Avengers v X-Men - help my eyeballs
Spider-Man once had almost beaten all the X-Men by himself, only stopped by Professor X. Also, Cap has beaten Spidey pretty much consistently in every encounter. So I'm giving my Edge to the Avengers.
There is an art, or, rather, a knack to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. --The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
That abberation on cover 9 aside, Spidey definetely punches above his weight. He's beat the hell out of Iron Man before.
Although, I concur, its probably a safe bet that the Avengers will come out on top.
I haven't read the story myself, but I the way I heard it is that during the recent "Fear Itself" event, Colossus recieved the powers of the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak. Juggernaut presumably got the same sort of godlike power boost that a number of other villains recieved around the same time.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------

Why do Spider Woman and Gambit look like they're made of silly putty?
So I see this link on IGN and click it. The first comic will answer a question I've always had about a guy who uses a magnetically reinforced exoskeleton against the master of magnatism (I always figured Tony would be on the severe losing end of that battle but I digress) |
However 9 covers down I see Thing versus what looks like a Colossus/Juggernaut hybrid?????????????????? Did Marvel really screw something up that bad or is this some one shot anomally (this collosnaut)? |

Poor Marko... he's gotten a raw deal ever since Onslaught put him in the ruby and he escaped by taking all of Cyttorak's power. After that it was 'oh wait, we can't have the Juggernaut be even more powerful than before, let's do an absurd one shot that culminates in his power getting siphoned off to his previous level'... Then Cyttorak returned and the real crappy rollercoaster ride began...
Juggernaut used to be my favourite Marvel character, but I'm not sure I care any more.
Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound
Poor Marko... he's gotten a raw deal ever since Onslaught put him in the ruby and he escaped by taking all of Cyttorak's power. After that it was 'oh wait, we can't have the Juggernaut be even more powerful than before, let's do an absurd one shot that culminates in his power getting siphoned off to his previous level'... Then Cyttorak returned and the real crappy rollercoaster ride began...
Juggernaut used to be my favourite Marvel character, but I'm not sure I care any more. ![]() |

Spider-Man once had almost beaten all the X-Men by himself, only stopped by Professor X. Also, Cap has beaten Spidey pretty much consistently in every encounter. So I'm giving my Edge to the Avengers.
As far as Captain America vs. Spidey, Spidey is not going to want to fight Captain America using his full strength and speed which are superior to Cap's own for one simple reason: It's Captain America. Also Cap has a lot more combat experience then Spidey.
Conversely Spidey has taken down some superior powered characters in the past:
1. Iron Man of 2020 when he time warped to the past and Spidey cut loose and started to smash him and his armor.
2. Iron Man himself back when Aunt May was shot and dying, they fought and Spidey cocooned Iron Man in his webs and tore his face mask off.
3. Firelord, herald of Galactus. HOW that happened is still a mystery. Firelord must have been only at 1/1000000th of his normal power levels in that fight considering what a herald of Galactus can usually do. (space flight, hyperspace, matter rearrangment, energy blasts, fly through stars and black holes, etc).
Actually, it grew organically from the story. It was a literal last ditch effort by the X-Men to stop Juggernaught, who had also gained the powers of a Norse god. Cyclops went through every conceivable way to stop him and they all failed. So, Magik, Kitty and Peter beseeched Cytorak to remove his power from Cain. Illyana was going to recieve the power but Colossus took her place, at the last minute. He then went back to the battlefield and fought Worthy Cain, defeating him.
Cyt is a jealous type, apparantly.
I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.
Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered
Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.
▲Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition▲
Always remember, we were Heroes.
During the recent Spider-Island story where his spider-sense was disabled, Shang Chi taught Spidey kung fu which should help. But yeah, he'll still have to lose.
But again, Spidey has a lot of respect for Cap and would hold back in a fight. Even the Punisher has respect for Cap as shown in Civil War, so if we get Cap vs. Punisher throw down, Cap would win due to his superior experience, plus the super soldier serum, and the fact that Punisher wouldn't kill Cap.
I honestly can't think of any hero in the Marvel Universe that would actually fight Cap at their full skill/speed/strength except for maybe one of the X-men (not necessarily Wolverine), and that would be if they used the pretense that Cap stands for the rights of everyone but appears to have not done much for mutant rights. Wolverine even challenged Cap about that back in the first Secret War, and I don't recall Cap doing much since then for advancing mutant rights.
Thinking about that for a second, is that right? Cap certainly has more training but on the experience front, hasn't Spidey been having life-or-death fights on a more or less daily basis since he was a teenager?
Spidey only just recently got serious and received martial arts training and as smart as Spidey is, I don't think his combat experience or tactical expertise would begin to match Captain America.
Spidey only just recently got serious and received martial arts training and as smart as Spidey is, I don't think his combat experience or tactical expertise would begin to match Captain America.
Again, no doubt he is a better fighter in terms of combat, training etc..
Always remember, we were Heroes.
Thinking about that for a second, is that right? Cap certainly has more training but on the experience front, hasn't Spidey been having life-or-death fights on a more or less daily basis since he was a teenager?
In any case, in the past i would've thrown victory to the Avengers. But against the X-Men's "extinction team", the fight's gonna be nasty.
Looking at those covers is like looking at a cavalcade of crappy art v.v
The idea is dumb as is the notion of "Mutants" being outcasts in a world full of superheroes...
We hate Jean Grey because she's a mutant, but Ms. Marvel is ok because she was given powers by an alien.
Storm doesn't stand a chance in hell against Thor >_>
These debates are always hilarious. The winner of these fictional fights between fictional characters will be whoever the writers decide they want to win.
Aunt May can defeat Galactus on a day the writer hasn't had enough coffee yet
OH! Is Wolverine (A) gonna fight Wolverine (X) ??!!
If so, which Wolverine (X).....out of which X-book.....unless they just go with the common "it's all at different points in time, so when in this book he's in Europe....and here he's in space....there's a time difference between these books."
So....if they include all the Wolverines from all the X-books (assuming each Wolverine is from different time points of time....)....we could see a fight of, what, 10 Wolverines that are a few days or hours apart on the time scale??? O_o
......Yes, this is a bitter post about overusing Wolverine =D
Mr. True Shot.
Level 53: Arrows/Devices/Munitions Blaster
....and hopeless Science-Natzi.
They didn't have to do a whole lot of beseeching, actually. They just let Cytorrak know that Cain was getting power from ANOTHER god besides him. Cytorrak was all like, "Oh no he didn't" and stripped the power from Cain pretty readily.
Cyt is a jealous type, apparantly. -k |

Yes in the first Secret War, Spidey easily outmaneuvered and out fought the X-men until Xavier used the old Jedi mind trick on him to stop him and blank his memory. However in the Xmen's defense, if Storm cut loose with her weather powers it likely would have been different.
Global Name: Denver Nugget
Playing since i3 on 8 servers
So I see this link on IGN and click it. The first comic will answer a question I've always had about a guy who uses a magnetically reinforced exoskeleton against the master of magnatism (I always figured Tony would be on the severe losing end of that battle but I digress)
However 9 covers down I see Thing versus what looks like a Colossus/Juggernaut hybrid?????????????????? Did Marvel really screw something up that bad or is this some one shot anomally (this collosnaut)?
------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------