An in-game conversation about tauntless Tankers




Just to throw in my two cents. I've had tanks with taunt and tanks without it. No one has ever commented one way or another. I can honeslty say it hasn't made one bit of difference. My playstyle and technique adjusts to whichever situation I tank in. And that's what the game is about... diversity, options, unique playstyles. No one has the right to tell anyone how to build their toons. No one has the right to tell them what powers they have to have. (feel free to insert snarky comment about empaths without heals) If someone were to tell me that I'd have to be a tank with taunt to be on their team, well then that would be their loss. And for the nay sayers who have a problem with tauntless tanks, one could always use the counter argument, if you built your toons with better survivability, then you wouldn't have to rely on the tank so much.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
You know, you can slot Taunt with Perfect Zinger, or even Mocking Beratement, for S/L defense and global recharge. Rather good amounts of it, too.

Bottom Line is a Tanker needs to keep the attention of his enemies, not just be really durable. If he isn't going to do that, then I'd rather he be a brute or something.
You can slot a more effective power equally well or almost as well with IOs Even if you could not:

Good Power> IO Benefits

No amount of IO benefits can trump a good power which is why the Tanks/scrappers/Brutes who skip God Mode powers cause they think IO benefits can match them are just silly..... and a Tanker who takes Taunt but not his God Mode power is just straight up sad.

Yesterday I even saw a Tanker with Soul Mastery who had Taunt but skipped Darkest wow.....sigh....... guess he justs likes to play low lvls cause a high lvls DN would be much better than Taunt...seriously.



Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
No amount of IO benefits can trump a good power which is why the Tanks/scrappers/Brutes who skip God Mode powers cause they think IO benefits can match them are just silly..... and a Tanker who takes Taunt but not his God Mode power is just straight up sad.

Yesterday I even saw a Tanker with Soul Mastery who had Taunt but skipped Darkest wow.....sigh....... guess he justs likes to play low lvls cause a high lvls DN would be much better than Taunt...seriously.

I know many people who would rather have soft-cap S/L defense rather than pick up their T9. Especially with Electric Armor. And they're better off doing so.

And relying on your T9 to be able to tank well for a team would be much sadder, in my opinion, than relying on taunt to aid you in tanking for a team.

Seriously, your stance on blasting Taunt as a power choice is just as misinformed as the stance that tankers must tank Taunt.


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Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
You can slot a more effective power equally well or almost as well with IOs Even if you could not:

Good Power> IO Benefits

No amount of IO benefits can trump a good power which is why the Tanks/scrappers/Brutes who skip God Mode powers cause they think IO benefits can match them are just silly..... and a Tanker who takes Taunt but not his God Mode power is just straight up sad.

Yesterday I even saw a Tanker with Soul Mastery who had Taunt but skipped Darkest wow.....sigh....... guess he justs likes to play low lvls cause a high lvls DN would be much better than Taunt...seriously.
I've skipped the T9 on 3 out of my 4 main Brutes. I know this is a tanker thread, but I think it still applies. I'd much rather have my in-set tools + soft cap to S/L and not have the T9. And in some cases, the T9 is just not that useful. One with the Shield comes to mind. Also, Taunt = more fury for me. Mmmmm fury.

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Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
Good Power> IO Benefits
Forgot to mention this:

Taunt is a good power, and can have IO benefits.

You seem to subscribe to this misconception that Taunt does nothing for the user.

For some melee defense sets, having enemies in close range is critical for their survival. Willpower, Invulnerability, Ice Armor and Energy Aura come to mind. Shield Defense uses the same mechanic for damage boost, which is its trade of for lower survival numbers. For these sets, the -range and aggro control aspects of Taunt can be very, very helpful.

To not acknowledge that being as good as Weave or CJ (if not better) sounds foolish to me.


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Originally Posted by KnightofKhonsu View Post
Let's look at why I said that, shall we?

You'll notice that is in direct response to Jagged's assertion, "I would happily see Taunt removed from the game." Please, quote me in context, I give you and the others the same respect, how about doing so in return?

In view on why I stated that, I think it fits in questioning the reasoning of "removing taunt from the game." Don't you?
Even, and especially within the context of this thread, you still go farther than stating that taunt is useful:

Taunt is a tool that should be available for any tank to use if they need it.
Within the context of this thread, that seems to suggest every tanker should take it. If you were only interested in making sure it wasn't removed from the game completely, it would be more proper to say that it should be available to be taken, not available to use.

