Super Packs on the PMarket 2/14/12




Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
You do realize that just because you keep saying it's gambling doesn't actually make it so?
Not because I say so, it is because dictionaries the world over say so.

Originally Posted by Miuramir View Post
My understanding is that the current legal definitions of gambling have a series of tests, and that one of the required criteria is that there is a chance of output of either cash, or something that is readily converted to cash.
I'm not interested in applying any legal definition of gambling to these packs. Paragon Studios, and likely NCsoft, vetted these with their legal department.

That being said, they are gambling because they fit the term. Calling it anything else is just an abuse of the language.

Originally Posted by Miuramir View Post
CoH's situation seems similar; there is no legal, supported, or easy way to convert your randomized card draws back into real money. (This is unlike a physical CCG, where that Alpha Mox could pay your real rent for the month fairly easily.) You're paying to play a game, but it's not gambling; there's no situation in which you can end up with more real money than what you started with.
There is no need, in the dictionary usage, for the item being "won" to have a monetary value. That is a legal definition that doesn't apply to these packs.

Originally Posted by Miuramir View Post
TL;DR: IMO it's not gambling, and significantly less dangerous than most common things that are.
Again, it isn't gambling by the legal definition, but it is by the dictionary definition. That is what is called in real life, "close enough".

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
CoH is neither the first MMO nor the first Superhero MMO to try the "trading card pack" approach to selling gear. It's a proven virtual currency sink, so I'd expect to see more Super Packs in the future rather than fewer.
Problem is that it's not virtual currency they're asking people to sink.



Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
I'm going to take this as a challenge and match those funds. Think of the devs' children.
Indeed! I intend to buy as many packs as I can. The devs need our support more than ever now.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
That's an enormous oversimplification that ignores everything from scaled betting in casinos and odds-making at race tracks to different varieties of Lotto tickets and Bingo prizes. It also misses the psychological point underscoring Ironik's posts - it's not the payoff that stimulates the brain, it's the anticipation. But that's for another thread.
I would argue that, just because I didn't explicitly state that particular point, doesn't mean I've missed it.
I would, on the other hand, also argue that you've missed mine, as nothing you've said there changes it in the slightest.

To compare the super packs to casino gambling is absurd and pure hyperbole.
Yes, they share some traits on a both psychological and mechanical level. But they are completely different degrees of the situation and, in at least a few important details, they are completely separate.

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Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
You do realize that just because you keep saying it's gambling doesn't actually make it so?
Unfortunately for your rather-amusing rant here.... yeah, its actually gambling. Snow Globe to the side, yeah its gambling.

Look, make whatever internal rationalizations you want to yourself, in order to justify your gaming with chance re this issue. Great. But screaming "ITS NOT GAMBLING!" when it plainly IS gambling, is convincing no one.

Be honest with yourself at least, as you pony up. Me, I will not touch these packs with a ten-foot pole. Somehow I find these packs morally repugnant, and no amount of insulting is going to change my mind.

Enjoy your very expensive hunt for the black wolf, btw Pass.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
It would be interesting to see how many of them have regularly played CCGs, purchased lottery tickets, gone to casinos, etc., etc.
In the past, I've done all three. I don't anymore.

Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
My standpoint is that it's a purchasing issue. If I wish to buy an item, then I don't want random substitutes, nothing more.
I fully agree with this.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Unfortunately for your rather-amusing rant here.... yeah, its actually gambling. Snow Globe to the side, yeah its gambling.

Look, make whatever internal rationalizations you want to yourself, in order to justify your gaming with chance re this issue. Great. But screaming "ITS NOT GAMBLING!" when it plainly IS gambling, is convincing no one.

Be honest with yourself at least, as you pony up. Me, I will not touch these packs with a ten-foot pole. Somehow I find these packs morally repugnant, and no amount of insulting is going to change my mind.
LOL! I think I'm starting to realize just how serious some of you people really are about this stuff. What's more amusing though is that this is starting to turn into the argument sketch.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
That's OK. I don't care what you think, either.

Kind of makes you wonder why anyone is bothering to post anything here? Maybe we all hope there's a chance that we'll find someone who agrees with us and we'll make a new friend.

But that... is a gamble.
Glad we got that out in the open.

Addiction tends to be serious to most people. I am older, and have more self control now, so I am not worried about me. I do think those who have had gambling addictions in the past should avoid these packs. It is what it is.

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Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
I'm going to take this as a challenge and match those funds. Think of the devs' children.

