It's getting worse (new content)

Agent White



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Longbow that you can blow up and drive out - it's more dynamic than before.
The only plus side to that was the easy access to the Legacy Chain Gladiators and Longbow for kills - now I might just unlock Kristof Jager BEFORE outlevelling him.

But probably not - I see no real reason to play redside anymore since I've done all the arcs.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
Giving 2 merits is a cop-out because it's a placeholder value the Devs give it in beta, and then never change to a more appropriate value.
This is disappointing and a TOTAL cop out on the devs part I agree.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
Agreed - calling the new Atlas and Mercy arcs "Content" is an insult to content.
I wouldn't say that the new Atlas is terrible. (I haven't done Mercy yet.) It's good for what it is, which is an extended tutorial for new players. That leaves little for old timers after running it once. But then who was running the intro arcs before it came along anyway? It seemed like most people ran the old sewers until level 8 or so and then started doing radios in KR.

As for First Ward, I liked a lot of things about it. It had a good atmosphere and the story was initially pretty interesting. About the time the Midnight Master shows up it takes a turn towards being comical and kind of ruined the tone they had built up until that point. Also, there were a few missions in which they hit the ambush button too many times.



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
That leaves little for old timers after running it once.
Kinda my point - and the extended tutorial just makes me angrier - DFB assures none of the new players will run these arcs, meaning the only people running them are players interested in the badges - It's a pain to run these repeatedly - I almost feel like making a level 2 capped mission just for grinding to 10 or 20 rather than run ANOTHER DFB.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Content is for levelling. If you don't get rewards from new content, you have to go back to grinding papers or tips to actually get your rewards. You see the problem?
You completely missed his point.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



My own feeling is that First Ward was visually stunning - beautifully described and presented.

I have run the story once because the story itself didn't grab me (as somebody's already pointed out, the zone completely ignores the notion of being a villain) and I felt that - as with much of the newer content - I was reading a book and button mashing. The notion of interaction has rapidly declined over the last 18 months or so. We're funnelled down a tunnel.

Even when offered "choice" it's generally the option between "Knock him out" or "Break his neck" - both of which are pretty ridiculous - if we've had to fight to get to that stage, and reached the big bad boss who's meant to be a challenge we can suddenly do either/or without breaking a sweat. If we're going to get those kind of choices, then we need two alternate resolutions: We either get to fight some more and then defeat the subject, or the subject manages to escape to thwart our plans another time.

Personally, the thing I've noticed the most is that since Going Rogue was released, the visual environment has become far far better, whilst the stories have become much less engaging. This clearly seems to be a question of priorities - better graphics, because once they are done they are done, and lots of low quality content rather than less, but much better, story-telling.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I thought FW was pretty awful because of the horrendous walls o text and the rage-inducing ambushes.

I was going to run it again on my lvl 42 tanker to see if he fares better, but if he's outlevelled it then I won't bother.

I don't do Ouro.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
My own feeling is that First Ward was visually stunning - beautifully described and presented.
I'd just like to stick my oar in again and say that First Ward (And Praetoria and New Atlas) is/are visually stunning WHEN YOU STAND STILL, it's a mess of flickering trees and really _really_ crappy LOD models where the shading, colour and size of map elements just pops and changes as you move past. (And no, it's not my graphics card) compared to how well crafted the LOD is on the old zones the new zones are a travesty.




Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Content is for levelling. If you don't get rewards from new content, you have to go back to grinding papers or tips to actually get your rewards. You see the problem?
It never used to be, I usaed to love doing flashbacks even at 50 to see content I had missed. All those story arcs were great. Also loved finding the non farm Architect missions, some of them were brilliant to. CoH never used to be about the grind at 50, that was what the beauty of it. I am considering signing up for a bit to play now and deciding if its worth it, darn me for playing on the NA servers a bit hehe, 4yrs on EU and 2 on the NA split my badges hehe. 3 short of full lvl 7 and perma IO's lol.