Conversely, if that's not what you meant, explain how you believe what you said is distinguishable from what's been echoed many times in the thread already, and therefore why its unfair to make the direct interpretation.

If you intended to respond to only one sentence of a post and not the entire post, you should either only quote that part, or if the rest is quoted for context, state so.

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Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
Guess what to Tankers who take Taunt... another Tanker/Brute took Weave or Hasten instead and is now more durable than you. Or Fire Breath/Fire Ball and now can hit more mobs than you. So you are a sucker..being selfless in a selfish world. So expecting Tankers to take Taunt is admission that you expect Tankers to be a FOOL or SUCKER. No strong player will buy into that bullcrap.
I repeat...LOL!!! Coming from the same person who gave us this gem:

Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
An Empathy Defender is more of a woman's archetype.

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Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
Tankers do not need Taunt. End of Story.

In nearly cases its better to take a power that helps you survive in the first place. You are only allowed 24 powers so why take Taunt when I can take Combat Jumping, Icicles, Permafrost, Fire Breath, Weave, Fault, Quicksand, Darkest Night, AOE Blast, Hasten instead.

I would never AND THE DARK AGE MEANS NEVER.. expect any AT to take a power that does nothing to increase their personal strength when each player is only allowed 24 powers. Only exceptions are a few certan buff ATs like an Empathy or something.

Guess what to Tankers who take Taunt... another Tanker/Brute took Weave or Hasten instead and is now more durable than you. Or Fire Breath/Fire Ball and now can hit more mobs than you. So you are a sucker..being selfless in a selfish world. So expecting Tankers to take Taunt is admission that you expect Tankers to be a FOOL or SUCKER. No strong player will buy into that bullcrap.

No good deed goes unpunished and this is certainly the case with selflessly taking Taunt since another Tanker/Brute took something else to increase their personal strength.. So dont you feel like a sucker lol

This debate is silly.

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Originally Posted by Player D View Post
Just to throw in my two cents. I've had tanks with taunt and tanks without it. No one has ever commented one way or another. I can honeslty say it hasn't made one bit of difference. My playstyle and technique adjusts to whichever situation I tank in. And that's what the game is about... diversity, options, unique playstyles. No one has the right to tell anyone how to build their toons.

This. Let's look at this.

I don't go about my ingame life telling people to get taunt or how to play their tanker (unless I care about them). As you say no one has the right to tell people about their toons.

So I would be one of those who wouldn't comment on you, therefore I'd be one of those who haven't commented.

But whether or not you will ever realise or know the difference or the impact it has had on me as a team mate is another thing. You could be happy with what you did. You could of thought that there was no better way than what you did but I could believe different. I won't tell you different because of as you say no one has the right to tell people about their toons.

Just because no one says anything doesn't mean that there wasn't something that could be said or a better way to of gone about things.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
and a Tanker who takes Taunt but not his God Mode power is just straight up sad.

Yesterday I even saw a Tanker with Soul Mastery who had Taunt but skipped Darkest wow.....sigh....... guess he justs likes to play low lvls cause a high lvls DN would be much better than Taunt...seriously.

Are you serious?

But just incase: The god mode power is more valuable than taunt? I can think up reasons why you need to use the god mode power often and those reasons can disappear if you had taunt.

The reason to take Soul Mastery is Darkest Night imo but I would still take taunt.

Some people can afford to skip the tier 9, there are ways to live without it. Some people don't think a self res is of value to a tanker as they hardly die, some won't take elude because well it just plain unnecessary. Some people don't take unstoppable because of the crash at the end.

What most people have incommon is not finding the positives or ways to get around the negatives.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



When the forums were split, US and Euro. I was on Euro, you could guarantee that the person who professed to have it all being tauntless would be on one of two servers. Then you could guarantee that you will run into them sometime and see how they did things. Then you could pretty much guarantee that you could change their minds. Rather than have 49 page long debate over it, things were simple. You could even offer to meet ingame for a tank off only to end up in an argument on what Tanking should look like. They might have ideas from other games when other games don't belong here.

This thread isn't about people saying to people they should get taunt or even that they would definitely be better off with it. I keep repeating that just because you have it doesn't mean that you will excel with it. What I believe is simple : the most competent Tanker will have it.

If people have an idea of what Tanking should look like in anygame and wish to stick to it then by all means do because Taunt isn't needed.