Okay baring in mind that I have dropped subscription for all of three or four months since the EU launch of CoV. I'll take you up on that.

I'd like proff that you have bought a second copy of GW2, additionally I'm going to keep checking for proof each month of an additional subscription to the game.

You want to play silly beggers? The games ******* afoot mate.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
Glad we got that out in the open.
Well hey, you decided to go there. So I followed you.

Addiction tends to be serious to most people. I am older, and have more self control now, so I am not worried about me. I do think those who have had gambling addictions in the past should avoid these packs. It is what it is.
I'm not about to walk on eggshells just because someone else has a gambling problem, and they're triggered by any games where random chance is an element. They're all adults and responsible for their own actions. If they need help and want to get it, they should get it.

But it later they want to go around pointing fingers and using "the G word" at everything that even smells of gambling to them, well... I'll continue to be mildly amused at that.



As far as I'm concerned, if someone has such a problem with addiction that even this mild form of gambling presents an issue, they really shouldn't be anywhere near MMOs at all and should be seeking help. They will have already lost their job, home, and family due to attempting to farm purples. "Just one more spawn..."

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
If you believe all this (I do), and further that you believe it's a bad thing that should be avoided (I don't), why are you on an MMO to begin with? MMOs exist because of intermittent rewards.
That's true, as I mentioned in the longer post. But for the majority of CoH's existence it was unlike other MMOs in that there was very little randomness involved. This game primarily rewarded steady achievement. There were very few exceptions, such as the HOs you got from Hamidon Raids. It's when really cool things started getting randomly dropped that the game shifted. It's bad enough when those things are merely virtual items such as a rare set of wings or rocket boots, but now it's starting to move into the territory of exchanging real money for random chance.

I think that's the part people are starting to react negatively to.

On the other hand, it's good business practice because it appeals directly to the deepest impulses of a person's psyche. If someone really wants that wolf or all those costume pieces, they have to keep paying. But I'm old-fashioned in the sense that I don't believe that whatever is good for the bottom line is the right thing to do.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
You can just feel the love in this thread.
How about now? Can you feel the love now? We're all just one big happy family of CoH players. That's what they say about us and this board, right?




MMOs already attract a somewhat obsessive crowd. Achievement-driven and completist personalities can spend way too much time ingame and have it affect their real life. What makes me sad is that marketers saw this not as a problem, but as a gold mine.

I don't really blame City of Heroes- the free-to-play/microtransaction mix is the standard model these days. I just wish the flat monthly rate, no extras, could have stuck around, because it seems a little more ethical than exploiting addictive personalities.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
On the other hand, it's good business practice because it appeals directly to the deepest impulses of a person's psyche. If someone really wants that wolf or all those costume pieces, they have to keep paying. But I'm old-fashioned in the sense that I don't believe that whatever is good for the bottom line is the right thing to do.
Why must we be concerned with what is morally and ethically superior in our entertainment?

Alcohol is seen as a vice by many people. It's a vector for addiction. It can cause brain damage if consumed in large enough quantities, and drunk driving is a very real danger.

Yet somehow 95% of the world manages to survive while imbibing fermented plant juice. It's a relaxant that gives a nice buzz and provides enjoyment when used in moderation. And most people can cope with moderation.

Same with gambling. Same with games. People with addictive personalities latch onto them. They do have the potential to harm, in that a person's mental chemistry may be poorly wired for handling such things. But taken in moderation, they're fun. Most people enjoy them, despite the complete lack of other contribution to society they provide.

And because they're entertainment, they are not necessities. Folks with moral qualms about indulging are free to avoid them. I don't require my entertainment to be a paragon of virtue, merely not so repulsive I can't enjoy it.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
It's bad enough when those things are merely virtual items such as a rare set of wings or rocket boots, but now it's starting to move into the territory of exchanging real money for random chance.

I think that's the part people are starting to react negatively to.
I figure that's more than likely the case. If it was just the gambling in general then they would have started complaining ages back when random rolls for things were added. Of course I wouldn't be surprised if there were people that complained about them back then, but I don't recall it happening or at least not on the scale of the complaints about these packs.

Of course, to be completely honest I don't think a good chunk of the complaints going on now would be here if it weren't for costume pieces being part of the equation. Note I'm not saying everyone. I'm sure there'd still be plenty of people complaining about being able to spend real money for random in-game rewards if it weren't for the costume pieces, just not as many people.

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Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
Why must we be concerned with what is morally and ethically superior in our entertainment?