It appears to have changed to an end game multi time same Trial grind, why, even though we had mass ITFs etc, you could get the old merits to improve off story arcs, flashbacks, all TFs and trials. That was the beauty of it, so many variations, now its these few short Trials, thats whats worrying to me coming back, the limitations to advance. Oh well might give it a shot just to see.



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I thought FW was pretty awful because of the horrendous walls o text and the rage-inducing ambushes.
Johnny Ambush is also working on the new DA content - so be prepared

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
The notion of interaction has rapidly declined over the last 18 months or so. We're funnelled down a tunnel.
What was the interaction we had earlier?

Even when offered "choice" it's generally the option between "Knock him out" or "Break his neck" - both of which are pretty ridiculous - if we've had to fight to get to that stage, and reached the big bad boss who's meant to be a challenge we can suddenly do either/or without breaking a sweat. If we're going to get those kind of choices, then we need two alternate resolutions: We either get to fight some more and then defeat the subject, or the subject manages to escape to thwart our plans another time.
Those options come after we've fought them - the game doesn't let you clcik on a boss, talk to him, then choose the option to instantly kill him - it either lets you click on them first, and then activates the fight, or lets you fight them first, and when their HP is almost gone, it makes them collapse and lets you talk to them - that's when you get the options to kill them, because you've already beaten them.

Personally, the thing I've noticed the most is that since Going Rogue was released, the visual environment has become far far better, whilst the stories have become much less engaging. This clearly seems to be a question of priorities - better graphics, because once they are done they are done, and lots of low quality content rather than less, but much better, story-telling.
The post-GR stories are more complex and darker than the earlier stories - the feel of the game world has changed a bit, and the meta-story now has more layers to it.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I really liked First Ward. I loved the content, and the ambiance of the place. I didn't care for the huge counter that popped up whenever I had to cross the water, which I couldn't move enough for it not to be an annoyance, I'll grant you that. Grr! And there were issues of needless running back and forth, which I really thought they'd said they were getting away from.

But loved the content! Enough that my villain-turned-rogue (only to find teams) actually turned into a hero! "Sticking up for your friends, and mashing d-bags is what heroes do?! I thought they just flew around in ugly red and white jumpsuits shooting everyone for spits and giggles?"

Then I tried to run it on my next up and comer, and found that the poor troller she is, couldn't solo the material (till I passed out from boredom in the attempt, anyway). Almost impossible to find teams there, and the one time I did, I had NO idea what was going on.
I quit the team and went to Talos.

Finding I wouldn't have gotten any merits there anyway makes me certain I won't team there. Missing the content AND the rewards?? That's nuts!

Too bad. I found it really interesting content, and occasionally hysterically funny.



I posted a few months ago about this and saw the same Golden Girl drivel then.

We get it you are in love with everything CoH and it can do no wrong.

Spending over 2 hours running an Arc and getting only 2 merits felt like an insult. I can do a Synapse TF in less time and get 32 merits. I can SOLO the old Positron TF in a little more than an hour and get 40 merits.

So you make me fight harder foes and give me less reward? A really winning combination there. You also don't give teammates any merits? Yeah that makes it hard to team.

What would I do to fix it? Make each arc worth either 4 or 6 merits.
Let my teamates get merits as well.



Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
But loved the content! Enough that my villain-turned-rogue (only to find teams) actually turned into a hero!
You could always go for maximum character impact and be a Responsibility Loyalist (at least sufficiently far to have done Mother Mayhem's arc) before going into First Ward.