Conceptually I have no idea why the power Taunt is so powerful in terms of turning an improbable endeavour or a trainwreck of an effort around.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by KnightofKhonsu View Post
I don't know, but from the overall attitude I've witnessed concerning taunt/no taunt and the purpose of a tank involved in a team is one of 'too bad for the teammate' if they are unable to handle this, that, or the other. That goes against my core value of what it means to be a teammate.
Fair enough, but some people do not build their tanks to 'tank'. Sometimes people want to have a melee fighter that's tougher than a scrapper. If they're built for fighting, and not tanking, then tanking IS NOT THEIR PURPOSE.

Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
Guess what to Tankers who take Taunt... another Tanker/Brute took Weave or Hasten instead and is now more durable than you. Or Fire Breath/Fire Ball and now can hit more mobs than you. So you are a sucker..being selfless in a selfish world. So expecting Tankers to take Taunt is admission that you expect Tankers to be a FOOL or SUCKER. No strong player will buy into that bullcrap.
I hope no player with even half a brain buys into this line of bull.
Man... just a dozen kinds of stupid in that post.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Man... just a dozen kinds of stupid in that post.
Maybe even a baker's dozen.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Maybe even a baker's dozen.
I lost it at baker's dozen.


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Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
I lost it at baker's dozen.


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Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
So how well does a Tauntless Tanker do on stuff like pulling Anti-Matter to terminals in Keyes, or pulling Siege and Nightstar to the tennis courts in BAF, as well as alternating aggro with other Tankers due to the pulse hold thing, or pulling the Voids into Penelope Mayhem in MoM, along with the AV Bosses into Mother Mayhem? And what about the Underground, keeping the AVs facing away from 23 other people in the league? :3
Funny you should mention the iTrials. The answer is "Quite well thankyouverymuch"

Anyone that does BAFs frequently will have seen Siege lose interest when people do Taunt-Only-Pulls. Ranged attacks work so much better.

I have to admit I've only done the Underground once and a friend tanker was showing me round. When he planted I tanked the Avatar without losing aggro once until I traded back to him. Not sure for how long but at least half his health. This is hardly the event to prove Taunt is a requirement. Taunting here isn't difficult, staying alive is the problem.

You might have an case with Keyes. That's the one place in the game where you want to taunt without damage.

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Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
I have to admit I've only done the Underground once and a friend tanker was showing me round. When he planted I tanked the Avatar without losing aggro once until I traded back to him. Not sure for how long but at least half his health. This is hardly the event to prove Taunt is a requirement. Taunting here isn't difficult, staying alive is the problem.
I'm very interested in this. Can you explain what you did (in melee or kiting, what attacks used, etc.) and whether there were other tankers, brutes etc. on the team? If melee, how were you sure that the Avatar was aggroed on you specifically and not on other characters in the melee huddle?

I've had problems before with other characters pulling aggro off my scrapper so I'm interested in tricks for holding aggro. (Yes, I know, no gauntlet, but hopefully at least something will be applicable.)

P.S. Good news, damaging AM on Keyes doesn't matter anymore. The pulse cannot even outdamage natural unbuffed health regeneration.



First to be fair its fairly obvious said tanker was a new player anyways. And likely a solo player. Solo tanks dont need taunt hate to tell you OP. With 3 builds per character now, nothing says a new player has to have his first build be other thena fun to play solo build. You should keep those aspects in mind when speaking with new comers and not attack them for not choosing a power YOU want all tanks to have.

As others have mentioned in the thread, some tank sets also give solid alternatives like aura effects or constant pbaoe dmg to really take advantage of thier gauntlet effect.

Nor can you discount the superior aggro holding power of a serious DPS tank. Alot of people forget that one of the reasons DPS tanks are legendary when done well is that when your dishing out dmg equal to the best scrappers and even blasters, then they cant ever pull aggro off you. Unlike tanks who rely to much on taunt, which actually has a habit of not keeping aggro off of top dealing dmg builds.

I run with alot of tanks on my blaster. most ask me how I out tank them I infact only know a handful that do the actual role of tank when i am blasting, most of them are super strength builds capable of multi stacking rage, using abilities like vet shadow maul during thier crashes, and never waste a power slot on taunt.

The fact is I dont even see tanks as essential in protecting teams on the vast majority of regularly played content. I run TFs frequently and rarely if ever say hm we need a tank for this guys. In fact the last time I had a fellow blaster say that, and then witness me doing that, they quit the tf feeling utterly impotent next to a blaster who doesnt need a tank. Ofcourse Ive done the same to scrappers while playing supposedly less optimal scrapper set comboes. Ah the tears of the kat/regen are eternally sweet I do tell you.

