. I wasn't trying to tell you how to feel about this. I was only telling you what you can expect. Your third paragraph is where I went and hit the quote button. "Under the pretext of..."? You're calling Paragon Studios a bunch of liars as a matter of fact. Where's this inside knowledge of yours coming from, Internet tough guy?

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Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
Well hey, you decided to go there. So I followed you.
Yeah I did, sorry about that. That post came off far more harsh and condescending than I intended. It was not my intention to be so rude in the post.

I'm not about to walk on eggshells just because someone else has a gambling problem, and they're triggered by any games where random chance is an element. They're all adults and responsible for their own actions. If they need help and want to get it, they should get it.

But it later they want to go around pointing fingers and using "the G word" at everything that even smells of gambling to them, well... I'll continue to be mildly amused at that.
Dude, I am not saying you should walk on egg shells, I am just saying call a spade a spade. Those who may have a gambling addiction may be overly drawn by super packs, CCGs, and Hero Clix.

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Where's this inside knowledge of yours coming from, Internet tough guy?
From these forums, Cap'n, the very horses' mouths. The board's search function is your friend, friendo.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Dude, I am not saying you should walk on egg shells, I am just saying call a spade a spade. Those who may have a gambling addiction may be overly drawn by super packs, CCGs, and Hero Clix.
And MMOs.

In other words, given that we're here talking about it, it's a little late to be worrying about such things.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post

Fixed that for you.

Dude, your principles only lasted 35 minutes! I say this mostly to tease, but partly to show why I think a phrase like "on principle" ought to be reserved for matters of greater significance to begin with.

Subsequent posters have delved into this question more than I wish to (I hate arguing on the Internet). My personal opinion is that this isn't about the costume set's merits. It's about the amount of money on CoH: Freedom's real, actual price tag. You're talking about the trees, I'm talking about the forest. The two big factors here are, (1) They've got to find ways to encourage us to pay the full amount on that price tag, or the consequence is having resources taken away. And, (2) No one but Paragon Studios knows exactly what that price tag says.

If they slapped the full amount of that price tag solely onto the Elemental Costume set, trust me, you couldn't afford it.
I had points left over from buying other stuff (Costume slots, enhancement trays, yada yada) and, judging from the reports of other posters who got the 24 bundle stuff, of close to, I figured it was worth the risk. I was right.

That still doesn't detract from the point that I'm not buying anymore. That's it. That's the one off shot they had. So good luck to 'em.

And that last part is just BS, pure and simple. There are many ways to make money that are simple and transparent. Like, I dunno, putting costume parts in bundles with a fixed price that players have SAID they are willing to pay, rather than forcing them to take a chance?

My principles also factor in risks and evidence. So fething sue me.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
That still doesn't detract from the point that I'm not buying anymore. That's it. That's the one off shot they had. So good luck to 'em.
You shouldn't say that until you see what the costume set for series 2 is going to be like

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Blood Red Arachnid View Post
... they went with cards? Seriously? City of heroes, the card battle game! All the fun of opening yugioh packs, except in an MMO.
they did have a card game, so it's not too shocking



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
That still doesn't detract from the point that I'm not buying anymore. That's it. That's the one off shot they had. So good luck to 'em.
We'll return to this conversation later.

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
And that last part is just BS, pure and simple.
I wondered if "Couldn't afford it" was the right language to use ("...Might flip out over the price" may have been more appropriate). Remember, CoH: Freedom quadrupled our rate of new shiny stuff.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
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Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
"the G word"
This had me on the floor LMAO!

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I had points left over from buying other stuff (Costume slots, enhancement trays, yada yada) and, judging from the reports of other posters who got the 24 bundle stuff, of close to, I figured it was worth the risk. I was right.

That still doesn't detract from the point that I'm not buying anymore. That's it. That's the one off shot they had. So good luck to 'em.

And that last part is just BS, pure and simple. There are many ways to make money that are simple and transparent. Like, I dunno, putting costume parts in bundles with a fixed price that players have SAID they are willing to pay, rather than forcing them to take a chance?

My principles also factor in risks and evidence. So fething sue me.
Which they. All those others bundles. This is an item they tied to something else. Which is perfectly acceptable.

Now if they tied every costume bundle to super packs, I could see a problem. They haven't though. And tieing a costume set to super packs while still offering other sets is really not a problem.

Their goal is to make money. To make money they know they'll have to offer the regular bundles. They also know they can make a bit more with the super packs, but they need to give an incentive for it.

My guess right now, is expect more ATO's and costume set to come from future super packs.

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