  • People complain that arcs dont involve their character enough.
  • People complain that when in a team, the rest of the team can't see the contact text thus not understanding the purpose of the mission.
  • People complain about walls of texts explaining the situation inside a mission.
  • People complain that the content is too easy.
  • People complain that the content is too hard.
  • People complain about the lack of post 20 Praetoria related content.
  • People complain about having content post 20 related to Praetoria.
Think i covered everything there about first ward?
  • People will complain that the solo option in revamped DA is too hard.
  • People will complain that the solo option is too grindy.
  • People will complain about the difficulty of DA.
  • People will complain about the change in the "feel" of the zone.
  • People will complain about certain holes in the lore that the new content will miss.
  • People will complain about the rewards in the new DA.
  • People will complain non-stop for months about the new trial with next to no actual experience of it.
Just getting a list ready for i22

[Personally i love all the new content, yes this includes first ward and the low level arcs. They're good xp, they keep things interesting and they try and focus the arc on you for a change. If you dont like the content then valid reasons are to be had instead of just saying you hate it without saying actually why.
Why do you people not like the new low level content? Is it the characters involved? Is it all the travelling you must do? Is it the fact that its designed as a tutorial arc and not a "save the world" arc?]

So you make me fight harder foes and give me less reward? A really winning combination there. You also don't give teammates any merits?
Teammates do not get merit rewards anywhere for completing an arc with you. Dont see this changing as its open to abuse far too easy.
As with all content, the enemies are only difficult to certain powersets/ATs. My brutes/scrappers/corruptor strolls through FW with ease, my dominator on the other hand? Struggled. You shouldnt expect every content release to be "easy".

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Egos_Shadow View Post
You could always go for maximum character impact and be a Responsibility Loyalist (at least sufficiently far to have done Mother Mayhem's arc) before going into First Ward.
I've only started FW a few times (on a responsibility loyalist none-the-less) in Oro (hence the started a few times) but from what I've heard about it and from how I've seen the endgame story play out with the blow-up-hospitals nutcases and friends being the assumed "heroes" I've got to ramp up my masochism before taking a full run at it again.



On the MoM Trial, Calvin Scott is shown to be mentally disturbed, and is removed from his position as leader of the military side of the Resistance movement.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
I've only started FW a few times (on a responsibility loyalist none-the-less) in Oro (hence the started a few times) but from what I've heard about it and from how I've seen the endgame story play out with the blow-up-hospitals nutcases and friends being the assumed "heroes" I've got to ramp up my masochism before taking a full run at it again.
Well it's probably okay to stop once you get to Cerulean, which is the point where people really start going "...what".




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
On the MoM Trial, Calvin Scott is shown to be mentally disturbed, and is removed from his position as leader of the military side of the Resistance movement.
A spoiler would have been nice. Thanks GG, I didn't want to find that out for myself anyway! Blocking your posts from now on.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



complaining about merit rewards for content is just silly

if you play for merit rewards find the one or two that give you the most for your time and do them. That's what you are going to do anyway, so complaining that everything does not give you the most for your time is just being silly. If FW gave the most merits for time people would play that and then complain that Synapse did not give enough merits.



I like all the new content as well, including First Ward (well, I don't like what they did with Katie Douglas but that's another story). However...

All the Praetorian arcs from level 1 through FW need to get assigned a real reward merit value and not just the 2-merit place holder. It's pretty bad when you can almost double your merit total there by getting the exploration badges. I'm not running the stories for the merit reward but I have a lot of choices at level 20-29 and the lack of merit reward is going to influence that decision.

The devs have forgotten that co-op zones do not erase alignment. Cimmerora and Midnighters managed to have both hero and villain content (Midnighters club did it in the same contact) but not RWZ and now not FW. Judging from the answer to a question I made on FB about DA, it won't have separate hero and villain story arcs either. FW should have had a branch someplace that took heroes and villains in different directions even if they had the same ultimate result. It's how you accomplish something that makes the difference between the hero and villain in situations like that. That or at the very least give the contacts different dialog depending on their alignment (hero, villain, resistance, or loyalist) to make me feel better about bringing a villain there.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Content is for levelling. If you don't get rewards from new content, you have to go back to grinding papers or tips to actually get your rewards. You see the problem?
So which is it? Make up your mind. Is content for leveling, or is it for getting rewards?



