Informal Market Project/Survey

Ad Astra



Main account: B
Secondary account: C

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Just one account.




main acct = E
2nd acct = F

however, i consolidated all the inf from my 2nd account onto the main, so now my main acct is an E... yea that's right... it didn't change at all, lol

counting inf only, 1.92b



The fact that there is such a low comparative percentage of "E"s suggests one of two things.

1. Your 2nd and 3rd etc billion are a lot easier to make then your 1st.

2. Many people have their majority of Inf on one account with a "minor" amount on their secondary accounts (which are also included in these figures).

Personally, I think both of the above statement would likely be true.



Originally Posted by Badaxe View Post
The fact that there is such a low comparative percentage of "E"s suggests one of two things.

1. Your 2nd and 3rd etc billion are a lot easier to make then your 1st.

2. Many people have their majority of Inf on one account with a "minor" amount on their secondary accounts (which are also included in these figures).

Personally, I think both of the above statement would likely be true.
I disagree. I think the majority of players have a single account. That's probably a discussion for another thread, but still...

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



D+ to C-, here.



Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
Updated through this post: #81

Accounts: ~97 (a couple of you combined them)
Est. Inf: ~1.8 Trillion

In my original post, I'll update the percentages from my spreadsheet as more
data get added.

Of course, a mere 97 accounts is, statistically speaking, miniscule, but looking
at the results so far, it does appear likely to be a standard distribution, skewed
somewhat towards the higher end.

That's not unexpected as I'd believe forum goers to be more informed, have
more access to inf making strategies, and generally be a bit more "gung-ho"
(ie. dedicated to playing this game) overall than the average player.

Category E is interesting to me, so I'll be curious to see more data.

Once again, thanks for all the responses.

Keep 'em coming.

Nice to see it compiled, this is a great thread.



If you're still looking: F

Just the one account.

- Ashley
[Rocker Girl (Earth/Earth Dom); Sweet Venom (Plant/Time Ctrl)]



Originally Posted by Badaxe View Post
The fact that there is such a low comparative percentage of "E"s suggests one of two things.

1. Your 2nd and 3rd etc billion are a lot easier to make then your 1st.

2. Many people have their majority of Inf on one account with a "minor" amount on their secondary accounts (which are also included in these figures).

Personally, I think both of the above statement would likely be true.
So, what's going on with Category E?

Well, I'd prefer more data (8 obs is a miniscule sample), but I feel reasonably
comfortable that there are two key factors, one data related, and another player
related that are leading to this.

Again, caveat this with "small sample size" - this is very preliminary guesswork
at the moment.

While I disagree with your second point, I think you're right about point #1.
That's to say, the old market forum phrase "Your first billion is the hardest"
seems to be true.

Basically, I think it's relatively hard to hit 1B through a simple lucky drop or two.

From a player perspective, by 1B, I think they've probably passed the basic
market learning curve, at least to the point where they know they can actually
make inf using the market (even if only to sell), and they're willing to proactively
do so. Possibly, they've also gained enough confidence to begin to dabble with
some of the safer strategies and/or cashing in merits through the market.

At that point, the difference between 1B and 2B is fairly small, and mostly just
a matter of time. There may also be some additional motivation at that stage
to actually try to inf-cap a toon, again shortening time between 1B & 2B.

From a data perspective, excluding the endpoints, the categories are a factor
of 10 higher than the previous one. This was intentional on my part.

There are two exceptions; category B, which was a simple nod to the way inf
is estimated for a category in the spreadsheet. The intent was to lessen over-estimating
inf in the largest categories.

The other is Category E. I specifically wanted to see if there was anything
interesting around the 1B mark (in the other thread, it's in the 100M+ category).

Consequently, the comparative range of E is very, very small, and the fact that
there is a distinct (so far) notch there, implies to me that it behaves like it should
probably be folded into Category D (keeping the 10X ratios ie. 1B - 9.9B).

Also, glancing at categories C & F show similar magnitudes to each other (again,
so far) which also lends some support to the idea that there appears to be nothing
special about 1B vs 2B.

As said, I'd really like to see more data and see if those trends hold up.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Originally Posted by AshleyHudson View Post
If you're still looking.

Thanks for chiming in. The more the merrier and all the more interesting.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Main account is probably a C (maybe B but it's hard to estimate across a LOT of alts).

Secondary account is, like most peoples 2nd, probably an F.



Solid F with occasional leaps to low E. Definitely in E if you count my purple table.



Originally Posted by Madadh View Post
Main account is probably a C (maybe B but it's hard to estimate across a LOT of alts).
I got the total by installing Titan Sentinel and creating an account on the City Info Tracker site. All you need to do is log in with each character while Sentinel is running and the web site will provide summaries for character information, including inf totals.



Well, if you're going to be logging in all your characters anyway, you can do what I did: jot down my Inf for each on a piece of scrap paper.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



C Here



Think my liquid assets would be in the middle of D somewhere.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I disagree. I think the majority of players have a single account. That's probably a discussion for another thread, but still...
I agree, with point 2 what I meant was that many that have already responded to this thread have a second account, I thought that was obvious when I posted it, but now that I reread it I can see that I didn't make that clear.



Wouldn't it be better for the survey is people with multiple accounts compile their inf into one figure? Since it's one person and they could otherwise distribute the inf between the 2 accounts however they please.



I'm solidly an E. I know I have more than 1 billion but guesstimating that it's not more than 2 billion. Probably a conservative guess too, so it might be possible I'm a D, but that would somewhat surprise me.



Solid C+ between my 2 main accounts.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Updated through this post: #121

Accounts: ~123
Est. Inf: ~2.24 Trillion

Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
Wouldn't it be better for the survey is people with multiple accounts compile their inf into one figure? Since it's one person and they could otherwise distribute the inf between the 2 accounts however they please.
Definitely not.

Basically, that would skew the statistics with more (needless) variation.
The smallest logical unit (that could hold inf) is the account, and that's the
granularity you'd want for this.

Your proprosal could tally inf/person, which might be interesting, but it adds another
(unhelpful) source of variation that we cannot guage - # of accts. What percentage
of the population only has 1? 2? 3? Does only one person use it/them, or do
other people (family?) use them. In short, it adds no additional info value for us,
(although NCsoft Marketing might be more interested in that than me), but throws
a *lot* more uncertainty into any numbers we'd get.

Additionally, anyone can mail inf to anyone, so while I'd agree that multi-account
holders may well consolidate their holdings, that's much less of a concern if we're
tallying at the account level rather than the person level.

Unfortunately, it looks like interest in this thread has waned (since it was on pg 2),
and 123 accts isn't even representative of the forum population, let alone the
game's population.

In terms of total inf in-game, there's not enough data here to even guessimate
a value any at accuracy better than "orders of magnitude"

In any case, thanks to the folks that *did* contribute, as I do think there are
some points of interest in the data.

I'd certainly welcome more data, and I'll continue to update the thread to reflect
any more that comes in.


PS> Shadow Ravenwolf - did you mean you have two accounts (both C), or
a total of C if you add together (which, due to the discussion above, I would
only count as a single C)?

I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



Right now:

Main account: D
Second acct: E
Third and fourth (premium) accts: both H

Normally my main account is a C, but I'm running low on cash right now due to speculative investments. Even so I am juuuust under the C threshold.


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



D & i

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



One account - D



Three accounts. D, E and G