Discussion: Featured Items at the Paragon Market - 1/3/12

Agent White



Take a magic carpet ride with this week's featured items at the Paragon Marketâ„¢!

Flying Carpet Travel Power - New!

Activate this Persian-type carpet with its own golden magic lantern and soar across the skies! All characters in your account can access this fantastic power. It's usable at Level 2.

Market Location: Powers > Permanent Powers > Travel
600 Paragon Points


New Year's Pack

Add sizzle to your celebration with the fireworks aura, confetti costume change emote, and three emotes that allow your characters to shoot fireworks! NOTE: THIS IS A ONE-TIME PURCHASE, AND IS ONLY AVAILABLE UNTIL JANUARY 31, 2012.

Market Location: Paragon Picks > Featured
160 Paragon Points


Winter Holiday Pack

Out-elf Santa in this 11-piece bundle, including a stocking cap, ear muffs, red gloves, boots, naughty aura, nice aura, gifting emotes, and the power to sling snowballs! NOTE: THIS IS A ONE-TIME PURCHASE, AND IS ONLY AVAILABLE UNTIL JANUARY 31, 2012.

Market Location: Costumes > Costume Sets > Costume Bundles
400 Paragon Points


Rocket Board Travel Power

Fly faster than the Fly power on a sleek, high-tech rocket board. For all characters in your account. Usable at Level 2.

Market Location: Powers > Permanent Powers > Travel
Regular Price: 600 Paragon Points - 25% off
Sale Price: 450 Paragon Points

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Magic carpet. Interesting.

I already have the rocket board, having bought it upon its release. So, I'm not sure I need another vanity travel power. I'm not sure I could even fit any of my characters in with a flying carpet thematically anyways -- the rocket board is much more flexible in this regard. So, for now, I'll take a pass. I might reconsider should it drop in price in the future.

That said, kudos to the devs for releasing more unique items on the Paragon Market. I've been very impressed (with a couple exceptions -- I'm looking at you Undead Survival Kit ) with the variety of items put out on the market.

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

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Extremely disappointing. But hey, next week can only be better, right? Right?!



So when you, Paragon Studios, go to sell a brand new Travel Power, you put another one that has identical stats up for sale.

To me, that seems like marketing suicide. Yeah, I know you don't want to be greedy or be accused of being greedy, but, please, moves like this hurt my brain. A lot.

Just be aware that if at some meeting in the future someone pipes up, "The players didn't seem to like the Flying Carpet," just remember to say, "Well, that's because we were undercut by the competition. And the competition is us."

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yaaaay that's great.

now, can i have a whirlwind travel power that isnt affect self only? or basically an aura because the limited posing is also a bummer [do the arms have to be crossd on the carpet?], and if it was an aura i could just use fly [actual whirlwind uses up end, isnt color tintable and knocks back foes, which is nice but i just want the fx].

whirlwind aura 60 points. would sell like hotcakes. unlike the carpet power [which i like... but not for 600points. i'm saving up for staff meelee.]

fly-only aura [like conbat-only] is possible as an option too, right? a la rocket boots? although if whirlwind WAS to become an aura, that i buy, it had better have the options for always, combat, or flight. XD not just flight :P or i'd be a sad disgruntled panda.



So let me get this straight. Instead of introducing the magic carpet as a customization option for the rocket board (because that's what it its), you sell it as a completely separate power, just because you can charge more for a separate power than you can for a customization option.

Just so you know, this is the reason I haven't bought the rocket board and will not buy the carpet and will not buy any other vanity travel powers.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
So let me get this straight. Instead of introducing the magic carpet as a customization option for the rocket board (because that's what it its), you sell it as a completely separate power, just because you can charge more for a separate power than you can for a customization option.
That's awfully cynical. I'm pretty sure it isn't being sold as a separate power "just because they can charge more for it".

I'm pretty sure it's because they either don't see a way to fit the programming time into the schedule (Because programming UIs requires more budget than full motion video, apparently), or because the programmers hit mysterious roadblocks in implementing the customization interface (because they're still working with a decade old legacy codebase that they can't seem to refactor into something more maintainable).

Okay, maybe that's just as cynical, but there's now multiple flavors of cynical?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
So when you, Paragon Studios, go to sell a brand new Travel Power, you put another one that has identical stats up for sale.

To me, that seems like marketing suicide. Yeah, I know you don't want to be greedy or be accused of being greedy, but, please, moves like this hurt my brain. A lot.

Just be aware that if at some meeting in the future someone pipes up, "The players didn't seem to like the Flying Carpet," just remember to say, "Well, that's because we were undercut by the competition. And the competition is us."
Yeah, that seemed odd to me as well. I think I actually prefer the flying carpet over the rocket board by just a tiny bit, but I prefer the 450p price over the 600p price by rather a lot. Well, by 25% anyhow. I was not willing to buy the rocket board for 600, but I might have bought the carpet for 600... but not if this is my only chance to get the rocket board for 450.