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Yes- they're too good just to be called content - they're great content.
They're "Great content" like water is a "great gourmet dinner."

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post

I have run the story once because the story itself didn't grab me (as somebody's already pointed out, the zone completely ignores the notion of being a villain) and I felt that - as with much of the newer content - I was reading a book and button mashing. The notion of interaction has rapidly declined over the last 18 months or so. We're funnelled down a tunnel.
I never understood this argument.

Throughout this whole game we have never had a choice (no MMO offers you a real choice as far as I know).

I can't start a story arc, let's say the A Hero's Hero one, and at the end, go up to Tyrant and say, "I want in...I'll join you!, let's kill Statesman!"

We have never had a choice; we always were "following a story."

Even when offered "choice" it's generally the option between "Knock him out" or "Break his neck" - both of which are pretty ridiculous....

At least we have a choice now on how to deal with certain mobs/enemies in the game in the story

I really like the choices that we get.

In the new villain arc(s), one of the missions you see a helpless mob on the ground; you click on him and you have a choice to let him die or save him. If you save him, wow!, he helps you out in a later mission!

I <3 that! Definitely needs more of stuff like that I think.

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SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



For me the problem is that for each zone remake or new zone since faultline they've only put a single storyline through the whole thing and rushed it horribly. Using faultline as an example, taking out the missions where we go to a contact for an exposition dump there are only 20 missions, and half of those are on tiny one room maps. What's the plot? We chase a plot device that is only connected to faultline because of some back story that gets dumped on us. Then we fix it by handing the plot device to a plot device in a baseball cap. Do we deal with the crazy lost and their prophecy about the earthquake on the moon? (a plot point I can only assume they've tossed in the trash with every other non well related plot) No. Do we do anything about the sewer monsters starting to find their way in? Nope. Do we do anything about the fort the freakshow have set up. Nope. Do we do anything about the crumbling dam and the clockwork hindering reconstruction? No. Do we do anything about the BASE AND AIRPORT that arachnos and the sky raiders respectivly set up right next to the dam? Not a bit. Did we even do anything that involves the dam, THE MAIN SETPIECE OF THE ZONE! A single mission where we let a villian in to find out where Arbiter Sands is hiding that has nothing to do with it other than location. ("Durr I wonder where an arbiter would hide? Definitly not da bases they have set up next door, nope nope nope.")

Flying over FW I noticed 4 main things I expected to deal with. The DUST base (nope), eltontown (extremely briefly), the giant swirling doom vortex (told what it is, don't actually fix it) and mother mayhem's evil hospital base (a single mission then completely forgotten). At the end of the story what have we accomplished? We destroyed half of the carnies, helped eltontown just a little bit, allowed DUST to move back in, reactivated the seer net and trapped one of our allies in that hell on purpose, left the swirling vortex of doom, left the DE and completely ignored Mother Mayhem's evil lair so that she can later enact her doomsday plan and cover it plot armor even though to stop that from beginning all it would have taken was a boot to the door and a liberal application of high explosives throughout the complex. So what did we spend most of our time doing? Running around trying to keep people from giving into anger ("give in to your anger...") and instantly turning evil.......and epically failing at that and needed to kill half the carnies in the process effectively taking them out of the fight for praetoria for good probably.

I fear CoX is starting to follow the path that comics took, it wants to be dark, gritty emotional and angsty. The exact reason I never read new superhero comics as a kid.

"Oh, Iron Man! I've always liked the idea of having my own flying suit of armor!"
*Opens book and goes through 34 pages of Tony drunk and screaming at people while having inner monolouges about hating himself.*
"Screw that."
*Tosses comic and leaves, never turning back.*

We're starting to slide into the dark age of comic books where it's less about heroes and villians and more about how the world is a dark and hopeless place and where more bad things happen than good. And lots of really bad writing.

There is a difference between retreating and giving up.

"A good evil villian kills with style"-Galgarion
"Ha you're more full of yourself than I am!"-Jack Spicer