Anyways its late and I am ranting now so night



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
I'm very interested in this. Can you explain what you did (in melee or kiting, what attacks used, etc.) and whether there were other tankers, brutes etc. on the team? If melee, how were you sure that the Avatar was aggroed on you specifically and not on other characters in the melee huddle?

I've had problems before with other characters pulling aggro off my scrapper so I'm interested in tricks for holding aggro. (Yes, I know, no gauntlet, but hopefully at least something will be applicable.)

P.S. Good news, damaging AM on Keyes doesn't matter anymore. The pulse cannot even outdamage natural unbuffed health regeneration.
If you want to play scranker then I suggest shield or WP as your 2ndary. They give a good foundation for aggro draw. Shield is likely to be softer during leveling but with the right pools,sets, and incarnate powers you can pretty much fill up all the cracks in a shield by 50+. WP is definatly easier to focus on just stomping while holding aggro. Real toggle and forget set that lets you then focus on DPS to hold aggro the old fashioned way. Short of heavy dps builds that should let you keep aggro.



I don't know why these types of threads don't end at this:

Taunt is a good tool for gathering aggro. If you find that you want/need to gather more aggro on to you, it is one of the best tools around for doing that. If you don't want/need to gather more aggro (i.e., you do a good enough job at it without Taunt), then it isn't necessary. It is a great tool for holding aggro, but not the only tool you will likely need. A Tanker with Taunt is not gauranteed to be a better Tanker than a Tanker without it, but it might make things easier.

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Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
No amount of IO benefits can trump a good power which is why the Tanks/scrappers/Brutes who skip God Mode powers cause they think IO benefits can match them are just silly..... and a Tanker who takes Taunt but not his God Mode power is just straight up sad.

Yep...I REALLY want that T9 Invul Godmode Power...that makes me crash and lose almost all my health and End. Yep...just the thing I need in the middle of a fight.

You go ahead and play your uber-leet game with your uber-leet friends. I'll take my bat and ball and Taunt and go play someplace else.


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Originally Posted by New_Dark_Age View Post
You can slot a more effective power equally well or almost as well with IOs Even if you could not:

Good Power> IO Benefits

No amount of IO benefits can trump a good power which is why the Tanks/scrappers/Brutes who skip God Mode powers cause they think IO benefits can match them are just silly..... and a Tanker who takes Taunt but not his God Mode power is just straight up sad.

Yesterday I even saw a Tanker with Soul Mastery who had Taunt but skipped Darkest wow.....sigh....... guess he justs likes to play low lvls cause a high lvls DN would be much better than Taunt...seriously.
Obviously, you've never played a soft-capped to S/L/E/N/F/C Invulnerability Tank, while also having the Destiny: Rebirth +Regen incarnate power, effectively giving you 2 heals to backup your defenses and nice resistance. Even without the Incarnate heal power, the mentioned tank still doesn't need Unstoppable.

If you enjoy living on the edge with the health/end crashes from Unstoppable, then more power to you. I'll be over here enjoying smoke breaks and brb bio's in the middle of mobs without any concern for safety.



Originally Posted by Hatred666 View Post
Obviously, you've never played a soft-capped to S/L/E/N/F/C Invulnerability Tank, while also having the Destiny: Rebirth +Regen incarnate power, effectively giving you 2 heals to backup your defenses and nice resistance. Even without the Incarnate heal power, the mentioned tank still doesn't need Unstoppable.

If you enjoy living on the edge with the health/end crashes from Unstoppable, then more power to you. I'll be over here enjoying smoke breaks and brb bio's in the middle of mobs without any concern for safety.

For defense-capped Invuln, unstoppable is pretty much a deprecated power unless you need it as an IO mule. It's utility is so severely limited that you'll pretty much never use it.

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I took Power Surge on WEI DIAN QI and I hate it and will respec it out one day when I have 3 hours to spend respecing him LOL - the crash is ridiculous and leaves you empty of end and health with all your toggles shut off. I used it maybe twice that I can remember. With WEI TAI TAN I skipped it completely as it's a waste of a power choice and unnecessary imo.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post

For defense-capped Invuln, unstoppable is pretty much a deprecated power unless you need it as an IO mule. It's utility is so severely limited that you'll pretty much never use it.
I've kept it for incarnate trials where it has its uses. But in normal gameplay, I'll probably use it when exemplaring or tanking all of Recluse's lieutenants at the same time or something, haha.

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