It creates an odd dynamic. But I can totally imagine some meeting a few months from now where someone says, "The magic carpet didn't sell as well as the rocket board, so let's focus on technology instead of magic for the next few issues."

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



The carpet really ought to have a tiny Group Fly aura, if only so you can fly under a ledge and let someone jump onto it with you. There's room for more than one on that thing.

Also, I'm disappointed with the flight pose on it. I'd prefer a lotus pose, but "lounging" or "crouched" might also be better than the standing pose. At least it's not carpet surfing, I suppose.

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For sales to be impacted by the rocket board, there would have to be a larger demand for any vanity travel power versus the demand for the specific one.

I don't have the marketing research for Paragon Studios, but I'd imagine the threshold for the rocket board has already peaked. The market for people that just gotta have a vanity travel power, regardless of what one, is small (assumption on my part).

It was a fun niche product when it first arrived. I think I've used mine twice since I bought it many moons ago.

But the idea of treating the rocket board as the base power and purchasing new "skins" is an interesting one. Would people be more accepting if they had to pay an additional $1-2 for a new skin for the existing power? Or would there be cries of money grubbing for not including these skins with the initial rocket board release?

Based on consumer feedback in other markets (Say, downloadable content for console games), there doesn't seem to be an accepted window of "Well, you waited just long enough to have not been working on this during the initial production" to "Well, I've moved onto the new game. Not interested"

This is, of course, ignoring the actual work that went into producing the magic carpet and assuming it is just a simple reskin. Though, the group fly aura is a nice idea.

"I saw my advantage and took it. That's what heroes do." - Homer Simpson.



Aaand purchased.

Thank you for this quality product to which I will continue to support.

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I have a toon that would love that carpet but yeah I'm not spending 600 points on it. One Vanity power isn't worth those kinds of points. I'd consider the Rocketboard too if the colors could be customizable.

The fireworks are... well.... what would we use them for? They'd be good for the 4th of July or special occasions, but New Year's is over.



$9.99 = unique travel power that I can use with other powers + costume pieces + emotes

$7.50 = unique travel power that cannot be used with other powers, or in combat (risky). Unable to be customized as well.

No thanks...

However, it is a cool power and YAY for sales (timing aside).

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Originally Posted by Cobalt Azurean View Post
Aaand purchased.

Thank you for this quality product to which I will continue to support.
I'm sure NCSoft thanks you for frivilously giving them your money/Paragon points. We hope you continue to support their five minutes of work each week to create overpriced, re-skinned and rehashed items sold on the Paragon Market.

I mean why do people just blindly buy this stuff?



Originally Posted by Fluorescent View Post
I'm sure NCSoft thanks you for frivilously giving them your money/Paragon points. We hope you continue to support their five minutes of work each week to create overpriced, re-skinned and rehashed items sold on the Paragon Market.

I mean why do people just blindly buy this stuff?
Because I like it and want it? That's why most people purchase somethin'.

Thanks for playin'.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
So when you, Paragon Studios, go to sell a brand new Travel Power, you put another one that has identical stats up for sale.

To me, that seems like marketing suicide. Yeah, I know you don't want to be greedy or be accused of being greedy, but, please, moves like this hurt my brain. A lot.
So if I'm remembering correctly, when the Rocket Board was released for beta a significant portion of the feedback was people saying that they wanted other 'flavors' of the power. A magic carpet was one of the more requested flavors of the thing(brooms were another style that sticks out for me).

I'm not really sure that adding a player requested item to the store can really count as marketing suicide. It's possibly greedy, but at least it's the good kind of greedy where they hope to make money off of something people were asking for.

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I gotta say, it looks awesome.

I still cannot find a use, however, for travel powers that detoggle entirely rather than just surpress toggles. I know the tech isn't there to allow combat on the magic carpet, but supression would be immensely better than retoggling for 20 seconds after each use (if it's possible). If such a change were to occur, I could see myself picking up both the vanity travel powers.

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I don't have enough characters who could fit either of these items (carpet or rocket board) into their concept to make them worthwhile even at the 450-point sale price.

If I could buy a power like this for 600 points that I could change from character-to-character to a carpet, a rocket board, a broom, a jet pack, etc., I'd jump at it because then I could use it on enough characters to make it worth the price to me.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Fluorescent View Post
I mean why do people just blindly buy this stuff?
I'm sure P. T. Barnum would know.

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Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
I gotta say, it looks awesome.

I still cannot find a use, however, for travel powers that detoggle entirely rather than just surpress toggles. I know the tech isn't there to allow combat on the magic carpet, but supression would be immensely better than retoggling for 20 seconds after each use (if it's possible). If such a change were to occur, I could see myself picking up both the vanity travel powers.
I've got to agree with this, otherwise what could be awesome just becomes meh.