Alcohol is seen as a vice by many people. It's a vector for addiction. It can cause brain damage if consumed in large enough quantities, and drunk driving is a very real danger.

Yet somehow 95% of the world manages to survive while imbibing fermented plant juice. It's a relaxant that gives a nice buzz and provides enjoyment when used in moderation. And most people can cope with moderation.

Same with gambling. Same with games. People with addictive personalities latch onto them. They do have the potential to harm, in that their mental chemistry is poorly wired for handling such things. But taken in moderation, they're fun. Most people enjoy them, despite the complete lack of other contribution to society they provide.

And because they're entertainment, they are not necessities. Folks with moral qualms about indulging are free to avoid them. I don't require my entertainment to be a paragon of virtue, merely not so repulsive I can't enjoy it.

You are saying there would be no complaints if say your local Mc Donalds, started serving alchol?

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
No alternative way to get the Elemental Order costume?

Then no ******* payment.
Same here. I don't want to spend $30 or $40 just to get this costume. If Marketing wants to make this costume available as a set that I can purchase for $4 or $5, then I would buy it. Otherwise, NO sale.

Founder/Leader of the JUSTICE F0RCE



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
I figure that's more than likely the case. If it was just the gambling in general then they would have started complaining ages back when random rolls for things were added. Of course I wouldn't be surprised if there were people that complained about them back then, but I don't recall it happening or at least not on the scale of the complaints about these packs.

Of course, to be completely honest I don't think a good chunk of the complaints going on now would be here if it weren't for costume pieces being part of the equation. Note I'm not saying everyone. I'm sure there'd still be plenty of people complaining about being able to spend real money for random in-game rewards if it weren't for the costume pieces, just not as many people.

appart from the costume pieces, there is nothing in the super packs you can't get elsewhwere.

Want the inspirations?

You can buy them.

Want the ATO's?

You can get them through game play.

Exp boosters?

Buy them.

Reward merits?

Run a whole bunch of stuff.

Costume pieces?

Super pack only, and only a chance to get them.

Took me nearly 25 packs for the whole costume set.

Whats so special about this set that its worth almost three times the cost of a regular set?

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
You are saying there would be no complaints if say your local Mc Donalds, started serving alchol?
None whatsoever!



Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
To compare the super packs to casino gambling is absurd and pure hyperbole.
Yes, they share some traits on a both psychological and mechanical level. But they are completely different degrees of the situation and, in at least a few important details, they are completely separate.
But that's exactly the issue I'm talking about: "a difference of degree rather than of kind."

The Superpack and casino games such as roulette are on the same spectrum of all games of chance. The former may not be as detrimental to one's bottom line as the latter, but that doesn't alter the fact that they are both forms of gambling. They appeal to the exact same parts of the brain and the operate with identical mechanisms: paying money to take a chance on winning something.

I don't think this represents a serious threat to kicking off someone's addiction; I'm just tryin' to lay out some knowledge for you'uns to pick up.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
You are saying there would be no complaints if say your local Mc Donalds, started serving alchol?
No? I am saying what you quoted me as saying.

Personally, I would not have a problem with the local McD's selling alcohol as long as they were scrupulous in carding minors, just as the local convenience store is. Seriously, why can I walk into the Chevron and pick up a case of Bud but can't get a bottle from the McDonald's that's right next to it? Does that make sense to you?

Also, you are aware that McD's in some countries do serve alcohol, right?

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
appart from the costume pieces, there is nothing in the super packs you can't get elsewhwere.

Want the inspirations?

You can buy them.

Want the ATO's?

You can get them through game play.

Exp boosters?

Buy them.

Reward merits?

Run a whole bunch of stuff.

Costume pieces?

Super pack only, and only a chance to get them.

Took me nearly 25 packs for the whole costume set.

Whats so special about this set that its worth almost three times the cost of a regular set?
Because you now have all that other stuff, too. Just because you can also *earn* them with *time spent* (and thus, aren't 'free') in the game, doesn't mean they don't also have value. Also, you probably have enough Merits now to craft the PvP:+3% Def IO and sell it for 2 Billion INF.

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Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
No? I am saying what you quoted me as saying.

Personally, I would not have a problem with the local McD's selling alcohol as long as they were scrupulous in carding minors, just as the local convenience store is. Seriously, why can I walk into the Chevron and pick up a case of Bud but can't get a bottle from the McDonald's that's right next to it? Does that make sense to you?

Also, you are aware that McD's in some countries do serve alcohol, right?

So does this game card minors?

I'm pretty sure gambling has a minimum age in many countries.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.